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/lit/ - Literature

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21364689 No.21364689 [Reply] [Original]

Or is it all just one big LGBT/POC circle jerk now? Poetry Magazine has to be one of the most depressing things you could look at nowadays. Where's the "underground" of this stuff at? Or is poetry a cucked and dead thing nowadays?

>> No.21364729

You seem like you are coming in with a preconceived notion

>> No.21364759

His notion is correct.

>> No.21364778
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Several years ago just before i got pic related published i used to go to a monthly spoken word night. They were pretty relaxed in terms of content and they let me read some of my short stories. I always got a good response so i kept doing it.
I was the only short story person there, the rest was nearly all women doing feminist/anti-racist/ pro-enviroment type poetry.
It was as bad as you'd imagine.

>> No.21364791

absolutely, if you know where to look. a lot of the stuff I like is a few decades old but there's still great work going on. poetry magazine is hit or miss for me. what poets do you enjoy anon

>> No.21364977

There’s a few good black poets, but all of them are political and I hate it.

>> No.21364999

>the two races: white and political

>> No.21365015


Expat press is doing some interesting stuff, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that the only people currently positioned to write good poetry are disillusioned vaguely right-wing e-girls. Imagine if blake published Jerusalem today — we'd be on here calling it fake gay and cringe. The age of men is over, the rampaging noble autist is not the appropriate archetype for the poet of the information age.

>> No.21365065

You seem like you are coming in with a preconceived notion

>> No.21365284
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>the only people currently positioned to write good poetry are disillusioned vaguely right-wing e-girls

>> No.21365706
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Yeah I was wondering what the fuck this meant myself.
Anyone even slightly involved with poetry the past fucking 5-7 years now knows this is a thing. Look at submissions processes now, where they show blatant preference for "the other". It's bullshit. Poetry (as far as I know) has been inclusive for a long time now... why is it becoming exclusionary for non-Alphabet people?
Today? Absolutely.
Yeah, I haven't personally seen a black poet perform that didn't devolve into typical racebait shit.

>> No.21366059
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I thought you'd be some skinny blonde basedboy unimelb type but you look like a mad cunt. I'll read your book anon.

>> No.21366981

>the only people currently positioned to write good poetry are disillusioned vaguely right-wing e-girls
I'm gonna make it lads! But seriously anon what the hell does this mean? By "good" do you mean popular/accepted to be good? If so I can see where you're coming from since that's an acceptable version of being an edgy poetic type. Our sincerity index is too low for a new Blake to make it in publishing, but that doesn't mean his poems wouldn't be good, yes? Albeit unrecognized good. Or are all the rampaging noble autists on /lit/ instead of writing poetry nowadays?