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21363533 No.21363533 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book one giant meme or a 1,300 page long redpill? This is very tempting to put the time in to read if its actually worth it.

>> No.21363547

for the interested:

>> No.21363565

Bump. Been curious about this one for a while.

I'm assuming you're here from Jay Dyer, right?

>> No.21363599

nope I've had this on my shelf for over a year and saw it come up in a booklist and gave it a second thought today

>> No.21363712

For such a well known book, its wiki is awfully short.
Is it just based on those documents? How did he gain access?

>> No.21363719

I'm more surprised that the wiki article doesn't trash it. Its short maybe because nobody has read it lol. I'm not sure how he gained access, but the book itself has literally zero citations/references, which is whats kept me away from it.

>> No.21363726

>1300 pages of dude trust me

>> No.21363738


>> No.21363748

If anything, this makes it even more fascinating.

>This radical Right fairy tale, which is now an accepted folk myth in many groups in America, pictured the recent history of the United States, in regard to domestic reform and in foreign affairs, as a well-organized plot by extreme Left-wing elements ... This myth, like all fables, does in fact have a modicum of truth. There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.

>> No.21363767

Once upon a time just a hundred years ago a lot of highly educated English pederasts thought that the Anglo-Saxon race was superior to everyone else and had a mission to civilize the world and uplift lower races. Some even proposed a political union of all Anglo nations to make a super imperialist state. Quigley doesn't necessarily see this as a bad thing and he thought that certain elites were more responsible than others. If you're Lyndon LaRouche or a member of the John Birch Society maybe you'll learn some names like Lionel Curtis which will trigger a psychosis in you IDK? Really it's a pretty bland apologia and note that Quigley is also of Irish descant so it's pretty safe to say he might just be a troll :^)

>> No.21363779

Really his Anglo-American Establishment book is much shorter and sweeter, here's some extracts


>> No.21363925

Okay so here's the gist, there's two books that Quigley made discussing the Milner Group conspiracy, a macrohistory book (Tragedy and Hope) and a book specifically focused on the Milner Group (Anglo American Establishment).
If you want to learn only about the Milner Group, its members, its power, its reach, then just read Anglo American establishment. But if you want to learn some of that but also see it combined in macrohistory then read Tragedy and Hope. Anglo American is wayyyyyy shorter though, and is a less painful read.

>> No.21363929

Also forewarning, Anglo American has a shit ton of citations while Tragedy and Hope has none, so if you you're getting into Quigley to get a bibliography of the conspiracy to help your understanding of it, Anglo American is definitely the better option.

>> No.21363935

If you want to read a wiki article that goes more in depth with Quigley's ideas, then go to wikipedia's article on the New World Order and go to the Round Table section: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)#Round_Table

>> No.21364035
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Thanks for bringing this up, and that subsection is pretty good; I've read this wiki entry several times now and these two other sections always make me laugh with how succinctly the truth is actually uttered for once:

>Viewing the history of the world as the history of warfare between secret societies, conspiracy theorists go further than Rothkopf, and other scholars who have studied the global power elite, by claiming that established upper-class families with "old money" who founded and finance the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Club, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes Trust, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, and similar think tanks and private clubs, are illuminated conspirators plotting to impose a totalitarian New World Order—the implementation of an authoritarian world government controlled by the United Nations and a global central bank, which maintains political power through the financialization of the economy, regulation and restriction of speech through the concentration of media ownership, mass surveillance, widespread use of state terrorism, and an all-encompassing propaganda that creates a cult of personality around a puppet world leader and ideologizes world government as the culmination of history's progress.[6]

>Marxists, who are skeptical of right-wing populist conspiracy theories, also accuse the global power elite of not having the best interests of all at heart, and many intergovernmental organizations of suffering from a democratic deficit, but they argue that the superclass are plutocrats only interested in brazenly imposing a neoliberal or neoconservative new world order—the implementation of global capitalism through economic and military coercion to protect the interests of transnational corporations—which systematically undermines the possibility of international socialism.[94] Arguing that the world is in the middle of a transition from the American Empire to the rule of a global ruling class that has emerged from within the American Empire, they point out that right-wing populist conspiracy theorists, blinded by their anti-communism, fail to see is that what they demonize as the "New World Order" is, ironically, the highest stage of the very capitalist economic system they defend.[94]

>> No.21364175

>Jay Dyer
He's based but imagine not knowing about this book for at least 10+ years lmao

>> No.21364182

This is a massive redpill yeah but far from only such book

>> No.21364188

I'm looking for the The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy by Ioan Ratiu, does anyone have any ideas where I can find it?

>> No.21364192

It's a limited hang out that doesn't name the jew

>> No.21364201

Tbf I met a girl in my school who was researching about the NWO and was introduced to it by her brother, and neither of them knew who Carroll Quigley was. I also have a neighbor who reads a lot about the nwo, and he never heard of Quigley either.

I think it is the way it is for a couple of reasons:
1) Millenials + Gen Z don't typically read as much as their predecessors
2) When they do read, they don't read anything of value
3) When they do read, they only stick in their bubble, i.e. what's comfortable for them

>> No.21364209

From Googling it, it seems AbeBooks and Amazon have it, just for a lot of money. If you're talking about a pdf I'd probably turn to zlibrary, libgen, and other pirating outlets to see if there's anything there.

>> No.21364214

I found this book somewhere long time ago can't remember anymore but I've seem it mentioned many times on Alex Jones show which I watch semi-regularly.

>> No.21364216

I tried those but they don't have it, you know any other such respurces?

>> No.21364227

>zlibrary, libgen
>I tried those but they don't have it, you know any other such respurces?
replied to wrong post

>> No.21364230

Sorry man I really don't know, if you're having such a hard time I'd just buy a physical copy and make an upload yourself for other people searching. One last idea I have is shoot an email to fellow conspiracy researchers like James Corbett or Jay Dyer and ask them. Corbett has actually recently been focusing on online ebook literature as of late and how to get access to them. Corbett's website is Corbettreport.com

>> No.21364236

I think this is where you can reach corbett.

>> No.21364258

Yeah might buy the book actually I find it form 18 pound on amazon

>> No.21364284

Good luck then man, wish the best to you. It's nice to know there are those that are willing to get into the more academic/intellectual research of the NWO and Geopolitics, rather than just believing in childish, cartoonish views such as lizards, jews, communists, or reducing the presence of hierarchies in the NWO (e.g. seeing high level players [Rockefeller, Soros, Kissinger, Milner] on the same level as low level players [Condoleeza Rice, Fauci, Bolton, and other lower level politicians].

>> No.21364286

It's a red pill, but the big picture is nothing you didn't already know. The tragedy was the world wars. The hope was liberal democracy (fabian socialism).

>> No.21364433

It's not like it's going to explain the entire illuminati to you or anything like that. But it'll give you some good insight. I wouldn't recommend it unless you also have an interest in history, sociology, and political theory.

>> No.21364573
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>> No.21365131
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based post, why i made this thread

>> No.21365345

>a lot of highly educated [redacted] thought that the [redacted] race was superior to everyone else and had a mission to civilize the world and uplift lower races
that's a bold accusation

>> No.21366510


about 700 pages in
i left it in the bathroom and read a few pages when i take a shit
pretty interesting stuff but dry

>> No.21366555

Googling and it seems standard right wing gibberish about evil socialists controlling the CFR, UN, etc which ultimately probably comes back to the Bavarian Illuminati and French revolution being done by freemason

>James Corbett
Retarded anti-establishmentarian conspiracy theorist.

You're implying Jews huh

>> No.21366592

It's better if you go in expecting a darn good history lesson from someone with a relatively high level perspective than red pills specifically. The parts about the Round Table group and its plot to create a global empire are fairly short, although substantial. He introduces it early on, then several chapters later, after the world wars, expands on it. The book is absolutely worth a full read though as it is a greater primer on modern history (1871-1964). Quigley goes into great detail about the mechanics of international finance, the politics behind the world wars, and the birth of the military-industrial complex, and he gives some interesting commentary on early 1960s American society. Keep in mind that this (>>21364286) is his worldview.

>> No.21366874


>> No.21367009

>>James Corbett
>Retarded anti-establishmentarian conspiracy theorist.
Yeah, how?

>> No.21367050

actively attempting to thwart instead of participating in intra-elite policy formation

>> No.21367079

How do you define "intra-elite policy formation"?

>> No.21367096

Playing a role in formulating global policies and actively seeking out and coaching realist agents of influence moving into strategic positions. I've actively meet with Klaus Schwab and congratulated him because I've myself played quite many roles behind the scenes of current events

>> No.21367126

>I've actively meet with Klaus Schwab and congratulated him because I've myself played quite many roles behind the scenes of current events
>Playing a role in formulating global policies and actively seeking out and coaching realist agents of influence moving into strategic positions.
I don't think he's necessarily opposed to that, I think he's vocal against the agenda he thinks those global policies and agents are pushing now.

>> No.21367282
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Has anyone ever noticed Lord Milner looks like Ryan Gosling?

>> No.21367614

I appreciated the macro view, however by the end of WWI, I was left wanting. I stopped reading around page 600 and went to learn from Dotcherty and McGregor.

>> No.21368313

>put the time in
One week? Start now and dicsuss it with your family at Christmas mate.

>> No.21369027


>> No.21369043
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it's history book i imagine

>> No.21369715

I would also read Carl Oglesby's Yankee-Cowboy War because it's patently obvious the Anglophile elites Quigley talks about are Yankees through and through

>> No.21370577
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Oglesby's was just getting at domestic American politics e.g. the old liberal banking establishment was dying and upstart ideological conservative wealth from military, aerospace, oil was growing and wanted to overthrow the old liberal elite. Most of the liberal elite didn't care if Vietnam went communist and wanted the American government to spend less money on the military. Conservatives wanted the government to spend a lot more on the military and less on welfare. Geopolitically non of that has to do with Quigley's idea of elite liberal Anglophilia e.g. Bush and Trump are pure pseudo-cowboys but strengthened the special relationship with Americas mother country and Reagan didn't give a crap about the Monroe doctrine when it came to protecting Anglo interests in the hemisphere during the Falklands war... in fact conservatives went from being Anglophobes in the 1930s to the biggest Anglophiles.

>> No.21370851

>Tbf I met a girl in my school who was researching about the NWO
Where do I meet women like this?

>> No.21370854

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, things became awkward between us and I haven't talked to her in months. She was taken anyways, and I didn't want to try to encourage her to cheat.

>> No.21371244

>had a mission to civilize the world and uplift lower races.

where everything went to shit

>> No.21371327
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you might want to check out Nigel Carlsbad´s tweets, he had some insight on the whole Round Table and the Rockefellers, the short answer is that their legacy is vastly overrated and finance doesn´t control politics but the other way around

>> No.21371922

Its fucking gay, the author thinks the Nazis were evil and killed kikes, I stopped reading it after that.

I'd recommend not reading anything that Jay Dyer reccomends when it comes to geo-politics or anything outside of Christianity in his case. His cucked on anything that regards geo-politics.

>> No.21372075

>Its fucking gay, the author thinks the Nazis were evil and killed kikes, I stopped reading it after that.
So you mean, what most authors and writers post-nazi germany think? What the hell do you read then bud?

>> No.21372079

Why did you leave reddit for here?

>> No.21372094

Why did you leave /pol/ for here?

>> No.21372108

Answer the question faggot

>> No.21372137

He reads nothing but exclusively /pol/ infographics and memes

>> No.21372660

I know that strictly speaking Quigley has a different worldview, but I have to say I love LaRouchites. Truly the last Americans to respect British power.

>> No.21373621

quigley is a superb historian who writes excellent prose. there are some lectures and an interview on this website as well >>21363547
read also his "weapons systems and political stability" and "the evolution of civilizations".

the former is a detailed analysis of world history from the beginning of mankind to 1500 AD. it examines the thought-forms and motivations of different civilizations, and the relationship between weaponry and the forms which political systems are able to take. a basic conclusion is that weapon systems which are expensive, and require investment, training, etc. lead to authoritarian political systems (eg. mounted knight and castle => feudalism), while inexpensive, amateur weaponry allows for more democratic systems (eg. hoplite => greek city-state). the book is full of fantastically detailed descriptions of the character and development of the rome, byzantium, islam, china, western europe, russia, and others, and the movements of peoples and their interactions.

the latter work is his causal theory of the macroevolution of civilizations. he posits seven stages of development: (1) mixture, (2) gestation, (3) expansion, (4) conflict, (5) universal empire, (6) decay, (7) invasion. every civilization develops what he calls an "instrument of expansion", which is some organization capable of accumulating a surplus, which can then be invested, allowing for the expansion of the third phase. in mesopotamia this is the priesthood, who understood the cycles of the flood, and collected tithes; in classical civilizations this was slavery; in the west it is various forms of capitalism. the fact that there can be no expansion without surplus (that is, an imbalance), is like the fact that there can be no current in a circuit, without a voltage differential.

>> No.21373627

"instruments" are social organizations intended to serve a particular purpose. for example the military instrument is meant to provide defense and security to the people. eventually however, owing to human weakness, all instruments become "institutions", and the ends for which they were created, become confused with the means by which this was accomplished. "vested interests" insist on maintaining the status quo, and resist reform of these institutions, which would enable them to once again pursue real and helpful ends.
the institutionalization of the instrument of expansion leads to the fourth phase. as the rate of expansion declines, conflict arises between the vested interests, and the rest of society. in an effort to maintain their power and status, the vested interests resort to imperialist wars (as a substitute for intensive expansion), and to squashing class conflicts. if the institution cannot reform, or be circumvented with another instrument of expansion, then the civilization passes into the stage of universal empire. the entire civilization is conquered by one of its peripheral states (eg. rome conquers classical civilization), and rules in a faux and hollow golden age. after this the civilization decays, and eventually is invaded and destroyed.

quigley doesn't buy into any "ancient singular all-powerful atlantean secret society" (and he says as much in an interview). i think he sees things much more like a scientist sees some natural process: as many different small pieces coming together and interacting according to their laws, in order to create some larger emergent phenomenon. the whole process is "inevitable", and is driven by some "daemon of history".
i think that quigley would interpret the conspiracies of the elite in this manner: as the institutionalization of western civilization's instrument of expansion (capitalism), and the attempts by the elite to maintain and extent their own power, against the tide of inevitable decline, and the pressure of reform. this seems to be culminating in a reaction and return to a sort of feudalism, now technological and replacing internalized controls and customs with externalized forms of control. hegelian education systems, psychology, advertising, propaganda, cybernetics, mk ultra, subversion, debt-slavery, goyslop, pornography, homogenization, depopulation, CBDCs, censorship, wokism, social credit systems etc. are all forms of social engineering and attempts to weaken and control an unruly and dangerous mob in an age of conflict. the drive towards universal empire manifests in the global nature of all this action.
it seems unlikely that the west will find a way to reform or circumvent its instrument of expansion. the NWO global beast slavery technocracy may succeed in becoming a universal empire, or a reaction to this may usurp it. either way, western civilization will move closer towards its inevitably dissolution.

>> No.21373696
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Am I to really think that its just a "coincidence" or random accident I am alive to see this climax to history unfold? The writing is on the walls at this point.

>> No.21373760

you are here to fulfill your destiny as a droplet in the river of time

>> No.21373777
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What possible but unlikely reforms might prevent a catastrophic decline or global & space-borne totalitarian empire? Seems if we have any destiny to achieve with our lives, we might as well drive it towards creating the best, or at least the most optimal, outcome out of whats to come this century.

>> No.21373780

Extremely based Quigley knower
>the NWO global beast slavery technocracy may succeed in becoming a universal empire, or a reaction to this may usurp it. either way, western civilization will move closer towards its inevitably dissolution.
The problem is that with each successive stage in the rise and fall of empires the stakes get higher and and higher. Now a trivial feud between two dying peripheral or merely vassal nations in the current system could result in a nuclear exchange that envelops the whole planet, or a protracted 1984-esque cold war between China and some Atlanticist or Eurasian blocs could result in all the powers doing what the KGB and CIA tried to do their own citizens (ultimate repressive technologies + MKULTRA shit), but with new and much scarier technologies at their disposal, like bio-engineering (the creation, intentional or not, of warrior and drone castes), neurological or neurochemical engineering (the creation of perfect slaves either surgically or pharmacologically), all sorts of AI doomsday scenarios, and all sorts of other doomsday scenarios too, even simply Kessler syndrome from some arms race in space for example.

The cycle gets more and more destructive to everything it impacts with every "pass," but the human and terrestrial material it impacts is relatively constant. We could emerge a century from now after the Whatever Wars as some arbitrary assemblage of Sino-Eurasian hegemony blah blah blah in control, maybe with a continent or two glassed or irradiated but humanity still alive, except humanity now would be divided into whatever plurality of CRISPR-taylorized bio-castes the scifi technocracies created one "upgrade" at a time to win their wars. Beyond that point we aren't humanity anymore.

I think the only option right now is one drawn from Carl Schmitt. Pick your enemies and you will know who your friends are. My enemies are slavers and technocrats, but also machine worshippers and those who view the human genome as an all-purpose nanogel to be "improved" or modified in any way. My enemy is therefore also anyone who puts these people in a position of power. The only region that even residually has values hostile to these evils is Europe. Other regions can and hopefully will join, but securing what is left of Europe's intellectual and spiritual capital for a fight against these evil possibilities is key. Also, the most likely champion of these evils is the degraded, headless and soulless termite nation of the CCP, and its most likely allies are countries like Russia and Iran if these latter become further annoyed with Western powers. Thus it is absolutely necessary to end the current brother wars and try to create a moral order of friendly nations in Eurasia that is opposed to the aforementioned evils.

Beyond that we can all have whatever long term spiritual goals or meta-historical speculations we want.

What is your take on the LaRouche crowd?

>> No.21373784

Is this book anti anglo? If it's not i'm not interested

>> No.21374096

>What possible but unlikely reforms might prevent a catastrophic decline or global & space-borne totalitarian empire?
checked. quigley thinks that western civilization has already passed through three ages of expansion and conflict (we are in the third age of conflict presently), identified by their forms of capitalism:
>expansion => conflict
>feudalism => municipal mercantilism
>commercial capitalism => state mercantilism
>industrial/financial capitalism => monopoly capitalism (you are here, probably)

in evolution of civilizations he expresses optimism about passing into a fourth age of expansion. in the 1974 interview near the end of his life, he is not so hopeful.
>QUIGLEY: “Yes. Now what it [the title "Tragedy and Hope"] means is this: I think it is absolutely tragic, it is shameful, it is sinful that Western Civilization is going to go down the drain. When I wrote that book, which was less than ten years ago, I had hoped that we could save Western Civilization. I am extremely skeptical now that it can be saved. I think weʼre just about finished.

there may be nothing which can be done. no force which can turn the tide of history. if there is any hope, maybe it is in some sort of decentralized, self-sustained economic system, almost a return to the feudal manorial system. inside of the techno-ai globoslavery system is a post-scarcity utopia. automation, maybe "ai-capitalism", could form the basis of a fourth age of expansion. that may be too optimistic, and this form may be more suited for the universal empire.

>> No.21374129
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Well, that’s quite depressing but fascinating at the same time. I made this thread with the hope of these kind of thoughtful responses would come about, so thank you. I’ve read probably the first 50-70 pages of T&H, and given that and what you and a few other anons have contributed here, I might have to put Quigley to the very top of my reading stack for 2023. It should go along quite nicely with the rest of my elite theory studies. Hopefully things turn out ok in the end, even if things get spectacularly nasty for sometime.

>> No.21374138

quigley sees russia and china as seperate civilizations in a burgeoning stage of the cycle. so the possibility of conflict as you describe is certainly there. perhaps china's instrument of expansion will be this techno-ai system, or perhaps they will be squashed in the womb. i can see china embracing it with all its anti-human aspects. if russia were to adopt it, perhaps they could sublimate the positive aspects of it (through the influence of christianity). this may just be a pipe-dream, as the authoritarian spirit has always been strong in russia.
you're right that these cycles seem to get greater and greater in quality and quantity. maybe there is an even greater cycle spanning the ages between cataclysms, and we are approaching our own atlantis moment.
i am yet to read spengler, but i often think that this techno-ai-materialist-transhuman-space-empire is some ultimate manifestation of the faustian spirit, the mathematical limit of all its driving. as you say, the only place in the world hostile to this limit, is the west itself. the potential of the soul contains both these opposites. perhaps the west will ultimately reject this vision, and return to some ersatz revival of past tradition while it awaits its inevitable decay.
we can only wait and see, and act. we live in interesting times.

>> No.21374182

>but with new and much scarier technologies at their disposal
these technologies are effectively weapons systems. if the monopolization of weapons systems leads to authoritarianism, then the amateur masses need to be able to utilize these systems themselves, in a guerrilla sort of fashion. i think the internet is a good example of this. you have the negative centralized use (advertising, ai, social media), monopolized by power to control dissent; but you also have the positive decentralized use (memes), used by anons to defuse truth.

i think the biggest fear as you point out, is some new civilization, like china, utilizing this material creation of the west (technology), as its own instrument of expansion. i guess we can only hope that they collapse prematurely before then.
perhaps we have the opportunity to lay the seeds of mixture of some new civilization to come, after we are long gone.

>> No.21374223

i happen to have just finished my own journey through quigley, so serendipity, i'm glad i could contribute.
definitely take a look at the lectures and interview on carrollquigley.net. and when you finish "tragedy and hope" take a look at "the anglo-american establishment". that is an excellent documented example of a group of men coming together for a common purpose ("the inner circle'), and utilizing subtle means of influence on the rest of society (their "circle of helpers"). quigley seems to hint that their thoughts eventually started to move towards global governance, rather than the original english-speaking empire (which was clearly unsuccessful).
i'm not sure what their legacy is after ww2. the royal institute for international affairs and its cousin the council on foreign relations are still around, but these are in the "circle of helpers". it is instructive to take a look at members of the important departments in the US government, like the state department and defense. you'll find a persistent presence on CFR members, rhode scholars, elite university attendees, and secret society members.

take a look also at antony sutton, particularly his wall street trilogy and his book on the skull and bones.
and here's a couple of interviews which you will probably find of interest.
>gatto on education
>norman dodd on foundations

>> No.21374243

Does he ever mention Tavistock type social engineering?

>> No.21374369

>i'm not sure what their legacy is after ww2. the royal institute for international affairs and its cousin the council on foreign relations are still around,
I've always wanted to go on the journey of researching the remnants of the groups he discusses and seeing if there's any growth with them through the Cold War.
We know the Dulles brothers were key figures in the evolution of the CFR, and as any fellow deep politics researcher should know, the Dulles brothers have had a history of covert operations, corruption, and conspiracy. So clearly there is more to these groups then Quigley either understood or made them out to be.

>> No.21374463

no, quigley doesn't really cover any of the social engineering aspects.
emj's libido dominandi is a good overview of many of these efforts as they relate to cultural revolutions and subversion.
yes. unfortunately quigley wasn't able to cover all the american aspects of the conspiracy. i think the CFR, and other "meeting groups" like the WEF, operate like the original round tables: discussion groups for the purpose of persuading the managerial class, and keeping them on the same page. then the most talented and "sound" individuals can be advanced further. then it's just a matter of getting them that important position, and you're in. they'll hire more "sound" men, ad infinitum.
it's a very clever system if you think about it, and must have taken a while to perfect. it's the same exact concept as a university really. what happens to young students in a university? they go to class and have all sorts of ideas imparted onto them, which they happily carry throughout their life. the education system prepares students to not think for themselves, but to absorb ideas which are not their own.
the WEF etc. are probably no different. a bunch of simple-minded bureaucrats attending the university of klaus schwab. they will happily go with the crowd and latch onto whatever fanciful ideas are presented. i think that's the reason why politicians have become increasingly mindless. the more mindless the more easily their mind is filled with ideas. they can't think for themselves, and so whenever something needs to be done, in order not to look stupid, they follow the nearest suggestion, good thing there are policies and procedures for them!

>> No.21374496

>conspiracy theories
Into the trash it goes

>> No.21374534

>conspiratorial hearsay is more fascinating than the mundane reality
no shit, of course it is. nothing is bigger waste of time than reading this unsubstantiated crap invented daily by the truckload by everyone across the political landscape. it's always "the things i hate the most are the product of a cabal of the most powerful people on the planet." just stupid. evolve, grow up, expand your horizons

>> No.21374546

>unsubstantiated crap
Quigley has tons of sources, and he himself isn't what I'd call a conspiracy theorist.
>just stupid. evolve, grow up, expand your horizons
You're ironically describing yourself here; you do not expand your horizons to see arguments for a conspiracy, you won't even look at a book that wasn't written by a conspiracy theorist simply because conspiracy theorists praise the book for presenting evidence for their beliefs.
Oh how truly ignorant you are!

>> No.21374561

>not a conspiracy theorist, tons of sources
>the source: I looked into some secret documents that these all powerful people just let me read because lmao yolo I guess
Conspiritards are the biggest mouthbreathers on this site

>> No.21374571

>I looked into some secret documents that these all powerful people just let me read
In Anglo-American Establishment he literally provides books, letters, magazine excerpts, political papers, and journals from members of the group.
You have clearly not even given a glimpse to any of his writings.

>> No.21374959
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.t brainlet normie

>> No.21374964

Global federalism is in no way realistic today, that project is long dead. It only had a brief window of possibility when America had a nuclear monopoly and credibility after WWII. There's little to no chance in the near term for countries like America, Russia and China to all give up much sovereignty.

>quigley seems to hint that their thoughts eventually started to move towards global governance, rather than the original english-speaking empire (which was clearly unsuccessful).
Where does he hint at this? Quigley complains about how everyone by the 1970s was a lot less idealistic.

>antony sutton, gatto, norman dodd
All right wing grifters

No, Quigley is pro-Anglo (he was of Irish descent so this may be trolling) and anti-Kraut.

There's noting particularly interesting if you plan on sitting down and reading every page of Foreign Affairs or something. It's funny going back to the 1930s though because you can find articles from people like Karl Radek or Lawrence Dennis (Americas #1 mulatto fascist) being republished in the pages of Foreign Affairs, when the cold war starts no one wants to be controversial so no more flirting with zanny ideas when being accused of being subversive was a threat.

>We know the Dulles brothers were key figures in the evolution of the CFR
Dulles was more to the right than establishment opinion which was the containment of communism, Dulles wanted to roll back communism globally. Liberals like Kennan basically thought that only Europe mattered and if most of the world ended up suffering under communist totalitarian governments it didn't matter as long as European civilization was protected, that's why the liberal establishment collapsed over Vietnam.

>> No.21375024

I tend to read mostly revisionist history books, which is more than enough to know about the reality of the war.

>> No.21375401

This book looks very interesting, have you read it? If so, what did you think of it?

>> No.21375439

>There's noting particularly interesting if you plan on sitting down and reading every page of Foreign Affairs or something.
Well, sure, but there's more than that. I just would like to be able to dig myself so deep into understanding the history of these things.
>>We know the Dulles brothers were key figures in the evolution of the CFR
>Dulles was more to the right than establishment opinion which was the containment of communism, Dulles wanted to roll back communism globally.
I don't see how that really goes against what I said, if you look in CFR's early days, John Foster Dulles played an important role in the CFR. Even if they were more 'Right' I don't see how that wouldn't mitigate their historical impact.
>>>antony sutton, gatto, norman dodd
>All right wing grifters
Are they not worth even checking out?

>> No.21375558

>I don't see how that really goes against what I said, if you look in CFR's early days, John Foster Dulles played an important role in the CFR. Even if they were more 'Right' I don't see how that wouldn't mitigate their historical impact.
Well you're kind of missing my point. Being a member of the CFR isn't something that special, Harry Elmer Barnes was a member of the CFR and was a nut who thought Roosevelt engineered Pearl Harbor and the holocaust never happened but those ideas stayed fringe ideas. If you look at the CFR in the 1930s you'll find broad opinions, fascism and communism weren't toxic ideas like they became after 1945 and the idea the future could belong to different forms of governments was intellectually more acceptable. Conservatives were rationalizing and apologizing for fascism and leftists for Stalin throughout the 30s. The cold war of course changed that... look what happened to the Institute of Pacific Relations.
Also Dulles published a book in the 1930s, "War, Peace and Change", which goes against everything he was doing in the 1950s trying to prevent political change everywhere FYI

>Are they not worth even checking out?
Sutton book "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" published by the Hoover Institute isn't totally bunk and worth it... his stuff on the Russian revolution, FDR, Hitler, etc are obviously of lower pulp tinfoil quality. Sutton of course published that before the Soviets failed at copying western microelectronics in the late 70s and high tech sanctions totally fucked over their economy.

>> No.21375602

>Well you're kind of missing my point. Being a member of the CFR isn't something that special,
Okay, so what should I be looking at?

>> No.21375644

I have no idea what you want. If you seriously want to look at a long list of members of various public organizations you shouldn't have a problem finding them. Groups like the CFR are "prestigious" but they end up developing pretty boring or dumb consensus opinions because anyone circulating in those circles are usually just that with some special fringe wackos also holding membership. If you want the psychology of why people do what they do or why everyone you don't like is actually a secret masochistic Satanist well...

>> No.21375847

I have a copy that I have gone through in bits and pieces, in addition to some of Hagens online work. Hagen, along with the rest of the conspiracy theory-theory (CTT) crowd (Dentith, Coady, Basham, etc) have essentially destroyed the retarded linguistic and philosophical mindrot that has been weaponized and attached to the term “conspiracy theory” for decades now. At this point it’s just a matter of weaponizing it back and disseminating their ideas among the public to undermine the illusion of authority among contemporary power elites.

>> No.21376811

>his stuff on the Russian revolution, FDR, Hitler, etc are obviously of lower pulp tinfoil quality.
they meant for a popular audience, as you say. they still contain tons of information though.

>> No.21377436

>Being a member of the CFR isn't something that special, Harry Elmer Barnes was a member of the CFR and was a nut who thought Roosevelt engineered Pearl Harbo
They did

>> No.21377551

>Retarded anti-establishmentarian conspiracy theorist.
Calls him conspiracy theorist...
>actively attempting to thwart instead of participating in intra-elite policy formation
...For not doing what he wants him to do.

>> No.21377661

Daily reminder that conspiracy theories are dangerous escapism just like porn and drugs

>> No.21378585

Daily reminder that human power structures are by their very nature conspiratorial and that elite gaslight you with the Le conspiracy theories are… Le BAD meme so you dumbfucks won’t realize their illegitimate. Anyway, go back to r/worldnews faggot

>> No.21378623

share your elite theory stack

>> No.21378659
File: 393 KB, 1200x1200, poppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfredo Pareto The Rise and Fall of the Elites
Mosca's The Ruling Class
Michels Political Parties
Parvini The Populist Delusion
James Burhman The Machiavellians + Managerial Revolution
Sam Francis The Leviathan and its Enemies
C Wright Mill The Power Elite
Peter Philips Giants
Gottfried Contemporary Oligarchies in Developed Democracies
Dumhoff Who Rules America + Studying the Power Elite
Formisano American Oligarchy
Wolin Democracy Incorporated
Rothkopf Superclass

Lots of authors and books to expand from here on

>> No.21379144


>> No.21379689

lasp bump

>> No.21380154

Commodity Fetishism.
My Generation is completely out of Networks that would circulate those kinds of Books.

>> No.21380170

>You're implying Jews huh
actually, you did.

>> No.21380333

Hey shill, Quigley taught at Princeton and Georgetown, got a MA and PhD in history from Harvard, served as a consultant to the Department of Defense and the US Navy, hobnobbed with some of the uber
-wealthy, powerful, and secretive figures and organizations he was writing about, and actually believed the group he was writing about was ultimately good in the long-run for the West (even if he disliked their policy of secrecy), and actually had Bill Clinton as a student, who later praised Quigley and named him as one of his greatest influences. This isn’t Alex Jones (but even Jones is interesting to listen to) or some guy sharing memes on FaceBook, he was a highly qualified historian.

Please present your own credentials if you think they match up to that, and if you can’t do that, say what credentials would be good enough for you?

>> No.21380529

Yes, it's a very thorough look at the rise of globalism and the theory of the post-national world state. But, of course:
>1300 pages
>doesn't mention Jews, Zionism, or Israel even once
Very disappointing. I guess he liked having a job too much to broach that subject.

>> No.21380650

Anon, Carroll Quigley was given access to the Milner Group's complete private records in order to write this book, along with a huge amount of information from the Council on Foreign Relations. All parties were very forthcoming about their plans for a new century and didn't actually conceal anything major about their agenda. Are you familiar with Fabianism? It bills itself as an "open conspiracy" and its theorists publish long, involved books describing all of their goals for geopolitical restructuring and the techniques they use to achieve them. There's nothing "conspiracy theory" about any of it.

>> No.21380912

thanks to the helpful anons posting the truth itt. I assure you that lurkers such as myself appreciate it.

>> No.21381636

>a whole book proving WASPs are sneakier, more deceitful and more clique-y than jews
>duhhh, why don't they mention da jooz, buuh

there's no helping /pol/tards

>> No.21382005

Jews are an inextricable part of global politics. Any complete history of the 20th century has to at least touch on the Jewish Question in order to be complete. Doesn't matter whether you see them as a nefarious force or a harmless one -- their significance is undeniable.

>> No.21382207

nah you've talked about the JQ enough, let's talk about the WASP question

>> No.21382435

have you not noticed anons attacking the Anglos here constantly?

>> No.21382442

yeah and it's mostly ironic

>> No.21382450

It's the sad eyes

>> No.21382452

not when I do it

>> No.21382684

>>doesn't mention Jews, Zionism, or Israel even once
He does a little more in Anglo American establishment. Quigley details one of the early funders of the group (when it was just Milner, Rhodes, Stead, and Brett) was the Rothschilds. Quigley mentions several times the group, as it evolved, mixed with international finance multiple times. Again though, not everything is about Jews though, there are certainly a significant amount of Jews in the establishment, but that doesn't mean the whole of the NWO is just jews...

>> No.21382693
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I feel like it's the narrow-ish face, light hair, and jaw line as well.

>> No.21382698

the nose also looks a bit similar

>> No.21382748
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>All parties were very forthcoming about their plans for a new century
What plan? What was Cecil Rhodes grand plan? Uniting the Anglo world in a political federation which would be strong enough to guide the lesser races towards Anglo liberal values. The Fabian society were basedboy socialists who wanted to create welfare states and didn't have the same racialist views as Rhodes obviously. Obviously the biggest proponents of a special Anglo relationship tend to be conservatives today opposed to any notion of socialism, and socialism in the 20th century ended up violently nationalistic.

>It bills itself as an "open conspiracy"
No, that's just the name of a book by H. G. Wells.

>There's nothing "conspiracy theory" about any of it.
The conspiracy which tends to get triggered in peanut brains is the idea that there's a secret plan hatched up by a Bavarian masonic lodge and individuals calling themselves the Illuminati to impose a one world socialist government which uses groups like the Bilderbergs, Trilateral commissions, UN, etc as fronts

>> No.21382789

they are musims.

>> No.21382812

Literal fallacy lmfao

>> No.21383559
File: 127 KB, 1025x1494, 14f9f52c6db6f137feea1101ca9be28d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book also deals with cycles of history it might interest you as well.