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21363317 No.21363317 [Reply] [Original]

>Books around the concept behind Sophia/Athena/Minerva
I find myself becoming obsessed over the feminine personification of wisdom (I'm a man).

>> No.21363338


>> No.21364594
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>I find myself becoming obsessed over the feminine personification of wisdom (I'm a man).

It is probably due to your unconscious longing to be a cause for the restitution & victory of Sofia, and/or for the reunification with your anima.

Incidentally, Saint Paul also implied that he comprehended the gravity of this reunification with one's consort —quod vide:

>For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
>This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

— Epistle to the Ephesians, chapter five, verses: thirty one, thirty two.

>> No.21364990
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For me it's Prajnaparamita

>> No.21365221

>cause for the restitution & victory of Sofia, and/or for the reunification with your anima.
Could you provide more details on the former? I'm familiar with Jungian psychology and the latter. I feel like this is an interesting rabbit hole to go down.

>> No.21365302
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See Brunnhilde for a modern interpretation of the idea, and as the anima of the masculine deity Wotan.


>> No.21366418

Renaissance Neoplatonism?

>> No.21366549

Reading Jung would be beneficial for you. It sounds like you've got some sort of anima complex. I'm in the same boat. Start with Man And His Symbols or the first couple chapters of Aion.

>> No.21366564
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>anima complex
Possibly. I was the only man in the house growing up so I feel like I'm not absence on the feminine side of things. Although most of my activities are traditional masculine (hunting/fishing, college football, beer, trucks, and so on).

>> No.21366571


>> No.21366572

Sophia in the Septuagint (who is personified as a woman) is by Orthodox theology the Logos, Christ prior to incarnation. Thus your obsession is not healthy, neither is Christian theology.

>> No.21366574

Kinda same except I'm finding myself torn between the goddess of war Athena and the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. I love beauty but I'm really good at war. I also feel like I owe Apollo a bit but can't articulate why exactly, he's a very complex god.

One of these days I'm going to actually read a Mythology book and realize I'm totally wrong about the Greek pantheon.

>> No.21366576

>your obsession is not healthy
I agree completely, hence why I'm searching for some literature to help me iron out whatever the issue is. What flaw do you see in Christian theology?

>> No.21366594

Biggest flaw in Christian theology is they try to shoehorn their texts to fit classical structure of event A foreshadowing C and leading directly and coherently to B which leads directly and coherently to C. This is the ideal structure of narration Accor to Aristotle (which is not the same as realistic). This forces a ludicrous interpretation of their scriptures like the flood foreshadow (prefiguring) baptism (one is suppose to be a bath of damnation, the other of salvation, so that makes no sense). They do this with Sophia as well. Muslims and Jews actually handle their texts according to a homegrown context, hence both are more coherent religions (but I don’t believe Judaism is more right, Christianity is closer to truth than Judaism but Islam is the actual truth).

>> No.21366603

Read Bachofen, then Klages, followed by Graves. Hopefully by then you're ready for Jung

>> No.21366615
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What is the most easily digestible book around anima reunification. While I appreciate these deeper philosophical texts I am not in a position to spend the years required to fully read them al alongside my other studies.

>> No.21367942



— The introduction of: "Nos: Book of the Resurrection", by: Miguel Serrano.

— "Pistis Sophia".

— "The Sophia of Jesus Christ".

>> No.21367948

Stop being such a pagan retard maybe try that

>> No.21368081

Listen I'm not into all this Gnosticism stuff I'd just like to understand why the idea of Sophia appeals to me so much. I'd rather just be a normal Catholic.

>> No.21368092

Have you honestly asked yourself if you are just a simp?

>> No.21368139

he’s talking out of his ass, dont mind him.
tripfags tend to be mentaly underdeveloped

>> No.21368163

I think that's a legitimate point. It's most likely just me grandstanding for not having a woman in my life.

>> No.21368203
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1. You cannot come to know the reality of the world, nor be an optimal Catholic —depured of Judaic. agnostic influences—, without being gnostic.

2. The fact that the term: "Gnosticism", is misnominally used to signify certain erroneous beliefs, and notions, propogated by heretical sects, does not invalidate the fact that geniune —Christian— gnosticism is true & theoretically valid.