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21362798 No.21362798 [Reply] [Original]

>love life enough, with all is pleasure and suffering, that youd want nothing more than to repeat it over and over
how do i do this. the idea of entering nirvana still seems more appealing than repeating life.

>> No.21362848

>how do i do this
Increase your existential suffering by getting rid of all your friends and stopping talking to your family.

>> No.21362863

Igaf how good someone's life is. Repeating ANYTHING for eternity would suck.

This thought experiment is overrated.

>> No.21363462

No one enters nirvana, this is already it. "Nirvana" is a concept that refers to what is and isn't prior to thought and concepts.
Nietzsche would probably suggest superimposing a nirvanic quality on to samsaric experience, i.e. will suffering in order to overcome it and view that process as good and desirable. But the Eastern suggestions are that suffering is a misunderstanding of the way things really are, or what's really here, when the mind is not neurotically and compulsively trying to grasp, know, understand, and control experience. Greatness, overcoming, and life-affirmation as per Nietzsche's suggestion can still then be achieved, with the drive of a sufferer, and perhaps with much pain and difficulty, but without suffering.
I think there was more to Buddhism and Vedanta for N than he realized. He seemed to agree at least intellectually that the usual sense of self is an illusion, that there's no discrete self in the body or mind. The awakened pure unconditional life-affirming joy and amor fati in the face of the tragedy of mere existence is to me what he seemed to be after. Awakening doesn't require one to be a monk, ascetic, mendicant, to renounce the world, nor to follow certain ethics and morality or beliefs, it only seems this way because of the historical cultural contexts and due to misunderstanding what "nirvana" is. There were several other points N seemed to be in agreement on too. Speaking of points, I forgot what mine was, but maybe this gives you something to look into.

It's about having such a strong will and powerful spirit that you desire suffering in order to overcome it again and again, while denying both the will to nothingness/oblivion/death and eternal life in an better ideal world. The thought of repeating any suffering for eternity would for most people be unbearable suffering upon suffering, but to love that idea is for Nietzsche the ultimate affirmation of life. Yes for most people it would suck regardless, but Nietzsche wasn't writing for most people. You think it would suck because Nietzsche deliberately filtered you (and me).

>> No.21363574
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Amor fati should be thought of as the ability to will that which will repeat itself, for itself, and not just resemble itself. It means that what you may will, you will to the nth degree. What's important to note is that the eternal return cannot be reduced to mere physical substance, and a mechanistic materialism. There is always something beyond the actual. Nietzsche makes it clear that the future must remain open to us, in order to pursue aesthetic truth. It isn't a multiplication of states of being, but a repetition of intensities of becomings. And this is obvious to us when we critically approach philosophy of time. To think that eternal return is just a multiplicitation of states of being, works off of both teleological and mechanistic presumptions about casuality and time which are not necessarily true. Nietzsche rejects both free and unfree will. Both commit the same fundamental error. But for Nietzsche, being qua being is becoming, so on the face of it this conception of eternal return and amor fati is already deprived of its most beautiful aspects and reduces it to fast food existentialism.

>> No.21363602

This untermensch would be about last person in the whole world who should advice anyone on how to live their life. How about he repeats his own, but with doing anything at all to live up to his own pompous declarations first?

>> No.21363645
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Nietzsche's entire point is to not let other people advise you on how to live your life. Why don't all the systematizers, the people he was critiquing, actually live up to their own systems? Why don't they show us the idols they perverted and murdered all of us in service of? Why don't they show us their God? Why don't they show us their phantasmic things-in-themselves? Why don't they show us their so called "moral truths"? Why don't they show us their world of forms? Why don't they show us their heaven?

>> No.21363671

Just be yourself