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/lit/ - Literature

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21359438 No.21359438 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst possible book you could read in public (excluding Mein Kampf)

>> No.21359445

Turner Diaries.

>> No.21359451

Probably the Quran if you smeared it with feces on it before reading it. Very easily going to get an altercation or worse.

>> No.21359474

Probably something about how Allah loves homos too.
Most people will just look at you weirdly and judge you in silence for whatever edgy offensive book you read. With muzzies you have a decent chance that they will fuck you up.

>> No.21359475

Something by Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson etc.

Most people would have no idea what that is.

>> No.21359491
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SS warrior poet

>> No.21359503

It must be something immediately offensive by the image title alone. so something like >>21359474 with a picture of a muslim man sucking cock.

this >>21359491 is less applicable as the title and image could easily be mistaken as just some wwii book that boomers and wwiiautists read.

>> No.21359603

1984 people will think you are cringe

>> No.21359624

Lolita would probably draw some glances from dumb normies

>> No.21359724

Perhaps The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie? That could absolutely get you attacked in some places.

>> No.21359740

No it wouldnt. you would have to be a grifter to even look sidelong at. some dumb normie doesnt know what the fuck a lolita is.

>> No.21359743
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>> No.21359751


>> No.21359972

Normies don't know the names of any books so only the cover would actually matter here.

>> No.21360387
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Hey, it got me out of jury duty.

>> No.21360504

Art of the Deal is actually really good. It's a perfect encapsulation of 1980s capitalism.

>> No.21360521

Ben shapiro maybe. But something from JP would be pretty acceptable by most normal people. It's the twitter faggots who keep sneeding about him. For normal people he is just another self help author.

>> No.21361327

why does it say bilingual version? its not, is it?

>> No.21362462

Nobody would get near someone who's holding a book covered in feces. Even muslims would assume you're an insane homeless guy.

>> No.21362478

no, the trick is to use a slice of ham as a bookmark

>> No.21362489
File: 65 KB, 255x395, And_Then_There_Were_None_First_Edition_Cover_1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably picrel

>> No.21362528

A schizo once tried to pick a fight with me for reading Madame Bovary.
He kept screaming that the french had ruined our homeland (Italy) and that I should feel ashamed for reading their literature.

The bottom line is that if you encounter the wrong people every book is potentially the worst possible book you could be reading in public

>> No.21362545

>He kept screaming that the french had ruined our homeland (Italy) and that I should feel ashamed for reading their literature.
Unfathomably based.

>> No.21362556

>He kept screaming that the french had ruined our homeland (Italy) and that I should feel ashamed for reading their literature.
but this is true.

>> No.21362993
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1920, hatespeech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to guess

>> No.21363044

"Improving on perfect: a re-design of Auschwitz-Birkenau divine purpose of jew-killing"