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/lit/ - Literature

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21359398 No.21359398 [Reply] [Original]

>lean more to what one what could call the "right"
>can't stand LotR
>love Elric and things such as His Dark Materials even though they're written by self-proclaimed anarchists set against the "misogyny and racism of Tolkien and his ilk"
>even some of my favourite comics as a lad were from Moore (I prefer MiracleMan the most), Morrison and Gaiman, again anarachists, trannies and whatever else
Seriously, why does this happen? I loathe this kind of people IRL, but the fiction produced by such persons is undoubtedly great. Why can't the right-leaning people produce any of that? My take is that the ones on the right are too preoccupied with Christian Morality that they cannot create a complex grey area for their works. It's my problem with LotR. He's attempting to create Gilgamesh/Iliad/Odyssey/Aeneid by ripping off the Norse myths and setting it in Not!Britain, but his mind works in a specifically English Catholic way, that the mash-up ends up being contradictory nonsense. I find it insulting to actual mythology as well. Imagine the hubris it takes to copy a myriad different cultures all in an attempt to create an "epic" you lack. It's heretical to good manners and taste. All the other books I mentioned are simple stories with no pretentions and so I judge them differently. Obviously Tolkien's prose is much more whimsical than Moorcock's dry approach, but by God cannot I not enjoy all the Middle Earth schlock.

Anyway, I'm off my point. It just weirds me out how despite me being on the opposite side of those writers politically, I still enjoy them more. Do you find that happening as well?

>> No.21359412

>t. golem

>> No.21359435
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Few things.
A: I think you are a bit myopic about tolkien. People meme about "themes" of his like catholism and anti-industrial, but I really dont see it much as a direct thing. Most of the works felt very internally cohesive and if anything its more concerned about more all consuming things like "the good". Good in small things like a nice conversation between two freinds, and good in principle like admitting potential flaws or even just bravery. Its simple and clean and doesnt try to do more then its due. Its fine with its first order thinking and it admits as such up front
B. In terms of your preference, maybe it might be that you like "higher order" thinking. as in questioning why something is the way it is. the problem with most "left" stuff is that its usually stuck in the "second order" asking the question without tring to understand why the thing is in the first place or questions that could be asked of the question itself. J'accuse. Saying something is wrong rather than trying to understand the thing and its various shades. Maybe it is that you like seeing the spectrum of things, which "left" kinda like to do as well, but they tend to stop at the second step rather then going forward to the third or forth in terms of meta analysis. So you simply prefer the second step writing to first step writing.

>> No.21359580

Why would you read children's books if you are not one?

>> No.21359593

Not him, but my mother was a child once.

>> No.21359605

Where you there? How could you know for sure you weren't?

>> No.21359641

you know it's one thing not to like something great
it another to write a paragraph insulting it
for that reason I will be honest with you
if you do not enjoy the works of tolkien you are retarded. I can be factually certain that your IQ is below the triple digit threshold. you are a fucking tasteless moron. and you should get off of this website or at least this board. you do not read. you do not think. you exist in a perpetual state of nothingness.
kill yourself.

>> No.21359693

rightoids can't write a compelling story to save their life.

That's it. That's the answer. All good stories are written by liberals or leftists.

>> No.21359755

Why do you write like an actual retard? No one who reads expresses themselves like that. You haven't read Tolkien, you listened to an audiobook and called it "reading."

>> No.21359808

struck a nerve huh?
do this board a collective favor and kill yourself

>> No.21359825
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Different personality types have different tendencies and talents. Artistic types are great at rendering things in artistic mediums, but awful at designing systems. Conservative types are great at being engineers and whatnot, but horrible at rendering things in artistic mediums. A functional society with an enlightened ruling class would realize this and have a place for every type of person to maximize their natural talents. This is why America became the most powerful country -- it had the most personal freedom relative to other countries, so people could naturally find where they fit. That's all going away now, because different types of people are learning to hate each other and pridefully exalt themselves instead of loving each other and being humble. In short, appreciate conservatives for their society building, and appreciate leftists for their art. These skill sets don't translate well to the other side.

>> No.21360900

Artistic "scenes" tend to be homogeneous.

>> No.21360988

Jordan Peterson explained this in a video with Russell Brand. Essentially, people who are creative also tend to be liberal because they are open to more ideas and lateral thinking.

>> No.21360989

Why bother anyways? Our non fiction is more robust, we don't need to bother with dreck like that.

>> No.21361000


>> No.21361013

Peterson talks about this topic here (17:50 onwards)

>> No.21361066


>> No.21361083

Right wingers have less empathy and are more narrow minded. These are related things because right wing ideology is brain rot and if you can’t properly think about the more important stuff how are you gonna casually write about recreational ideas.

But it’s not surprising this needs to be spelled out to you mr.”leaning” right.

>> No.21361102

>I think x is bad

>> No.21361610
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>muh right
>muh left
>muh anarchists and trannies

>> No.21362437

You’re an anarchistic, tranny-loving degenerate in denial.

>> No.21362589

>"misogyny and racism of Tolkien and his ilk"
Who are you quoting?

>> No.21362719

What is this image from?

>> No.21362729

Not OP but
>Moorcock's works are noted for their political nature and content. In one interview, he states, "I am an anarchist and a pragmatist. My moral/philosophical position is that of an anarchist."[19] In describing how his writing relates to his political philosophy, Moorcock says, "My books frequently deal with aristocratic heroes, gods and so forth. All of them end on a note which often states quite directly that one should serve neither gods nor masters but become one's own master."[19]

>Besides using fiction to explore his politics,[16] Moorcock also engages in political activism. In order to "marginalize stuff that works to objectify women and suggests women enjoy being beaten", he has encouraged W H Smiths to move John Norman's Gor series novels to the top shelf.[19]

>> No.21362748

I have no idea, I just like furry women and I like turn of the 20th century art nouveau.

maybe try saucenao