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21357497 No.21357497 [Reply] [Original]

All of the philosophers who had retarded schizo ideas were childless virgins, and all the (very short list of) philosophers who were sane and rational were married and had numerous children. This is not a coincidence. Not obtaining pussy unironically starts a snowball of mental illness that intensifies with age.

>Plato. Unmarried and childless. Too busy fucking boys.
>Augustine. Fathered a child but became volcel.
>Virtually every medieval philosopher was unmarried and childless.
>Hobbes. Unmarried and childless.
>Descartes. Unmarried and childless.
>Spinoza. Unmarried and childless.
>Leibniz. Unmarried and childless.
>Locke. Unmarried and childless.
>Hume. Unmarried and childless.
>Smith. Unmarried and childless.
>Kant. Unmarried and childless.
>Bentham. Unmarried and childless.
>Berkeley. Married but no children.
>Mill. Married but no children.
>Schopenhauer. Unmarried and childless.
>Kierkegaard. Unmarried and childless.
>Nietzsche. Unmarried and childless.
>Sartre. Unmarried and childless.
>Wittgenstein. Unmarried and childless.

Give me ONE logical reason why anyone should take these men seriously. Having children is literally your one job in life as a man, and I genuinely feel that if you fail at that, your opinions should go in the trash. You are not fit to lecture anyone on ethics or politics.

>> No.21357498


>> No.21357516

You raise a good point. The majority of philosophers don't actively practice the philosphy they espouse. How could a mentally ill cuck who died like a pathetic worm know anything about being the Übermensch?

>> No.21357519

this, so much this!!

>> No.21357532

You're right, it's not like if you don't have a wife or kids to worry about, you're sort of free to reconsider some of the retarded assumptions of society.

In fact, we should just never deviate from the rules of society, and worship a giant bell curve instead. There is no god but the normal distribution, and it's Hilary Clinton's turn

>> No.21357534

Descartes didnt marry but had a child, she died at 5 of scarlet fever.

>> No.21357547

Why are chuds so obsessed with children?

>> No.21357550

Didn't Descartes have a daughter?

>> No.21357556

Yes, also calling him a virgin is ... well, very inaccurate. Especially in his later years.

>> No.21357560

Philosophy is a meme anon. There is a quote that goes "Philosophy has advanced the same amount as when it began". It is basically brain exercises but does not lead to any kind of truths.

>> No.21357572

It's just as easy to see it the other way around though isn't it? That getting married and having children is in fact what causes a "mental illness" that progressively gets worse and prevents you from doing anything meaningful in the world.
One way or another you have to admit that these people stand out whereas the countless humans who fell into the norm and ended up married with children do not. You don't know their names and you never will but you know these.
And maybe you want to take the nihilist approach and say neither really matters and both are merely surrogate activities but it still doesn't change that fact.