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21356750 No.21356750 [Reply] [Original]

I spent the majority of my free time in 2022 studying the Bible. I read the Pentateuch, the wisdom books, the gospels, the epistles.

And I'm fucking tired. There's literally nothing of value in it. In fact, I can't even understand how a Christian can cope with this shit. It's absolutely grey and depressing, hieratic, gay, anti-intellectual, mediocre.

I like Hellenism. Hesiod and Homer are beautiful, specially Hesiod. Reading the Works and Days gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. But it's a dead religion; it will never come back.

I'm lost. I can't think of any religion, philosophy or "spirituality" that could make this dull postmodern life less miserable. I give up.

>> No.21356788


Can't beat the meat without the jeet.

>> No.21356824

read evola

>> No.21356977

Nigger, this broke me. Apologize.

>> No.21357015

Being is suffering
Suffering is desire
Desire can be detached from
Follow the 8 fold path
Astroboy fucks his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.21357067
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>Hellenism gives me a warm fuzzy feeling
Stay away from my dog.

>> No.21357161

You are numb to transcendence because it’s 2015 and you’re living in a hermetic bubble of soulless secularism.

Gnosis can’t save you. Nor secrets. Beg God for salvation. The blankness of scripture from a worldly eye is itself a subtle hint of its truth.

>> No.21357169
File: 236 KB, 495x801, Wajdenbaum Ph. - Argonauts of the Desert. Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (2014) (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally nothing of value in it.
>I like Hellenism
I have bad news for you.

>> No.21357172

I feel the same, it is a disaster that the unnatural religion of the Galileans spread.

>> No.21357230

Yeah the Bible is uninspired. Even the “wisdom” is trite bs. Christianity is mostly just a larp for social and political reasons, and as a conservative, I can see the appeal. People like Peterson (who clearly doesn’t believe in it) have tried to give it a twist to make it sound more profound than it actually is, but biblical scholarship easily dispels all of that.

>> No.21357246

Christianity was a low cost entry mystery cult with a message suited for low class non-citizens.

It took off because it met a need in Greek religion. It failed inside Jewish/Samaritan/Righteous Gentile religion.

Think about that. The religion of its main character rejects it, but it is taken up by low rent pagans.

>> No.21358084


>> No.21358617

Christianity is not meant to serve man, it is to serve god. Hellenism makes you feel good because it’s self worship (aka satanism)

>> No.21358893

If you read the ENTIRE Bible and came out with nothing then that's because you went in wanting nothing to begin with, or went in with ill-intentioned presuppositions. I seriously dont understand how this could happen otherwise, and I myself was very skeptical of religion before I read the Bible for the first time.

>> No.21358898
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>> No.21358924

the bible is a greek geometry textbook you fucking hylic

>> No.21358935
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>> No.21358990

Christianity sucks because they took the idea of unity with the godhead and told people only a single Jewish superhero could achieve it, which gave Hinduism and buddhism a 2000 year head start in first-hand spiritual inquiry and practice. To gain any benefit from this alien religion, you have to read Christian mystics such as Meister Eckhart, Giordano Bruno, Teresa de Avila, and St John of the Cross. Eckhart was tried as a heretic and Bruno was burned at the stake.

>> No.21359115


>> No.21359278
File: 321 KB, 600x600, Vladimir Kush, Golden Anniversary,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.21359284

>I spent the majority of my free time in 2022 studying the Bible. I read the Pentateuch, the wisdom books, the gospels, the epistles.
How much time?

>> No.21359295

>unnatural religion of the Galileans spread.
So the religion that invents the concept of natural law is unnatural? Keep going.
>Even the “wisdom” is trite bs
Psychologically it's the best model we have and so to even presume that it's trite is to just not read it with the even a tolerable mindset at all.
>It took off because it met a need in Greek religion
Religions aren't trendy products. Try again.
Tells me you're under 16.
>Christianity sucks because they took the idea of unity with the godhead and told people only a single Jewish superhero could achieve it,
No. Holy Spirit exists too.
>which gave Hinduism and buddhism a 2000 year head start in first-hand spiritual inquiry and practice.
Sorry your caste is too low for me to care and morality is fake so I'm going to buy your daughter for my harem. Lmao
>To gain any benefit from this alien religion,
>alien religion
And you just proved Christianity. Good job.

>> No.21359308

Probably hundreds of hours. I even learnt some Greek.

>> No.21359329

I mean 200 is how long it takes to read it minimum. It's not that I doubt your effort but merely that if you see / saw no value that I am extremely skeptical of your term "study." Even to say:
>There's literally nothing of value in it.
Is to imply the Bible has a monolithic message which you aren't getting. To test you on this, can you answer the following:
>How does the Lamb of God relate to the words Son of Man?
>Or how does Psalm 19:1-6 to Mark 13:34?
How do these relate?
> Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
>The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the sons of this age are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the sons of light.
>24 In a race everyone runs, but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win. 25 To win the contest you must deny yourselves many things that would keep you from doing your best. An athlete goes to all this trouble just to win a blue ribbon or a silver cup,[a] but we do it for a heavenly reward that never disappears. 26 So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I fight to win. I’m not just shadow-boxing or playing around.

>> No.21359392

i know, but it could have been worse: you could have become invested in some sort of christian identity before you really investigated it and then you would be stuck having to defend all that embarrassing horseshit as revealed divine wisdom. imagine how miserable that must be.

internet religiosity operates exactly like a fandom. it's like when you say visual novels are stupid or something and some weeb will tell you you're not allowed to make that judgement because you haven't played bokosuku lolifucku part 3 in the original japanese

>> No.21359973

>internet religiosity operates exactly like a fandom. it's like when you say visual novels are stupid or something and some weeb will tell you you're not allowed to make that judgement because you haven't played bokosuku lolifucku part 3 in the original japanese