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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 750x1164, womenofcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21355770 No.21355770 [Reply] [Original]

Let's go!

>> No.21355780

this poem is
as boring as
my personality


>> No.21355990

What i
f I write a s
entece but
break it u
p rand

>> No.21356021

he called me
but the way
he said it
as if he
wanted to say

>> No.21356379

never suffered real hardship
had my ass grabbed at a party once
now my entire personality
i’m a victim, feel sorry, buy my book

>> No.21356383

a tree is like a
but it is out of reach
to you

>> No.21356384

you went
to buy milk
but never came
for your

>> No.21356388

Stop shilling this dumb poo in loo

>> No.21356401

There he goes,
that motherfucker,
what a tool.

>> No.21356419

dollar tremble
euro wince
yuan flinch
rupee cower

>> No.21356447

There is nothing more
Than the cum
Of a White man
I am my ancestor's daughter

>> No.21356457

Unironically better than everything she ever wrote.

>> No.21356465

okay based

>> No.21356472

Keked, but I think it's pronounced like "core."

>> No.21356496

For fun, I wrote an entire manuscript of parody poems in this style and made an IG for them. Got a few thousand followers within about two weeks. It's silly how popular this style of poetry has become, even when you're making fun of it.

>> No.21356529
File: 281 KB, 1032x1480, 1670067382237654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't recreate the meme. It happened organically. An anon noticed the first few posts looked like one of her poems and turned them into a fake page from one of her books. Another anon had a screenshot of the posts and responded to someone posting the aformentioned page by posting it (but he was too retarded to know how to put them together). Another anon put them together.

>> No.21356778
File: 144 KB, 343x512, 7z82HGC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only did you steal that concept from the background of this:

you butchered it, they were originally puns
>dinar, dash
>yuan, hide
>rupee, cower

>> No.21356837
File: 1.25 MB, 1460x1384, Rupi Kaur Nobel Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont make me post it again

>> No.21357018

first i write a
then i break a
like i break

>> No.21357072
File: 1006 KB, 260x187, 1404612847216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching for the promised iamb

>> No.21357111

My pussy
Is a Lion
Free and frolic
It is a king
Caged and caught
Even my period cannot breathe

>> No.21357115
File: 373 KB, 933x700, rupi shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought
it was merely
a fart
i'm mad at
my ex for
some reason

>> No.21357119

you didn't make me cum
I didn't tell you why
another tale
to tell my fellow hags

>> No.21357121

My penis
curves to the left
but whats left is
my penis

- Rupi Kaur

>> No.21357125

Link it.

>> No.21357138

s(he) be(lie)ve(d)

s(he) s(hit) (her)self

>> No.21357596

never suffered real hardship
had my ass grabbed at a party once
now my entire personality
i’m a victim, feel sorry, buy my book

>> No.21357927
File: 40 KB, 262x270, Rupi's Gratitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my pop-tarts are $2.99
but i have only 53 cents

the cashier is stern
do i have some other way to pay

if society only taught us
to open our hearts
he would let me pay with gratitude

but gratitude is not
viable currency
these days
it appears

i grab the pop-tarts
and make a dash for it but security

catches me at the door

there is so little love
in the world

— by rupi kaur

>> No.21357931
File: 116 KB, 494x266, Rupi's Keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on the day he
left me
i went to his workplace and
found his car in the parking lot
and scraped my keys along the side

the scar was deep and ugly but not
as deep
as the scar in my soul

then i remembered
his car is blue not red

please forgive me
red car owner

i am a woman of passion

in my position
you would have done the same

— by rupi kaur

>> No.21357936
File: 186 KB, 640x896, Rupi's Gardener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my gardener
has stopped weeding
and is resting

his back hurts
and he has to work such long
for such low wages

employer and employee
what stern words they are
how can we be truly
when we must fit these roles

i like to think
that if he could
see into my heart

he would work for nothing

— by rupi kaur

>> No.21357939
File: 80 KB, 400x400, Rupi's Friendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


leaving the restaurant
i passed a table
on which someone had left a
$20 tip

the waitress was busy
and had not yet come back to clear

that $20 bill is in my purse now but
it's in her purse too

we are all one
we are all women
we are all human beings

when i return to that restaurant
i will smile
at the waitress

because we are holding hands


she does not know it

— by rupi kaur

>> No.21357940

Starts well, but should end with a few lines about how the tempestuous rage of a woman is always justified and part of a natural and cosmic harmony rather than an apology.

>> No.21357941
File: 50 KB, 520x316, Rupi's Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in the library
i am reading a mystery novel
until —

five o'clock

time to leave, they
tell me (quite

i still have two pages left
and i don't have my library card with me

never mind

i have a pair of nail-scissors

back home i take the last two pages
out of my purse

when i have read them i will not throw them away
they will be where someone
loves them

i think of it as taking two children
home from an orphanage

an orphanage where they were ignored

we can all make the world a better place

one page at a


— by rupi kaur

>> No.21357971

Tell 'em-

soulja girl
pick yourself up
can't you see
that he's no
soulja man
Queen, you can do better

>> No.21358014

I asked ChatGPT to write one for me

I am a storm
dark and raging
swelling with anger
and pain

I am a storm
that breaks upon the shore
leaving destruction
in its wake

I am a storm
that cannot be tamed
that cannot be contained
that cannot be silenced

I am a storm
that will not be denied
that will not be subdued
that will not be forgotten

>> No.21358097

Tbh I do like the 'spine' joke

Saying 'from women of colour' is fucking retarded though

>> No.21358547



>> No.21358563
File: 14 KB, 965x854, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real ones will remember.

>> No.21358566

Lmao this can't be real

>> No.21358574

Sunset found her
in the grass, groaning.

was looser
the one before,

and smelled fouler.

By the time the
came up she was

>> No.21359292

TRADITION by Rupi Kapur.

>> No.21359621

wait is op's real

>> No.21359687


>> No.21359715

I need to
shit real bad
I take a sit
on the toilet
aw fuck
I forgot my phone

>> No.21359729

I take
when bowels move
shit goes
places where
it gets cleaned
sewage, truly,
a miracle

>> No.21359738

why are you retards capitalizing your rupi poosts

>> No.21359746

habit of a normally developed human bean

>> No.21359761

it takes the hand of a turely cultured man to foist off the overture of dusty old cannonad of grammar and puctoration

>> No.21359786

idneed it deos

>> No.21359815

you know I used to always write in full sentences, properly capitalized and all that
now I don't bother. I still capitalize I since I don't like the look of a lowercase i alone and I still use apostrophes since they can change meaning in places but that's it.

>> No.21360864

woops just forgot not to

>> No.21361300

tik tok poc
acab wap
lgbt-q and p
but I can't
can't keep
my eyes off

- rupi kaur

>> No.21361733

We women are the woes of men who would have us be weaving in the back of the kitchen. But you can't spell women without omen, and we are the ones who will bring into form the strength that makes the patriarchs mourn...

Oh whoops, I confused Rupi Kaur with Amanda Gorwoperdaughter.

>> No.21361801

he came inside alone
and left me

>> No.21361848

the tiger
destroyed his cage
yes yes
the tiger

>> No.21362618

publish this now ! kek

>> No.21362630

mouth breather
getting spit
on his keyboard

typing words
that feel like
on my brain

a literature board
that cannot read
an OP

I sincerely hope
he puts a bullet
in his head

- rupi kaur

>> No.21362881

>never suffered real hardship
>had my ass grabbed at a party once
>now my entire personality
>i’m a victim, feel sorry, buy my book

>Never suffered real hardship
>A girl told me no once
>now my entire personality
>I'm a victim, feel sorry, give NEETbux

>> No.21362893

I fucking hated Kaur's works showing up on my feed and on the stories of every girl I knew. It's basically the "I'm so sad and depressed" trope in YA novels, or personality trait on Tumblr, all condensed down to one poetry book.

>> No.21364157

>“I don’t think my work can be fully reviewed or critiqued through a white lens or a Western one."

>> No.21364767

does she think non-westerners care about her "work"

>> No.21364779

A sentence
Black words

>> No.21364804

Pee pee
poo poo
im gay

>> No.21364815

>damaging public property out of self importance
fucking retard

>> No.21365452

bleak spring morn
a cardboard egg carton
stands empty

haiku - rupi kaur

>> No.21366261


>> No.21367531

Man has grown, evolved
achieved things noble and rich
the horizon calls

behind him lies ape
with niggers, browns and kikes who
yearn to pull him back

tugging at his sleeve
they manage to make him doubt
earth now lies in ruin

>> No.21367922

fuck off communist

>> No.21367929


>> No.21367972

your name
is the finest poem

I have ever

so much
resides in it

>> No.21367986

This is fucking phenomenal. Bravura performance!

>> No.21369159

slay queen