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21354043 No.21354043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21354045


>> No.21354068

The only logical responses to antisemitism are the arguments by Stalin which isn't rooted in vague idealism about forgiveness, truth, toxicity. Peterson looks like a fool with this response.

>> No.21354075

that whole handler business with kanye and harley pasternak telling him to take meds comes into relief whilst considering Peterson's sudden breakdown and addiction to klonopin. i'm sensing that he has reached a sort of new level, leveraging his wide supporter group of philosophically vulnerable white males, and sacrificing them on the altar of manipulation, hatred, and secrecy. by breaking down, as a role model to many impressionable youths, he is presenting that as a possible and reasonable outlet of modern political angst. 'if he can break down and cry, so can i, this is how adult white males perform under pressure, and this is how i should perform when met with pressures of my own', it's all so tiresome, frankly. it shows how unreasonable it is to ever believe that any man is better than any other man, to ever follow *anyone*. they will always betray, always abandon, always fail. the only man i can think of as an exception is Christ.

>> No.21354080

Materialism is satanic

>> No.21354084

Great argument, Petersoni San.

>> No.21354090
File: 180 KB, 1080x667, Screenshot_20221207-152109-855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked out a while back that he's owned by jews (or whatever similar thing that causes him to freak out about this) but if I hadn't paid attention pic related is the thing that would do it. To deny that jews don't have conspiratorial influence is SJW levels of retardation. Also it really doesn't help that he calls people rats for noticing that he did a "message" to Christians, Muslims, but not jews. He built the series up as if he was trying to unite ALL the Abrahamic religions but jews are special for some reason? Fuck off.

>> No.21354098
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Friendly reminder that this was made BEFORE he sat down for dinner with the literal prime minister of Israel lmfao

>> No.21354104

What does JQ mean?