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21353852 No.21353852 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone identify some of the books in Jordan Peele's library?

>> No.21353860

Give us a clue bro, who is this random homeless dude?

>> No.21353861

Almost all genre trash and pop-history. That said, Susan Cooper's "Dark is Rising" series is a pretty kino childrens lit.

>> No.21353865

Why does he like white man?

>> No.21353866

looks like normie NYTimes bestseller kind of stuff

>> No.21353869

why do americans treat china made tennis shoes like they're an integral part of adult attire?

>> No.21353880

Some indie director

>> No.21353896

Why is he wearing shoes inside his house?

>> No.21353902

it's something american's do

>> No.21353906

Do they have special indoor shoes that they put on when they get home so they don't drag dirt with them inside?

>> No.21353907

Pretty sure they are all some form of sucking cock for dummies

>> No.21353919





>> No.21353924

how else you gonna know a 55 year old man has dat drip?

>> No.21353926

no. I don't know why. My dad taught me to take my shoes off at the door, and everywhere else I've lived it's the norm, but in some american homes people just... don't take off their shoes.

>> No.21353929

this is staged photo...

>> No.21353935
File: 149 KB, 1424x996, 20221207_112113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No shit

>> No.21353941

Exactly the kind of trash I would expect from someone wearing those glasses

>> No.21353962

Why are you people so afraid of shoes? Do you not have vacuums?

>> No.21353963

lots of horror stuff, i do see a copy of jg ballard, i'm certain that was a gift, compared to the rest of his collection, seems like a lot of basic horror stuff, though.

>> No.21353972

>why not shit your pants, you can just throw them in the wash?

>> No.21353978

So you see your floor as an extension of yourself? Interesting.

>> No.21353979

US streets and sidewalks are generally clean and not covered with shit.

>> No.21353981

I thought it was Jordan Petersen

>> No.21353982

>Get Out is now considered one of the greatest films ever made thanks to Sight and Sound
lmao at bongs

>> No.21353983

Americans are stunted manchildren afraid of looking serious so they where clown shoe looking sneakers. Russia needs to just launch first strike already.

>> No.21353990

Only blacks do that

>> No.21353995

No we certainly do not. Mind your own goddamn business. Christ.

>> No.21354001

you aren't wrong but bland menswear fags look just as worse

>> No.21354002

not the floor, the home is an extension of the self

>> No.21354007

I see
>Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
>Something by Clive Barker
Both good choices, but

>Do you not have vacuums?
Do you have something you can guarantee will remove 100% of some dog shit I've accidentally stepped in?

Imagine surviving the covid pandemic and not knowing about harmful invisible germs.

>> No.21354011

genreslop + Ballard

>> No.21354018

>harmful germs
i wear shoes in the house and i never get sick. also, i'll take off my shoes and hose em if i got dogshit on them. not everywhere you walk outside has dogshit on it, you realize.

>> No.21354029

It's part of nigger culture, which americans tend to adopt. Nike was the first sports brand that cathered to niggers and nigger culture and so, niggets wear Nike sneakers as a status symbol. Same reason why niggers loved cadillacs for decades, with Cadillac being the first automovile brand that openly sold and cathered to niggers, at a time when refusing service to them was not only not frowned upon but actually lauded and encouraged.

>> No.21354035

I like that sweater or jacket, where to cop?

>> No.21354038

He is wrong. He advocated nuclear first strike because people wear sneakers.

>> No.21354094
File: 367 KB, 973x1021, rtboash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he read such pulp

>> No.21354134



>> No.21354143

will you please fuck off? if you're going to parody cancel culture at least do it in a way that don't make me want to fucking choke.

>> No.21354180

This subhuman chimp man should not be given any chance in a civilized White Western society. He does not belong, accept under the whip of his superiors.

>> No.21354186

No, it's a nonwhite thing.

>> No.21354196

Black people pretending to be intellectual is 100x more cringe than wiggers.

>> No.21354213

he's just showing off his neat collection specifically the baby from death stranding, you racist pos, not everything is an attempt at an intellectual flex. the fact that you think so betrays your insecurity.

>> No.21354214
File: 51 KB, 800x533, 248C810C-941F-4F06-B14B-7A9710E1D39B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we realize wearing Chukkas, loafers, and Chelsea boots in the year 2022 is the gayest fucking thing imaginable. Because we are not metrosexual weaklings. Because we are more concerned about comfort and neutral appearance than lingering pretensions which no longer have any foundations. Any other questions

>> No.21354227

if that were the case you'd wear sandals

>> No.21354244

He's a soyy cuck who has a pseudointellectual demeanor. Also he's black which is the only reason the j*ws gave this hack the chance to make his shitty antiwhite movies.

>> No.21354253

Sandals are not neutral looking at all. They’re quite gay

>> No.21354256

when do you plan to let go of a world you never owned? why do you swim to such a depth of hatred? you know you can ignore everything this man has ever accomplished, you need not pay any of this any mind. why do you sacrifice your energies attacking a mere photo, a concept of a man, an image, as though you were attacking your mortal enemy? let go, man. i'm serious, you seem like you're a far better man than the bile you spew here over people that have nothing to do with you.

>> No.21354259


>> No.21354261

I can’t believe the guy who played the most flamboyantly gay heel-character in Coach Hines skits on Mad TV became a publicly esteemed director. Inspirational. I hate his movies, but inspirational.

>> No.21354264

>wahh stop making fun of a soyy nigger who is almost certainly a homo
No thanks. This hack belongs in a camp or deported back to da jungle.

>> No.21354266

Wasn’t Achilles gay love for his fallen comrade the catalyst for his return to the battlefield in the Iliad

>> No.21354272

The only criteria is
>be black
>be antiwhite
>be remotely competent
>watching movies

>> No.21354273

i'm not mistaken, you just need your family back. you need to pull the knife out of your side, and learn to heal. it's not the jews or the basedbois or the niggers that hurt you, it's someone far closer than that.

>> No.21354275

How's 8th grade, dumb shitskin?

>> No.21354280

>gay love
Revisionism. Platonic affection can exist between two men. Please stop subscribing to nonsense!

>> No.21354283

That idiot has the mind of a child

>> No.21354471

Sneakers are not any more convenient to wear than loafers, mocs, or Chelsea boots. These are all resoleable and water resistant, and should last at least 10 years. These all will get you more pussy than sneakers, too, unless you're seeking black pussy.

>> No.21354474

Did Hideo really lug his fucking baby yoda toy all the way to the US with him and bring it on a visit to JP’s house?

>> No.21354480

Not all of us do, but you don't live here so what do you know?

>> No.21354490

I don’t “seek pussy,” and even if I did, I would not dress like a yuppie metrosexual to attain it. Actual studies prove women prefer real boots and bulbous sneakers to thinner, prim shoes anyways

>> No.21354493

poverty shelf. thought this guy was supposed to have money. why does he hate craftsmen.

>> No.21354495

>NOOOOO!!!!! No one was gay. That’s a lie!!

>> No.21354502

i do

>> No.21354510

White tennis shoes have been popular since the 50s… earlier even. Nice fanfiction

>> No.21355439

>it's not the jews
>or the niggers that hurt you
They hurt the entirety of western civilization

>> No.21355472

That's what ypu guys chose to export, don't get mad if people outside of the US know you for what you chose to project

Nice strawman, but swing and miss

>> No.21355494

Those shoes look much better.

>> No.21355501 [DELETED] 
File: 2.79 MB, 1910x1080, eunha seasonal CXZjKEbKyrI-[00.10.344-00.14.847].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the most pleb trash

>> No.21355510

I don’t understand how this guy is hyped up so much as a profound artist. Get Out was just ranked by critics as one of the top 100 best films ever made. He makes decent genre films. That’s all. Nothing about them is revolutionary.

>> No.21355511

i want marriage

>> No.21355793

>genre mixing on the level of Bong Joon Ho
>commentary coupled with well-plotted narrative
>good character director
>tell stories which fulfill unique niches
What do you think separates him from other unsuccessful aspiring black filmmakers? Their race isn’t enough.

>> No.21355813

You aren’t really participatory in Western Civilization though, since you lack any sort of contact with the real world. It shouldn’t be an issue for you.

>> No.21355900

Idk, the movie about the UFO looks cool, I only watched the UFO scenes though

>> No.21355959

That's one of the greatest living directors you uncultured fuck.

>> No.21355960

generalmente me cagas, pero esta vez concuerdo con tu afirmación, de igual manera, suicídate

>> No.21356066

>Because we are not metrosexual weaklings
But you guys are all of these things.

>> No.21356073

Source: trust me bro.

>> No.21356099

I only wear clothes that perpetuate oppression.

>> No.21357073

>cathered to niggers and nigger culture
>openly sold and cathered to niggers
You do know it's catered right?

>> No.21357078

>I know, I’ll add a period that’ll really punch the point home!

>> No.21357081

> Actual studies prove women prefer real boots and bulbous sneakers to thinner, prim shoes anyways
God help us all if there's an actual study on what footwear is more likely to cause a woman to have sex with a man.

>> No.21357088


>> No.21357107

Ignore all the posturing cowards and fools, who are afraid to look American, fearing your criticism. The answer is really, really simple. (1) Comfy, (2) excellent grip - far better than almost any other kind of shoe, (3) they are cheap, (4) plentiful, and finally (5) come in a wide variety of styles and colors here. We wear other shoes, certainly, but tennis shoes are an American staple, and a man who doesn't own a pair is probably too inactive to need one, i.e. a great fat plop.

>> No.21357109

You're a liar and a pathetic, squirming man.

>> No.21357120

Not in northern states. I think it's more common in California.

>> No.21357143

Americans are both more civilized/decent than 99% of Europeans and also weirdly barbaric in some ways. We’re intersting and literary. Cope & mald

>> No.21357339

Give us a clue bro, who is this random homeless dude?

>> No.21357355

They're comfy and have great tread for doing stuff outside. If I'm going on a walk, doing any kind of physical labor, or just running errands, tennis shoes are great. I only bother with leather shoes for work because it looks more professional. I have no reason not to wear tennis shoes if it's an option.

>> No.21357358

I think it's more that you are just obsessed with niggers and so that's all you pay attention to.

>> No.21357480

>not everywhere you walk outside has dogshit on it, you realize.
You're so close to understanding bacteria.

>> No.21357484

>Why is he wearing shoes inside his house?
Honestly I think it's a holdover from when women stayed at home all day cleaning. It doesn't matter if you drag shit indoors when you have a servant.

I don't because it's fucking terrible for your feet. Your feet were not designed to be enclosed and pressed against flat plates.

>> No.21357530

I guess that makes sense. there's a lot more mud in the northern states than California.

>> No.21357772

Oscar Winner!

>> No.21357777


>> No.21357860

hahaha WOAH meme format

>> No.21358374

You just wanted to use the word "nigger" in a sentence as much as you could.

>> No.21358403

uh dark is rising by susan cooper is certified BASED

>> No.21358406

So you just drag in dog shit into your house? I wanna strangle you, fuck face.

>> No.21358411

The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates
doppelgangers(could not read fully)
lovecraft county
dragons(could not read fully)

>> No.21358416

Here is my best shot at r8ing all of them that i can identify
>Stephen King book
pedophile author, wouldnt read
>The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
Based, redpilled, and the best book on the shelf
>Clive Barker book
tryhard edgelord lit
>Anansi Boys
Neil Gaiman is shit and probably a pedophile
>Books on art
>A bunch of unidentifiable horror
probably garbage
>Lovecraft Country
>The water dancer by ta nahesi coates
race bait trash, probably a pedophile author

So he had his manservant go to barnes and noble and by all the books in the trendy part of the horror section, threw in some woke bait for good measure. Hes pretty much a basic white girl.

The Dark is rising is legit and Im not sure where he would pull that out of, he probably read it as a kid.

>> No.21358434

I'm seeing a common theme in your criticism.

>> No.21358437

I dont read books by pedophiles and if you find a modern liberal author chances are theyve written that shit into their books

>> No.21358447

someone ask him for a better photo. He looks like he has good taste

>> No.21358567

His wife really rubs off on him, doesn't she?

>> No.21358601

i'm familiar with bacteria, but not terrified by it as some often find themselves. i even require the things to operate as a human being. oftentimes it has digested my very food *for* me, and has a grand purpose in my life besides, as it churns in me. Nay, most of the cells that compose me as a man are not even those filled with human dna, and as such, i have a much more lenient view of its inevitable presence. it is not some raging beast in my life, looming over me, attacking me whilst i sleep, nor forcing me not to wear my shoes when i stroll about my home. Yes, again, I will clean my shoes should i have the misfortune of stepping in doo, but i do not assume the door handles i often touch, the food i regularly consume, the very air i breathe, is not inundated with some particle or other that may have been at one time, fecal. It does not disgust me, I clean, but not in a way that suggests madness, there is simply no way to escape it, nor is there really any reason to do so, given how I seem to carry on quite well in spite of it. In the end, wearing shoes into my home does not cause any risk to my person, nor does it yours, unless you are someone of such a weak constitution that your entire life has been one by necessity contained within a hermetically sealed bubble, for the sake of your precious and fragile immune system.

>> No.21359710

Because we're an infantilized culture. Same reason baggy pants or shorts with over sized t-shirts were popular: it over accentuates the torso and makes the limbs appear shorter, making us look like over-sized infants.

>> No.21360463

Correct, nigger.

>> No.21360668

Battle Royale, Stephen King, and other genre shit. He's fucking old. Thought he was younger.

>> No.21360918

This is you coping for why you look like shit

>> No.21361648

what the fuck is a tennis shoe