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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 1131x639, 2022 12 06 Boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21351100 No.21351100 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston this Saturday.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto, Emerson's Transcendental Club. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.21351154

Any cuties attending?

>> No.21351434
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>> No.21351556

Any Minnesota anons

I wanna start a niche secretive book club as we talk about deep stuff while drinking latte

>> No.21351575

Remember at the start of the 21st century when Boston wasn’t a neo-lib brownfest transplant shitthole

>> No.21351665


>> No.21351763

I was like 3

>> No.21351770

I'm on Cape and want you to know I could attend but choose not to

I'm not interested in getting mogged by some tranny

>> No.21351976

Will I be the only girl?

>> No.21351992

In Somerville, and I feel the same, aside from the mogged part. I would rather not be around whatever creature lurks this godforsaken website and lives in this hellscape of a city. Godspeed to any anon who has the courage to actually go to this.

>> No.21352035

You're on Cape?

>> No.21352053

100% trying to get me
theyre trying to kill me if i attend
youll never catch me
im never going hahaha not gonna be that easy
to get me
which you wont
loooool nice try but it was obviously a trap and a honeypot from the beginning
you college educated pricks with your popped collars and fine wines
im not going to meet you in boston, not anywhere you can catch me
im catching the next flight out of here immediately
you'll never catch me hahahahahahaha

>> No.21352066



>> No.21352222

not on the cape but on cape

>> No.21352224

do the guys that show up to these things actually read
are they even remotely intelligent
do they dress and look in a way where i wont be embarrassed to be seen near them
someone has to have been going to these things, so someone has to know

>> No.21352234
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>> No.21352242


You're either on cape or off it

>> No.21352248

I've never gone to one but if one was held in my city (indianapolis) I would feel obligated to go and I can guarantee that you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me unless I opened my mouth after drinking
however I would be obligated to drink as well

>> No.21352257

I usually show up to these and all the nerds are too intimidated to talk to me. Is there any recommended lack of diet & excercise to de-bulk in the next few days?

>> No.21352276

can i come if i'm not vaccinated?

>> No.21352443

get help

>> No.21352477
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>> No.21352487

what for
I don't drink all that much, only when I'm in any sort of social environment
which is rare

>> No.21352508

I would never agree to meet with you irl

>> No.21352541
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>> No.21352567
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>> No.21352742


>> No.21352754
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have fun awkwarding standing around with a bunch of incels, eating some cum brownies, then going home alone (you're not gonna meet your /lit/ waifu at one of these)

>> No.21352840


>> No.21352910

nice attempt anon, do you think anyone will show up?

>> No.21352952

used to be so many good writers from here desu. it's a shame

>> No.21352970

>eating some cum brownies
That's /k/

>> No.21353699
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>> No.21353759

Hello newfag

>> No.21353892

so like what do you boston-cambridge-somerville anons read anyways

>> No.21354133
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>> No.21354202

What answer could you possibly expect to that question? A single category? Author? A list of genres?

>> No.21354210

Why do you always do these in Boston? (not just lit but even other boards and i think reddit and stuff)

t. not a burger

>> No.21354407

just trying to gauge, I know there are tons of students and white collars in boston, you'd think people here would be well read

>> No.21354785

why do you think

>> No.21354804

Harvard glows so brightly full of insane materialists and you think anyone wants to attend these things?
They will be wearing wires and have hidden camras and they will be analyzing your behavior secretly pretending to be your friend
Don't fall for the bostom trick
Seriously do not go to this unless you want to end up locked up in solitary confinement for 20 years while they release a clone of you out into the streets to take your place!

>> No.21354829

i dont know faggot , thats why im asking

>> No.21354857
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>> No.21354968
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>> No.21355002

good post

>> No.21355078

I'd love to attend but sadly I'm not going to alter my flights or arrange new flights just for that. I'd definitely be down for a california meetup.

A problem strikes me in that I don't actually read much of what /lit/ likes. Mainly japanese light novels and some sci-fi. So while I'd love to listen to people talk about /lit/, I couldn't actually contribute much.

OP you might get better results if you also proposed a book for discussion, something that a motivated person could read through between now and Saturday. Anything under 300 pages would be reasonable I imagine.

>> No.21355151
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>> No.21355193

Also down for a Cali meetup hopefully somewhere in socal

>> No.21355203

share the pictures afterward. i'm curious as to what the average /lit/izen looks like

>> No.21355232
File: 220 KB, 1284x1254, IMG_2167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>share the pictures afterward. i'm curious as to what the average /lit/izen looks like

>> No.21355255

i thought that was /pol/

>> No.21355259

do you have other pictures? i think i might know one of these people (not the guy taking the picture)

>> No.21355263
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>> No.21355270

those arent the same people

>> No.21355272
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>> No.21355278
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>> No.21355286
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>> No.21355313
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>> No.21355321

t. newfag (go back)

>> No.21355340
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>> No.21355349
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>> No.21355372
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>> No.21355506
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>> No.21355514

Boston is so overpriced and unlivable. Pay 1200 a month to live with 4 people in fucking Roxbury no thanks. I can't wait to leave MA.

>> No.21355522

This has nothing to do with 4chan its a group of soundcloud musicians

>> No.21355615

You're getting scammed. Also why would you do any of those things? What is wrong with you?

>> No.21355656


>> No.21355699
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>> No.21355860
File: 116 KB, 1080x991, massachusetts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's shocking how many carribeaners and brazilians have invaded eastern mass. i want to kill them all and the liberal politicians who import them and give them tons of gibs. how the fuck is the median rent in this shithole $3000 yet it's still full of Dominicans. worst fucking state in the union just kill me already.

>> No.21355944

Worse than any other state? You haven't been outside of MA have you... Brace yourself LOL

>> No.21355952

surely the rest of the country is just like it is on netflix

>> No.21356039

name a state worse than MA. you can't.

>> No.21356058

>You're getting scammed
I might be anon but the cost of living in the Boston area is outrageous unless you're sort of well off. I don't want to shack up with 5 other people to live in Allston

>> No.21356085

any chicago chads itt?

>> No.21356106

your map of what's possible is way too small

>> No.21356109

I am not a /lit/izen nor am I well read. Should I still attend anyways?

>> No.21356112

Yes, let's do Willis Tower Friday night. Put up a thread.

>> No.21356119

You don't know what it's like to live in central mass, bud. Ware is such a shithole, so many crackheads and methheads. There's barely any jobs near me, just all farmland. The closest gas station is 20 minutes away. The gym I go to is 30 minutes away.

>> No.21356123

If your life in the Boston area is manageable for you I'm impressed and I might just be fucking up. From my experience housing costs from Boston to Lowell is baffling. apparently just a decade ago it was very different.

>> No.21356138

Fun fact: they're not crackheads and methheads. You're just not white.

>barely any jobs
>just places that always need workers

>not surrounded by shit
>i can't walk and gas station nachos
>i can't walk to a moist and stinking box to lift(?) weights(?)
go back to favelaland and stop whinging

>> No.21356142

What does this even mean??

>> No.21356148

>places that always need workers
I've applied to like ten places in Barre, Ware, and North Brookfield: I either get no response or answer. Also, they're literal crackheads, I like to call them bug people. The meth has done so much damage to their face they look like bugs. The Ware Walmart is always a good spot to gawk at all the meth creatures crawling from under their rocks.

>> No.21356152

I'm guessing you're younger in in college. By the time you're 30, reading books is a waste of time and life is dictated by making choices in face of scarcity. It's genuinely so disappointing, that reading books seems like a total joke. I used to humor people like you but if you went on ill just tell you point blank I don't read and I don't care. I can't even fake it about sports ball anymore. Why should I bother reading or doing anything whenever surviving another week or month is the only priority?

>> No.21356158

>What does this even mean??
I seldom lurk in /lit/ and I have not read all that many books. Should I still go to the meetup anyways?

>> No.21356164

>thinks he came up with "bug people"
>it's based on their looks
>sets foot in walmart
j f c anon

>> No.21356169
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>> No.21356178

It's not just the walmart, it's the walgreens, domino's, dunkin donuts, local stores, the restaurants, etc. etc. Their faces are always contorted into a clockwise spiral, patchy beards, marbled skin, either too overweight or look extremely underfed, and always have that thousand yard stare.

>> No.21356296

So far we have:
>lives around tons of stores and farms
>can't get a job
>thinks 'bug people' is original
>drives 30 minutes to crossfit class
>"at least i'm not THAT thin"
>"at least i'm not THAT fat"
>world consists of walmarts, walgreens, dominos pizza and dunkin donuts
>can't write about his experiences for shit
>"that" thousand yard stare
protip you aint never seen a thousand yard stare

>> No.21356298
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>> No.21356309

>dunkin donuts
i'll never forgive them for changing it to simply "Dunkin." that shit is so retarded and ruined the whole aesthetic experience. that was like the ONE thing we had and they ruined it.

>> No.21356471

soon it will be Dunks

>> No.21356490
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>> No.21356531

i will find you anon. you won't escape judgement this time.

>> No.21356536

North Dakota, sorry fren.

>> No.21356542

OML I FELL FOR THE BAIT IN THE OTHER POST. I'm fucking retarded. This is bait anons, except you all knew that because you're all so intelligent. Fuck you.

>> No.21356556
File: 155 KB, 1125x562, 4220D41C-68E0-4405-B77A-FDD36D0A48F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ is having a meetup in two weeks if you guys can't make it to this one. it can be /fitlit/

>> No.21356593
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>> No.21356636
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>> No.21356652

it was excellent bait kek

>> No.21356680

t. cali

>> No.21356784
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>> No.21356790

I am a Black MfF, am I allowed to come ? no bullying please

>> No.21356799


>> No.21356901
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>> No.21356966
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>> No.21356980

And then you have Maine, the greatest state in the Union, 45 minutes away.

>> No.21357588

Sure, its not like /lit/ reads.

>> No.21357897
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>> No.21357913
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>> No.21358017

I think you know the answer to that

>> No.21358019
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>> No.21358110
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Hey Chuds, remember when Boston was a decent Anglo-Saxon Protestant town, and then the runt of Ireland washed up on our shores in rags and with their hands out begging for our nation to clothe and keep them?

Btw, don't attend this meetup /lit/. It's a glowie operation to hunt down LitChuds with racist thoughts (which most of you suffer from).

>> No.21358141
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>> No.21358169
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>> No.21358280

why does this anon keep posting pictures of 2001? were you not there? the tv played this shit on repeat to get us hyped to defend oilfields in iraq

>> No.21358495

god I fucking hate micks

>> No.21358701
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>> No.21358734

Okay that ACTUALLY glows. I seriously hope nobody shows up in ___NYC___ of all places at a prescribed time and place where it's easy to set up a perimeter and implicate a bunch of likely 4channers in a crime. The only /fit/ meet up that even makes sense is a powerlifting competition anyway.

>> No.21358736
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>> No.21358783

Any anons still around from the Sail Loft days? When ***** got into a shoving match with that fat flip-haired guy in a pink polo out on their deck and they only kicked the polo idiot out but let us stay—? Sadly I moved down south and have been missing these shitshows.

>> No.21358841

I would like to attend but I am a spic unfortunately and I live thousands of miles away. If anyone ever has a /lit/ meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica let me know.

>> No.21358952


>> No.21359003

Will I fit in if I'm mainly familiar with the Brontë sisters, Woolf, and Plath? And by familiar I mean dissertation level?

>> No.21359017

Any anons in København?

>> No.21359044

Yeah, should we do one of these?

>> No.21359054

I always felt bad for that woman. The floor she was on was completely wrecked, there was no escape and she was practically thrust onto the biggest stage on Earth.

>> No.21359156

I know at least 2 other guys irl that come here. Imagine they'd be willing to come

>> No.21359180

k set it up

>> No.21359189
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>> No.21359212

Thankfully, she died quickly and didn't have to suffer long when she was incinerated by the blast of the Mossad-rigged explosives that were placed in order to bring down the towers after the planes hit

>> No.21359228

That's a canard. A tired old trope.

>> No.21359246
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>> No.21359270

No, it's the truth.

>> No.21359330
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>> No.21359467

I'm in SoCal as well but when I started a thread none of you faggots replied.

>> No.21359488

I’m standing on the Orange line right now, contemplating whether or not I’d get drugged and raped at this thing. Or god forbid some tranny records me approaching my power level and I get fired

>> No.21359514

how many people are going?

>> No.21359566

i never used to mind irish people but my hatred for them grows

>> No.21359573

bronte sisters i can forgive, but woolf and plath? you clearly have no education or taste. go read your poems about hotdog water and leave the literature to real men.