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/lit/ - Literature

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21349498 No.21349498 [Reply] [Original]

why are jewish writers so good? I hate to admit it, since all "they" did to Christ, but they can write, you gotta admit that. Rosenzweig, Jabes, Kafka, Levinas, Agamben, Levi, Schulz, and even Proust lol. the list goes on and on.

Why does God bless evil people with such talent?

>> No.21349502

Kafka and Proust are both 10/10, the others I don’t know. Proust didn’t identify with Judaism though, Kafka did go through a religious phase but stopped because he associated Judaism with his dad

>> No.21349507

this the fourth thread I've seen about jewish writers. Maybe, just maybe, them being jewish is irrelevant and the only reason it's so suprising to you is because you are racist and cannot fathom the idea that people are individuals and not one part of a homogenous group.

>> No.21349512

/sffg/ here. Brothers Strugatsky and Alfred Bester were goat writers.

>> No.21349516

>since all "they" did to Christ
yeah, but jesus was a jew.

>> No.21349528

>it's okay to murder your own people

>> No.21349537

if jesus was jewish, why would he hate jews, or want his people to hate jews? also the romans fucked with jesus a lot too, so it's real fuckin' weird to me that nobody is going on anti-roman tirades.

>> No.21349547

jesus was a christian, what are you talking about? Why would christians hate jews if Jesus himself was a jew? Get your facts straight anon.

>> No.21349549

>jesus christ was a christian
the absolute state of christians on this board

>> No.21349550
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>jesus was a christian

>> No.21349554

The Romans acted out the law. Pilate and multiple Roman officials didn't want to execute Jesus, but because the Jews requested it and they were allowed some amount of religious freedom in their courts, they agreed.

>> No.21349557

they didn't have to torture him, but they did.

>> No.21349558

the self depreciation is inherent in the gentile form of judaism, ie christinaity, and since the day judeo-atheism took over, it remained at the core. See al the male comedians who love self depreciation.
This is also why female comedians all suck, because females are glorified in all cultures, since men compete for women in all cultures, but it's even more pronounced in judeo atheist democracies were women thrive so much thanks to the liberalization of their sexual market.
Now this is individualistic self depreciation

the social self depreciation was created after ww2 in europe precisely by the jews who milked the shoah as much as they could. Especially in France. You have to understand that France was riddled with communists and socialists in all layers of society (especially the higher layers) and jews like Henry-Levy loved to push for self-depreciation.

Now you combine this with the faux-introspective desire by women as an attempt to NOT pass as shallow entitled princesses living an easily life precisely thanks to the 1000s orbiters they have thanks to the liberalization of the sex market, and you get a whole industry based on theatrical self depreciation.

>> No.21349796

No, that can't be it

>> No.21349810

Didn't know Agamben was a heeb

>> No.21349822


>> No.21350182

Jesus fucking Christ you goddamn proddies will never cease to amaze me by your stupidity.

>> No.21350190

>if jesus was jewish, why would he hate jews


>> No.21350200

>Rosenzweig, Jabes, Kafka, Levinas, Agamben, Levi, Schulz, and even Proust
nobody cares about any of these except kafka and proust

>> No.21350208

Can't find a source on this

>> No.21350220

Saul bellow is the bestest 20th century author

>> No.21350223

Meds. Now.

>> No.21350310

Pushed by their families into higher education and more beureaucratic or literary roles.

See also, Mormons, Wasps etc

>> No.21350318

>Obvious bait post
>retards still fall for it
The fucking state of you people.

>> No.21350341
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>Taking Our Lord's name in vain
You blasphemous kike faggots will never admit that your religion is a sham based on Babylonian corruptions of the true Israelite religion. Jesus was never a "jew", nor did he follow anything close to your satanic Talmudic religion.

>> No.21350348

Wealth and education are highly correlated. Majority of the people in your list came from upper middle class families.

>> No.21350356

He specifically taught and practiced a new covenant distinct from the previous one. Anon is correct. You've just been bombarded with Jewish propaganda trying to rewrite him as one of their own.

>> No.21350357

NTA but jesus christ WAS christian. he just was christian at a time where christian and jewish werent mutually exclusive

>> No.21350365

Only Kafka is worth reading, the rest were just popularized among the middle class by the jewish-owned press and their influence is largely responsible for the decline in literature. E. Michael Jones talks about this frequently.

>> No.21350373

They are literary culturally due to the Tanakh, Talmud, Zohar, Midrash, and so on. I once heard a lovely Jewish woman say, speaking of her younger years, "When I went into his house, I didn't see any books, so I got afraid - every Jewish house has a library, so I couldn't fathom what sort of man kept no books." Something like that anyway. Now try and imagine the last time you heard any gentile - let alone athiest - woman say the same. The closest I can come is a Korean Christian friend's surprise one of our mutual friends had no desk for study.

Also, that the Jews killed Christ is only due their position as the spiritual firstborn of the human race. Every man who has ever sinned killed Christ, for it was for this purpose He came to die from the start - to free us from the bondage of our sin, and every nation on Earth likely has the blood of martyrs on its hands. They are not evil people, they are people - and, never forget, they are God's people.

>> No.21350456

Think he's just a philosemite

>> No.21350502

> even Proust lol
Wish retards would stop writing like absolute faggots on this board.

>> No.21350528

The thing that amuses me about these kinds of threads is that you think you're so worldly. Imagining yourself in a cafe, making gently subversive comments to shock the left wing art hoes, but occasionally admitting that they're a 'logophilic bunch, those Hebrews'. The truth is that you're likely a shut-in or Midwesterner, whose only connection to the world at large is the Internet.

>> No.21350551

>jesus was a christian,
I hate christlarpers so much

>> No.21350562

I answered this the last thread. Traditional Judaism is more rigorous than Christianity. Thus the Jews had more kindling to burn when the world abandoned the transcendent. Also, they've been literature for much longer than any western gentile people, having given up farming almost 2000 years ago... they also have a higher verbal IQ

>> No.21350563
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>including atheism, which is older than theism

>> No.21350570

Christ fulfilled Judaism, it is the pharisees and their successors who are unfaithful to it.

>> No.21350571

Please don't tell me that you're actually this retarded.

>> No.21350573


>> No.21350617

>them being jewish is irrelevant
I wouldn't say that. They have a strong intellectual tradition, of course they're gonna produce great writers

>> No.21350622

Jesus wasn't Christian but his followers were. You guys are fucking retarded

>> No.21350630

then why do christians hate jews if Jesus was himself a jew? who is the retarded one, jews or christians? i ddont get it.

>> No.21350636

go outside fag, most christians dont hate jews because most christians are gullible. that's why they believe in magic sky daddy who poof'd everything from nothing without question

>> No.21350643

Fucking disgusting arrogant piece of shit

>> No.21350644

Atheism had a few followers during the decline of Antiquity, disappeared, and picked up again in the 18th century under the influence of (((Enlightenment thinkers))). It is always a degraded form of thought, never a precursor.

>> No.21350651

The Big Bang was formulated by a Catholic priest and is the most commonly accepted hypothesis. There is no one more smug than a retarded atheist who dips his toes in the waters of thought, and thinks that a further submersion is beneath him.

>> No.21350664

>Atheism had a few followers during the decline of Antiquity
atheism is just the lack of belief in god(s) and/or religion.

Calling atheism a belief is like calling it a hobby when someone doesn't collect stamps.
You aren't born with any beliefs, you're born an atheist. Atheism is the default, factory standard. You can't believe in a god w/o someone else first making him up/discovering him

Tell me, what is a single unifying belief amongst atheists that theists don't share?

>> No.21350676

>what is a single unifying belief amongst atheists that theists don't share?
God doesn't exist. That's the only unifying belief, just as with theists the only unifying belief is that a god exists. I'm an atheist, please stop this shit, you're making us look bad

>> No.21350678

Creation preceded all other forms of explanation. Atheist is historically a positive belief system, and has never been the default. The default human understanding is that things happen for a reason.

>> No.21350679

>God doesn't exist
lack of belief is not belief in the contrary. Atheists are not antitheists. Learn basic english retard, what do the prefixes A and anti mean?
If you believe there is no god, you're not atheist, you're antitheist. As in the opposite to theism.

>> No.21350691

>Creation preceded all other forms of explanation.
That's under the assumption that creation is the right word.
>Atheist is historically a positive belief system
No it isn't. It literally means lack of theistic belief.
>and has never been the default
So you believe in gods the moment you are born?
>The default human understanding is that things happen for a reason
Guess what, most things happen without reason, just by subject of nature.

>> No.21350695

>things happen for a reason
Not incompatible with atheism.

"Lack of belief" in god is fundamentally the same as believing god doesn't exist. I don't care about whatever stupid language game you want to play. If you want to explain the nuanced difference between a lack of belief and a negative statement when it comes to the existence of god, please do. As far as I'm concerned they are the same.

>> No.21350696

You're too stupid to engage with, goodbye.

>> No.21350697
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>lists a bunch of literal whos
This thread was 100% made by a jew

>> No.21350701

creation leads to a paradox where you have this magical entity that can create everything from nothing and was themselves created by nothing, from nothing. Oh and this most powerful and prevalent thing in the universe? Yea we cant find it lol, just trust me when I say it's real and that you have to follow these commandments or it'll torture you. Trust me bro

>> No.21350703

>most things happen without reason, just by subject of nature
It was Lucretius who said, "Everything is the fruit of chance and of necessity."

>> No.21350704

>(((Enlightenment thinkers)))
Who are exactly the jewish enlightenment thinkers?

>> No.21350720

>"Lack of belief" in god is fundamentally the same as believing god doesn't exist
No they aren't. Not having belief and believing in the opposite are 2 different things. One is an assertion. Not having belief doesn't mean I'm asserting anything. Believing something isn't real is an assertion.
"I don't believe there is a floating teapot on the other side of the sun" is not an assertion
"There is no floating teapot on the other side of the sun" is an assertion.

It's not a language game, it's basic fucking language.
Does being apolitical mean you're against politics? Or that you're just not engaged with it?

cope ynbw

>> No.21350724

we're pattern seeking animals. we find what isnt there

>> No.21350729
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This. Jewish shilling has grown exponentially since Kanye started making them nervous

>> No.21350768

Truman capote saidnthe same but he was gay.

>> No.21350850

imagine caring about what that schizo says lmao

>> No.21350859

>anyone who think kanye is a carcrash is a jew

>> No.21351071

We are all "evil" if we consider Jews to be evil, OP. Every single transgression found in a Jewish person, or a Jewish people has been committed by all of us individually and as our own people. Usury, subversion, manipulation, monopolization. We can see it committed by other cultures and others races regularly.

The Jews may deny the true Messiah, but the Messiah himself will be very concerned that his 'people', those who claim to be his disciples, are doing to the Hebrews what the Hebrews have done to the Samaritans.

Moreover, he will be righteously furious that so called 'Christians' failed to even follow the caution and recognize the spiritual trap written in the book for you to read. He will have seen his own disciples become pharisees, just as Moses' followers had become the first pharisees.

Hate the Jews all you want. But God is watching.

>> No.21351395

Go back to /pol/ retard.

>> No.21351443

>...not one part of a homogenous group.
Until you have to apologize to that very group in a humiliating public display while those talented writers slander you and everyone you've met.

>> No.21351607


>> No.21351628

Christianity is just Judaism without the bullshit.

>> No.21351661

>without the bullshit.

>> No.21351685

It's because Jewish culture historically values education, philosophy, literature, and wealth, dumbass.
Based post.

>> No.21351940

Same reason they are good at sucking the blood off mutilated baby dicks?

>> No.21351955

and what would that be?

>> No.21352601

>audible gnashing of teeth

>> No.21352607

wait Proust is jewish? FUCK

>> No.21352643

>why are jewish writers so good?
They're not particularly good.

>> No.21352669

This reads like a self-berating rebuke.

>> No.21352678

Not a jew
not really jewish

>> No.21352735

Proust is literally ONLY good author on your list.

>> No.21352770

Jews dont make good writers, even in Dutch literature, I cant think of a single notable Jewish writer, though plenty of hacks get promoted.

Even Kafka is a meme.

>> No.21352782

First time I read Mullisch I was shocked just how bad and banal he is. He literally writes on the level of some wwii action novelist, but because he is a lefty jew he gets heavily promoted.

>> No.21352798

This. Leftists/kike shills are raiding the board, there is an identical thread up atm, and mods do nothing.

>> No.21352803

Calm down, sperg.

>> No.21352804

Do you actually think OP is right wing? You literal nigger-tier idiot.

>> No.21352812

>oy vey! Ive been found out!
Back to your r3ddit safespace, tranny.

>> No.21352830

I saw you already made that comment in another thread. It seems you are in need of new material. Try not using so many meme and buzzwords next time. You give the impression of a /pol/cel here deliberately to stir up shit. Perhaps getting a life might be a good suggestion