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/lit/ - Literature

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21349112 No.21349112 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a year or two since /lit/ did a collaborative project and I was thinking: we've done what, five novels at this point, what if we did a collaborative poem, something akin to Pound's cantos, or The Waste Land, or something like that? We could do it in two phases:
>PHASE ONE: we write the cantos, at least 120 of them. Some anons can submit early and claim a specific number for their canto and submit it independently, other anons can set up a Google doc and write their canto(s) together, etc., and we'll do this for a couple months so everybody has plenty of time to write
I like the idea of cantos because this allows us to write whatever kinds of poems we want without any regard toward continuity; of course, some anons might get together to write a "movement" spanning multiple cantos too.
>PHASE TWO: after the cantos have been written and compiled into a single reference PDF, we all write a commentary for the entire poem, à la Singleton's commentary on the Divine Comedy, or Nabokov's actual commentary on Eugene Onegin, or (better yet), Pale Fire, complete with line references (hence the need for a compiled reference PDF)

>> No.21349130

I like it..

>> No.21349356

absolutely; post googledrive link asap

>> No.21349415

I like this idea, especially since we haven't done a poetry project. The autocommentary is also a good idea. The Cantos already exists though. From Lyrical Ballads and The Waste Land how about something like Lyrical Badlands?

>> No.21349429

I like that name.
Also, you fucker, I was going to use etherpad as well! Great minds think alike. I'm currently setting up an email address for anons to submit their own cantos, for those who don't want to write collaboratively.

>> No.21349435

Also, we need to make sure that we're downloading the entire document every couple of hours or so, just in case (as usually happens) somebody deletes the entire thing or copy-pastes something massive in the middle of it.

>> No.21349470

Alright, email is up:

>> No.21349508
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Cool, yeah I want to submit something. How do we coordinate submissions and the doc? Update the doc with submissions, mark them and compare with the submitted version for the final pdf version?

>> No.21349527

We can do either, or we can just combine all the email submissions with the document. If anons want their canto to be a specific number, they'd have to specify which number in the email (unless the number was already taken, or there currently aren't enough cantos to fill in the space; for example, an anon emails his canto and says "I want this to be canto 142," but there are currently only 63 cantos.)

>> No.21349634

Bumping because this sounds interesting. Don't mind the poem I just added, just a placeholder until I figure something else out.

>> No.21349672

Just curious, is everything going to be included regardless of quality? Or do we have some sort of standard all the cantos must meet?

>> No.21350581

bump and a good question -- with a total jokework editing would only be limiting, but if we have to write a commentary too...

>> No.21350959

I'm not sure how we'd approach this. On the one hand, excessive editing goes against the spirit of /lit/'s collaborative works, but on the other hand, if some anon writes 200 cantos of Rupi Kaur-style poetry with random sentences and line breaks, then obviously we're not going to print that shit (worst case scenario, they'd be cut down by half and combined into one canto).

>> No.21350971

yeah i'm 50 into a kaurrun to destroy this doc & i should be stopped

>> No.21351015

absolutely, post googledrive link asap

>> No.21351383


>> No.21351931

What's the theme for it? Do we have some central idea? Otherwise it would just be a scattershot collection.

>> No.21352073

I'd like to claim number 8 ahead of time, I should take a break from my current esoteric Egyptian schizobabble to write a different variety of esoteric Egyptian schizobabble.
It'll be the Ogdoad sitting around kvetching about Creation. If there's time, I might be able to manage an intro in hieroglyphs.

>> No.21352087


>> No.21352516

where are the ones about jews?

>> No.21352544


>> No.21352715

I plan to write and another in a collaborative movement. If anyone wants to join that message me on discord.
duck feet#9379

>> No.21353372

Sounds good, Canto Eight is hereby reserved for you, anon.

>> No.21353375

Not really, no; the main theme or idea is that its written by us. Anons can write their own individual cantos, or, like I said, anons can write a movement spanning multiple cantos that are connected.

>> No.21353416

Sounds more like a collection or anthology.

>> No.21353440

Can i schedule a reservation for 61, 62, 63 and 65. (Skipping 64 rat number) for a collab project?

>> No.21353595

this is great

>> No.21353996

this is great

>> No.21354025

No, the theme emerges organically. Then it will be the job of us as annotators to elucidate what it is

>> No.21354031

bros if we pull this off it might as well be one of the greatest things we've ever written

>> No.21354033

it already is, anon. toss a canto in early!

>> No.21354335

I think that- if other anons do not object to this- we should throw in allusions to Pound's cantos throughout. We could even have a couple written as a parody or a variation on one of his themes.

>> No.21354837

not too much usurylarping tho pls

>> No.21354960

bumping where tf you boys at

>> No.21355306

yeah the thread has a lot less engagement than I thought it would desu

>> No.21355327

Too vague. I don't think /lit/ can create something with any cohesion without some kind of direction beforehand. You will just get all the shitposter's crude poems, that are sometimes funny I'll admit, but mixed in with more serious posters of all different styles. It won't feel like an epic or narrative at all. I think the goal is in conflict with the means to produce it.

>> No.21356293

What would your solution be? I'd like to see this project go somewhere.

>> No.21356725

I want to contribute but I'm no good at poetry

>> No.21356734

If Rupi Kaur, Bukowski, and Robert Frost got their poetry published, so can you

>> No.21357104

A very simple, broad direction at least. Make it just /lit/ culture, or "Anon on a journey", really anything to give it some semblance of unity.

>> No.21357105

Robert Frost is actually good though. Does not deserve to be lumped in with those other two.

>> No.21357133

I think a balance between high quality poetry and base level shitposting should be struck. A 50/50 split would be juxtapositional brilliance and completely in line with the culture of the board and 4chan in general.
>cantos 29 is an 24 stanza effortpost about the beauty of nature and the indomitable human spirit
>cantos 30 is a collection of how to say the n word in a dozen languages

>> No.21357228

I'm working with several others in making a small movement within the project that follows a list of semi strict rules. While this doesn't change the wholistic view of the project, it will make it feel more connected as several styles all ahere to said rules.
The movement will be based on these three rules, 1) It must be Fantastical in nature 2) Some amount of words must be made up, but feel connected to the used language 3) Time and place should be loose. One anon may make a miniature epic like a quest for the holy grail using strict hexameter while another may have a more freeform pure love poem, so while the whole collection of this movement may only be 5 or 6 canto's long, it would be indicative of the project as a whole especially if more groups made other multimember movements.

also >>21352715
This is me if anyone wants to work with that movement

>> No.21357697


No need to be "good" anon. Just write something from the heart!

This would also be in line with the rest of the work /lit/ has written (which we've gotten increasingly better at; There is significantly more funny stuff in our later works than there is in our early works, but maybe that's just due to board culture changing or something).

>> No.21358137

I think there's something inherent in poëtry that makes it less popular to a 4channel project such as this (regardless of (lack of) quality or form – tho p’rhaps this plays a part: given /lit/‘s conservatism qua poetic form and probable self-confessed lack of talent – tho then again, why not: why not just lots of doggerel rime?) – inherently less popular than prose, which constitutes (ofc a propitious time is also always part of it) the other /lit/ books, which, under a postmodern pretext (again, maybe more welcomed wrt fiction than poesy or felsefe – tho p’rhaps this too is already, within a relatively short span of time, some of an older /lit/ – Devs vvlt?), can be vaguely styled ‘novels’.

>> No.21358224

>Just write something from the heart!
Is there a maximum amount of times I'm allowed to say nigger?

>> No.21358228
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nevermind just realised it's been done >>21357133

>> No.21358539


>> No.21358561
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As long as it conforms to good taste, no.

>> No.21358581

Do you have autism?

>> No.21358588

There are at least 3 or 4 anons here who are willing to keep this project bumped and alive.

>> No.21358654

Because of a digressive sentence and satyrical alternative spellings??

>> No.21358744

Thank you for answering my question.

>> No.21358901

>Robert Frost
Fuck you.

>> No.21358928

I definitely recall a poetry collab a few years ago that was never finished. In fact there were many projects that were started and never finished, including a philosophy and Platonic dialogue one.

>> No.21358929

this has potential. will send my submission.

>> No.21358991

>including a philosophy and Platonic dialogue
Now that seems too difficult to pull off.

>> No.21359168


>> No.21359234

For Hypersphere it was decided by anons voting out submissions. Effectively, if an anon bothered to add a comment and defend it (if it was his work) he likely cared enough to keep it. But that book actually saw print.

>> No.21359268


>> No.21359276

>having never read Frost besides the two poems in high school

>> No.21359837


>> No.21360813

I wrote a haiku a while ago and I'm going to try to turn it into a full cantos if I can.

Winter pepe
As the autumn ends
Frog lays down to rest again
Finally at peace

Also if cantos 69 isn't just the word "nice" I'm going to be disappointed

>> No.21360920

can toes be a topic? im a foot fetish poet

>> No.21360922


>> No.21361541

It actually went pretty decent until it just lost steam.

>> No.21361565

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.21361573

Does someone have a link to all the stuff that lit has written? I only have The Coronameron saved.

>> No.21361811


>Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, a collaborative commentary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbY7SQNd1-T15L89XyOVk0Ekm6gQz_rI4UFCPyVO-Jo/edit

>&amp: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/
>Ideology: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykeUJpSG13dG5Zalk
>The April Reader: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykODRFX2hfdVNQekk
>The Metric: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykRjNSQmRxQ3hrbFk
>Zine Writer's Guild: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykdHNUSzdEVlZGOEE
>Pinecone (00000): https://files.catbox.moe/cqy414.pdf
>Pinecone (00000 again): https://d182a970-4c7a-4707-a668-1069357878e0.filesusr.com/ugd/43a6e3_8fd5555ccca045608ef09f0243232c08.pdf
>Pinecone (10000): https://d182a970-4c7a-4707-a668-1069357878e0.filesusr.com/ugd/43a6e3_2c702f9b9bba4a2fbedd1f5b4c5bb515.pdf
>Pinecone (4/20): https://files.catbox.moe/yk172h.pdf

>9gag only has four posters: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTtD6-Pqfg87wJ4NKwdjMxXGfXd1D9n0SNzX3Nun2KJ_8ePqY4ALAe_-kSlosuzaMovx-77TLOnTwA1/pub
>Poems by a nameless Irishman: https://4poet.tumblr.com/
>Sophisticated Rapping: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Classics:Sophisticated_Rapping
>The Flyting Thread: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hGrs03hSeU3MHzC6drv0R7No7ZSl4MSb/view

>A Walking Aphrodisiac: https://archive.org/details/AWalkingAphrodisiacByNicholasBlacksmith
>Coronameron: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N0AOCE7OvTX90eYH3fllNyTXSYVj6_fu/view
>Hypersphere: https://monoskop.org/images/7/7e/Anonymous_Hypersphere.pdf
>L'anomie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVIcBJmk5IEvcu7zMI3SbLT82r5VgLmG/view
>Leftopia: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CTAVK9ikIb87kl8KUQjYhRjeXoWwDU2m/view
>Manifesto of Saint Marx and Pope Doug: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XYAIMWSa4afNDs-E6BTfAabfXUhbqp0NhQad3bLfAEQ/edit
>The Complete Works of God II: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AevE5EPkxt43E4kT5j_Twz4Gyq39XG_ACl0WjTn-a5c/edit
>Story of JLINGZ: https://pdfhost.io/v/okAHzuCnZ_JLINGZ_An_Biography_Of_A_Young_But_Talented_Youngster.pdf
>BURGERPUNK: https://burgerpunk.github.io/
>Project Nano/lit/: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COym8YxM-c0Ql_BClQK45xy39Bx4ANjk/view

>Hyperlit (seven works): https://lampbylit.com/magazine/hyperlit/
>Misc (ten works): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykZ1M2dDM3YVg4eHM

>Volume I: https://markdumanon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LondonFrog-The-Last-Binge-Ever-Vol.-1.pdf
>Volume II: https://burgerpunkhome.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/londonfrog-vol-2-final-draft.pdf
>Volume III: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDyQ4AGISzKJsymNjDndc54KBxMlxbO9/view

>Collection (Volumes I-III + Kolaski): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykLS1IRjZialJ4RU0


>> No.21361815

>Gifts Evil and Good: https://archive.org/details/gifts-good-and-evil
>Rags and Bones: https://archive.org/details/rags-and-bones
>Simian Deluxe: https://archive.org/details/simian-deluxe

>Critique Thread Compilation: >>>>>>/lit/thread/S17435133#p17448974
>Worst of /lit/: https://pastebin.com/GW4Kjt67

Things I'm still looking for:
-Spare Change and Other Stories

Partial mirror at: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/works/

I didn't compile this list BTW some other archive anon did

>> No.21361832

thank you anon <3

>> No.21362251

I hope you experience great and interminable suffering.

>> No.21362307

People really should at least scan through a sample of Pound's cantos before posting their faggy ass haikus and meme poems. I can understand light hearted and satirical works but some of these are genuinely retarded.

>> No.21362317

You missed this one in Standalone works:

>> No.21362324

i suck a writing, but good luck anons of /lit/

>> No.21363204

not quite catching on, is it

>> No.21363210

Pound cantos format is probably too restrictive honestly.

>> No.21363811

The Lit Quarterly
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 5:

>> No.21365038

We're at sixteen in less than a week, which isn't terrible.

>> No.21365044

nice pinkies.
hope they're stinkies.

>> No.21365366

I do every day, thank you

>> No.21365427
File: 60 KB, 624x624, Posh Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I believe /lit/ should collaboratively write a libretto. Writing an opera seems a lot more fun and open to collaborative effort than cantos.

>> No.21366308


>> No.21366539

This sounds fun. Definitely more interested in analyzing the poems upon completion, but I'll try to write something still.
A sampling of my analytical genius that I have shared on lit a year ago or so:
>>If Nausea was a terrifying look at a grim life come true, the book about the French Revolution was an exhilarating account of revolt and the power of the crowd.
First of all, obviously, it should say "If Nausea were..."
>But even more irritating is the following. That the book on the FR is an exhilarating account should be Ed's unconditional opinion. The state of the book on the FR is not dependant on the characteristics of Nausea, yet Waldun presents the following from the text: if Sartre had written Nausea any differently, the French Revolution would not be as interesting to Eddington. Furthermore, by Waldun's assertion, in the case where Nausea is not a terrifying look at a grim life come true (which I could argue to be the case; Ed is having an existential crisis sure, but he does not question his own existence), then this book on the French Revolution has no meaning to him, or more precisely, is not an exhilarating account of the revolt and the power of the crowd. Surely Wally was intending to highlight the strong effect this history book full of characters had on Eddington, but by doing so poorly, he is cosmicly entangling Ed's understanding of two unrelated books, and worse, he is stating the exact opposite of his perhaps intended assertion.

>> No.21366541

>The tiger
A fearsome and yet majestic animal. Immediately, our imagination is seized. What is the tiger doing? Where is it? Or perhaps there's no specific tiger, and the author is talking about tigers in general. With just those 2 words, our mind has been flooded with images and questions that spring directly from our deepest and truest self. Such is Nael's mastery of the written word. He has us right where he wants us, intensely contemplating this hypothetical tiger and all that it represents...

>He destroyed his cage
While we were busy thinking about 'the tiger', he broke free of his man-made prison, asserting his reality and the urgency of now. At the same time, we're forcefully taken out of our mind and back to the present scene. Man locked the tiger in the cage so that he could safely retreat into himself, but that illusion has been shattered now. Or did we lock the tiger just so he could escape, and in so doing, save us from ourselves?

The tiger roars. Our heart is beating furiously in our chest. Every muscle in our body is tensing as adrenaline levels go up and up. This is what it means to be alive. How could we ever have forgotten?

The tiger's roar grows louder, covering every other sound, the vibrations resonating through the air, the walls and even our own chest. We understand nature better than every philosopher ever did. This is what Evola must have been looking for when he went for a walk during the bombing raids of Vienna.

>The tiger is out
The last verse, with the lack of action and material references, is a return to the linguistic ambiguity of the first. After the crescendo from verse 2-4, there's a moment of silence, and it's as if the border between reality and our mind has been blurred. We're left wondering if there was ever actually a tiger, or if it was just a projection of our desire for freedom. Are we free now? But there's also something vaguely ominous about this verse. Was Nael trying to warn us about the danger inherent in the spirit-soul duality?

>> No.21367248

wait are you the one that wrote this? I remember reading this both in the Coronameron and the annotated Moby-Dick. Good shit

>> No.21367413

the pissant cantos

>> No.21368253

L'Académie was after both of those but yeah I wrote them and put the Tiger analysis in Moby-Dick