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/lit/ - Literature

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21347200 No.21347200 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most good writers Jewish?

>> No.21347267

I wouldn't call kafka good

>> No.21347276

High verbal IQ + neuroticism

>> No.21347281

why not?

>> No.21347282

A financially secure livelihood leads to more picking up the trade of doing the arts.

>> No.21347284

you're right Plato was a good writer

>> No.21347287

Most good writers are sensitive people who have struggled and faced some of the cruelties of the world. Many Jewish people fall into this camp historically for obvious reasons.

Also, the best authors are usually very idiosyncratic and authentic in their depictions of their own cultural identities, which Jewish writers have been on top of for ages, much like Black American writers of the literature boom from Latin America

>> No.21347288

They aren't known as 'the people of the book' for nothing!

>> No.21347292

>Also, the best authors are usually very idiosyncratic and authentic in their depictions of their own cultural identities
no, this is just the most highly valued aspect of literature in the current academic/critical climate

>> No.21347314
File: 155 KB, 1480x832, Borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books about his life ?
Also: general Borges thread.

>> No.21347335

Completely wrong. Ulysses, Moby Dick, and most Shakespeare works all succeed on the strength of the cultural identity depicted. You don’t have Ulysses without 1910s Dublin and you don’t have Moby Dick without 1800s seafarers

This is like Lit Theory 100

>> No.21347367

>financially secure

>> No.21347368

schizophrenia is common in jews and schizophrenia leads to good writing

>> No.21347371

That's a muslim name for Christians as well

>> No.21347375

>schizophrenia leads to good writing
said who?

>> No.21347395

>most Shakespeare works all succeed on the strength of the cultural identity depicted
Yeah people love Hamlet because of its idiosyncratic and authentic depiction of Danish history

>> No.21347432

Because i personally didn't like what i've read of him. Very dry, both in content and form

>> No.21347548

The 45 elite literary men sitting around me in my room as I write this.

>> No.21347646
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>Why are most good writers Jewish?
In the land of the (barbarians eating their own shit) the (barbarian who only sometimes eats its own shit) is king.

>> No.21347749

The people who buy his neurotic ramblings in mass for decades.

>> No.21347799

in fairness his books piggybacked on the wave of cold war propaganda and got a lot of airtime that their literary merit didn't really deserve; he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

>> No.21348036

what have you read by him?

>> No.21348051


>> No.21348398

High verbal IQ + neuroticism

>> No.21348446

Jews are wildly overrepresented but they don’t constitute a majority

Jews have been literate for 2k years. They haven’t been farmers since the second temple period. That + high ashkenazi IQ (a full standard deviation above the mean) makes Jews over represented in the arts & sciences

>> No.21348453

If Jews and homosexuals are overrepresented in IQ scores, Pol Pot and Hitler didn't go far enough

>> No.21348461

This reads like an AI answer. Total pabulum. Jews aren’t actually exotic; the weirdness of the Jew is in how he fits into the host culture better than the gentiles themselves, at least when both are newly secular. Kafka isn’t interesting because he gives us the local flavor of the fucking shtetl. Even Bashevis Singer doesn’t do that, and he’s way Jewier than Herr Jackdaw.

No, Kafka brings many currents of the bourgeois secular mitteleuropean culture of his time and place to their radical conclusions. Utterly absurd to claim that he carves out a distinctive ethnic literature, or at least a literature which is appealing bc distinctive. Kafka’s work is appealing because it is brilliant and of higher quality than almost all of his contemporaries. Would be patronizing, as well as false, to suggest otherwise.

>> No.21348464

They're not.

>> No.21348466

If those works succeed it is because they manifest something universal about man and his condition

>> No.21348470

intelligence is no proxy for moral goodness

you make a good point that homosexuals are overrepresented among artistic geniuses as well. I can’t explain that one through genetics, though…

>> No.21348472

>Shakespeare, Goethe, Melville, Faulkner, Gaddis
>good maybe great never.

>> No.21348640

Well connected writers = Good writers (eventually if not immediately)

>> No.21349032

>Well connected writers

>> No.21349033

>Why are most good writers Jewish?
Judaism has not never produced a poet worth reading. Also, most good writers are Christian and Kafka is mediocre compared to Borges or even B.F. Traven. They are decent but not great.

>> No.21349077

>Ulysses, Moby Dick, and most Shakespeare works all succeed on the strength of the cultural identity depicted
I disagree, and it's ironic that you consider this "Lit Theory 101" because it encapsulates very neatly a lot of what's wrong with academic criticism. You dunces will go to any length possible to avoid admitting that these are all great works of literature primarily because they pass the most rigorous of eye tests. Their most significant commonality has nothing to do with "cultural identity" and everything to do with the fact that they are all of superlative artistry, first, foremost, and lastly. What makes a good writer notable is notably good writing. Since "good writing" isn't quantifiable despite literal centuries of academic effort, thence comes lumbering the patchwork behemoth sloughing mediocrity from between the seams of its stitched-together, shitskinned human parts.

>> No.21349081
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>thence comes lumbering the patchwork behemoth sloughing mediocrity from between the seams of its stitched-together, shitskinned human parts.

>> No.21349085

Their work has no soul, it’s not artistic because Jews are not artists nor do they have souls. They are simply technically good because they are amendment over arguing semantics. The whole Talmud is arguing with God and circumventing his rulings through word play.

>> No.21349090

Borges admired Kafka

>> No.21349093

>i-its a talmud!!!
And what does this have to do with, say, Asimov?

>> No.21349100


>> No.21349105

Partially it’s because “good” in western society is determined by Jews. Jews are the publishers, the critics, the academics and it would be surprising if they did not promote their own.

That said Jews are high iq people and many are great intellectuals.

>> No.21349165

They aren't

>> No.21349270
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-sometimes-i-d-like-to-stuff-all-jews-myself-included-into-the-drawer-of-a-laundry-basket-franz-kafka-104-49-23 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21349347

they are more intelligent, witty, soulful and creative than the rest of humanity.

>> No.21349353

Jews hate god, and hating god is cool

>> No.21349536

It’s funny how /pol/ autists hate Jews when Jews are just a race of autists

>> No.21349792

Jew don't hate that god, he's the hitler of gods who declares them aryan ubermensch despite having no civilizational accomplishments and having obvious drug and sexuality problems.

>> No.21349812
File: 26 KB, 330x473, Bruno_Schulz,_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe him, Bruno Schulz was his name

>> No.21349870

>having obvious drug and sexuality problems.
as opposed to...?

>> No.21349880


>> No.21349882

Yeah, sure

>> No.21350354

>>having obvious drug and sexuality problems.
>as opposed to...?
As opposed to not (having obvious drug and sexuality problems).

The hell kind of response was that lol

>> No.21350376

>That said Jews are high iq people
Not really. Europeans are statistically smarter than Jews. Jewish influence created this detestable midwit culture we have now

>> No.21350383

>Ulysses, Moby Dick,
Utter shit.

>> No.21350685

>Moby Dick,
oooo i'm stuck inside the tummy of big fish, ooooo it's like the bible ooooooo

>> No.21350710

>As opposed to not (having obvious drug and sexuality problems).
Yeah, like who?

>> No.21350717

second this

>> No.21350746

They are high iq like Chinese people but unlike the Chinese people they could pass for white and lived in Europe so it was easy for them to dominate the lower iq white people.

>> No.21350771

It's enough alone that they are an ancient people with an intact cultural thread across it all

But they are also a people who have remained under consistent pressure. This always results in artistic outbursts for a culture.

As an observation, I think Jews also tend to have a lot of appreciation for the things that they like or find beautiful. It's a common sort of Jewish character who appreciates higher things, classicism and such, with the same feeling for pop culture and trivial things. Love for the world is what renders good writers.

As far as this question of Jewish wisdom and intelligence goes, I won't bother to speak on that. This board is not a receptive audience to a positive discussion of Jews. But it is what it is.

>> No.21350779

Look in your ash tray

>> No.21350824

They're not, in fact I'd say literature is the one area where Jews are grossly overrepresented in comparison to their population percentage

>> No.21350827


>> No.21350856

Readers tend to by more antisemitic than moviegoers

>> No.21350883

jews are narcisistic psychopaths

they are not better than european or american whites at anything

as a matter of fact the "smartest" jews are white genetically

jews just like to believe they are smarter and push that illusion about themselves on other

the judaisc religion is a primitive fantasy full of stupidity just like any other religion and putting that stuff inside your brain cannot make you high iq because it has nothing to do with it
actually believing is stupid stuff makes you dumber

>> No.21350975

Most good Jews are writers.

>> No.21351008
File: 62 KB, 500x375, kafka_crumb55 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no literary goat has ever been Jewish. If you listed hundreds of greatest writers ever a tiny percentage would be Jewish.

>> No.21351022

Jews might be overrepresented in published works but they aren't among the greatest. Do they even have one?

>> No.21351032

i don't understand what you're getting at. Most people do not have drug or sexual problems, anon. I was comparing the catastrophically impotent state of the Germans, who embraced Hitlers aryan super race philosophy, to that of the Jews - as both peoples at the times they championed their own great superiority were the most laughable and under-achieving people on their respective continents; having not only fallen afoul of far superior civilizational powers (economy, military, art, science, culture) but also having been intellectually and militarily dwarfed by their own regional neighbors.

It's like a tattered ragged illiterate proclaims himself 'most best writer ever' and holds up what becomes apparent is a crude copy of a previous work, with the names of persons and places scratched out and replaced with his own.

>> No.21351033

Kafka was a literary goat

>> No.21351047

He was pretty good but I don't really think so. I haven't read anything by him recently though. Maybe he was goat of the peculiar Jew category. I do really like The Judgement especially.

What's so great about Kafka?

>> No.21351056

And even then it'd only be 1. Who else would you put up there? I don't believe Borges was Jewish but maybe, people do say that. Jews did a lot of stuff in Russia but you end up with
>dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, turgenev, Pushkin, gogol, chekhov, solzhenitsyn, bulgakov
And none of them are Jewish to my knowledge.
>Shakespeare, dickinson, Dante, geothe, Joyce, woolf
Are all not Jewish. Pretty much noone is.

And it really just goes on like that. Catcher in the Rye is the best Jew novel I think.

>> No.21351421

Allen Ginsberg was Jewish

>> No.21351456

The Jewish community prides itself on intellectual and academic endeavors. The people have a history of suffering and oppression. Throw in neuroses, shake all of that together, and it’s not hard to see why many Jews are great writers

>> No.21351509

Germany was known as the "land of thinkers and poets" before the World Wars

>> No.21351703

I tend to think this is greatly overrated and comes from that strange belief that europeans are "all germans", as Germany (or HRE for that matter) tended to lose when it was actually challenged and had great difficulty feilding armies, despite martial prowess being its biggest boast ... vs. mongols, french revolutionaries, north african pirates, turks, american revolutionaries ... the hapsburg empire was pretty useless for most of its history.

As well as technically being responsible for the tuetonic knights butchering half of the region, and for allowing Poland to exist - which an extremely evil place and engineering many of the conflicts that Germany typically got the blame for.

>> No.21351765

The voices

>> No.21352174

I reject the premise of the question.
For more than ten years in the pubic education system i was forced to study Jewish authors, punished for broadly rejecting the relevance of their work and the Jewish cultural perspective

>> No.21352579
File: 230 KB, 1150x838, Shrek & Donk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the land of the the is king

>> No.21352588

Didn't we literally just have this thread, like yesterday?

>> No.21352596

yep. thread's still up, actually >>21349498
Check the catalogue next time >>21347200

>> No.21352730
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1623368615201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are most good writers Jewish?
Are they?

Name 3 good/famous Jewish authors.

Myself I can only think of Kafka and...I guess Salinger, but he kind of sucks. Who is left? Fucking Moses?

>> No.21352746

Wikipedia or google can help you out

>> No.21352758

They aren't. Most are Aryan-derived.

>> No.21352764

I did and there was no one worthwhile to add to the list. Unless you think Karl Marx was a good writer, in which case you aren't real because nobody thinks that.

>> No.21352765

>literal nobodies only famous because they're jewish
I'm pretty sure black retards make better writers, honestly.

>> No.21352768

How many of them have you read? Or is this another /lit/ special of giving opinions on writers you’ve never read?

>> No.21352769

Lol dude you got BTFO, your anti-white hatred has been exposed and now all you can do is kvetch.

>> No.21352775

??? I just came here a minute ago

>> No.21352784

>oy vey! Ive been exposed!

>> No.21352792

Jews are more successful than you. Deal with it. Literally God’s chosen people. The only thing you were chosen for is a shit life.

>> No.21352799
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>> No.21352805

Do you even read? Kek

>> No.21352809

Reading is Jewish psyop

>> No.21352815

Inaccurate statement. I'm not even sure it would be fair to says Jews are overrepresented among good writers. I can see your claim as having merit if you flip it around: why are most Jewish writers good - good defined as being on the high tide of mediocrity. So I'll answer that question.
In my observation, Jews have two qualities that make them worthwhile writers. The first is a willingness and an ability to produce a massive output. The second, which I think is less pronounced, is a tendency to be subversive, seedy, prurient, or a combination of those things, which can produce ideas that are original, or at least catch the public's attention.
But neither of those qualities are unique to Jewish writers.

>> No.21352821

>dumb tranny doesnt know im jewish
Top kek you utter moron

>> No.21352824

I would say jewish writers are usually not very good. They are good at writing textbooks. Leave creative works to more sophisticated, more spiritual people.

>> No.21352829

Dude he called you out and refuted you and all you can do is throw out personal insults because you got BTFO so hard.