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/lit/ - Literature

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21343623 No.21343623 [Reply] [Original]

Can poc not read western literature

>> No.21343627

>Gulag Archipelago
>The story loves me back

>> No.21343632
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>> No.21343634

I prefer stories which hate me and intend to hurt me as reader. Those are memorable.

>> No.21343640

>it does not & cannot love you back
Yeah, no shit dumbass, it's words on a paper.
Also, don't most authors say that they don't think about an audience when writing? What happened to just writing for yourself?

>> No.21343658

Letting women talk and pretend they're little men was the worst thing that ever happened to humanity

>> No.21343660
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What is this general phenomena that's been spiking lately, relating to women and their inability to imagine anything existing without taking into account, their own relationality to this supposed object that ignores them?
The shallowness of human beings has never been this potent before, where their lack of individuality is so paramount that they feel the need to absorb concepts into themselves in order to feel fuller. Previously, their lacking could be sated by mere material benefits, but now they must appropriate whole ideas as well.
Could it be that their lack of motherhood and complete dismissal of the chthonic nature of their being in modernity has compelled them to absorb and parasitise life, as opposed to them nurturing and giving birth to it instead?

>> No.21343665

books love back?? wtf

>> No.21343667

I'm sure when the author wrote the book he wasn't thinking of a retarded 20-something pajeeta who thinks liking a flavour of tea is a personality trait. These people are really insufferable. They cannot imagine a world where they are not everyone's centre of attention.

>> No.21343669

Does being "oppressed" make you a narcissist? I'm asking this question sincerely. It seems as though the kind of suffering which tends to get group under the banner of "oppression" by leftists makes it very hard for people to see the world outside of their own bodies, as if their suffering makes them the center of the universe. This is very much reflected in the art and literature these groups produce.

>> No.21343670

Another victim of narcissism.

>> No.21343678

Its funny, sometimes I read brilliant things on this site, and more often than not they are paired with retarded pictures.

>> No.21343679

Im a women anon and I don’t act like this :3

>> No.21343689

>post unrelated

>> No.21343732


>> No.21343737

Troons don’t count

>> No.21343757

Why does it matter if the reader is black or not? The classics focus on ideas which transcend race.
Why are white women always so degrading to poc, saying they are quite literally less than human and their skin colour defines their identity?

>> No.21343775
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im non white and my favourite authors are white russians from the 1800s

>> No.21343784

>don't most authors say that they don't think about an audience when writing?
They don't. If they do, they're lying. At the end of the day they still send out the manuscript to be read - by readers.
Not that they constantly every random association caused by every passage in some random reader, what may trigger which intersectionist caricature, etc.

Alexander Pushkin, the 19th-century father of Russian literature, was a nigger, so that might explain your interest in the period too.

>> No.21343836

>the author did not think of you when they wrote it
So I suppose I can never enjoy POC National epics or religious texts either. What about POC authors writing for their own race/country/community? Does one have to be similar to something to endorse or enjoy it? I find this particular argument very strange. I can understand simply not enjoying the cannon out of a feeling of alienation, or because often times the negative attitudes of imperialist nations towards non-whites comes out at random moments, but because you’re not the intended audience?? What are you a fucking child. How about delving into the unfamiliar? For me, literature is partially cultural learning and a fascinating setting and cast of characters unlike myself can be a draw.

>> No.21343857

Wow this was superb analysis. This kind of psychoanalysis is hard because I cannot bring up “hard numbers” to verify, but this kind of behavior is so wildly observable in the internet age. There are few things women at large love than hoarding idols (in the form of identity labels and bite-sized visual “aesthetics.” It’s so prevalent it’s unreal.

For women it’s shit like
>cottagecore, other “cores”, etc.
>mental illnesses
>dark academia
>study vibes
>girl boss self insert
>fandom culture

For men, it’s shit like
>le doomer
>chad wojak
>Greek letter labels
>cultured media appreciated superficially and disingenuously

>> No.21343879

>Engaging with texts that have influenced some of the greatest people in history
>Nah. It's racist and therefore rubbish.
It's like an excuse for them to be ignorant and claim a very strange form of superiority.

>> No.21343965

Childless western women don't "give up" their motherly qualities, they just project it on brown people instead of their nonexistent children. It has to go somewhere.

Just like the way men sink their unfulfilled libido into all kinds of weird channels and pseudo-replacements if they have no woman to fuck, I suppose.

>> No.21344000

Just the opposite. Such traits prompt oppression by those types who reason that narcissists cannot be allowed any power or agency.

>> No.21344009

When asked why League of Legends’ female champs seem to have gotten more love over the last few years, Ryan ‘Reav3’ Mireles elaborated in areddit commentthat a whopping 97% of League’s female players only play female champs, while male player split 50/50 on male/female champs according to Riot’s data.

>> No.21344015

>a whopping 97% of League’s female players only play female champs
and this is a bad thing somehow?

>> No.21344021

Why is it good?

>> No.21344024

What is good and evil ?

>> No.21344028

women seem to know who they are more than men. while men are constantly calling each other trannies for playing female characters, women just play whatever character represents them. lots of men are fine to be viewed through a video game as some cute girl whereas women just want to look like themselves.

>> No.21344039

Unironically, tranny hands typed this

>> No.21344049

thinking it's disgusting when people pretend to be the other gender is a classic tranny take

>> No.21344053

All this over-analyzing
It's just narcissism

>> No.21344059

>while men are constantly calling each other trannies for playing female characters
No they're not lmao

>> No.21344064

you're free to visit and see what happens when people find out you're playing a female character

>> No.21344078

Aw did they say mean things about you there?
Whatever, I was talking about actual men and not /v/posters
Regardless I am indulging you, this is fun

>> No.21344087
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lmfao you actually did it you absolute retard.

>> No.21344097

men play the best characters bc they're trying to win the game regardless of what the character looks like while women try to self insert as the vidya character

>> No.21344103
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I think it's an issue of function vs form. For male players the characters simply perform different functions, and they pick whichever based on which functions best suits their playstyle. For women it's more about the form, they're more interested in the aesthetics of the characters and specifically aesthetics that match their gender.

Then if we look at OPs image, perhaps women can't enjoy classical literature because it doesn't involve that specific form they are interested in empathizing with. Perhaps that form is the "modern day woman" but no classic can be writing for the modern day anyone, they had no idea what the modern day would even look like. Functionally the stories still work and are brilliant though.

>> No.21344105

>a whopping 97% of League’s female players only play female champs, while male player split 50/50 on male/female champs according to Riot’s data.
Thats actually really interesting. I don't think it reveals that much beyond what everyone already know. That women are more focused on and attached to their appearance on avg than men.
Seems like pretty basic evolutionary reason for that...

>> No.21344110

Incredible bait. Here's a (YOU) for effort.

>> No.21344281

>Could it be that their lack of motherhood and complete dismissal of the chthonic nature of their being in modernity has compelled them to absorb and parasitise life, as opposed to them nurturing and giving birth to it instead?

>> No.21344296

More a standard woman moment than racialism. Ethnic narcissism is a modern (yes, modern) trait pushed by Jews and women in academia as it appeals to solipsistic risk-averse female minds.

>> No.21344394

I prefer stories which hate me and intend to hurt me as reader. Those are memorable.

>> No.21344423

Isn't the person posting this tweet white

>> No.21344424


>> No.21344444

social media should be destroyed
starting with twitter and this stupid website

>> No.21344463

checked and based and true in every word

>> No.21344561


>> No.21344602
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True in every respect, this website is ruining my life. Or rather I am ruining my own life with it, but the difference is negligible.

>> No.21344641

I would just love to take this moment to thank white women for making sure that everyone knows exactly how to think. Truly, without their guidance, people of colour would be unable to recognise their oppression. Furthermore, men might think that they have a penis, and they can actually accomplish something without the superior guidance of white women.

Thank you white women. The world is a kinder, more loving place for your wisdom.

>> No.21344644

not gonna lie, even though I'm lowkey racist I loved The Bluest Eye what the fuck is this bitch talking about lmao

>> No.21344793
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> Alexander Pushkin, the 19th-century father of Russian literature, was a nigger, so that might explain your interest in the period too.