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21341815 No.21341815 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so evil is a privation of good. But why does it exist in the first place? And why don't the God(s) do something about it?
I am assuming the Demiurge and the Gods are omnipotent and omnibenevolent.

>> No.21341829

>evil is a privation of good.
>Bit why does it (evil) exist in the first place?

is this bait

>> No.21341840

Start with the Greeks again. Something went wrong.

>> No.21341849

Because we live in an imperfect world, which isnt just a 1:1 copy of the world of Forms. Privation and de-gradation of being is inscribed into the being itself. But it leads to the next question:
>why is there a physical world at all? why something rather than nothing?

>> No.21341850

>I am assuming the Demiurge and the Gods are omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
The Demiurge is not omnipotent
The >>21341815
>I am assuming the Demiurge and the Gods are omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
The Demiurge is not omnipotent
The >>21341815
>I am assuming the Demiurge and the Gods are omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
The Demiurge is not omnipotent
The hyperuranium was already there before Demiurge
Demiurge couldn't recreate the hyperuranium completly. The world you see is a failed attempt

Also in the first sentence you said that evil is privation of good, and then in the next sentence you asked why evil exist. But if evil is just the privation of something, the lack of something, then evil doesn't exist

>> No.21341855

God does not exist. Evil and good is how you perceive them, but they are just actions and consequences.

>> No.21341859

>But why does it exist in the first place?
Because evil is a privation of good.
>but get rid of evil
Okay draw a triangle with two sides.

>> No.21341861

it doesn't, its pseudo-principle is ignorance of the good, there's no arche of evil
better question would be where does this ignorance come from, in the biblical myth it's associated to a primordial "sin" related to free will, so one could say since it was a possibility intrinsic to the potency of primordial man, it had to manifest, so, so to speak, proto-man chose to realize this possibility and spawn terrestrial "fallen" man, confused by the spell of individuation and whose purpose is to proceed backwards

>> No.21341872

>But it is impossible, Theodorus, that evils should be destroyed; (for it is necessary that there should be always something contrary to good) nor yet can they be established in the Gods; but they necessarily revolve about a mortal nature, and this place of our abode. On this account we ought to endeavour to fly from hence thither, with the utmost celerity. But this flight consists in becoming as much as possible similar to divinity.
—Plato, Theaetetus

>> No.21341874

What is the point of starting with the greeks if retards like op are unable to understand the greeks without external help

>> No.21341898

As this guy >>21341849
said it exists simply by the inferior and imperfect nature of our existence.

>> No.21341908

And what's the answer to those?

>> No.21341920

That quote is good at explaining his thoughts on how evil works but the OP is specifically asking why our world exists and why we don’t exist in the world of forms.

>> No.21341932
File: 188 KB, 1280x941, 1280px-O_xuízo_final,_de_Giovanni_Bernardino_Azzolino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand the concept of evil.
God simply "is". "I am that I am". He is all that there is. God's Will is. It is the only thing. Period.
To go against God's will is to sin. You were created in the image of God, your whole purpose is to follow God's Will. By doing that which is not God's Will, you are erasing yourself. You are committing evil. An "evil" being is a being that has strayed from it's purpose. You have become a lie. You are not yourself. You are, in essence, nothing. The end of your descent is the unending abyss of separation from God. If God "Is", and you are separated from that which "Is", then you are "Not". Nil.
Heaven is Completion. The absolute and utter Completion that was to be your birthright and destiny. Eternal rest, eternal peace, eternal fulfillment.
Hell is the infinite pit, the endless cycle of nothing.
God has given you the choice to follow His Will or to become nothing. Hell is a mercy, for if a being's who's entire existence (or rather, non-existence) is nothing but a lie, then they will feel nothing but burning suffering when they are faced with Truth itself.
Your time on Earth is but a tiny blip, then there is all eternity.

>> No.21341949

This. Anything else is just cope

>> No.21342029

Why does zero exist in the first place?

>> No.21342791


>> No.21342805

You should have said
>I know "nothing" is the privation of "something," but why does "nothing" exist in the first place?

>> No.21342915

Cope is actually not real but the denial of everything existing

>> No.21342920

Evil is why God exist, in tandem, each giving each other purpose in a dual system

>> No.21343077

Couldn't we have creation without evil? It should be possible since you believe Jesus will create a new heaven and a new earth where everything will be perfect, why didn't he do that in the beginning?