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File: 780 KB, 2000x1045, Two and one soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21335515 No.21335515 [Reply] [Original]

Two and one soldier Edition

Previous Thread:>>21324946

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21335530
File: 102 KB, 650x1000, Fairy tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys been reading books recently? I’ve read fairy tale by Stephen king and it’s alright for what it is. Served it’s purpose and all, but I wouldn’t reread it later on.

>> No.21335545

>You guys been reading books recently?
I’ve been reading that time loop story that one anon recommend called first fifteen lives, and truth be told, I’m liking it more than I would. Not going to talk about it much since I’m still reading it, but fucking hell, I would try and find away to kill myself in that scenario.

>> No.21335548
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21335550

All of these books are shit
Please, get some taste

>> No.21335580

You right, only a fucking retard would read Stephen King, no taste at all.

>> No.21335590
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Still reading Night's Master by Tanith Lee

The third section feels a little samey, and I feel like Azhrarn loses a lot of the mystique built up in the first two stories when he essentially gets pissy that a girl wouldn't fuck him

>> No.21335681

>Read book
>It's alright
>Then it gets bogged down in some form of base building autism
I hate this shit. Why do so many authors do it? There's even some authors who write ENTIRE BOOKS where the only thing happening is base building autism. It sucks.

>> No.21335772

Just recently finish the Andy weir’s The Martian. Taking the weekend as a small break before reading the king in yellow.

>> No.21335868

Just finished reading some non-fiction, so I’m about to read burning chrome that a friend lent me.

>> No.21335899

Other thread made first

>> No.21336177
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Gibson really shines in his short stories.

>> No.21336178 [DELETED] 


>> No.21336211

What the fuck is base building

>> No.21336234
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>> No.21336285

It's like kingdom building but smaller

>> No.21336309


>> No.21336350
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I'm glad Lord of the Mysteries doesn't have very good prose or it would be TOO good and no one else would be able to compete.

>> No.21336355
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>> No.21336382
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Are there any modern fantasy books not written by fat nerds? I've read Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss etc. and it reads basically like someone's DnD campaign, no substance whatsoever

>> No.21336383

There’s really never been anyone good beyond PKD and Poul Anderson in sci fi. You people waste your time.

>> No.21336412


>> No.21336419
File: 627 KB, 1000x897, 5uo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high noble forehead
>sharp features
Doesnt get more gigachadly than Bakker

>> No.21336422

Is a high forehead really so aristocratic?

>> No.21336518
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>"Hey Kaladin, did you know this one dude from your squad is gay? He's gay! He likes fucking men! But there's nothing wrong with that, because him fucking guys in the ass really makes him twice as manly, doesn't it! Did you know he's gay?? He has a 'partner' too!!!"
I can't believe people shill Stormlight as a good series

>> No.21336538

It's like two sentences in a 100 000 000 000 words book, who cares

>> No.21336572
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I'm searching for the best stories, either in the public domain, ir uner a Creative Commons license (already discovered watts, shiner and doctorow).

Any suggestion?

My website:


>> No.21336639
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>chapter 5 of Bands of Mourning reread
>already 20% in
Since there wasn't much discussion of The Lost Metal, how did you fags feel about Mistborn Era 2 as a whole, and Wax's character arc?

>> No.21336644
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Reminder to pour a bottle out for a real one today. )

>> No.21336648
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the first one is a bit amateurish, but the author improves a lot in the second book

>> No.21336653

/sffg/ - transsexuals shilling their books

>> No.21336658

era 2 started great, the faux-western setting juxtaposed with the progress in the basin, broadsheets were pretty good. I would say brando's work pre oathbringer and post is markedly different.

tlm oth felt like a rushed mess, which is not, exaggerated as the entire plot happens in 1 day, plots such as wax's political manoeuvring means nought as the book does not allow any introspection or breathing space.

I would put era 2 as 3+1, the earlier 3 books had a common feel to it, tlm is an incoherent mess buoyed by name-dropping and world-hopping; all characters till book 3 are pretty well developed, tlm does not advance anything

>> No.21336661
File: 700 KB, 1280x1705, 1280px-Patrick-rothfuss-2014-kyle-cassidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances he kills himself before the end of thr year?

> No word from him since DAW was sold.
> No World Builders, because he never released that chapter.
> No blog post or stream explaining anything.
> He is making crazy, depressing posts on Twitter so when he does come back he can say " Oh I was so depressed, mood disorder.jpg.

I believe he has mental health issues, needs a therapist etc. But damn, how does someone with that much money not get it under control?

>> No.21336662

>I would say brando's work pre oathbringer and post is markedly different.

>> No.21336674

I actually enjoyed TLM, thought it was paced well and moved along readily compared to many of his other works, especially anything Stormlight however I see what you mean in some spots and already plan to scrutinize once I finish BoM and reread TLM.
I found it funny that there's a quote from Brandon saying that TLM is "slightly more Cosmere-aware' than other works, like nigger you basically went full Cosmere in this book FINALLY. Either way, waiting six fucking years between book 3 and 4 was only harmful.

>> No.21336682
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Almost finished with pic related and I'm really enjoying it. Easily my favorite book by Greg Bear so far (I've only read his Halo/Star Wars tie-ins). I've heard Eon and Blood Music are even better so I'll definitely read those at some point too.

>> No.21336702
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I feel like I finally figured out why this series infuriated me so much.
It's not just that nothing is happening, but it's the fact that I don't give a single fuck about most of the cast.
I would honestly be ok reading 'nothing happening: the book' where it is a slice-of-life book about Kaladin working as a doctor in the tower, simply because I like the guy.
The main characters of WoT are extremely bland and boring, and never did anything interesting.

Also, what with the big bad suddenly appearing to fight Rand in the last 50 pages?
All the same through books 1-3.

>> No.21336721

1) scholarly study of magic
well, the most glaring point is the scholarly study of the magic sciences, tlm and row has heaps, oathbringer has a precursor with the flying platforms, now it can be argued that fabrial sciences were always under discussion since the first book, but they were never so overt, it was always in the background, these 3 books have an inordinate focus on the study of realism of magic

2) interaction between characters
before oathbringer, characters knew themselves, if they are overpowered in magics, then they are usually mentally fragile and they know this, and interact with others accordingly, we see this with vivena, raoden, kaladin, the entire mistborn crew; after, well the protags' mental fragility is never resolved, it is kept dangling, ever ready to be used repeatedly, even in the shorter sequence that was the tlm, you have the self-effacing wayne remonstrating throughout the entirety of the book, only death could set him free

>> No.21336730

>scholarly study of the magic sciences
the in-universe term for that is actually 'realmatic theory', to be pedantic

>> No.21336740

>Either way, waiting six fucking years between book 3 and 4 was only harmful.
it certainly was, tlm is already different from the first 3, the progress is too condensed, the issue is raised with newer humans to be never addressed, the politics of the outer basin is never considered despite the majority of the story being held in bilming; remember when in the bom, the crew went to a sort of outpost; the description of that city and its surrounding, the ropeway ride, the graveyard set-up, including the approach with the railcar is more detailed than anything we get of bilming, it may as well have been a suburb of elendel

tlm cannot be thematically be considered under the same era of the other 3 because their technological make-up is very different, the other 3 are a self-contained unit, tlm has electricty, trams, subways, warships, atomic energy (beginnings of), it is far removed, thematically, from its initial books

>> No.21336760

>the issue is raised with newer humans to be never addressed
If you mean the Southern Scadrians then yeah I agree. I thought they would be more of a presence other than Marasi's husbando and the Ambassdor dude who only served to be a plot device to take the Bands to the South, for reasons unknown; please wait 5-8 more years! :) Bilming felt like a generic Roughs town, many things glossed over.

The other three books had electricity and the beginnings of a subway system. Trams and more convenient public transportation isn't too far of a stretch. Warships and atomic energy, I can agree on however some of that will obviously be accelerated by the existence of Investiture and its subcomponents. But then again, a repeated gripe by Harmony was that humans (in Elendel, at least) were too complacent and didn't advance like the Southerners did.

>> No.21336780

>The other three books had electricity and the beginnings of a subway system
did they? i remember wayne bumping into the future female edison at a party in book 2, and by tlm, his investments in her products has left him quite wealthy

re: harmony's gripe, i do not know whether sando's going for the discord and chaos theory route, but he would require some socio-political chops to successfully pull that off

>> No.21336804

>future female edison
Nah, she invented the radio IIRC, thanks to Wayne's investment. Her father was the one to invent the bulb and had his work stolen by a professor Wayne was impersonating, like how Edison stole the work and won the acclaim for the lightbulb irl funnily enough. Anyway, yes electricity was remarked upon many times throughout the books, and an underground transportation system was mentioned as having started being worked on, or rather like a large underground tunnel was being built for that future purpose. Wayne was accumulating money throughout books 2 and 3, starting with the reward from the Vanishers case, but I believe it was that investment, and others, which made him nigga rich.

Era 3 will only be around 50-70 years after so I suppose we'll see how drastic the changes are. Sazed is losing more and more of himself too, over time.

>> No.21336818

>i do not know whether sando's going for the discord and chaos theory route
Seems to be what's happening with Sazed in the Lost Metal, yes. Bit weird that no ones comments on it

>> No.21336945
File: 372 KB, 1707x2560, Domestic Decay 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: Domestic Decay 1,2,3,4
Author: Anya Merchant
Rating 8/10

William is a young, 20 years old super-hero. O rather, was a super-hero, because at the start of the series he's being released from top-security prison for supers where he'd spent the last two years. When his father, known super-hero Halberd went rogue when Will was 15, he went with him, slowly spiralling deeper into conflict and crime of supervillainy. After unspecified events, Will was eventually caught and treated with leniency due to his age. Now, almost a hardened criminal, he's being released from prison and going back to his family. In this world basically super kills their mother during childbirth, so super families don't have biological children and everyone is adopted. His mother, Relic, is one of the strongest supers around...and also one of the hottest, being a sex icon for supers and villains alike. He also two sisters, Rue and Avery, who don't lack in beauty department either. And after two years in prison, Will is quite pent up, which will lead to a lot of hilarious shenanigans.

Yesterday was a wild ride for me. One taste of Anya Merchant's writing left me thirsting for more, and when another Anon said Domestic Decay (DD) is the best series by the author I wanted a peek. The peek ended up being a full-day marathon through the four books. I am utterly drained and exhausted, yet I still want more. The writing is simply THAT good. The dialogues, characters, story...This would be a decent read even without erotica elements, as it is I'm baffled, dumbstruck and stupefied that a niche erotica with incest elements can be so good. DD is everything I wanted, and more.

Each relationship the protagonist has with woman in his life in unique, and approached in a different, interesting way. The story is, of course, extremely hot. Anya Merchant is great at weaving erotic elements into almost every part of the story, almost effortlessly. A lot of it is driven by the protagonist's horniness, but it's more than just base urge. There's more to that, and that is what elevates the story above most erotica stories I've read.

The biggest flaw of the series are the covers. They are so fucking cheap, almost ugly. The series deserves better than a cover art more resembling a 15 year old's first cheap erotica book, rather than this interesting story of lust and love that I got. Jesus, this might be one of the reasons the author isn't more popular. The cover I attached to this post is one of the better ones and it's still kinda bad. Anya Merchant MUST find a better artist.

Theoretically I shouldn't rate four books at once, but they are incredibly consistent in quality, which makes it a lot easier.
Thus, my rating: 8/10

My '''Reviews''' are shit...But for some reason only me and another review Anon seem to write anything about books we read in this thread. If you can do better, I will gladly see what YOU write. Because you read books too, right...?

>> No.21336975

> The series deserves better than a cover art more resembling a 15 year old's first cheap erotica book
But it is a cheap erotica book written by someone with the IQ of a 15 year old.

> My '''Reviews''' are shit.
Because you read shit and write about shit.

>> No.21336992

He was BTFO by based Keely.

>> No.21337011
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>> No.21337068

Your """reviews""" are shit

>> No.21337103

Maybe if you reviewed real books I wouldn't hate your posts so much.

>> No.21337109

I like that you review, anon
Maybe try reviewing novels that don't sound like utter shit

>> No.21337114

Your reviews are super nice


>> No.21337121

I would like more than two long-form reviewers in the thread. I don't count myself because I review sporadically and nobody ever reads what I read anyhow.

>> No.21337145

I would also like to say that I believe Marasi's character arc ended quickly, not to imply that I dislike her as a character, and it took too long to develop Steris, opposingly. I like that Marasi mostly does her own thing the entire time in Era 2.

>> No.21337159

I feel like the most important part of Marasi's development basically happened off-screen between books 1 and 2.

>> No.21337204
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>Maybe if you reviewed real books I wouldn't hate your posts so much.
I review normal books as well. People whined anyway. Schizos in this thread are you looking for an excuse to be shitty.

>> No.21337213

All she needed was time to move on from Wax, and to get used to her job lol

>> No.21337288

My son loves his books

>> No.21337309

>But damn, how does someone with that much money not get it under control?

The same reason kanye west doesnt get it under control, when u have too much money most people dont have power over you, so they cant force u to get help, even if they really need help if they dont want people cant force them.

When a normal family have someone going crazy they can force him to get help, but how can u get a millionaire/billionaire to do the same when they have enough money to shield them?

>> No.21337325

Because your reviews are fucking shit

>> No.21337330

seethe cope dilate

>> No.21337442
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>> No.21337455

This book is fucking kino revenge journey

>> No.21337459

Egan is King

>> No.21337529

inspect element

>> No.21337597
File: 146 KB, 794x1200, 7A82E2C6-DB72-46DF-A6A3-4C82B0433596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings of fire #5 The brightest night

That was a fantastic ending to the first five books in this series. When I first started reading these, I liked Sunny but I never really thought too much about her. After reading this, she is now top derg.

Since each of the dragonets in the Wings of Fire series had a book devoted to them, I knew this one would be Sunny's turn to shine. Although the other dragons often are a little bit dismissive and treat her as their pet, she really comes into her own in this book. As she tries to stop the war that seems destined to rage among all the different dragon types. (And like, they’re on the front cover) I actually liked everything about this book! But since the beginning to the end, I was quite hooked to it, and it was a different kind of hooking feeling. Sunny's chapters always ended with a kind of brief conclusion, which left you kind of yearning to know what happens next. Or maybe that's just me. I think that's what got me to finish it in a day. Also, you just had to read on after the prologue was introduced, from Queen Oasis's point of view, can you imagine? It dawns on something that had been talked about but not gone into detail over since the beginning, and it's what started the war at large, so naturally, those were some juicy details.

Another thing that stood out to me was that scavengers - humans - were reasonably important in this book, and I liked humans being described from Sunny's point of view, especially their speech, which Sunny described as: "Yibble, yibble!”
This last novel to the war arc wraps up everything nicely with a bucketload of plot twists and answering all the mysteries and ending the 20 year war in a satisfactory manner.


This one really surprised me by being the best WoF book so far.

>> No.21337598
File: 38 KB, 302x500, 51TJGCr8UBL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fall of Hyperion, Hyperion Cantos #2 - Dan Simmons (1990)

As with the first book, The Fall of Hyperion was narrated through a frame story. This time it's told through dreams, though considering how accurate they seem to be, it may as well be the same as telling each other stories. The dream sequences follow the pilgrims of the first book and they were more horror oriented than I expected. They even joke about horror movie tropes. There's a lot of humor, which I enjoyed considerably more this time. The space opera scenes of the frame story were the highlight of the book for me and reminded me that I need to read more space opera that I enjoy, but that seems difficult for me to find. There were spaceship battles, governmental politics, diplomacy, and so many differing societies on so many planets.

I was surprised by how many different ideas were included. Many of the ideas could each be the focus of their own novel. This abundance of ideas meant that there wasn't much development for most of them. Simmons presented an amazingly accurate depiction of smartphone addiction and technological dependence. The Hegemony had gone far beyond globalism and their interdependence astonished me. The story and character reactions crossed into melodrama and hysteria a few times, but the extremely online are often like that. My favorite concept continued to be the elimination of distance through portals. I may have an unreasonable like for portals, but it's not something that I actively seek out, because I don't for almost anything.

There were several questionable narrative choices and little that can hold up under scrutiny, but sometimes that's irrelevant. What matters most to me is how much I enjoy something, whatever it may be. It's not the only consideration, though it is the primary one. This was an utter delight to read and I enjoyed it as much as the first. The first book had higher highs and lower lows while this one provided a smoother reading experience that was almost uniformly pleasant. There were so many passages that I considered including here. Not the poetry though, I didn't really care for it. Also, the descriptions of the female body and the sex scenes were quite something again.

The ending and epilogue took an unexpected turn in that it explained what truly mattered most in the universe, provided the final answer to a religious question, and made a few political statements. There also was a scene that seemed out of place and I assume was for comedic relief and may have been a reference that I can only guess at. Simmons almost had too much fun with the ending and epilogue. I don't know whether that's what he usually does or not. The final lines were nearly identical to those of the first book, but somehow I found that I didn't mind at all this time. I know the remaining two books aren't supposed to be anywhere as enjoyable, but I'm cautiously optimistic anyway.

Rating: 5/5

>> No.21337617

There's at least four writing about what they read now and again.

>> No.21337669

>But for some reason only me and another review Anon seem to write anything about books we read in this thread.
For someone who writes a lot, you don't read much. The whole board is people discussing books, and you guys just vomit words hoping nobody bothers to read and disagree.

>> No.21337679

they also made Kaladin homophobic to balance it out

>> No.21337689

should I read Mistborn if I started Sanderson with Stormlight and read all the books there + warbreaker?

>> No.21337697

Who cares what the rest of the board is doing? Only what happens in this general matters. Maybe you should keep yourself there if you care about it so much.

>> No.21337699

>The whole board is people discussing books
This whole board has never been about discussing books roflmao

>> No.21337703

No, you should cut your losses and never read Sanderson again.

>> No.21337725

your """reviews""" are shit

>> No.21337731

I thought it went well enough for being an unplanned era. He had a lot of fun with and was even less serious than usual. It wasn't any special, but it was readable. The long wait was unfortunate but needed because of what he did in TLM. If it came out earlier it would've been a problem.

I didn't care about Wax.

>> No.21337732

Why are you reading childrens books

>> No.21337737

Do you think that discussion can only occur in the form of question and answer?

>> No.21337750

If an anon doesn't have at least one anon dedicated to hating them, does that anon even matter?

>> No.21337756

Next would be The New Space Opera anthology, which I've already posted to GR, but it would take four posts here, so no. I may not be posting or reading much for rest of the month depending on how much time I spend on what I'm playing next.

>> No.21337757

>There's at least four writing about what they read now and again.
Four. Fucking four. Out of 50+ people that regularly post in the thread. This a pathethic number and you know it.

>> No.21337760

okay I'll go read Black Company then

>> No.21337797

Prepare for a shitshow in Endymion and see how highly you've rated Hyperuon and the Fall of Hyperion...

>> No.21337813

Well, I meant in a longer formal form that would be commonly called a review. I don't think it's possible to count the unique number of those discussing in any way. Depends on how loose that definition is, it could include:


Who knows how many anons those posts are.

>> No.21337833

Sorry chad, in real life the lawman gets the autist girl.
After this last book I am really looking forward to seeing what Kelseir does next.

>> No.21337859

If that happens, it happens. I won't be reading them for a couple months at least probably. If I don't think it was worthwhile afterwards then that will be unfortunate, but I have to do it anyway. I consider then separate enough that reading them shouldn't affect my enjoyment of the first two books much. I didn't like Dune's last two Herbert books, but that hasn't affected how much I liked the former.

I've seen it's more like a fantasy adventure and not like the previous at all. I'll try to judge them on their own rather than compare the two. The Simmons novella I read in The New Space Opera eas disappointing, so it's not like I'm assuming that I will like it.

Then there was recently Urth of the New Sun which I thought wasn't all that different in terms of my enjoyment despite others saying it well could be. I won't know until I read it.

I assume that's how you felt about the books. Maybe even somewhat similarly about the first two. You could also be talking from similar expected experience of liking the first two roughly the same amount that I did.

>> No.21337872

Kelsier will become the Allusive Man.

>> No.21337883

Illusive, whichever. Ghostbloods are basically already Cerberus in terms of Scadrial.

>> No.21337904

Are there books with actual evil MCs? I want to read one where the MC is a rapist and murderhobo. It seems like authors don't really want to write these types of characters.

I tried writing my own story on RR but it wasn't posted since the start of that story has the MC committing a school shooting and raping a girl before getting transported to fantasy land.

>> No.21337926

One thing I dislike is how different the Ghostblood seems to be in The Lost Metal compared to Stormlight. Yeah they're different dudes but they're all hand-picked by Kelsier, and their methods couldn't be more different. In TLM they're basically a quirky band of characters running around protecting Scadrial and in Stormlight they pull shit like casual assassination of their prospective candidates to test the worthy and abusing seons.

I'm also tired of Sanderson "revealing" that characters from stories that took place thousand of years ago have become worldhoppers off-screen and are now all working together. Seriously, he's done it for the Elantris books, White sand, and even Mistborn. Maybe he could charitably explain why the fuck are all these nobodies figuring out interstellar travel while every single government in every single planet seen so far seems unaware of it.

>> No.21337938

The Ghostbloods on Roshar seem a lot more threatening than the Scadrian HQ.

>> No.21337945

if you want murderhobos you could read Prince of Thorns. Lots of rape and pillage, heck theres rape and pillaging in the first chapter or something.

MC is a psycopath bent on revenge after his family gets killed but he takes things to the extreme where he doesnt really care who he has to kill. Like he doesnt become Batman, he becomes the Punisher instead

>> No.21337948

Okay this sounds like the type of edgy I'm looking for. Thanks anon.

>> No.21337950

Kellhus in Prince of Nothing is from his point someone who acts outside the realm of morality, but from the point of view of everybody else he is evil (most not knowing it of course.)

>> No.21337953

Stuart Grosse writes mostly about rapists.

>> No.21337967

Scadrial = FBI
Roshar = CIA

Yeah, the characters banding together just has to be something that's accepted the same way it happens in Marvel movies. It's not every planet, but almost all of them, yeah. It's silly, but it's just how it is so I don't let it bother me in this particular case. I understand how it does though. I guess I just have different expectations.

>> No.21337981


>> No.21337988

This isn’t the writing general, you fucking retard, we don’t care about your fucking writing. Go there

>> No.21337991

Kings dark tidings has an MC who is pretty much a murder hobo.

He's not a rapist though

>> No.21338005

That's a shit book to reccomend.

All the women act like retards and I was surprised to find out the author is a woman.

>> No.21338019

People can decide for themselves. It is not like there is a rule that only published works can be shilled here.

>> No.21338026

In The Lost Metal release party livestream Sanderson went into detail about how the success of the MCU allowed him to do the Cosmere. If the MCU wasn't successful there would've only ever been vague references.

>> No.21338034

>Shitty synopsis
>Shitty cover art
>second-person point of view
Why the fuck are you shilling your piece of shit garbage here? Fucking hell, we already have enough shitters, we don’t need you.

>> No.21338036

Okay, and?

>> No.21338037

I like crossover shit and most of his books always have a big hype moment at the end so I think this is a good thing.

>> No.21338038

>Sanderson comparing his books to MCU.

>> No.21338046

>>second-person point of view
I just skimming through the first chapter, its some sort of VN with images padding the length. Still don't know why he posted it here and not the writing general.

>> No.21338049

>big hype moment at the end
I don't like this. It feels like way too much filler before everything gets into place.

>> No.21338055

That's well and good but I think that if he's trying to adapt his work into a tv show, which he has confirmed, the interconnection of his stories will eventually work against him.

So far it's fine, just mostly-vague references and Hoid, but eventually any adaptation will have to make some drastic change because while I can believe a Mistborn and Stormlight adaptation will eventually be on the table I don't see anyone bothering with Elantris, White Sand, or Warbreaker.

>> No.21338058
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Can anyone vouch for this series?

>> No.21338067

I honestly can't see stormlight being adapted due to it's setting. It's all gonna be watered down like the netflix adaptation of witcher

>> No.21338070

Have you tried reading it and forming your own opinion on it, rather than relying on anonymous internet strangers?

>> No.21338080

It's unironically a 10/10

>> No.21338097

I wouldn't be so sure, in recent years there's been a real push to bring down the cost of CGI in tv shows while keeping the quality up.

If Stormlight happens it definitely won't be before Mistborn is adapted and even then, only if Mistborn is a great success. I do think Mistborn is way easier to adapt.

>> No.21338100


I'm halfway through The Shadow Rising of WOT. Does the series actually get good at some point? I hear it meanders through the middle.

>inb4 it sucks

I will finish it anyways.

>> No.21338112

>I will finish it anyways.
Then why even make your post? Just keep reading you retard.

>> No.21338117

Sounds like an odd statement considering the Cosmere was his original intention and goal from the very beginning.

>> No.21338121

Isn't it just a strongwymn emasculationfest?

>> No.21338127


So I can have expectations or a frame of reference from other people who have read it. Also I wish to know the opinions of those who actually like it as I enjoy discussion beyond 'it sucks don't read'.

>> No.21338133

If you want discussion, then why are you on /sffg/? Being here contradicts that.

>> No.21338135

Are there websites that summarize books?

I want to get back into cradle but I binge read it to book 8 before the other books came out and it's been about two years since then.

Also how do you guys remember plot points for book series you've dropped but came back? Does it all just come back as you read or do you guys reread everything?

>> No.21338138

it sucks don't read

>> No.21338140


These made me irrationally angry.

>> No.21338143

>Are there websites that summarize books?
The absolute state of zoomer /sffg/.

>> No.21338155
File: 2 KB, 493x402, 1427924964540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello frens, newfag here. What books do you recommend as the most entry-level kino for sci-fi and fantasy? I never really dabbled with the genre before and would like to broaden myself to more imaginative fiction.

>> No.21338156

Check the charts in the OP.

>> No.21338158

This anon is retarded and thinks he's smart.

Cradle actually has a website that summarizes important events to help you with memory. Just google Cradle book summaries and it should come up first.

Also for me I just keep reading the sequel book even if I forgot what happened. It all comes back since most authors usually reference what happened in the previous book.

>> No.21338159

Well, he himself has made it clear that Mistborn is basically just a heist movie, so you can absolutely pull the first book off as an adaptation. He's also mentioned he'd likely make Ham and... I think Dockson female because he realised that it was a little odd having Vin be the only woman in the heist gang.

>> No.21338163

I vaguely remember a fantasy book trilogy I used to read while I was young but for the life of me I can't remember the title.Does this ring any bells?
>Some kid gets abducted by a witch and get sent to another planet
>Somehow gets back to earth with powers, and all the kids in the world gets power as well, but lose them once they're adults
>Super-witches with superhumans strengths and several sets of jaws hear about this and prepare for war
>Kids fly from earth to the witch planet to fight them

>> No.21338166

Try google.

>> No.21338169

I agree with you on terms of Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune, but Endymion is the unique case where the last two books impacted my love of the first two. Your review od Urth of the New Sun made me question why I loved the New Sun so much. I still don't have the answer. The world building is better than Long or Short Sun, but the characters are not nearly as likeable. Maybe I was just manic when I read BotNS...
Here's someone who will enjoy Book of the New Sun. Read the Stars My Destination if you prefer something much shorter. Read Eyes of the Overworld if you'd prefer a dark comedy.

>> No.21338184


Well, that was embarrassingly easier than in my head

>> No.21338196

A lot of questions asked here are easily answered by using google, or any search engine, don’t know why people here don’t do that as their first option.

>> No.21338206

Mistborn the final empire

>> No.21338223

Choose books that are already based on another medium.

I would recommend Esienhorne Xenos and the expanse for scifi. Both books are based on an established setting with Xenos for Warhammer and the expanse from a tv show.

For fantasy I'd reccomend the progression fantasy genre as a whole. Almost all books in this genre are an easy read and relatively short.

>> No.21338329

Yes, it was his intention but he was told that there wasn't any market for him to do so and that he shouldn't do it because it would be a commercial disaster because that wasn't what readers wanted. It's still be seen how it turns out now that he'll be doing it a lot more now.

Huh, I had no idea that what I wrote had such a impact. I would think that the reading itself would have more. Maybe you just hadn't thought it over again much and what I wrote was just the catalyst rather than the cause. I hope it doesn't affect me that way. If I knew for sure that it would, I don't think I would continue, but it's possible I still would. I don't consider that a good thing.

My response was delayed because a relative's field caught on fire. Never know what will happen.

>> No.21338406

>protags stray dog that he fed is actually the bloodline of the heavenly dog

Uh huh every time...

>> No.21338494

People seething about the Endymion books on this board always out themselves as retards who didn't get it or fags who nitpick at small, marginal issues about continuity. They're far superior to the last Dune books and give a resolution to the series that Herbert (or his son) never could with his, all this using shared space opera tropes (messianic figure, predestination, man vs machine, etc.) and with pretty much the same telos.
I think you'll be surprisingly pleased by the end, reviewman.

>> No.21338551

Paranoid Mage has a hypocritical mc

>> No.21338561

This is why Will Wight is superior to Sanderson.

>> No.21338628

That could well be the case. That happens at times when a continuation isn't exactly the same. It happens with bands as well. I hope I will be. As I said I'm cautiously optimistic. I looked at the opening line of Endymion after I read the book to see where it started and it said: "You're reading this book for the wrong reasons" which I thought was both very amusing and a risky choice that may offend those who are eager to take offense.

>> No.21338639

I didn't heed Endymion's warning in the prologue. Big mistake.

>> No.21338645

read worm


>> No.21338658
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>“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, here goes- I mean Amen,” said Ransom, and hurled the stone as hard as he could into the Un-man’s face

>> No.21338674

I already did and I wish more people write about capeshit.

>> No.21338675

read lotm

>> No.21338679

worm is good despite being capeshit, not because of it

>> No.21338681

This general really did just devolved about just shilling with no discussion whatsoever

>> No.21338682
File: 17 KB, 400x208, 3e17c1cfe11eca7c00888dea64d2e3ce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buff jesus best jesus

>> No.21338687

I know and that's why I wish there was more capeshit. Worm used the capeshit stuff well. If there was more capeshit then better works will eventually come out.

>> No.21338695

>A few anons try to review and discuss books they've read to prompt discussion here
>Faggots seethe and shit up the thread with 50+ posts about it
>Those same faggots that seethe then make one sentence posts and shill garbage all day every day.
Besides, I don't know why you're on /lit/ if you want to discuss books, try reddit or any other book discussion forums. They're already better than /lit/.

>> No.21338709
File: 248 KB, 1088x1093, reddit and 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only benefit to posting here is that my posts aren't automatically globally hidden for speaking against the hivemind.

>> No.21338720

The people seething about others reading don’t care about reading books, some of them are just plain /pol/tards like >>21338709 who just use /lit/ to shitpost. There’s no point in trying to start a discussion here because it will be buried by low-effort spam and other bullshit.

>> No.21338741

>Faggots seethe and shit up the thread with 50+ posts about it
It continues to boggle my mind that they just can’t ignore the people doing reviews. No, they need to derail the thread and waste hours of their lives because a person did the unthinkable and read a book and tried to share his opinion on a general dedicated to reading and sharing opinions on books. Why even come to /lit/, let alone /sffg/ if you get mad at that.

>> No.21338764

Don't shill your shitty erotica and self published trash on here under the guise of "reviews" and I won't call you out on your baseless hacky shilling. it's that simple
If you really are that dumb that you think shitty self published amazon erotica is quality reading should be discussed in this general then you deserve to be called out because your opinion is shit

>> No.21338768

sf-encyclopedia's entry on Dan Simmons and their blurb of the series is really on point:

Referring to Endymion:
>a vastly intricate new plot, whose origins can now be traced in hindsight throughout the previous volumes, ultimately demonstrates that the godgamers of Hyperion were themselves victims of a larger Godgame. Their whole lives (and the stories that told them) now stand revealed as a ludic fiction
Haters will say that the last part is a "retcon" of the first 2 books, when it really just puts that first story in context and elevates it

>> No.21338773

So do you just waste your entire day away just sitting behind your computer or what?

>> No.21338775

>Still at it

>> No.21338784

Never knew Wings of Fire a children's fantasy series and Hyperion Cantos a science fiction series written by Dan Simmons were shitty erotica and self-published novels

>> No.21338791

I swear, that fag either has to be a bot, or some no-life that doesn’t read books and is just using any and all excuse to shit up /sffg/. No one can be that retarded.

>> No.21338796

let me guess, some butthurt american chink crying about how evil Britain is and china being some perfect paradise with a vague fantasy veneer

>> No.21338805

last night i had a dream where i had a robot girlfriend. she was humanoid but not an android, she had metal skin. rec me some books to read with robo women, preferably ones where they are the love interest of a human man.

>> No.21338806

i fucking hated these. worse than Sanderson by a mile

>> No.21338808

>rec me some books to read with robo women
it's called using google, try that.

>> No.21338812

That makes sense and seems interesting. It seems more likely that I'll agree with you if that's the case.

>> No.21338825

>Mistborn Era 2
did not like it, era 1 felt like a fantasy world, era 2 like a d&d campaign

>> No.21338829

Please understand, he doesn’t read.

>> No.21338830

>leave these threads because they are shit
>come back months later to see if they got any better
>they are somehow worse than before
It's incredible how terrible these threads are.

>> No.21338836

People are trying to make them better by reviewing and discussing books, but you have seething faggots like >>21338764 that make it their mission to make /sffg/ unusable.

>> No.21338841

Lol paranoid mage mc is literal 2d cardboard cutout.

>> No.21338844

sure, i also read it last. but black company is better, if you like bc try malazan for more squad shenanigans and skip the rest of cooks stuff, imo its meh

>> No.21338848

These are comfy threads, in fact there is too much "serious" discussion from pretentious faggots. We need more bantz and shitposting.

>> No.21338869

>bantz and shitposting.
But it isn't funny anymore. It's all the same repeated shit. I heard about autism and repetition and it seems that most shitposters here are autistic.

>> No.21338871
File: 59 KB, 474x725, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic also prince of nothing is about a monk that manipulates himself into being the head of a crusade and later a messiah and emperor.
sword of the torturer is about a traveling executioner

>> No.21338875

I read this and flashman didn't seem evil. He just seemed like a guy in way over his head. Yeah he nearly raped a woman but it was victorian times and he stopped himself because of the consequences.

>> No.21338886

I fucking love this series. I'm on Flashman's lady but I don't like how it's from an earlier time period than the last one. Should I read them in publication order or chronological order? I know the last few books take place even earlier then the 1st book.

>> No.21338892

>Does the series actually get good at some point
the 6th seems to be the fan favourite high point, also the end of book 2 and the final battle Tarmon Gai'don which takes place over the last 2 books as you hop from battle front to battle front

>> No.21338906

>like how Edison stole the work and won the acclaim for the lightbulb irl funnily enough.
Woke revisionist bullshit. If you ever read an early biography of Edison you know he never made such a claim. Lightbulbs were invented by brute force trial and error, and Edison only claimed to "invent" them in that it was his idea to risk his gold paying monkeys to stand around making filaments out of every material they could find and put them in sealed bulbs to see what color they glow and how long. That doesn't mean the monkey who landed on tungsten carbide invented the fucking lightbulb.

>> No.21338908

enders game, moon is a harsh mistress, the mote in gods eye, rendezvous with rama
hobbit, jonathan strange and mr norrell, black company

>> No.21338921

Autism doesn't exist. It's not real.

>> No.21338926

i couldn't finish the 3rd house of blades book. he's reddit incarnate, every conversation is just the same personality trying to out quip each other and get the last word in. nothing is taken seriously regardless of the situation and its all very try hard animu but american animu culture not actual anime anime.

>> No.21338930
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anyone read it? very interesting concept and execution, it's about a brain who is in orbit around the earth regaining consciousness. i actually didn't like it at all but i suspect it's a great book and i got filtered hard

>> No.21338941
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same, at least the Wolfe and then Bakker spamming has ended

>> No.21338946

>publication order
always publication order, authors change and grow, reading chronologically may sound correct from a story perspective but it usually never works out

>> No.21338952

the thread would be dumb if everyone just talked about what they just read. there needs to be an equilibrium, a few people mention what they read and others who also can talk about htat thing answer and so on. and obviously lots of other people talking about whatever hsit they want that is more or less on topic, that's what the site is about

i think it's good that a few anons post detailed reviews like you do, although often i wish your tastes were different. most of the times i see them the books look retarded as fuck

>> No.21338966
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looking for more right-wing authors. sick and tired of leftists inserting their shit into fantasy and scifi, its insufferable. i dont mean books like the turner diaries, but authors like Pournelle who wrote The Mote in God's Eye thats completely apolitical but he himself often say he was more right-wing than genghis khan or The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress where libertarians pretend to be commies to stage an 'american revolution' on the moon to free it from earth's control

>> No.21338978

What kind of books would you prefer to see be written about?

>> No.21338984


>> No.21338991

>the thread would be dumb if everyone just talked about what they just read.
No, it wouldn't. It would serve its purpose. Holy shit, the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.21339009

thanks i'll check them out

>> No.21339051

unironically bakker
bujold to a lesser extent

>> No.21339056

>the thread would be dumb if everyone just talked about what they just read.
It’s almost as if this is /lit/, a board that’s dedicated to talk about what you’ve read. If you want random bullshit, go to >>>/b/

>> No.21339075
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>sword of the torturer

>> No.21339084

I see your point. I would think Pat had friends or family to coerce him. Perhaps he has paid them or ignored them, or gotten them to give on him.

I feel like he is a genuinely good guy, empathetic. That empathy is probably what leads him to leaning way too far left. I hope he gets his mental illness under control.

What does /lit/ think of him?

>> No.21339093

This isn’t /mu/ fuck off.

>> No.21339133

Is mistborn a horror?

Just read the scene where that guy with nails in his eyes showed up and imagining him in the fog and ash is pretty spooky.

Vin is the main character right? I like the guy who's helping her out more.

>> No.21339139

Is there any truth to the sentiment out there that conservatives actually like these books more than most of the other super mainstream Ya/Children's fiction books on market?

>> No.21339203

>step away from the thread for a few hours
>come back
It's that simple
No, those books are ok, but your reviews are shit so you shall thus be called out along with the mongs who review litrpgs and erotica
No, I aim to cleanse the retards who think erotica and litrpgs are "good" from this general (which has never been that good)
self published amazon erotica/litrpg fans seething

>> No.21339205

Nah it's just edgy.

>> No.21339233

Just started reading Black Company and wondering how many members are there actually in the BC group? Cause like 150+ brothers die in chapter 1 and now its just a handful of survivors.

Or is this just one smaller group of the whole company?

>> No.21339296

It's the whole company. Cook is very US normative in his military terminology. A US army company is 150 zogdroids give it take a few. They get way bigger in the latter books though.

>> No.21339348


>> No.21339423

Kelsier gets the best fight in the Cosmere. I always envisioned Kelsier as a Kamina-like figure.

>> No.21339439

Yeah his fight with the anti metal soldiers sold me on him. Sanderson makes really good scenes.

>> No.21339444

Also it feels like the author knows how to write kelsier better than vin but that might be because vins a teenage girl

>> No.21339455

Sanderson has a lot of characters you can tell he's spent time creating, and a lot of characters you can tell he made just to fill a role. Kelsier, Hoid, Dalinar, Vasher all feel like the former. Vin, Kaladin, Shallan all feel like the latter. The latter group isn't necessarily badly written or anything, they just feel like they couldn't exist outside of their one arc (which is why Kaladin and Shallan feel like they keep repeating the same arcs every book).

>> No.21339458

Yes and also because of [huge spoiler reasons], in my opinion.
Dalinar was his first ever character. I assume his first fleshed out character.

>> No.21339464

Well, no, Hoid was his first character. Dalinar was just a character he'd been building up for a while.

>> No.21339476

He's stated two separate times that Dalinar has been with him the longest.

>> No.21339485

>which is why Kaladin and Shallan feel like they keep repeating the same arcs every book
Holy shit this. I'm slogging through the 3rd book right now and hopefully the payoff is good.

I thought this series sucked ass but the bridge fight in the 1st book sold me on it.

>> No.21339490

Again, never knew never knew Wings of Fire a children's fantasy series and Hyperion Cantos a science fiction series written by Dan Simmons were shitty erotica and self-published novels

>> No.21339503

Azarinth Healer is actually way better than what i expected, comfy

>> No.21339509

I can’t imagine myself seething because of what others write or read. I hope you get the help you deserve, Anon.

>> No.21339556

Do you know any alternative? I know Reddit is a viable option, but I want to see if there’s other sites to talk about books.

>> No.21339566

Any reason why this thread was especially shit for some reason?

>> No.21339606

I started to hate it and it was only the very end of book 4 that brought my interest back. I think all the stormlight books should be 400 or so pages shorter.

>> No.21339615

That particular aspect doesn't get better. The context around them changes, maybe, but book 4 was a bit of a slog because of that.

>> No.21339626

I don't get what's up with stormlight. All the descriptions say the assassin doesn't have Asian eyes and has rounded western eyes but all the art of Shallan and Kalladin give them western features.

Are they asian or not?

>> No.21339627

I actually stopped 4/5 of the way though book 4 and didnt finish for over a year because I was so bored.

>> No.21339629

Reread your post again, retard.

>> No.21339636

>book 4

Don't tell me this shit slows down again.

>> No.21339638

Go look up the cover art of Shallan. She looks like a white person

>> No.21339656

Literally who cares, you have a description of what the author wrote.

>> No.21339674

Much slower. But then something really big happens right at the end. If it weren't for that i would not read 5 when it comes out.

>> No.21339680

They're not Asian.

It's pretty clear the Assassin in white is Asian since the author described him with childlike features.

Parshmen are clearly the blacks and of course they're evil.

There are regular black people like the ones in Leaf's chapter.

>> No.21339753

Three anons made the mistake of sharing what they’ve read.

>> No.21339765

After a long time of reading MTL Chink Shit, I feel like the only reason why my English hasn’t completely deteriorated into a pidgin mess is owed to the fact that my second language is Chinese, and that my tastes in books also include not only literary works like Moby Dick, but also good fantasy such as Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E Howard, etc.

What I’m trying to say is that I’m attempting wean myself off of reading Chink MTL. I’m addicted to them, not because of the prose, but because they have many concepts that would be considered taboo in English Fantasy and Science Fiction. My examples include: having an alien race exist, but they’re literally turks that eat children with the insinuation that their real life counterparts also do so; using phrases such as ‘as poor as an African Chieftain’, or ‘as black as a nigger’; relying on very old works as settings, especially in Fantasy. To put into perspective how the Chinese write their immortal fantasy stories, it’d be similar to a western author pulling up a collection of folklore and myths from 200 BC and directly building it into their fantasy setting which is fascinating to me.

Are there any western fantasy books, preferably written by authors whose first language is English, that can help detox me from this 24/7 channel of schizo English chinkery?

>> No.21339770

bro I don't even tolerate mtl in h games what the shit is wrong with you

>> No.21339776

>Are there any western fantasy books, preferably written by authors whose first language is English, that can help detox me from this 24/7 channel of schizo English chinkery?
yeah, it’s called the chart in the OP you dumb faggot.

>> No.21339779

Chinkshit is unironically that addictive because of the protagonists lack of morals

>> No.21339780

The charts posted in these threads are so consistently bad I'm pretty sure it's intentional trolling.

>> No.21339787

Great review anon. Keep it up!

>> No.21339793

Does this have actual incest?

I'm a massive coomer so this interests me.

>> No.21339794

hello shills

>> No.21339799

The only people on Roshar who are roughly caucasian as the Shin, like Szeth and whatnot. Everybody else is kind of all over the place, the phenotypes don't strictly match existing ones. Horneaters are loosely based on Hawaiians, the Alethi are functionally just the Mongols, but they're not quite the same. The Parsh/singers/listeners are either obsidian black or ash white, with red markings, basically.

>> No.21339803

I can tolerate MTL because I have an addiction to Chink fanfic/webnovel or whatever. This addiction was only made possible by the fact that, although my second language is Chinese, I’m functionally illiterate, only able to recognize maybe 200 characters out of the 600 needed to be considered ‘6th grade level’, and not even close to the amount of people considered literate. Even still, I can understand botched translations via checking the original characters, which I probably understand. It also helps having a mild background in the culture which created such works in the first place.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of the works in that chart advocating for familial extermination, genocide, human supremacy or even any other kind of supremacy for that matter, han supremacy, and all the other messy kinds of thought that originated from a country that consistently shatters, leading to massive amounts of famine, death, and suffering every century or so.

>> No.21339806
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No one can compare to Bakker...

>> No.21339812

>advocating for familial extermination, genocide, human supremacy or even any other kind of supremacy for that matter
This is why I love xianxia by actual chinese authors. You read western made xianxia and it just lacks the brutality or the MC is top much gonna moralfag and you can see the western sensibilities creep in.

>> No.21339819

Nah, it's always " I raised him since he was young and he calls me mother." If it wasn't for the mother being so "reluctant" to fuck the protagonist these would be full on groomer novels

>> No.21339822

I know.

I've read beware of chicken and I only read it for Big D.

>> No.21339823

Yes, anon, people giving opinions about the books they've read on /lit/, a board dedicated to discussing books, are shills for some reason. Why are you here if it makes you seethe so much?

>> No.21339845

Funnily enough, from my perspective, they're often too arrogant or too brutal without any sort of the cunning or pragmatism you see in eastern made Xianxia. For example, although face is very important in Chinese culture and novels, western-made Xianxia tends to overexaggerate the importance of face. Sure, there are life-feuds, entire clans being killed, and all sorts of atrocities committed for a perceived lack of face being given, but in eastern Xianxia, it is often the morally worst characters who do such things and escalate so quickly. The Arrogant Young Masters, the Bandits/Outlaws, the Old Monster, etc. In the face of strength, the importance of face is completely demolished in favor of survival, and they're even willing to have their face stepped on by a shit-ridden boot if that means survival.

In western made Xianxia, you do not see this sort of pragmatic thought in their versions of cultivators. It's not just the Arrogant Young Masters who act like this, but it's everyone in the cultivating world which makes mortals afraid of them. It's often the opposite case in eastern Xianxia, where the mortals are often in awe of immortals and praise or beg for their children to be made apprentices.

I think that this is mostly a cultural difference, because immortals and immortality is a very old and quite specific facet of Chinese Culture, where as in the west, it was only introduced through online Chinese webnovels becoming popular.

>> No.21339856

Can't imagine reading that garbage.

>> No.21339876

If it's on account of prose, you could reasonably consider it garbage due to the utterly alien nature of Chinese prose, relative to Western standards, on top of being already mangled by MTL.

But the actual story itself can be quite engaging, reminiscent of pulp in a sense, with Wuxia being quite similar to Sword and Sorcery for instance. The motes of deranged ancient Chinese logic are also quite entertaining, such as 'Brothers are like limbs, women are like clothes', which permits killing your own wife to let your sworn brother eat meat(an actual thing that happened in proper Chinese literature), and much more.

>> No.21339877

Yeah, the defining feature of face is it's ability to instantly swap on command from "I'll torture you to death for getting dust on my shoes" to "allow me to clean your red hot fireplace with her tongue oh exalted master!" and back again in the space of a single paragraph.
There's the constant dance of smelling for weakness that gradually reveals most organizations to be complete shams only held up by the occasional retard who can't read the room and thinks everyone is actually best friends instead of hypercompetitive sharks.

>> No.21339900

I think I might be addicted to the extremely cutthroat nature of Xianxia, the nature of which is an already exaggerated version of standard Wuxia tropes. To put it into perspective, the Ruthless Pragmatism often prevalent in Xianxia is as Ethnonationalism is to people of one ethnicity gathering in one specific area.

The concept of the 'Righteous Path' being completely hypocritical is one that comes from Wuxia, but even in Wuxia, there are genuinely people who are righteous and people in between, where as in Xianxia, particularly the good ones, everyone is in pursuit of benefits, no matter who they may be.

>> No.21339907

Again, sounds like garbage.

>> No.21339929

Pretty much anything written before 1930 that deals with foreigners at all. King Solomon's Mines off the top of my head.

>> No.21339949

That's because it is.

>> No.21339966

>bro I don't even tolerate mtl in h games what the shit is wrong with you
These people don't read proper novels, it's how they tolerate mtl. I tried to read a few MTL stories, and I would rather kill myself then subject myself to that experience.

>> No.21339985

How do they even read MTL? Last time I check it’s just a garbled mess that’s barely coherent. Do they just fill in the blank and that’s it?

>> No.21340004

>But the actual story itself can be quite engaging, reminiscent of pulp in a sense, with Wuxia being quite similar to Sword and Sorcery for instance.
If I wanted pulp, then I would read pulp novels and novellas, not chinese garbage. If you want pulp then read pulp stories, there's plenty.

>> No.21340022

I did and I felt much the same.
It's fun for a minute and then just excruciating for ages.
What even happens doesn't he just burn up in the end.
The language was really not that good enough to justify how fucking obtuse and ultimately empty it is.

>> No.21340026


But I do read proper novels. Unless you don't consider Moby Dick and the classics as proper novels. I once had the very same opinion that you have of MTL Novels, that I would rather tear my own tongue out and disembowel myself with my bare hands than to read whatever came out of MTL hell, but it's insidious.

Like Satan, the path to MTL comes in the form of 'official' translations for Chinese webnovels. However, these novels are not properly translated, but are literally edited MTL. You don't realize that you're reading MTL until it's too late. By then, when you are bored of waiting for updates on mongolian webnovel aggregator sites, you take a quick look into MTL. At first it's unbearable. It poisons your eyes and you feel like you're pulling your out your own teeth when you read it. But then you discover that some part deep within you likes these novels, and so you continue reading. Slowly, your mind is pulled into its insidious grasp and then everything clicks. It's the same process you go through whenever you learn a new language, and by god it's a foul language.

>> No.21340027

Just finished the first trilogy and have to say I was disappointed. Neat world, an interesting plot, and nice prose. But then I just stopped caring bc why should I care about any of the dick-ass characters? Also, I think the author has some kind of deal with rape and or shit, would not leave him alone with any children.

>> No.21340032

Just wanted to let you know that you should ignore that other faggot that screeches about your reviews. Your posts are one of the few worth reading in this godforsaken general, don’t give up and keep at it.

>> No.21340038

>You don't realize that you're reading MTL
No, you do, and you're lying about it. MTL is easily recognizable so don't pull that lying bullshit with me.

>> No.21340045 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I think taking a break before delving into the second half is a good idea considering the change in time, perspective, and the timeskip.

>> No.21340049

I'm tired of pretending that male writers without the White spirit can write anything remotely resembling good, when in fact it's the exact opposite. There are white authors who write trash, but often they either lack the spirit of whiteness or they're women. Where as every writer of every other race cannot objectively write well. Those who dominate fantasy, sci-fi, provide the tropes for genres, who change their domains, and generally are all good writers, are all white. Even if you bring up female white authors, or god forbid, female non-whites, making the delusional claim that they're good, they're not. The fact that only white males can write good fantasy or short science fiction stories is as solid as the fact that objects dropped from a height will fall on Earth. LitRPG and other 'anime' style writing is by itself a non-white genre, so Pirateaba does not have the spirit of whiteness in spite of the fact that he is a white male.

>> No.21340058

Imagine getting filtered by Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21340060

>>>/pol/ is that way.

>> No.21340074

What do you mean? Can't you see it?

We're already in >>>/pol/

>> No.21340078

No, this is /lit/, go fuck yourself and go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.21340096

Well, there probably will be only be a couple more that I post this month because I'll be mostly playing a videogame. I'll be reading something that comes out this month, I don't know what yet though. Other than that is to be seen. I don't have any plans at this time to stop.

Yeah, that's the reason why I'm doing it.

>> No.21340126

>I don't have any plans at this time to stop.
Good, good.

>> No.21340153

That’s nice to hear, just ignore the idiots shitting on you.

>> No.21340156

> I'll be reading something that comes out this month,
Which is?

>> No.21340164

Get better bait.

>> No.21340173

Did you ever finish reviewing the other books from that list?

>> No.21340175

I like it not only because it's an interesting setting, but because it naturally evades/neutralizes several common shitty writing trends. Pursuit of benefits means everyone actually has at least ONE clear motivation, even the lowliest background peon at least wants money and power. Second, there's no magic friendship power resolution to negate the entire plot. Either you kill your enemies, or you gain sufficient power to perform REAL negotiations as a peer, which can be even more treacherous and complex than outright fighting. Plus finally, given sufficient development and time a relationship where two people DON'T immediately stab eachother in the back at the first sign of weakness feels amazingly deep and meaningful. Being someone's actual true friend in a xiaxia is no walk in the park and requires extreme levels of willpower and commitment to throwing your life away for nothing. And that's all the more fuel for when someone is finally pushed past their breaking point and betrays their partner.
Lots and lots of interpersonal drama, essentially for free, just from the nature of the setting.

>> No.21340177

this guy gets it

>> No.21340182

Your post just reeks of someone just reading children fantasy and getting mad at it.

>> No.21340191

MTL is a language. You eventually gain the skill of reading not just between the lines, but THROUGH them into the true essence of their meaning. It's kinda like reading extremely obfuscated poetry. I'd say after a decent amount of experience it's no different than reading any other story, just with a negative instead of positive bias due to prose.
It requires an above average amount of mental energy though, even after mastering it and being able to figure out all the mistranslations without issue it takes about 2x the time to read a given passage as the equivalent written in real english and 3-4x the energy. So after a 1k word chapter you feel sorta similar to having just read a 5k chapter.

Also, the longer the story the easier it gets. Trying to read the beginning of a novel in MTL is nigh impossible because you have no idea what things are called, what people's names are, or how the setting works. But after a thousand chapters you're so familiar with how things work you could extrapolate entire chapters from single paragraph summaries, and that's essentially what MTLS are, summaries, very verbose and confusing summaries.

>> No.21340193

>reeks of someone just reading children fantasy
I think he's talking about anime than literature.

>> No.21340195

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21340197

>MTL is a language
No, it isn't. Holy shit, how fucking delusional and denial do you have to be to even entertain this idea. MTL is just using programs that attempt to make it readable, but pale in comparison to an actual human translator.

>> No.21340200

>I don't know what yet though
I've been reading at least one book per month that came out in each month since the beginning of the year. I don't know yet what it will be for December yet.

If you mean the Goodreads poll, then yes, I have. If you mean some other list, then you may be thinking of some other anon who has been writing about books.

>> No.21340216

Anon, everything is a language, MTL is no different. It's just more niche than common languages like english. You can't say german is gibberish just because you can't read it.
Ultimately there's no reason to read MTL, once you get good enough at it you find you can basically write the story yourself and are free to just daydream fanfiction instead of having to actually follow the updates.
The other thing is that the endings of most chinkshit are terrible, not even counting the MTL debuff so you're actually fucking yourself over by quickly skipping past the good parts(the beginning and first couple arcs). You're better off just skimming through the first chapters of a few hundred partially translated stories, you're much more likely to find something decent that way, and if you keep at it eventually the pace up updates aggregated over all the stories you're following will keep you occupied without having to read ahead.

>> No.21340221

Okay, so you really are in fucking delusional and denial

>> No.21340228

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.21340231

>You can't say german is gibberish just because you can't read it.
No, he can, the same way a German speaker can say English is gibberish because he doesn’t understand it. Why are you going to absurd length to defend this shit.

>> No.21340238

>You can't say german is gibberish just because you can't read it.
>You're better off just skimming through the first chapters of a few hundred
I'm just going to laugh at you for even typing this shit. Why waste my time with this shit when I can just read normal novels.

>> No.21340242

>german isn't a language
Then neither is english. We're all just screeching incoherent gibberish at each other. Explains a lot actually.

>> No.21340250

Has those Chinese rotted your brain or something?

>> No.21340251

Can also vouch for Dark Age, it beats out Golden Son for me now. It pays off many of the set ups and plot threads that get set up in Iron Gold. My appreciation for Iron Gold really grew after reading DA.

>> No.21340254

I don't think I'll ever come to 4chan to look for something useful again, and particularly to /sff/, you are an especially worthless infantile bunch of fags

>> No.21340257

>Is mistborn a horror?
Yeah, it was a horror to read. Nowhere as good as Stormlight, which I made the mistake of reading before Mistborn

>> No.21340265

German and English are languages, since they follow a structured system of communication. I don't know how you graduated from primary school, let alone secondary school for not knowing this. MTL is just programs trying and failing to translate other language to your native language and failing.

>> No.21340267

Why would you ever come here to look for something when you have google?

>> No.21340269

I feel like the only good part about Worm was the arc where Taylor gets outed, everything else was kinda meh. That being said it aged decently well for a decade old web serial with a setting in the modern world.

>> No.21340272

Stop speaking gibberish anon. You obviously don't know what a language is and are getting very mad. Unfortunately you won't be able to read this post and calm down because english doesn't exist.

>> No.21340277

He doesn't trust something run by the same people that are persecuting Yedolf

>> No.21340280

He’s obviously coping since he reads shits. Though I do find it he equates mtl as a language in of itself, since most, if not all, linguists and linguistics will balk at the claim

>> No.21340285
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Never reading a book by this author again

>> No.21340289

It's just the sheer absurdity of it is what gets me. Like how shitty does your life has to get to defend MTL? Fuck, most people I know who read MTL hate MTL with a passion, yet this retard says its fine.

>> No.21340296

I can barely tolerate officially translated works, no clue how people can withstand MTL lmfao

>> No.21340311

>no clue how people can withstand MTL lmfao
I honestly think their English completely deteriorated into a pidgin mess. Only explanation. The furthest I ever went was fan translation for a series I don’t even remember anymore, and I could read it because it was just “off”.

>> No.21340319

>I honestly think their English completely deteriorated into a pidgin mess
I've noticed shit like this reading western xianxia and litrpg shit occasionally. I've run across multiple authors who seem to intentionally emulate the "style" and syntax of bad MTL garbage. It's truly baffling.

>> No.21340330

You sure it was them trying to emulate the style and not them just losing grasp of basic grammar and syntax of their mother's tongue?

>> No.21340346

Pretty fucking shitty considering that not even porn addicts don’t want MTL translations.

>> No.21340362

Agreed, even when I was a dipshit 13 year old, I steer cleared from MTL. So seeing some grown ass man coming to defend and exalt it is pretty fucking depression

>> No.21340365

You sure they're not just ESL authors? If that's the case I can understand, but if its truly english speaking authors doing that, then fucking hell.

>> No.21340372

They read chinkshit and applaud it, that’s all the confirmation you need.

>> No.21340382

Don’t even try to understand people who read chinkshit and it’s a good read. They’re just willing to say anything at that point

>> No.21340385

>I can barely tolerate officially translated works
Same, but I prefer that then MTL.

>> No.21340389

towards the end he starts to be more in control and the ending did have some payoff for me, after getting to know his backstory and some of the emotional issues he goes through. i think it would have worked much better as a short story so that the language and so on doesn't get as tiresome

>> No.21340390

They're definitely not ESL. The guy who wrote Defiance of the Fall is one of them and that's apparently popular, although I have no idea why. It's bizarre.

>> No.21340395

Shit attracts flies, no need to look further into it.

>> No.21340401

>I honestly think their English completely deteriorated into a pidgin mess.
Only correct choice.

>> No.21340402

Never heard of that.

>> No.21340405

>The guy who wrote Defiance of the Fall is one of them and that's apparently popular
I never see it discussed other than here, and its just two fags that do it.

>> No.21340407

I’ll believe it.

>> No.21340459
File: 171 KB, 400x300, 1670143649749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American English is deteriorating for two reasons:
1. There's no incentive for immigrants and their kids to learn proper English. Speaking properly is seen as a white man's thing. Millennials want to imitate that since they're brainwashed, so they use their fake Southern dialect.
2. Most zoomer are non-white, and they write very little. Not even that, they barely type as well. All they use is autocorrect. When they try to write by themselves, it's gibberish. I've heard Americans don't have creative writing until college. Here in ESLand, we did that since first grade.

>> No.21340549

the idea is members die and new recruits are constantly joining. its the ship of theseus but you mainly follow a select few and the books are told from the company's historian(which changes as the series goes on)

>> No.21340611

>Still don't know why he posted it here
I am wondering this myself. Why would I post a science fiction story I've spent months of my life writing in the science fiction general?

>> No.21340645

it's interesting that english has contributed to kill all other languages, but as a result it is also transforming itself

>> No.21340665

/lit/ should have an /ebonics/ general where we write in future English

>> No.21340765

New thread

>> No.21340849
File: 166 KB, 620x860, 1643416369518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kane novels by Karl Edward Wagner.

>> No.21340875

what's the book form of kino

>> No.21340910

>it's interesting that english has contributed to kill all other languages, but as a result it is also transforming itself
The universal language has begun to create itself. In 50 years basically anyone that has no mental deficiencies should be able to speak this 'new' language. Even the Chinese. The fact you can now do movies, songs and books and sell them to everyone means that everyone will be trying to write in english to reach the widest amount of people. Why waste time to write in your own small native language when you can reach bilions of people?

Unless you are a sperg or really into philology of your own language, then writing in English is the only choice. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of writing in my own language, why? English is new Lingua Franca, but this time there is capitalism boosting its effect to the limit.

>> No.21340923

worm fanfic is better than worm

>> No.21340938
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given how this ends, the only reasonable conclusion is that everyone who was born in the city is going to die after the city stopped, right? or how else am i supposed to interpret it