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21333778 No.21333778 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help me understand if I'm non-binary or not.

>> No.21333780

The Gay Science by Nietzsche

>> No.21333789

The Origin and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumen (sp)

>> No.21333790

If you have a penis, you're a man. If you have a cunt you're a woman. Everything else is a disease of the mind.

>> No.21333794

lmao this nigga gay

>> No.21333796

I don't think it's something you need to read a book about. Some days I wanna look like a lumberjack, sometimes I wanna look like a pretty princess, and on some days I wanna look like an androgynous Victorian aristocrat. As far as I can tell, that's a pretty universal experience for NBs.

>> No.21333802

do you think being NB has anything to do with the physical body?

>> No.21333806

Faggot Hypothesis by Su'ghan Mudhick

>> No.21333815

>Everything else is a disease of the mind.

>> No.21333861

Non-binaries don't exist. They're merely people suffering under the psychological relationship not between mind, body, and self-perception, but between mind, body, and other-perception. Their crisis is fundamentally Kierkegaardian. What they need is Christ.

>> No.21333871

I'm the same way, but why does there have to be some special identity for this? Why can't Man or Woman encapsulate these gender identities? The whole discourse is so full of ideology and egoism that I can't tell where the lived experience begins and the semantic games end.

>> No.21333905

>sometimes I wanna look like a pretty princess

>> No.21333923

>but why does there have to be some special identity for this?
people just like giving names to things. the whole political discourse is something else entirely. I was just happy I knew it was a thing, and it had a name, and absolutely nothing else changed. It's like that for most people. Performative LGBT+ is more like a political party than anything else.

>> No.21333943
File: 48 KB, 440x271, 440px-2017_Capital_Pride_(Washington,_D.C.)_-_031-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the same way, but why does there have to be some special identity for this?

Leidos works extensively with the United States Department of Defense, the United States Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Intelligence Community, including the NSA, as well as other U.S. government civil agencies and selected commercial markets.

Leidos has four central divisions: Civil, Health, Advanced Solutions, and Defense & Intelligence. The Civil Division focuses on integrating aviation systems, securing transportation measures, modernizing IT infrastructure, and engineering energy efficiently. The Health Division focuses on optimizing medical enterprises, securing private medical data, and improving collection and data entry methods. The Advanced Solutions Division is centered around data analysis, integrating advanced defense and intelligence systems, and increasing surveillance and reconnaissance efficiency. The Defense & Intelligence Division focuses on providing air service systems, geospatial analysis, cybersecurity, intelligence analysis, and supporting operations efforts.[33]

>> No.21333951

>sometimes I wanna look like a pretty princess
So you're a twink. All god with me, senpai. Just be a gay who switches. This is a very desirable trait in the gay community, trust me.

>> No.21333955

If I may pry a little, do you ask people to call you by they/them pronouns or pronouns other than he/him/she/hers?

>> No.21333961
File: 59 KB, 852x650, Fhp3WGzVEAAho2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crux of being non-binary is that no one has yet codified gender in the way it is experienced, only in a way it "seems" to function from the outside. our current understanding of gender is analogous to the Miasma Theory of medicine where it was believed sicknesses were caused by bad air; where it obviously lacks the utility of Germ Theory they at least had a grasp of airborne sicknesses.

Similarly the term Non-Binary is used not to signify some 3rd option in relation to gay and straight, but to signify a complex relationship to romance and identity that the current paradigm isn't fit to communicate. Two people who identify as non-binary won't necessarily be describing the same inner experience.

TLDR: Ain't no book for that.

>> No.21333969

W*man detected.

>> No.21333972

No, and I never will, but that's more because of apathy than any kind of political statement.

>> No.21333990

The Gay Science by Nietzsche

>> No.21334009

In other words, "non-binary" is just a new word for "androgynous male/female" then? These are subjective experiences that are as old as time and I don't think we need new terms to describe them, but I'm biased because almost every single "NB" person I've known in real life has been something of an emotionally manipulative, immature, egotistical authoritarian, so that's left a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.21334015

Sorry dawg, I meant for >>21334009 to be for>>21333961

>> No.21334067

all lgbt are mkultra

>> No.21334069


>> No.21334101

>this itself is a binary

That seems rather nonsensical; and any remark about it being a gotcha does so to avoid addressing the point.

>> No.21334760

Before industrialized society, literally nobody had this fucking concern.

>> No.21334824

Convulsive by Joe Koch

>> No.21334828

The words you're referring to are not the ones we are referring to. We are referring to social roles.

>> No.21334842

So you can be either normal or "non-binary"? kek

>> No.21334843

>muh sex/gender distinction
If it's just about "social roles," then why do transsexuals castrate themselves? Shouldn't changing their names and wearing dresses be enough?

>> No.21334847

The "social roles" stem directly from the biological sexes. They don't exist in a vacuum.

>> No.21334852

>Why can't Man or Woman encapsulate these gender identities?
If male and female can encapsulate all gender expressions then those words mean nothing.

>> No.21334863

You aren't. You're just a faggy attention whore.

The End.

>> No.21334873

now you’re finally understanding

>> No.21334900

>I want to change my outward appearance depending on my mood, are I just so damn quirky and original!

>> No.21334944

OP here
Growing up I was very caught up in the YouTube sceptic anti-feminist thing - genuinely meaning "I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist". What i now realize I felt, the aversion to feminism and its critique of "my masculinity" was not so much I felt that masculinity needed to be protected, rather it was a violent reaction to being assigned "male". At that time, before the rejection of terfs, you could really feel this feminist gaze upon you with the implicit words "YOU ARE A MAN!" with all its condemnation - which I rejected.

Today I have this sadness when entering clothing stores that you have three floors of women's clothing and one shared floor of men's and children's clothing. Like wow, I can wear a t-shirt and pants AND have short hair! fr?!

I'm het and therefore I do not have the freedom from gendered norms + oppression which gay people have. I think my friends would accept me if I started dressing more non binary but whereas gay people have already been broken out of their social mold my mold is still there. And given I'm straight I do not know if it's appropriate for me to appropriate the language of a community I'm really not a part of - it feels strange - but at the same time, if these words actually means anything beyond the lingo of insolated communities in different cities it must also mean something for me.

>> No.21334963

Still OP
I don't know if this means I'm non binary though and that's why I'm asking about the literature on the topic

>> No.21334977

it doesn't exist. it's a craze.

>> No.21334981

I sympathize with what you're saying, but please understand that "being assigned male" and feminists resenting you for your maleness does not mean that there aren't many different kinds of men/males and have been throughout history. It seems to me basically that you have internalized feminist criticisms of males and said to yourself "well because I'm not like the males they're criticizing, then I must not be male. I must be some other gender (using gender and sex synonymously here)". Ironically enough what is considered manly varies across time and place, with some variations that would be considered "metrosexual" or "effeminate" by mainstream American society today, but that doesn't make them any less male. Broaden the horizons of what you consider "male", instead of trying to break down or rise above the distinction entirely. Trust me. I have and still feel the same way. I guess you could call being functionally non-binary or living a non-binary experience, but just not buying into the modern identity aspect of it. Maybe you're just transsexual.

>> No.21334987

You aren't non-binary. That doesn't exist. You're a man who wants to express himself is a certain way but isn't prepared to pay the societal cost for doing so and are wangsting about it.

The solution is to man up, stop being a whiny little pussy and make a choice: Either pay the cost and express yourself as you wish, or accept that the outcome is not worth the cost and move on with your life.

>> No.21334991

remember what the options field is for, fellas

>> No.21334992

Non-binary seems to be a new, and maybe more precise, word for an old concept. I know about a they who sometimes posts here who's arguing that Plotinus is their favourite gender theorist.

>> No.21334994


>> No.21335015

Are you not attracted to men at all? I told myself I was straight for a very long time and was extremely embarrassed by the twinks this stupid fucking website put in front of my eyes circa the 2012 election. You may be similarly coping at a very deep level.

Do your best to figure yourself out. Either way, I would personally avoid the sort of spaces where NB and xenogenders are common. I don't think I've ever not found one of those sorts to be just complete bitch - those people tend to be very toxic in my experience. By contrast, the gay community long made space for transvestites and fems without forcing you into a box (including a political one, I know many flamboyant gay republicans). Before the whole transgender thing, drag culture was very different. You could just be you in a lot of more traditional gay spaces.

Kind of an aimless rant post, but I hope you catch my meaning. I would recommend doing >>21334987 - you have a choice to make and I personally made the former.

>> No.21335021

That's also a universal experience for cosplayers.

>> No.21335033

I know it's too late to stop it and the box is open but the terminology and the people it attracts just make my head split. The obsession with crafting names for rationalized identities out of sexuality and preference like "gay" instead of "homosexual" or "nonbinary" and "queer" instead of just..."being you" like this guy>>21335015 said, and like he also more or less said, "enbies" tend to be bitchy, narcissistic babies. Don't let the your identity be a mood board, my guy.

>> No.21335047

who are you quoting?

>> No.21335055

Based. Although I would argue even "gay" is being forced into a box, because it often makes a same-sex sexual preference into a sweeping identity, which bothers me personally. I think in a perfect world homosexual people wouldn't have to wield that signifier of a separate identity and could just be a part of society, although granted that would also involve straight people not actively discriminating against or physically attacking them too. You get what I'm saying?

>> No.21335057

Lol, it's almost like you can have reasons for having shitty opinions, reasons which are themselves valid while the opinion itself isn't - you get what I mean?

I really appreciate your answer

Do you mean "man up" or "take responsibility for your emotions". I went out the other day with more experimental attire, the problem is I do not know the outside of the mold and "manning up" also means to in some way knowing what you are, what you want and where you're going - I know neither of these and just try to be responsible for myself, towards myself.

Currently I'm a straight bottom. I remember being scared of being gay around the same time as above in my early teenage, mostly because I felt it would make life complicated - so maybe there's something repressed. But atm, I don't have the same visual stimuli from men as I have from women.

Thanks for the therapy session frens.

>> No.21335074

As OP i would also like to remind people to post book recs so that the jannies don't get on our dick.