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/lit/ - Literature

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21331702 No.21331702 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this?
From the description, level 2 is comfy zone for me. Level 3 excites me.

>> No.21331730

A newfag interested in the idea of literature instead of literature itself made this chart.
>Techniques such as stream of consciousness and metafiction start revealing themselves at this level.
Holy kek. This is the so embarrassing..

>> No.21331749
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>no Arno Schmidt at the bottom

>> No.21331756


>> No.21331761

Only tiers 1-3 are good. Tier 0 is just typical YA shit, 4 has some good stuff but is mostly self-indulgent shit, and 5-6 is just incomprehensible garbage.

>> No.21332019


>> No.21332087

Surprised to see Coover so far down, a mistake one might attribute either to his relative obscurity or his grouping with the likes of Gaddis, McElroy, Hawkes etc. His bigger hits (The Public Burning, The Brunist Saga), whilst of notable length, are eminently readable and moreover funny.

>> No.21332280


>> No.21332313

this is an extremely reductive way to view lit imo. books can be written straightly and still have a higher artistic value then books that are complex

>> No.21332359

It's an accessibility chart not an artistic value chart you dumb nigger learn to read before giving unsolicited opinion on literature faggot

>> No.21332402

Whoever made this chart had not read even 5 authors from this list. This is exclusively based on how undergraduates view writers and their work.

>> No.21332409

Where would Shakespeare fit?

>> No.21334092

Tier 3

>> No.21334131


>> No.21334535

Idk how most of tier 0 can be the lowest tier when most of it is bloated unreadable garbage.

>> No.21334576

Yup. Metafiction has already been done in a big way at the first level by Vonnegut. /lit/ OPs proving as usual that they don't read.

>> No.21334893

Tier 1. He is read by high school students.

>> No.21335591

Yet the level descriptions correlate accesibility with artistic value and substance.

>> No.21335828

Not accurate

>> No.21335894

How is it not accurate?

>> No.21336014

>Late Burroughs is difficult
Wew lad. You need to transmigrate.

>> No.21336633


>> No.21336807
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Imagine reading Woolf, DeLillo, Pynchon or Barth and thinking you're treading some deep level of literature.