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/lit/ - Literature

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21330511 No.21330511 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it

>> No.21330531

Then read the book

>> No.21330542

Let me guess. You didn't make it to part 2.

>> No.21330547

he was just vibing.

>> No.21330567

Read Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.21330725

it was hot
sun hot

>> No.21330997


>> No.21331008
File: 508 KB, 1846x1012, lestrangestmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21331167

Yes 95+% of 4chan is just bot posts.

>> No.21331199

Life is stupid and men can be killed for not crying at a funeral

>> No.21331426

Then why even post here.

>> No.21331437

Seems absurd, doesn’t it?

>> No.21331440

The rest of the internet is so horrendous that wading through a stream of constant bot posts, demoralization propaganda, screeching illiterates, and spammers of various flavors for the occasional kernel of knowledge is far superior to the alternatives.

>> No.21331445

I started posting on reddit since wading through a stream of constant bot posts, demoralization propaganda, screeching illiterates, and spammers of various flavors is a waste of time for the occasional post with kernel of knowledge

>> No.21331459

Seems really stupid.

>> No.21331552

what's not to get? it's very straight forward

>> No.21331560

non leggo

>> No.21331905

Dovresti, è un gran libro. Ignora quello che dicono questi sperg vergini

>> No.21331948

legit one of the most overrated pieces of literature I've read.

>> No.21331955
File: 379 KB, 1531x1531, 1668815944398588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.21332098

It was so fucking hot. Bros, the sun, it's unreal. I don't remember how old maman was. The heat aggravated me. I wonder if I'll casually have coitus with my not-exactly-a-gf again. He was looking at me so funny, the arab. That guy hates his dog so much. I thought the sandnigger would definitely do something. It's hot.

>> No.21333067

in realta avevo programmato di avviarlo oggi

>> No.21334087

The Plague is better

>> No.21334098


>> No.21334337

The Stranger, also known as The Outsider, is a novel by the French writer Albert Camus. It tells the story of Meursault, a man who is on trial for murder, and explores the theme of alienation and the human condition. The novel is a key work of existentialist literature, and it raises many philosophical questions about the nature of human existence.

One of the key messages of The Stranger is the idea that human beings are fundamentally isolated from one another and from the world around them. Throughout the novel, Meursault is depicted as being disconnected from the emotions and experiences of others, and he struggles to understand or relate to the people around him. This isolation is a central aspect of the novel's portrayal of the human condition, and it is a key theme that is explored throughout the story.

Another important message of The Stranger is the idea that the world is fundamentally irrational and meaningless. In the novel, Meursault is on trial for a crime that he did not fully understand or intend to commit, and the legal proceedings are depicted as being absurd and arbitrary. This reflects Camus's belief that the world is irrational and that human beings are often subject to forces that they cannot control or understand.

Overall, The Stranger is a complex and thought-provoking novel that raises many important philosophical questions about the human condition and the meaning of life. It explores themes of isolation, alienation, and the absurdity of existence, and offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the human experience.

>> No.21334355

Apathy is bad and will kill you.

>> No.21335453


>> No.21335490

High temperatures make you crazy.

>> No.21335494

Just finished this today. It's like the Trial, except terrible. The main character was obv a douche and it was clear he was losing the trial and was pretty much an asshole to everyone around. Didn't even care he died. Book wasn't absurd in any way.

>> No.21335966

That’s because you have to read the book.

>> No.21336034


The moral of the story is that if you're cool and French, no action that you can perform will make you less cool and French.