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/lit/ - Literature

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21327934 No.21327934 [Reply] [Original]

Russian Virtual Library (Pyccкaя виpтyaльнaя библиoтeкa) has started publishing Pushkin's collected works in English (online, for free) - parallel texts with Russian originals, including multiple translations of the same text.
For now they've published Pushkin's lyric poems, other works are to follow.

>> No.21327952
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Gonna start learning Russian soon, so this'll be useful, ty

>> No.21327973

Best of luck, hope you're not going to use Duolingo or something.
Penguin Russian Course should be good, from what I've seen.

>> No.21328014

I've got Penguin as well as a French-Russian Assimil course. I plan on trying both and seeing which I prefer.

>> No.21329542

Someone should make a massive mega of Russian books for us who wish to learn Russian. It would be especially helpful for us who use lingq.

>> No.21330522

you can just google and find anything by dead writers; new ones can be found on flibusta and similar sites easily too
russians pirate everything

>> No.21330548

I don't really want to go on websites I don't know about enough to trust. It would be much nicer if someone just made a master folder of books in different languages.

>> No.21330551

thanks for this

>> No.21330553

You're a lazy and stupid cunt, you know.

>> No.21330559

I found something like that on /int/ a while ago. Google Drive folder, had tons of books on learning Russian. I look for it tonight. If I can find I'll post the link.

>> No.21330577

If you type most famous russian book titles into google in cyrillic(you can just copy paste it from google if you don't have the keyboard set up) it will bring you to sites like this
That have tons of them, more than you'll ever need while learning.

>> No.21330583

I know. Sorry.
Did it have Russian books like Pushkin and Dostoevsky? That's really what I'm interested in. I'll even take Soviet science fiction novels. Most of Russian books I've found was in some weird format that Russians use.

>> No.21330587
File: 1.48 MB, 1125x1690, D3CC82C6-116D-4787-BB39-DEE56ECC61FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21330588

Nooo, but I don't know if I can trust those sites! Maybe the raw text will inject viruses into my computer!

You fucktard OP's link is to a site that has entire Pushkin, literally every letter he wrote, in Russian. Also all of Dostoyevsky's fiction writing.

>> No.21330615
File: 1.24 MB, 372x262, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Уж я нe тoт любoвник cтpacтный,
Кoмy дивилcя пpeждe cвeт:
Moя вecнa и лeтo кpacнo
Haвeк пpoшли, пpoпaл и cлeд.
Aмyp, бoг вoзpacтa млaдoгo!
Я твoй cлyжитeль вepный был;
Aх, ecли б мoг poдитьcя cнoвa,
Уж тaк ли б я тeбe cлyжил!

>> No.21330626

But it's in English translation with Russian parallel text, I thought. I just want the Russian text, preferably in PDF or EPUB files.

>> No.21330635

Someone read this out loud on vocaroo or link a YouTube video of someone's recitation of it

>> No.21330659

Check the rest of the site.
You can find PDFs and EPUBs on imwerden, az.lib.ru, flibusta, and so on, as I've already mentioned, everything can be found with a single google search.
Or what, do I have to wipe your ass too before serving you the links?
пoшeл ты нaхyй, eбaный пиндoc

>> No.21330700

No, but you can make that master folder for the mega. If not for me, then do it for the other anons.

>> No.21330723

Bet I could find and upload the best versions of the "collected works" of Russian classics out there, with variants and detailed commentary, and some cunt like you would still bitch and complain because e.g. I didn't include texts in epub or because there's no Dugin or Galkovsky in the folder.

>> No.21330776

Dugin and Galkovsky would be great, I hadn't thought of them. Though I would prefer the books themselves, not singular files of collected works. Those are unwieldy.

>> No.21330798

You're so stupid you probably have problems solving the captcha.

>> No.21330833

You so mean

>> No.21330932

If the thread will be up tomorrow, I'll record myself.

>> No.21330954

Pushkin was such a pidor.

>> No.21331894


>> No.21332187


>> No.21332239


>> No.21332626


Note that Russian is not my native lang, so I hesitated sometimes, and my breathing was awkward. If there's any Russian willing to rate my pronunciation, I'd be thankful.

here's a mostly literal translation I made (took a few freedoms to avoid awkwardness):
I'm not that passionate lover anymore
whom the world used to adore:
my spring and fair summer
are forever gone, their trace is lost.
O, Cupid, the god of young age!
I used to be your faithful servant;
Oh, if i could be born again,
Exactly so would I serve you still!

The poem is actually not wholly original, it is a translation of a poem by a 16th century French poet Clément Marot.

"De soi-même"
Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été,
Et ne le saurais jamais être.
Mon beau printemps et mon été
Ont fait le saut par la fenêtre.
Amour, tu as été mon maître,
Je t'ai servi sur tous les Dieux.
Ah si je pouvais deux fois naître,
Comme je te servirais mieux !

In my translation above I translate "uzh tak" in the last line as "exactly so", which (unless my Russian has really gone to shit) should be correct. But Marot's original seems to say "I would serve you BETTER (mieux)".
The English translation from OP link, curiously enough, seems to follow the French poem in that regard. The poet wouldn't do the same as before, but even more than that.

"Old Man"
I'm not that lover, filled with passion, —
That youth, who left the world amazed:
Alas, my spring and summer passed now,
And didn't leave a single trace.
Cupid, the god of youth and love and virtue!
I used to be your steadfast servant;
Oh, if I could be reborn, — I'd serve you
Even more passionate and fervent!
(Andrey Kneller)

>> No.21332674

That was lovely, thank you. This makes me wish I'd kept up the motivation to learn languages. I'm going to try to restart the habit.