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/lit/ - Literature

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21327361 No.21327361 [Reply] [Original]

Lackluster writing, poorly-structured, full of unimportant characters, never goes anywhere.

>> No.21327362
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An impressive intellectual exercise, but overall stodgy, unromantic, and convoluted

>> No.21327369
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The few interesting ideas present are not explored, story centers on a narrator who is both unpleasant and dull, arbitrary magic solves plot conflicts

>> No.21327374
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Some interesting characters, but the plotting is needlessly drawn out and chaotic, author uses magic to cover plot holes, the world doesn't make sense, the conclusion is sudden and convenient.

>> No.21327377
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Aimless, bland rewrite of Tolkien

>> No.21327381
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Erratic, condescending, flat characters.

>> No.21327384
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Unfunny, overextended, cliché.

>> No.21327386
File: 170 KB, 258x387, Eragon_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot of Star Wars with dragons, laughable prose.

>> No.21327391


>> No.21327393
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Lackluster, juvenile escapism.

>> No.21327396

>9 posts
>2 posters

>> No.21327397

yes, and?

>> No.21327400
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Literal plagiarism of a great work yet manages to be as mediocre as possible

>> No.21327408

Stop trying so hard. We get it, you're illiterate.

>> No.21327415
File: 166 KB, 720x1080, 5dc2aad5dba61c6d0430a27f8decb619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething neckbeard annoyed LOTR wasn't le gritty and realistic enough, classic American golem response to SOVL
Whimsical and naive, struggling to reconcile whether it's a children's fable or a serious work of fiction
Haven't read it but from what I gather it's just edgy cope by some faggot author
Same as LOTR. First book is literally a fairy tale (a boy who lives under a cupboard!) then tries to get more serious, generic writing
What if women were...le powerful?! More = better!
Naive drivel
Not read it but it comes across like the shit GMs make up when they get bored of traditional DnD
Don't get me started on this fucking garbage fire
Not read it but it sounds fun, demerits for ridiculous protagonist name, generic tropes and that awful book cover

>> No.21327421

I have read more books than you. My opinions are informed, your opinions are based on emotions.

>> No.21327439

Name 1 good book

>> No.21327448

>edgy cope by some faggot author
Are you able to think for yourself or do you only regurgitate buzzwords you read on 4chan?

>> No.21327482

A Game of Thrones is unironically the only literature written in our lifetime that matters and will be remembered.


>> No.21327489
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>> No.21327497

Painfully off the mark on every single one. I doubt you've read any of them since you can't satirize properly.

>> No.21327540

>Aimless, bland rewrite of Tolkien
You probable dropped it after first book.
The series does start very similarly as LOTR but becomes its thing from second book.
But of course it has its own share of faults, but being similar to LOTR isn't one of them.

>> No.21327777

I use words that work, not my fault retards on 4chan co-opt them
Pillars Of The Earth

>> No.21327831

Fwiw I wrote these because I thought it was a "bash these successful books despite liking them" thread. I don't really hate LOTR or GOT. I do hate Eragon though. Fuck I hate that book.

>> No.21327839

Yeah man you definitely came up with 'cope' all on your own and everybody else on 4chan copied you kys

>> No.21327846

First of all check em on that post wew.
Also I didn't say I invented cope. But it works, and its an amusing word. There is a lot of behaviour we could regard as cope these days.

>> No.21327848

ok genius explain how Wolfe coped in BOTNS then

>> No.21327946

The entire plot and character is literally the og Coldsteel the Hedgehog, it's pure power fantasy cope for a man who looks like a walrus

>> No.21327962
File: 276 KB, 794x1200, 978-0-472-08854-6-frontcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash grab sequel, themes of honor and duty are replaced with toxic masculinity and plot armor as the protagonist commits various acts of violence against magical creatures, listless plot floats between admittedly impressive action scenes.

>> No.21327970

>power fantasy
wew please read the book before you spout shit next time

>> No.21328016
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>> No.21328349
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>Reading this instead of Malazan book of the fallen

Not gonna make it.

>> No.21328547

the point of this thread, if it went over your head, is to give snobbish criticisms of classic works of fiction we don't actually believe, but show that unfounded claims about how a series "feels" wihtout evidence is far from an actual critique. Nobody would actually call the Odyssey a "cash grab sequel" but without evidence and reason you can blindly make a claim like that.
TD;DR this thread is a parody of thoughtless criticism

>> No.21328560

I thought the first book was basically LOTR directed by Micheal Bay. Just missing the explosions and american flags.

Not a bad thing, necessarily .

>> No.21328603

Not even its author remembers it lmao

>> No.21328639

Very cynical but understandable opinions. You should try writing to understand just how hard it is maybe you'd be more appreciative.

You should try Assassin's Apprentice though I think you might like it.
Also Gormenghast.

>> No.21328657

I don’t remember any abusive women in LOTR. Is that in the Silmarillion?

>> No.21328662

The only book I’ve ever read without a single female character for 3/4 of the novel.

>> No.21328920

Wolfe is a hack.

>> No.21328949

>Wolfe is a...ACK!!!!!

>> No.21328969

I would expect any author mentioned in the same breath as Peake to have an original and vibrant style, but I found Wolfe's writing to be simple without being elegant. His language and structure serve its purpose, only occasionally rising above mere utilitarianism, and then he rushes to florid flourishes that fall flat as often as they succeed. Sometimes, it is downright dull. The prose of the second book is stronger than the first, but its plot and characters are more linear and predictable.

I appreciated his 'created language' more than most fantasy authors, but I didn't find it particularly mysterious or difficult, because all of his words are based on recognizable Germanic or Romantic roots. Then again, after three years of writing stories about Roman whores in Latin, I had little problem with 'meretriculous'. Even those words I wasn't familiar with seemed clear by their use.

The terms are scattered throughout the book, but rarely contribute to a more pervasive linguistic style, as might be seen in The Worm Ouroboros, The Lord of the Rings, Gormenghast, or The King of Elfland's Daughter. Wolfe's terms pepper otherwise and unremarkable modern style, which hardly helps to throw us into a strange world.

He is better than the average fantasy author, but he resembles them more than he differs from them. His protagonist started off interestingly enough: an apparently weak and intelligent man, which made it all the more disappointing when he suddenly transformed into a laconic, wench-loving buttkicker who masters sword-fighting, finds the Super Magic Thing and follows the path of his Awesome Foretold Fate. Again, I must agree with Nick Lowe: Wolfe's plot owes more to magic and convenience than good storytelling.

It relies on the same tricks over and over: any time a character is about to give important information to us, there will be a sudden attack or other interruption, as convenient and annoying as the moment when the dying man says "I was killed by . . . aargh". We also get problems solved by divine intervention whenever things start to slow, which doesn't leave the characters much room to be active.

He also seems to suffer from the same sexual discomfort that plagues so many fantasy authors. There is an undercurrent of obsession with women and their sexuality, complete with the sexualization of rape and murder. It's not so much a case of misogyny as it is an inequality in how characters behave.

The women always seem to end up as playtoys for the narrator, running around naked, desiring him, sparring with him coyly, but ultimately, conquered; and the camera pans away. They always approach him, desire him, pretending they don't want him, then give themselves up to him. It's the same old story of an awkward, emotionless male protagonist who is inexplicably followed and harangued by women who fall in love with him for no given reason, familiar to anyone who's seen a harem anime.

>> No.21329036

>Lackluster writing
Absolutely not. Nothing on RR comes even close to the likes of Martin. He writes more than fine.

>> No.21329734

I will always be bewildered at the positive reception BOTNS gets exclusively from 4chan. It's like an inside joke that everyone except me is in on. Easily the single worst book series I have had the misfortune of reading

>> No.21329767

He's alright. Workmanlike prose.

>> No.21329824

I just think it's the tradlarpers exulting the Christian themes or something. Because they always focus on that when praising it.

>> No.21329905
File: 35 KB, 314x500, COTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unparalleled master piece, gripping, thrilling

>> No.21329911

can you make a video about gnomes and other fae?

>> No.21329920

Wizard's First BDSM?