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/lit/ - Literature

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21325281 No.21325281 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying time and again to read more, much more, than I currently do. I can barely scrape by with reading a few books a year, something that I really wish to change. However, focusing on anything has become increasingly difficult, distractions just seem to pop up from everywhere. I manage to read a chapter or two, love what I'm reading, and then for no reason drop it altogether until I pick it back up again half a year later only to do the same. I love reading, write a lot, and even study literature. But I cannot help getting distracted all the fucking time. Help me /lit/.

>> No.21325288
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A: Force yourself. That's literally it, trust me.

>> No.21325303

For every day you don't read, play a game of Russian roulette. The fear of death will keep you reading.

>> No.21325317

This is probably the best piece of advice I've ever gotten in my life
thanks, anon, I'm trying my best but something always throws me off

>> No.21325343

Read on your computer/phone since you're glued to that device anyway, or bring a book with you to work and read during lunch hour or go somewhere to read *before* going home.

>> No.21325389

By reading.

>> No.21325402

I hate reading from screens, taking a book with me anywhere I go does sound like a better idea.

>> No.21325497
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i consider myself a beginner reader and i sense i've been getting better at the habit, it's about accessibility and time to absorb when you're not doing anything in particular.
>bring a book with you onto the bus, to waiting rooms, etc. you'll likely read since you're already carrying your book.
>read while you wait for your tea to steep or coffee to brew. introduce a moment in your day for when to read during or after an activity, not-reading after that particular activity will begin to give the sense that something is off.
>keep books on a nightstand and urge yourself to read atleast a paragraph before sleeping. you'll likely read more than that.
>read during lunch breaks at work
>bring a book with you on walks outside. sometimes you'll want to sit on a bench and it's nice to have the option.

don't force yourself through one book at a time. have maybe four or five different genres, authors, whichever for variety to choose from based on your mood for the day.
cutting social media and other distractions have been helpful for me but it's not a necessary extreme.
don't be hard on yourself for missing a day, just pick it back up the next day.

>> No.21325518

I work from home, mostly from my computer, and I find that its the biggest distraction around. I wanted to cut social media but decided against that as I feel I'm better than having to go to such extremes as to do something productive. But I will try to follow your advice and implement reading into whatever part of my daily life I can. Maybe it'll work.

>> No.21325813

By reading more, retard.

>> No.21325925

Are you serious?

>> No.21326071

OP will never read.

>> No.21326306

>By eating less, fatty
Good habits need some guidance to gather moss. Not all of our parents read to us when we were little.

>> No.21326346
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Short reading session

Turns long willpower mission;

With music: fission.

>> No.21326353


The internet's new Jordan Peterson (except actually good) has a video on this subject.