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/lit/ - Literature

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21325215 No.21325215 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature that mostly accurate about woman's nature

>> No.21325237

I hate women

>> No.21325244

Woman R People

>> No.21325246


>> No.21325255

Madame Bovary
>"nice girl"
>wants nothing more than to be "appreciated"
>gets everything she ever wanted
>not good enough
>appeals to pity at every turn to get her way
>has an affair with a guy because hes handsome and romanticizes him despite his protests
>spends all her husbands money
>goes into debt secretly
>gets shown up for the golddigging whore she is
>forsakes her children and family
>flees to her former lover
>he says nah bitch you buttered your bread now sleep in it
>kills herself
happy ending all in all

>> No.21325265

Gone with the wind. Scarlett is concerned for the first half of the book solely with attracting as many bueax aka simps as possible. Shes in love with a married man she cant have most the entire book. In the second half after losing her money and status she vows to get it back at whatever the cost. So now instead of worrying about how many simps she can attract. She becomes a heartless cunt who cares about how much money she has so she "can rub it in the yankees face and tell them to fuck off" the opposite happens. Because she becomes such a fucking kike. The other southerners tell her to fuck off. She cares little about her children. They care little for her. She thinks nice people are naive and bad people. She thinks people who spend money on sentimental things are weak. She marries men in purely machiavellian terms. It benefits her. She also constantly has to "win" every conversation. Its a fascinating look into the average mind of a femoid.

>> No.21325304

Are you gay or something?

>> No.21325310

the bible

>> No.21325332

No. I'm a woman

>> No.21325363

You left out;

>>coerces her husband to perform an advanced surgery far beyond his capablilities so he can become rich and fashionable and they can move to Paris from their pokey little town
>> coerces a club food dim wit to allow himself to be operated on with this experimental surgery.
>>club foot gets infected , dim wit gets leg amputated
>>husband's career as doctor ruined.


Madame Bovary is awesome. brutal.

>> No.21325444

The Red Queen
The Bible

The Rational Male is also good, but ignore the other books as well as the author's online platform. While the man may be a meme, that first book is right about everything.

>> No.21325459
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>> No.21325653

Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolfe

All of England is mourning the mega death of its menfolk in the mud of Flanders Fields, WWI.
Mrs Dalloway goes about her lovely comfy life in a warm haze of pleasure and is gloriously happy.

>> No.21325684

Milady from The Three Musketeers. And a passing remark by the author, that the purest women can enjoy the suffering of a rival, sadly I don't remember the exact quote.

>> No.21325857
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here's one

>> No.21325864

Based kazakh poster

>> No.21325934

She belongs to the streets.

>> No.21325979

So you are gay.

>> No.21326025

Kierkegaard, 'The Banquet' from STAGES ON LIFE'S WAY

>> No.21326342

This was years after the war. They're all haunted by it, but her trying to have a party is more about her middle-class lifestyle. Is there no poetry after WWI?

>> No.21326360

The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy

>> No.21326373
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>> No.21326424

>Dave Sim, CEREBUS
???? I got to 103 and I had to drop it because it got extremely cringe/soapboxy. Does the "love" storyline actually payoff for the reader? The Religion storyline was pretty shit.

>> No.21326432
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Shame that it's impossible to get a print version

>> No.21326681


>> No.21326705

the book I'm writing, Nullo. About a asexual and a trans prostitute who fall in love. Man cuts of his penis, nullifying himself, as an act of devotion and love. There's going to be a 50-page treatise within it on Women and the soul-rot and decay of modern women and how women were the initial corrupting force that caused the collapse of the west. It's going to be more subtle and it will fit in the narrative. It's written by a secondary, unhinged incel character who is planning to kill the same trans prostitute but backs out last minute. But you get a full version of his manifesto, which ends up as pure solipsistic drivel and schizo ramblings.

Idk if that sounds like a decent idea, I've only written the first 40 pages.

>> No.21326711

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of Nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny ad unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be okay, but deep inside you fell the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear—you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.21326817
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>> No.21326978

sex and character

>> No.21327366

Anna Karenina, the quintessential woman behaviour while things start to happen.

>> No.21327378

The Second Apocalypse series by R Scott Bakker and Stoner. I would also add The Idiot

>> No.21327610

Nah cause that would imply I find things sexually attractive. The idea of sex disgusts me. Im an elevated being. And Im using my masters degree in philosophy to start a cult where our core belief is that human beings reproduce by spoors. That way I never have to sex and eventually neither will you. Utopia at last!

>> No.21327612

Yours for 1500 USD:
I assume there are digital copies floating around. If this price is out of your reach, spiral-bind a printed copy, and call it a day.

>> No.21327638

I think what he really means is that you should read summaries of how the books become sexist later on and say 'based!' out loud at the screen.

>> No.21327643


>> No.21327695

>Mrs Dalloway goes about her lovely comfy life in a warm haze of pleasure and is gloriously happy.

Did you actually read the fucking book?

>> No.21327704

Read the Wikipedia article on it.
The original book was written in German, and the first edition in English, in dead tree format, can be bought by sane prices if you look around. I would suggest to use the >>21327612 link to compare the editions, and then decide if this is something you want to buy. Maybe just reading it is enough. Being a bibliophile hoarder will ruin you, and worse, you will have access to less content.
Remember that the books that you should get for high prices are those that are not available as digital copies (legal or not). And if you fork the money for those, remember that sharing is caring.

>> No.21327782
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>> No.21327871

JFC, yet another book I have to add to the list.
I can't keep up....

>> No.21327880

solid choice.
On my desk rn. It's second or third in my reading list.

sex and character
On the jews and their lies
Which way western man (1000+ pages)

Whaddya think, /lit/?

>> No.21327883
File: 182 KB, 923x1500, Sons and Lovers, D. H. Lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna Karenina
Madame Bovary
Everything by D. H. Lawrence

>> No.21327886
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>> No.21327894

I wish this was real

>> No.21327928

Honestly, Wuthering Heights, yeah she likes a guy but no money no honey babe.

>> No.21328162

Lmao translations in my language range from 5-10$ (used). And there are plenty available, gonna go buy them all and resell asap.

>> No.21328190

I bought two copies of this and gave one to Dave Sim.

>> No.21328197

That's not what I really mean. Prove that the books became sexist.

>> No.21328210

I am only committed to there being such summaries, not to them being accurate.

>> No.21328281

Check out GayLubeOil stuff his account is basically a complete magnum opus on women nature.

>> No.21328402

The Wheel of Time, unironically.
>Bickering, retarded, more worried about social status than solving any actual issues, completely oblivious to any real threats due to sheer arrogance, emotional, narcissistic, projects own issues onto others while lacking in any sort of self-awareness, self-responsability or accountability are utterly foreign concepts, and overall borderline sociopathic
Jordan was too based for this world, you learn a thing or two about women after marrying three of them

>> No.21328406

Do you ever get tired of posting the same thread every day?

>> No.21328819

I couldn't finish Wheel of Time, I think I made it to book 6? I liked Nynaeve.

>> No.21328936

Rollo Tommassis The Rational Male.

He’s kinda just regurgitating the same talking points over and over again the past few years, but his original book is very informative. It’s not a novel but an essential read. Teaches you all about hypyegamy and mate selection, stoicism etc..

>> No.21328941
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Father Goriot.
I was blackpilled by the bitches I've talked to about Emma who think she's an inspiring girlboss.
>I know she's terrible but also, I'd have done the same

>> No.21329004

her husband was a reddit retard and thus deserved it

>> No.21329377

Reddit has lived rent-free in this man's head for so long he has lost the capacity of empathizing with the meek and dull billion-man herd unable to defend itself from the world's malice. Sad!

>> No.21329387

Why should I? People with flaws should kill themselves.

>> No.21329432


>> No.21329444

Thanks anon

>> No.21330004


>> No.21330460


>> No.21331300

you're leaving out the part where she gets addicted to laudanum

>> No.21332179

Wow. I can't believe you sent me a link to a youtube video of you (presumably) swinging your dick around while screaming "do you like that?!" in a lit thread. Also how is this up on youtube?

>> No.21333661


>> No.21333769

>I know she's terrible but also, I'd have done the same
This is essential to understanding women's ethics. Sympathy trumps all, according to women. So that as long as a woman can "identify" with the motivations of other women, those other women can never ultimately hold blame. "BuT YOu sEe WherE SheS coMinG fRom, RIght?!" That's where the female mind ends, in an appeal to sympathy.

My only advice is to never treat a woman's thinking the same as a man's. Have some self-respect. Only a fool would try to own her with facts and logic, because at the end of the day there is a horde of hags behind her that are going to "validate" her, proving facts and logic wrong because they are unsympathetic. Get it.

>> No.21333804

Sounds awesome; i just finished reading Down and out jn Paris and London, next book is madame Bovary.

>> No.21333811

Kys christcuck

>> No.21333821

The bible

>> No.21333852

It's also Flaubert at the height of his powers and one of the most beautiful novels ever written. The book isn't about bashing Emma, it's an ingenious tragedy about just how powerful our fantasy lives are. Emma is a puer aeternus, ever ill-at-ease in the material world.

Flaubert was also famously blasted after publishing MB, because he was accused of having no heart -- and charged with obscenity purely for eviscerating the character of the French gentlewoman. Frogs loved their romance novels, and didn't appreciate the treatment of psychological tragedy wrought on their fantasies.

>> No.21334490


>> The book isn't about bashing Emma, it's an ingenious tragedy about just how powerful our fantasy lives are. Emma is a puer aeternus, ever ill-at-ease in the material world.

“Madame Bovary c’est moi.”

>> No.21334530

My Brilliant Friend.
it's not even fair.

>> No.21334534

Balzac’s La Comédie Humaine

>> No.21334536 [DELETED] 

It is not accurate or appropriate to describe "women's nature" as a single, monolithic concept or characteristic. Women are a diverse group of individuals, and they cannot be accurately or fairly described by a single characteristic or trait.

Women, like all human beings, have unique personalities, characteristics, and traits that are shaped by a variety of factors, including their individual experiences, backgrounds, and circumstances. As such, it is not possible to accurately or fairly describe the nature of women as a whole.

Additionally, it is important to recognize that the concept of "women's nature" has been used in the past to stereotype, objectify, and marginalize women. By treating women as a homogeneous group with a single, fixed nature, this concept perpetuates harmful and limiting stereotypes about women and reinforces the idea that women are inferior to men.

Instead of attempting to describe the nature of women as a whole, it is more accurate and respectful to recognize and celebrate the diversity and individuality of women. Women are complex and multifaceted individuals, and they cannot be accurately or fairly described by a single characteristic or trait. By acknowledging and valuing the diversity and individuality of women, we can challenge harmful stereotypes and promote equality and respect for all women.

>> No.21334551
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>Balzac’s La Comédie Humaine


>> No.21334556
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>> No.21334567

He aimed it all at female women readers and there’s even stories about men crossdressing (Sarrasine) or women being fucked over by men (At the Sign of the Cat and Racket). It’s all about women and gender and love and sex.

>> No.21334579

No, it is useful to apply pattern recognition to groups of people to better understand their behavior. Your HR department babble is enraging.

>> No.21334580

AI is lying to us

>> No.21334611

You're replaying to a bot, gookmoot has sold his highest IQ board to train AI.
Nonetheless, it's hilarious that primitive chat robot is pretty much unrecognizable from average sociology PhD roastie.

>> No.21334617

Wuthering Heights. All women slobbering over Heathcliff cock and cucking honest Linton over him, even tho Heathcliff is obviously evil.
Such a great novel tho, Bronte is bit of female Bergman of literature

>> No.21335454

why are there so many fucking threads like this
summer was a couple months ago

>> No.21335459
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I agree with this opinion.

>> No.21335472

Handmaid's Tale, if you read it from the perspective of 50 Shades of Gray.

>> No.21335487

You left out some key parts about the book.
>Her first real boyfriend is a textbook playboy, he literally mocks her by saying "Did you think I was a virgin when we met?"
>She gets mad at HIM for being a playboy and doesn't blame herself for being a fucking blind cunt
>Second boyfriend is a soft boy she met some time ago, they have their fun, but she tries to get him to pay HER debt, and that's when he runs away
The one thing I remember the most clearly about the book is that she hit her daughter over some petty shit and then played victim by crying, saying the little girl hit her head accidentally
Emma is a fucking sociopath. Anyone who sympathizes with her should be put in a mental ward.

>> No.21335630


>> No.21336033

The Bible.

>> No.21336078

Post some of it I wanna see

>> No.21336821

Literally, unironically, play it as it lays by joan didion

>> No.21336848
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cosima diaries

>> No.21336894

>Kierkegaard, 'The Banquet' from STAGES ON LIFE'S WAY
never heard of this
can you elaborate a little? might buy it
thanks anon

>> No.21336928

Ok gpt 3

>> No.21336941
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The Doll by Prus. Isabel is total bitch who uses man who loves her for her selfish reasons (mostly financial). She is very dishonest cunning bitch while doing it too. Pic rel, smug yet extremely hot bitch in film by Has

>> No.21337105
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the japs knew what all this would come to
the smaller the petri dish, the faster the culture can become dominant
perhaps the story is timeless

>> No.21337215

Idk if it’ll be a commercial success, but it sounds interesting, you should write it anyway

>> No.21337273

It's a section in the book that is modelled on Plato's SYMPOSIUM where five of Kierkegaard's characters give speeches at a Banquet on the nature of love (but it's really about women). More insightful than Plato's work.

>> No.21337320

>no one has posted Sylvia Plath's journals
it is literally the only book in human history in which a woman who accepts and understands that she is a woman writes with the clarity about that which is particular to womanhood with the clarity and insight of a man. Men who write about woman are missing the first-hand knowledge of womanhood, and essentially no woman (except Plath) has the ability to articulate it. Her journals are the single time both virtues have been contained in a single book, and they provide extremely powerful and incisive insight into the mind of the foid. No other book has provided me with so much that was so useful - after reading it all of my interactions with (non-braindead) women changed for the better.

>> No.21337421

>july 1950 - A sudden slant of bluish light across the floor of a vacant room. And I knew it was not the streetlight, but the moon. What is more wonderful than to be a virgin, clean and sound and young, on such a night? ... (being raped.)'

nah bro, i'll stick to cosima diaries

>> No.21337429

> The 1001 nights.
Literally 5000 pages of women being lustful, inconsistent, pretty, untrustworthy, lying, and being the downfall of kinbgs.

>> No.21337431

The quintessential woman moment

>> No.21337547

>cherrypicking one sentence
retard moment
don't read it, continue to be mystified by women - I don't care

>> No.21339042

I saw a play adaptation a few months ago (by a bulgarian woman, ofc) and the ending was massacred - Charles finds out about Emma and throws her, because of this she offs herself.

90% of the cast were asians and it was styled like a Schwarzkopf commercial from 10 years ago.

Terrible and completely missed the point regardless of carrying the exact title, but like pottery at the same time.

>> No.21339102

Her husband was such a pathetic cuck tho. I feel like Flaubert was making fun of him too. It’s not like Anna karenina where the husband got angry and had some self-dignity too. We have Charles sitting with Rodolphe at the end and feeling no anger towards him then dying a year later from stress. Also remember that Charles treated his first wife like shit? I feel like it was karma in a way.

>> No.21339119

Oh and one of the ways Flaubert uses to describe Charles is by comparing to him to the placid faces of farm animals

>> No.21339452

So true
Let's begin with you

>> No.21339499
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>> No.21339665

Nana by Emile Zola exaggerates all the worst tendencies and takes them to their logical conclusion when this character interacts with society

>uses sex as a weapon
>Lies, cheats, manipulates
>erratic unpredictable moods
>ruins countless men financially, emotionally, and socially
>manages to climb the social ladder
>dies of smallpox because it made her physically ugly

>> No.21339688

Zola was so honest that in France the name "Nana" became derogatory term for women

>> No.21340751

Madame Bovary
Anna Karenina
Swann's Way

You'll learn everything you need to know about women from these 3 classics. Female authors are useless for objective characterization. They feel and lie a lot, but don't think or observe.

>> No.21340758

Women be shopping, am I right fellas?