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/lit/ - Literature

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21322797 No.21322797 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for Pinch bros? I already got filtered by GR about a year back, but I read some excerpts here on /lit/ recently and something clicked with his style, so I am trying again with Bleeding Edge. What is your one sentence pitch for the book?

>> No.21322808
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>> No.21322812

Pynchon is such a fucking postmodernist le quirky hack it's not even funny

>> No.21322816

Pynchon is a cryptojew himself. Also he should stick to the past instead of copying Wiliam Gibson.

>> No.21322824

Bleeding Edge is a historical novel.

>> No.21322831
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, 7126A60B-C707-415A-AD9E-257C545D2365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came here for the scat scene
>see this
>think its the scat scene
>its not

>> No.21322832

Bleeding Edge is a metaphor for a menstruating vagina's vulva as a phallic agent.

>> No.21322835

By that logic every novel ever written is historical.

>> No.21322840


>> No.21322841
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That shit is hilarious. That's exactly why I feel like I can give Pynchon another chance now. The excerpts I mentioned were from GR, the part where Slothrup is with that one chick and she starts doing judo and then they fuck. I think the first time I tried reading GR I didn't realize how funny it actually is. He is a funny guy.

>> No.21322849


>> No.21322854

Signatures are against the rules.

>> No.21322870
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>> No.21322971

What would Thomas Pynchon say about the Finnish military?