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21322195 No.21322195 [Reply] [Original]

These are Jay Dyer's 15 most important books to read before you die, what do you think?
>St. Augustine, The City of God
>Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
>Plato, Republic
>Flannery O'Connor, The Complete Short Stories
>Frank Herbert, Dune
>Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
>JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (Addendum: CS Lewis, Space Trilogy)
>George Orwell/Aldous Huxley, 1984/Brave New World
>Carroll Quigley , Tragedy and Hope
>F. William Engdahl , Full Spectrum Dominance
>Daniel Estulin, The Bilderberg Group
>Ken Gentry, Before Jerusalem Fell
>Fr Dmitriu Staniloae, Orthodox Dogmatic Theology Vol I: The Experience of God
>The Bible (The Orthodox Study Bible)

>> No.21322207

>St. Augustine
Stopped reading there.

>> No.21322229

No one care retard, everyone should read his Confessions.

>> No.21322247
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Except for Augustine, Plato and Dostoevsky, they’re all, um, English. Tolkien also hated Lewis’s writing and vice versa despite their very close friendship so I’m not sure why that’s an addendum.

My list

Theology: the Quran (Ibn Kathir tafsir)
Kitab at-Tawheed
Ibn Taymiyyah Expounds on Islam

Messages to the World
The Concept of the Political

The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Divine Comedy
King Lear
Eugene Onegin
Don Quixote
Moby Dick
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.21322259

On second thought Concept of the Political isn’t really geopoliticals but it is presumed to grasp Nomos of the Earth which is about geopolitics

>> No.21322271

>so I’m not sure why that’s an addendum
Because they both deal with the same topic in different manner

>> No.21322274

This is an absolutely atrocious list, I am sick to my stomach. You should be ashamed.

Here's mine:

>Why god is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens
>The Writings of Martin Buber
>Aion by Carl Jung
>The Meaning of Man by Jean Mouroux
>Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

>Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke
>The Art of War by Sun Tzu
>Capital Vol. 1 by Marx
>BAsics by Bob Avakian

>Marlfox by Brian Jacques
>The Seduction of Unreason by Richard Wolin
>Aminadab by Maurice Blanchot
>All Things are Possible by Lev Shestov
>The Lower Depths by Maxim Gorky
>Hook by Terry Brooks

>> No.21322276

Anglo and Nose mythic cycles?

>> No.21322282

The essentials for every intellectual American

>> No.21322287

Kek. I get it, you're trolling. Very funny.

>> No.21322290

>Christopher Hitchens

>> No.21322293

Nope, humanity's battle against globalism (satanism).

>> No.21322298

>e-celeb thread
Looks like a retarded pseud. Thread hidden.

>> No.21322302

>Looks like a retarded pseud.
You're projecting hard, he's one of the finest scholars of our age.

>> No.21322306

Tolkien strongly disliked the Roman Empire with he identified with that, and if Byzantium is Second Rome and Russia third Rome then….

>> No.21322310

Dyer's an abused child that turned to a centuries old outdated coping mechanism, and them parades himself like a faggot online. This is how far American men have fallen.

>> No.21322312

Don't know this guy, gonna go watch his videos

>> No.21322314

Yet his spot on 99% of time

>> No.21322322

But did Tolkien dislike the Byzantium aka the Christian Rome?

He likely hated them for being depraved pagans which they were.

>> No.21322326

Yet to find anyone that comes even close to him in knowledge on the globalists. Look him up.

>> No.21322334

>literal who says something
I don't care. I don't need validation for my opinions.

>> No.21322336

He hated them for homogenizing Germanics and celts into their culture

>> No.21322340

Okay, okay, fine, you got me. Here, here, I'll post my genuine essential 15:

>Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke
>The Trigger by David Icke
>The Trap by David Icke
>The Answer by David Icke
>Secrets of the Matrix by David Icke
>The Biggest Secret by David Icke
>Children of the Matrix by David Icke

>Perceptions of a Renegade Mind by David Icke
>Tales From the Time Loop by David Icke
>The Man Who Woke Up by David Icke

>The Phantom Self by David Icke
>I am Me, I am Free by David Icke
>And the Truth Shall Set You Free by David Icke
>Remember Who You Are by David Icke
>Infinite Love is the Only Truth by David Icke

>> No.21322346

That's a weak point if that was his only issue because every great civilisation did it.

>> No.21322348

Icke is Based but not that based.

>> No.21322367

>Kitab at-Tawhid
You're talking about the one by Imam Maturidi, right anon?

>> No.21322373
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>> No.21322376

Tolkien was not a fan of great civilizations, he liked small-town littleness. See his description of his ideal monarch

>> No.21322382

>Tolkien was not a fan of great civilizations, he liked small-town littleness.
That's a good thing, but he was also a Brit

>> No.21322386

Projecting again lmao, you're the leftard here buddy like the faggot in picrel

>> No.21322413

He detested the British Empire and hated being called British, always correcting people that he was English, not British

>> No.21322420

Based actually

>> No.21322426


His letters are as worth reading as his novels desu

>> No.21324131

>>Why god is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens
made me lol good one

>> No.21324159

>Orthodox study Bible
Have fun reading a barely edited version of a Protestant translation. Then again, the actual orthodox churches just use the RSV or KJV so points for being one level more exotic, Jay.
The rest seem like standard literature anyone invested in pop culture who isn’t just a woocher has read. Surprised to See Augustine on the list though, you would think Dayer as the king of the Internetdox would spit on his very name

>> No.21324172

>the actual orthodox churches just use the RSV or KJV
Are you retarded?
> Surprised to See Augustine on the list though, you would think Dayer as the king of the Internetdox would spit on his very name
Oh yes you are lmao, Augustine first of all is from before the great East/West schisms and secondly even if he were after it the corruption of Rome was gradual not instantaneous.

>> No.21324270

They honestly just seem to be the last 10 he read.

>> No.21324351

Are YOU retarded?
> The Eastern Orthodox Church officially uses the Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament which was translated from the original Hebrew language into Greek in the third century B.C. The Septuagint of the Orthodox Church contains all the Canonical Books and the Anaginoskoinena Books "worthy to be read" (called Apocrypha in the English Versions). For the New Testament, the original Greek text is used by the Greek Church, while the other Orthodox Churches have translated the Bible into their own native languages from the original Greek, with the Slavonic translation the oldest. The Orthodox Church has not, as yet, translated the Bible into English and so has no official English translation. In the meantime, the Orthodox are temporarily using both the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version. (from https://www.goarch.org/-/the-bible-its-original-languages-and-english-translations))
As for your second paragraph, that’s a moderately more nuanced take than your brethren have. I’ve seen time and time again on here Augustine blamed for popularizing the doctrine of original sin and being a major divergence from the orthodox viewpoint. Kudos to you for that

>> No.21324410

>he's talking about the American Orthodox church
As for Augustine I don't know what the general orthodox consensus is nor do I care he along with St Thomas are very important authors/figures for all Christians even if there are some disagreements.

>> No.21325456

Read these instead:
>The Bible itself
>Simone Weil(Gravity and Grace, Awaiting God)
>Agamben(The Kingdom and the Glory, The Time that Remains)
>David Bentley Hart(Everything)
>Teresa of Avila(Autobiography, Interior Castle)
>Pseudo-Dionysios (Mystical Theology, Divine Names)
>Roman A. Montero (All things in common)
>Meister Eckhart(Sermons).