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21321229 No.21321229 [Reply] [Original]

Are transhumanists and other science worshippers just deluded lemmings and byproducts of the current times, or harmful hylic forces disintegrated by satanic influence?

>> No.21321231

Transhumanists are glorified coping schmucks. Inevitable suicides waiting to happen.

>> No.21321244
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>> No.21321248
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Ted Kaczynski thoroughly deboonked the entire concept of transhumanism.


> It is an index of the techies' self-deception that they habitually assume that anything they consider desirable will actually be done when it becomes technically feasible. Of course, there are lots of wonderful things that already are and for a long time have been technically feasible, but don't get done. Intelligent people have said again and again: "How easily men could make things much better than they are—if they only all tried together!"[9] But people never do "all try together," because the principle of natural selection guarantees that self-propagating systems will act mainly for their own survival and propagation in competition with other self-propagating systems, and will not sacrifice competitive advantages for the achievement of philanthropic goals.[10]

> The techies may answer that even if almost all biological species are eliminated eventually, many species survive for thousands or millions of years, so maybe techies too can survive for thousands or millions of years. But when large, rapid changes occur in the environment of biological species, both the rate of appearance of new species and the rate of extinction of existing species are greatly increased.[22] Technological progress constantly accelerates, and techies like Ray Kurzweil insist that it will soon become virtually explosive;[23] consequently, changes come more and more rapidly, everything happens faster and faster, competition among self-propagating systems becomes more and more intense, and as the process gathers speed the losers in the struggle for survival will be eliminated ever more quickly. So, on the basis of the techies' own beliefs about the exponential acceleration of technological development, it's safe to say that the life-expectancies of human-derived entities, such as man-machine hybrids and human minds uploaded into machines, will actually be quite short. The seven-hundred year or thousand-year life-span to which some techies aspire[24] is nothing but a pipe-dream.

>> No.21321253

A brown guy that uses too much Adderall made this

>> No.21321264

Transhumanism is pure autistic fantasy run amok perpetuated by literal autist goysloppers.
>le chip put in my brain that gives me marvel superhero powers!


>> No.21321267

such an attempt to imitate divine manifestation is truly satanic. An exercise of mental masturbation gone too far

>> No.21321286

Yes, cleary Faustian.
>forsake god's creation
>design a new world based on the glorification of power, science, and self-advancement
Not to mention that THs are commonly insanely misanthropic ("humans are too flawed and need to be improved", "the natural course of things must be hijacked by an elite")

>> No.21321293

Transhumanism as it is now, sounds pretty gay. Call me old fashioned, but I believe transhumanism should be more taking steroids and less disrespecting nature. Nature gave us all that we have, we must respect it.

>> No.21321297

I see in Elon Musk the current and most obvious example of a TH salesman who happens to swing to the right because it benefits him, wanting to push humanity out of his cosmic centre on Earth and towards the martian desert. And there's a very strange and unsettling energy surrounding Grimes, but that's another story.
Personally, I think we won't get any closer to the TH dream more than a bunch of very realistic limb replacements, other feats of robotics and Medical technology. We will destroy each other with weapons of mass destruction before we get any further into scientistic goyslop

>> No.21321339

Agreed, their dreams will never come true. They talk amongst themselves like a decadent elite ignoring the barbarians at the gate. Niggas will be in their futuristic jerk-off machine one moment and their heads will be on a spike the next.

>> No.21321422

It's pure delusion but also a sinister attempt by tptb who are the ones pushing it to sequester the spiritual growth/development of the species. Unfortunately, I see millions of retards lining up to get their brains chipped if the whole covid-op is any indication.

>> No.21321436

Not to mention that transhumanism would be out of reach for everyone except for the elite. This is just some oligarchical new nobility hell they are trying to sell as the fuutttuurrreee

>> No.21321437
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Not all transhumanism is the same. I just want to explore space, bros. If I need to genemod some zero-g organs, then so I will do. I'm plenty ///woke/// though.

>> No.21321449

Explore space? Try this: Empty out a closet of yours. Bock all light coming from the cracks around the frame. Set a timer on your phone so you know to leave in approximately 30 minutes so you don't run out of air. Now just imagine your are moving and that each second is hundreds of years. At the end of the 30 minutes when the alarm goes off and the metal screeching happens, realize you died before reaching anything. You were flying through space for hundreds of years but never managed to reach anything interesting. Because space is empty as fuck. Consider re-rolling 500 years in the future.

>> No.21321455

Tramshumanists think that they will be able to access all the interesting modifications but they will probably end up with a chip that gives them stomach ache every time they exceed their carbon limit.

>> No.21321459

Fuck individualism
Fuck materialism
Fuck capitalism
Fuck existentialism
Fuck atheism
Fuck transhumanism
Fuck effective altruism
Fuck them all

>> No.21321463
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if u wear glasses, take vitamins, ever had a cavity filled or gotten a childhood vaccine, u are already a transhumanist.

writing a grocery list down on paper is artificial memory augmentation, ergo transhumanism. grow up op, u pathetic virgin

>> No.21321468

Latest version of Christianity/nihilism/world-denial

>> No.21321476

Jesus promised bodily resurrection here on Earth. So has Ray Kurzweil. Either one will be fine by me.

>> No.21321493

>you use technology, yet you criticize it
Your post is like criticizing a guy for not watching porn while he fucks his wife.

>> No.21321507

nice Reductio ad absurdum there buddy,

>> No.21321551


>> No.21321574

I would be a transhumanist. That is, in a world where it was actually cool and could do impressive things.
Of course anyone sane is gonna shit on them in the here and now when its just usually being a weird brand cuck and doing gay as fuck 'pay for your $10 coffee or your train trip using your chip on the way to your cagie' shit.
Human bodies are shit in many ways, god isnt real so 'divine blah' doesnt matter. If you could have improvements on the human body with no drawback you'd be retarded not to.

>> No.21321584

it's gay as fuck

>> No.21321605

You just have low test.

>> No.21321608

Anons, at what point does a man, through him changing his own body, transcend his humanity? And, of course, what does it mean to transcend one's own "humanity"?

>> No.21321613

70-IQ Christcuck redneck say what?

>> No.21321728

Humans have latent abilities that can be brought to the surface with the proper work/training (remote viewing, esp, astral projection, etc). Transhumanists are mere cucks not satisfied with our current enslavement by governments and corporations who instead want to push their cuckery to the max by giving those institutions a kill-switch over their entire being, which is exactly what such "augmentations" would provide. Anyone who thinks otherwise has allowed Hollywood science fiction to melt their brain.

>> No.21321844

Anyone who doesn't want a robo arm with built in lasers and flame throwers is gay.
You literally cannot prove me wrong.

>> No.21321862

Both. They are the enemy of both God and mankind. God is both immanent and transcendent and the reason they want to chip your brain is to commandeer your consciousness so that there is no ability to awaken into spirit, enslaving all living things in matter forever. They call it immanentizing the eschaton. The counter-initiates believe they are heralding the new golden age by forcibly closing the cycle. In reality they are only damning themselves and whoever follows them off the cliff.

>> No.21321878

Transhumanism and its sjw neo-religion were prophesied by Guénon.

>> No.21321881

>t. Literal nigger subhuman
Rednecks are competent and independent, they are superior to you. Go back to r3ddit, faggot.

>> No.21321893

>Are transhumanists and other science worshippers
I don't worship science (it's a mixed bag as is). I just want to use technology to extend our lifespans and make us less brittle against nature.

>> No.21321896

He's as much of a straw grasper as Kurzweil is.

>> No.21321898

>nice Reductio ad absurdum
Same shit OP does.

>> No.21322102

This thread is revealing, /lit/ is filled with luddites.
>No! What do you mean you want to live longer/forever, get rid of disease and never have to feel weak or conflicted and transcend your limitations?! Y-you’re just a Satanic tranny!

>> No.21322110

Unironically talks about god

>> No.21322121

Short answer?

>> No.21322124

transhumanists are the modern atheists

>> No.21322163

This is the kinda nigga thats gonna get the first gen brain implants then fall victim to a fatal technological flaw or malicious hack that forces him to experience the worst pain physically possible whilst simultaneously slowing his perception of time by a factor of 10000.

Sorry bucko, I don't trust the current elites with my literal brain/mind, you are fucking stupid if you do.

>> No.21322685
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Read Ellul.

>> No.21322692

Ellul is suicide fuel.

>> No.21322699

Yeah, you sound like the typical death anxious person.

Accept your mortality and eschew your narcissism.

>> No.21322723

Your mobile phone is already frying your testicles and lowering your sperm count. Just imagine how many xenoestrogens you will get from having wifi wired up to your brain.
It's technology's fault testosterone is decreasing, the only ones who could be called low test are the transhumanists.

>> No.21323414
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Pic related

>> No.21323441

You say that as if there's a problem...

>> No.21323473
File: 49 KB, 720x706, 15F308A2-4F27-4CEF-A0C8-8A5434B9588B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not gonna read that much green text first thing in the morning

>> No.21323500

It's a mater of degree, not kind. Promethean fire isn't bad, but if you get too close you'll get burned.

>> No.21323653

Love transhumanism
Love self improvement
Hate corporations
Hate onions-science

Simple as

>> No.21323841

Read "Gilgamesh, the Immortal" series. Gilgamesh saves an ayy and is given immortality as a gift, the alien says that the only way for Gilgamesh to stop being immortal -if he ever gets tired of it- it's to travel to the Purple Planet and contact him.
After a while, Gilgamesh goes insane and damns his existence for the sake of immortality.
Really good perspective on the truth of desiring eternal what you're not meant to be.

>> No.21324183

Transhumanism is just when scientists try to come up with a religion. And just like creationism being what religious people come up with when they try to formulate a science, the results in both cases are immense cringe

>> No.21324250

For all that these morons dream about extending their lifespan I find it funny that even today the more impactful thing you can do to extend your lifespan is to reject modern lifestyles and do strength training + cardio to mimic ancient lifestyles, coupling that with a diet that rejects practically everything invented after the industrial revolution.

>> No.21324283

>Jesus promised bodily resurrection here on Earth. So has Ray Kurzweil. Either one will be fine by me.
Just embrace Omega Point theory and you will have techno utopia with Jesus' blessing, a God Machine at the end of times that will create an artificial reality which was foretold in the Bible.

>> No.21324313
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>> No.21324316
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>>No! What do you mean you want to live longer/forever, get rid of disease and never have to feel weak or conflicted and transcend your limitations?! Y-you’re just a Satanic tranny!

>> No.21324321

>Rednecks are competent and independent, they are superior to you.
Yeah, keep dropping comma splices on the /lit/ board, you poorly educated redneck faggot.

>> No.21324330

>gets BTFO
>tries to correct punctuation of a shitpost
As if it werent already painfully obvious that you're a redditcuck who supports president Bidet.

>> No.21324335

mostly the former, I'd like to give them a chance because it enrages religious "muh divinity, muh sanctity" puritans but it seems most of them just end up in the same mode of thought anyways but with all of the downsides of globalhomo to boot

>> No.21324349

Your uneducated ass lost. You don't belong here. You're nothing in my eyes.

>> No.21324364

imagine casually writing better science fiction than almost everything else in a 4chan image reply shit-post

>> No.21324367

>tries to correct punctuation of a shitpost
lmao, /pol/niggers with the same banal midwit cope.

>> No.21324373

Yet you cant make him leave kek

>> No.21324374

>thinks he refuted me
>is actually mad
Thanks for the laugh, you dumb ape (yes i can tell you're black). Rednecks have more money than you, have hotter women, are physically superior, and party harder. Keep coping, jamal.

>> No.21324379

>whines about pol
>doesnt even know how to greentext
>samefags but still has no argument
I guarantee you have a sub-100 IQ.

>> No.21324385

>Yet you cant make him leave kek
Wow, nice victory lap there, shit stain.

>> No.21324386

How do you know he's uneducated? He sounds more intelligent than you, plus he refuted you.

>> No.21324389

You have to stop crying, this is silly

>> No.21324390

mindbroken samefag
inb4 screenshots to "prove" otherwise

>> No.21324391

GTFO my /lit/ you dumb brown dyke

>> No.21324392

Comma splice reveals the samefagging nigger.

>> No.21324397

>act like a stupid nigger
>multiple people chime in
>paranoid chimp brain cant handle it
Cope, rednecls are totally superior to your foul, worthless black ass.

>> No.21324399

>He sounds more intelligent than you, plus he refuted you.
Comma splice reveals the samefagging uneducated nigger again.
He just can't help himself. He doesn't even know what it is, so he can't adjust.

>> No.21324403

>guys look what i learned in english class today!
>am i white yet?

>> No.21324404

Anon there is no need for racism and nobody cares about punctuation on 4chan

>> No.21324409

It's the /lit/ board, you uneducated samefagging trash. Rednecks aren't white. They don't have the white mentality.

>> No.21324411

Redneck is a jewish term to denigrate whites who don't conform to the urban petty bourgeois cuck mentality.

>> No.21324416

>multiple people couldnt possibly dislike me
Does that not track with your real life experiences lel

>> No.21324422

>multiple people chime in
All with the exact same fucking shitty punctuation sloppiness in an otherwise dead thread.
Hall monitor dude has got a point. Don't be so obvious next time.

>> No.21324430

Whiteness is a state of high Western culture.
You will never be white with your mouth-breathing level of education.

>> No.21324444

If you really cant read the difference between and the other guy idk what to tell you. You really need to stop crying about semicolons; you're not smart because you understand a basic point of orthography.

>> No.21324451

That sounds utterly retarded, just read the actual epic of Gilgamesh.

This lmao

>> No.21324452

>difference between and the other guy
>stop crying about semicolons
Commas, not semicolons.
Poor attention to detail = nigger IQ.

>> No.21324454
File: 5 KB, 221x228, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiteness is a state of culture

>> No.21324468

You were crying about comma splices, which are cases where a semicolon should be used. I estimate your iq at 105-110; I'm guessing you did alright in humanities but poorly at physics and math. I have never encountered a smart person who would posture like this about punctuation.

>> No.21324480

Yes. Nobody wants a white ethnostate that has an average IQ of 60. Quality matters.

>> No.21324494

>which are cases where a semicolon should be used
False and disingenuous attempt to save. A semicolon is only one of the available corrections.

>> No.21324513

Whiteness is not about intelligence. As far as psychological characteristics go the Germanic core of whites is typified by a sort of romantic autism. The exceptional white men are people like Newton or Goethe who unfold this autism in a sophisticated way. Your average white only displays it as a general kind of "liberal" sensibility. The different white races have different features as well, and there is of course immense variation within them; these are only very vague and broad trends. I dont have anything against dumb people anyway.

>> No.21324519

You're not getting in with that IQ, IQlet.

>> No.21324522

The very fact that you think arguing in the manner you're doing makes you look good is itself a proof of your intellectual defects, but those same defects will make you incapable of grasping this even after it is pointed out to you.

>> No.21324537

>run-of-the-mill combative pseud babble

>> No.21324547

I'm obviously not dumb, please remain serious here.

>> No.21324555

Well, tell us about the math you do.

>> No.21324575

I dont do any math at all. You dont appear to grasp the concept of intelligence very well, which is maybe why you think it's related to punctuation and are incapable of arguing the actual content of an issue.

>> No.21324605

You have a low IQ and poor attention to detail, which is why you think the criticism was one of intelligence, notwithstanding multiple posts mentioning state of education:
Done here.

>> No.21324623

You are clearly aware that I'm smarter than you and this annoys you kek

>> No.21324635

See >>21324605.

>> No.21324640

holy shit i just had an idea. what if you guys have a smart contest? devise a test to see who is the smarter! genius :)
thank me later bros, peace

>> No.21324649

Obviously it is me but I will be magnanimous in victory

>> No.21324671

be careful with that edge son, you might end up cutting yourself

>> No.21324684

I am the least edgy person alive. I care for every person no matter who they are or what they have done. Even anon here is my friend

>> No.21324703

I consider myself the fourth smartest man in the world, and I highly doubt that little mental-midget grunt there is among the top three.

>> No.21324709

Not only am I smarter than you I am also more muscular and better looking. Life is unfair friends

>> No.21324735
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You sound like a good fit for /fit/.

>> No.21324755

>saving this image
One can only imagine your physique. My condolences

>> No.21324770

Tramshumanists think that they will be able to access all the interesting modifications but they will probably end up with a chip that gives them stomach ache every time they exceed their carbon limit.

>> No.21324787
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A Jesuit...hmm I don't know... Otherwise I think I already came to the same conclusion. I'm not sure if it was independently or I somehow heard of that guy but didn't realize it. Is he well known?