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[ERROR] No.2132082 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your worst plot ideas:
The stories you wish you hadn't written/are glad you didn't follow through with. The really, really bad ones.

>> No.2132092

a bad idea just hasn't been tweaked enough yet.
even with less good ideas (like formulaic high fantasy) it's the execution that matters.

>> No.2132091

I am in Krakow with the girl I love, however, she does not yet know that I love her. I am an esteemed Classical Guitarist and she is a Sculptor.

Suddenly the war hits.

>> No.2132098

Myself and a collective of revolutionaries ride fixie bikes in the rainbows of the San Fransisco hillsides and prepare to change the world.

With revolutionary acts.

>> No.2132095

A guy and his sims character lead parallel lives and die in sad/funny ways

>> No.2132102

I wake up one morning with the girl who has a crush on me as my right hand.

It is awkward for a while but eventually ends in me masturbating profusely.

She gets pregnant. And she is still on my right hand.

>> No.2132107

A town of people who survive off light - one orphan/freakchild is isolated and starts generating light inside him/her. She gets extremely sick before an angel comes and grants her a hole in her body where her light can be spilled out (Spotlight-style) and the townsfolk, unaware of the meaning of "overindulgence" (light-food is consistent), start to form riots and wars when they discover her.

Maybe for a possible kids story.

>> No.2132109

Midori no Hibi gone wrong?

>> No.2132113

My cum is pure milk but it pains me to masturbate.

The milk is a miracle serum and all across the land people travel to get a drop.

My cocks is an hour a minute. I drop dead

The cum saves my life

>> No.2132117

George R R Martin vs Poul Anderson in an epic battle for control of the universe, plot twist when George R R Martin is actually God, trying to show Poul the way to salvation

>> No.2132120

ugly guy wants to look perfect, so he meticulously creates an outer "layer" with realistic skin, a more attractive face, padding that makes him look more muscular and hard padding to correct/perfect facial features.

People start treating him better, he finally gets a girlfriend, is making money but one day walking by a taxedermist he hears wailing, screaming, crying. he walks inside and sees not just animals but humans who are frozen but crying out in misery.

As he walks hurriedly home everyone stops and stares at him, some people laugh and some cry sand.

it starts raining, and his skin starts to irritate and prick into his skin. Fine fine fine i'll tear it off he yells and as he rips it off he collapses into a pile of sand.

>> No.2132121

this is actually a good idea
delete it before i steal it
i am fucking serious

>> No.2132123

that was actually funny.

>> No.2132142

Frankie Stein's father is a scientist. Wife dies and he dedicates his life to bring her back.
Frankie's dad is kind of a mind fucker now and Frankie is afraid to tell him he can just bring anything dead back by touching it.
Or something like that.. frankenstein parody. Outlined it in high school.

>> No.2132153

A detective in the 1930's who can use the powers of a demon to help him solve crimes.

One case leads him to a cult who is trying to open a portal for cthulhu and he has to stop it.

His demon is a decaying fox that is missing his jaw, but still laughs and talks.

That is as far as I got...

>> No.2132157

I was thinking of doing a scifi fantasy, like, in the future of a fantasy world with dragons and wizards, unicorns and what have you. But the future, so they would explore the galaxy in a technological, not magical, spaceship and encounter aliens and stuff.

But then I was like "nah"

>> No.2132174

A man who becomes Prime Minister developed a condition where can't stop farting.

>> No.2132178

A man awakens from a coma after being in a car accident and suddenly can see, visually, that there is no free will. He sees what were once invisible strings pulling him in certain directions, he can see evil spirits come close and whisper in his ear, he can see them taunting people, tricking them, he sees people who now have a thin white film over there eyes and are led either by good or bad spirits, pulled by strings.

He sees his wife and children being invisible molested and decides he has to change things. pretending to be one of the sheep in the herd, he allows these satans to come near him. he whispers in his head, they are real, the are real. and then boom grasps them by the neck.

How do you work for?

Satan they smile

Where is God?

The spirits look at each other confusedly.

What about God?


What do you mean who, the creator, the all-powerful?

Never heard of him.

Christ do I really have to explain this?

Proceeds to sit down over a cup of tea with the spirits who become very interested and invite their friends over to hear about god.

What a wonderful story! They say at the end.

You should definitely write a book about it, some of them suggest to him. YEa Yea!

And when he had no more to say and the spirits grew restless with him, he was a bit of a bore mind you, they cast him back into his sheep like state.

they made him write the bible and with glee watched the world fight over its meaning, its validity.

Eventually they got bored and wanted something more interesting so they left the people alone, blind, wandering around, regurgitating the ideas that weren't even theirs to begin with, walking around in hopeless circles.

>> No.2132181

that's not how frankenstein goes

>> No.2132182


keanu reeves

>> No.2132183

The Rapture happens and Jesus comes back to earth, but as an obnoxious black gangbanger crack addict.

>> No.2132186


>> No.2132187
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Irish slavery epic

Enough said.

>> No.2132216

A children's adventure series, with each episode being a thinly veiled metaphor for child abuse.

>> No.2132229

A boy swallows an iPod and from then on can only speak using songs. Then one day he meets a girl he loves so much that none of the songs on the iPod can express his love for her.

I think it works more as a cutesy Hallmark card. but trying to base a short story around it...didn't turn out too well.

>> No.2132238

I guy from the near-future invents a time machine, goes into the far future to find out that in the far future they've invented an alternate reality machine, where if you go into the past, you can changes events that would change whats in the present (far-future), he goes into the AR machine to 1930, kills hitler, goes into the near future where he was orignally to see if anything has changed, and finds out that the near-future has become the far-future.

>> No.2132241

The main character is in love with a quasi-narcissistic asshole who gets off on vandalizing property and hearing people in the community complain about it.

Might still write it. It might be less of a shitshow than my current idea. (A special "World Religions" class for kids with religious delusions)

>> No.2132246
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>> No.2132247

A boy is locked in a closet beneath the stairs and mistreated by his abusive aunt and uncle. One day he gets a letter in the mail, an acceptance letter to a school for witchcraft, eh that's as far as I got. Shit Idea anyway.

>> No.2132260

A dystopian society where lassiez-faire economics has led to utter collapse of the world economy and has led to anarchy. Main character travels across the USA, (the hardest hit) to reconstruct the broken down, lawless society with the values of socialism and marx's teachings. He gains followers and supporters throughout his travels, and slowly rebuilds and reshapes the USA with the help of close friends.

In the end, selfishness and conflict of interest breaks the friendship of the main characters closest friend. Leading civil war between the East and West United states. The world has recovered since the collapse, and orders nukes in every single city, wiping out every single american and destroys everything in its path.

>> No.2132262
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>> No.2132263
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I had a really good idea for a book/comic series about a holy assassin in a steampunk world a couple months ago, but I kind of lost track of where I was going with it.

As for bad ones, I considered writing a story about weird mindfuck dreams I'd had. In one dream, I was with a group of friends in this huge convention center with escalators everywhere. Gradually during this, my friends and other people around me began to change into strange caricatures of themselves, reflecting how they actually were. Eventually, everyone vanished one by one and I wandered about endlessly until I reached an escalator that took me slowly down into a pit of many escalators. At the bottom, everything was blocked off except for an elevator door. Before I could press the button, the doors opened and inside was a sign that said "This is the End." Then I woke up.

That was just one of them, but I'm kind of glad I didn't write a collection of things like that.

>> No.2132271

An African American's last chance of still living with his mom is shattered when he gets in a school fight with a rival gang. He's sent on his way across the USA to a town called Bel-air.

>> No.2132589

I had a big science fiction story about three kids raised on an orphan ship who try to escape, crash-land on a ranching planet - the entire economy is based on meat exports. And they try to rebuild their ship and start a revolution to get revenge on the alien race that controls the galaxy - humans are the farmers, slaves, working-class etc. Dropped that one pretty quick.

Now I'm working on a story I have no idea if it's bad or not. Just working on it but I spend so much time thinking about it.

>> No.2132632

I had an idea for a science-fiction novel where Earth had been attacked by some far-off alien race. So the story would be about fighting back against the aliens. The ships with the soldiers on them would take a while to get to the alien planet (kinda like Forever War except faster) and while they're in transit the government would be finding a genius to command the troops. It was also going to be a coming of age story because all the geniuses chosen by the government were kids and they would be trained on an orbital space station. I abandoned the project because the child genius angle didn't make sense, I couldn't write child characters for shit, and because the protagonist seemed like an unlikeable ass when I re-read the first draft.
Oh well. I'm glad it wasn't published. It was a load of shit and would have bombed.

>> No.2132639

Some idiotic kid wants to be a druid. The Druids accept him. His tutor "raven talker" teaches him the truth. That they all live on a small artificial world maintained for some stupid reason. The Division between the Polytheists in the North who's holy men are the druids and the Monotheists to the south who's holy men are the priests, is maintained to keep the people entertained and ignorant of the truth. Both the Priests and the Druids know the truth.
Never found a motive for it and it sound cool at first then it just descends in to stupidity.

>> No.2133371
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I'd read that.

>a holy assassin
pic related

>> No.2133388
File: 16 KB, 273x262, aliens9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent future, earth has gotten used to alien visitors of many varieties of species. Some tour on earth, others live here with green cards. The story is about a support group for 'earth visitors' who are having trouble adapting because their reproductive habits conflict with earth.

We have alien A whose mating ritual consists of a week each year where the males chase down the females and whoever catches a girl gets to mate. So the girls dont consider this assault at all, but alien A tried it on a human girl, got pepper-sprayed and is being charged for assault.

We have alien B whose species was faced with extinction, so they became hyper fertile. Saliva exchange is enough to get pregnant. Alien B was kissed by a drunk human at a bar and is now pregnant and pissed about it.

+ other mating problems from aliens C, D & E, they share stories etc...

>> No.2133412

I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote these down over the years:

Character: A guy is born with one eye brow naturally higher than the other one making him appear to always have a concerned/witty expression. This causes him to have trouble getting dates. In order to deal with it he pretends to constantly act like he is intentionally raising his eyebrow in a suave manner.

An old jazz drummer soulfully recalls the story of how he started playing the ride cymbal stand and a typical jazz-documentary style (recalling names, cussing, etc.) Riff off of jazz names, “I believe it was Franky Jo Jones in June or July…”

A story is told within the story, it changes slightly each time it’s told.

Guy shaves head to avoid hair follicle test, says he shaved to support friend undergoing chemo.

Sad idea: character experiences sea of people and realizes that all people are basically the same, but becomes reunited with one special person at the end.

Fluoride in water = calcification in the pineal gland. Is the government throwing sand in the third eye?

Bro-type guy at a college party intends to take advantage of drunk girl. Clown at party named Dinky tells dead baby jokes, hands out E, acts like Peter Sellers in Lolita. Interrupts bro’s plans, kidnaps him, rapes/breaks him, knocks him out and releases him with tattoos. Clown smile/features, some kind of message that tells how he was raped. Fakes him out with “bam” gun.

-Speatles. Half-spider half-beatle. Beatle body with spider legs and red stripe down their black backs.

>> No.2133415

Rebel Gear: A gear (Donnie) undergoes and existentialist crisis and decides he doesn’t want to turn anymore. The gears beside him are his mother and father. His mother is hysterical but his father is passive-aggressive and tries to vainly offer him comfort.

A teen is forced to take a pill that paralyzes him for twenty minutes each time he ejaculates. This forces him to keep watching porn videos after is aroused and he begins to question himself about what he’s doing.

A neurotic man has a sweating problem. Luckily he works in the dairy cooler at a grocery store so he can keep it at bay. He enjoys a crude radio show (based off of O&A) and one day they have a competition—a “sweat off”. Moe ends up entering and dying from dehydration after fleeing the studio on a summer day and getting lost.

>> No.2133568

>A guy is born with one eye brow naturally higher than the other one making him appear to always have a concerned/witty expression. This causes him to have trouble getting dates. In order to deal with it he pretends to constantly act like he is intentionally raising his eyebrow in a suave manner.

fucking lol'd, thats awesome.

>> No.2133574

when i was in the eighth grade i had this idea of making an allegorical novel based on the social lives of my class but coding so that each girl was a type of bird and each boy was a type of non-bird animal.

>> No.2133583

A story in which the main protagonist lives a sedentary life at home, and intricately describes his day to day routine.

Self projecting 101.

>> No.2133872

I agree with this poster,.. that's a pretty fun concept and could have potential if done well.

All of my shitty ideas I just rework until they're decent, so I have nothing totally thrown out.

>> No.2133890

It reminds me of this kid I used to know who had to wear some kind of weird brace that made it look as if he was smiling the whole time. Everybody loved that guy, because they thought he had such a naturally cheerful disposition.

>> No.2133920
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A girl who just moved into a new town falls in love with a sparkly vampire that has super-strength.

>> No.2133930

Vampires gain there strength through victims. Who is the victim?

>> No.2133941

Your mom.
Seriously, though, did you not get the reference?

>> No.2133942

>A teen is forced to take a pill that paralyzes him for twenty minutes each time he ejaculates. This forces him to keep watching porn videos after is aroused and he begins to question himself about what he’s doing.

Sounds hilarious. What happens next?

>> No.2133949

reference - relevancy, stupidity.

>> No.2133965
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>> No.2133996

One day, the dead come back to life.

They're not zombies and it isn't a big spectacle as people come to think of it as normal. I simply wanted to explore what this would do to people psychologically . After you have mourned someone, can you accept them back into your life? Would it change the roles in family life? As we idealize the dead, how much of a bummer would it be to have those persons back in your life again only to be reminded of what jerks they actually were. How would society deal with (even more) overpopulation? Etc..

I don't think it would've made for an interesting story, plotwise.

>> No.2134009

A man wakes up to find that nearly everyone on Earth has vanished.

>> No.2134025

A group of three teenage boys find out that they have heroic powers and they have to use them to stop a chines bus driver, an elderly woman who shoots lasers from her eyes and a toddler who is made of pure lard from taking over the earth.

>> No.2134050

Oh when I was younger I had a little idea about a fantasy story.
Not sure if epic fantasy with magic or without.

The story would focus on a war between two kingdoms and two man that are in this war. Both are something like 'champions' to their kingdom. So lets just say, they are pretty damn good at killing stuff.

You basically get thrown into the story and you have a pretty early and basic impression on which kingdom is good and which is evil. Also the champion of the good country is a tall knight in golden armor and such shit, while the champion of the evil kingdom looks more like a dirty mercenary with long and filthy hair. So you basically have a black and white story.

But as the story progresses, you find out that the guy in the gold armor is actually not a good guy and the mercenary guy is actually not such a bad guy. So it was pretty much the idea of starting of in a black/white clichè scenario, but as the story progresses, show that everything is more like grey and maybe that people who you would think are good at first sight are actually bad/evil.

Never got around writing it and it just seemed way to cliché and people wouldn't probably read the black/white stuff for very long and throw the book away before getting to the other parts.

>> No.2135101

bump because these are great

>> No.2135104

i wrote this down today.

A young boy from an uncaring family. Fourteen years old. His father is aloof, depressed, distracted; his mother is a gentle but sad drunk. He has no siblings. With the exception of a young girl who likes him at school, the boy has no friends.

The story begins with the boy finding a pet of some kind and taking responsibility for its welfare.

The storyline will follow the boy as he goes from a bland, unfeeling existence into one where he develops his first friendship - one with the girl -, and his pet dies or some shit too. Through this, the boy matures to a highly empathetic mind of depth and permanence.

>> No.2135113
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>> No.2135135


A thousand times this.

>> No.2135440

I'm tempted to maraud this thread of all the good stuff you guys made up and think it's bad.

>> No.2135611


I'm not gonna lie, I'm surprised some of you guys found that eyebrow thing funny. I remember writing that idea down about 2 years ago and thinking that it felt two contrived. It's weird, but now that I've unveiled that and it got a good response I feel like I can't use it anymore--like it's expired somehow.

I think one of the most important things a writer has to do is to let old and loved ideas go. I like the fact that Prole has started up TAR because it gives me something to shoot for now--I have to try and write one story a month. He said that he would include my story in the upcoming addition (if not the next one) and there's a part of me that's tempted to submit old, finished stories for future issues. I've got 3 or 4 scifi/horror stories that I got praise from when posting on various /lit/ forums in the past, but I think to play it safe and submit them would be one of the worst things I could do as a writer. Anyway, good thread. This is sort of tl;dr so I'll leave it with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R37zkizucPU