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21319438 No.21319438 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books you recommend that are set in, or portray, that brief period before 9/11 but after the end of the millenium? It's a time period I'm endlessly fascinated by, but was too young to properly remember.

>> No.21319518

The Corrections by Franzen

>> No.21320204

I'm actually writing such a book myself. A nice little comfy slice of life thing. I don't know if it's any good, but whatever, I find there's enough joy in writing that even if it's absolute doggerel, I'll appreciate the fun I've had writing it too much to care.

>> No.21320314


>> No.21320318

Pynchon's Bleeding Edge is literally this

>> No.21320323

Bleeding Edge

>> No.21320403

I assume you’re a zoomer and didn’t experience it. Pre-9/11 2000’s felt no different than the late 90’s. Internet or technological proliferation was not yet widespread enough to really effect the “feel” of the era the way it would in the mid-aughts. The only thing that makes it interesting is the context looking back, like the eerie calm before the storm. At the time, it just felt the same.

>> No.21320422

>like the eerie calm before the storm
Jesus amerisharts are fucking pathetic. 9/11 is like the first time they tasted history on their soil for the past 80 years or something and they latch onto this one event like it's the most gigantic cultural shift ever. 3000 people, give me a fucking break. That's 9/11 to you. To the rest of the world that's just tuesday.

>> No.21320473

Nobody cares, ESL.

>> No.21320487 [DELETED] 

>Shitskin angry his hovel is never talked about
At least you have the world cup!

>> No.21320500

>3,000 violent deaths, all at once and in one place
This sort of event would release a lot of very powerful energy which would be of great use to witchcraft.

>> No.21321041

>9/11 is like the first time they tasted history on their soil

The thing about 9/11 is that it was a national tragedy that impacted the entire nation.....except it wasn't. The media told us it was a huge event that changed everything and created a post 9/11 world. Except, it didn't. Aside from the stock market going haywire for a few weeks, most Americans wouldn't have even known about it without the news telling them about it—aside from those who lived in the NY metropolitan area. As students we were joking about it as we watched the scene unfold live. And then two weeks later we had to write essays in which we had to lie about how scared we felt that day. Right-wingers were able to obsess over 9/11 simply because it was the one type attack on their nation that didn't require them to do anything, it demanded no sacrifices from the average American besides more flag-waving. It represented a narcissistic injury, America was supposed to be untouchable and the center of every movie; and along came villains that weren't Russian, nobody had heard of them, they were practically invisible...

>> No.21321047

>The thing about 9/11 is that it was a national tragedy that impacted the entire nation.....except it wasn't. The media told us it was a huge event that changed everything and created a post 9/11 world. Except, it didn't.
don't ever write like this again you fucking faggot cunt

>> No.21321082

>don't ever write like this again you fucking faggot cunt

What are you gonna do about it, big boy?

>> No.21322100

op here. what the fuck happened. i just wanted book recommendations

>> No.21322109

>what the fuck happened

>> No.21322262

My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Calm? The last few years of the '90s up to the dotcom shart were one long bacchanal. If anything, blowing up those towers brought some much-needed calm (assuming we're talking about countries with indoor plumbing here). Life was good, though. Ugly, noisy, depraved, but fun as hell.

>> No.21322391

we are legend
we do not forgot
we do non forgive

>> No.21322416

>As students we were joking about it as we watched the scene unfold live
I don't believe you

>> No.21322442


>> No.21322445
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>like the eerie calm before the storm

>> No.21322760

>Welcome to a New Century
How can a magazine called Time not know that centuries start on year 1?
1-100 - first century
101-200 - second century
And so on, because there is not a year 0.