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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1080x1072, What burgerlife does to a MFer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21317842 No.21317842 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any modern anti-decadence or anti-hedonism books written by liberal authors?

>> No.21317853

Thats just what happens to all Asian girls at age 30

>> No.21317866

right is better

>> No.21317869


>> No.21317873
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>> No.21317875
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I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.21317877

The architects know.

>> No.21317878

No, anti-hedonism is fascism because it prevents people from expressing themselves freely through their purchasing power.

>> No.21317884

>orders 20 chuckus sneedvola books from Amazon

>> No.21317889
File: 131 KB, 1280x2002, Case Against the Sexual Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was written by an ardent feminist about the disastrous effects the Free Love Movement had on modern western women.

>> No.21317892

One of my highest rated personal favorites among memes.

>> No.21317893

So long as capital circulates the content of your books is irrelevant

>> No.21317928
File: 133 KB, 1170x1170, 1669732827202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's also a case of before and after moving to the US. What the fuck is wrong with that country?

>> No.21317940

so long as capital circulates, so does the death spiral of humanity, farther and farther into the abyss

>> No.21317943

Yes. That's what all the green stuff is. Stop consooming. It's bad for the environment.

>> No.21317958

>expressing yourself by buying Brands
American moment

>> No.21317960

I don't even care, right-hand version is a perfect grotesque caricature of femininity, something an african tribal or Robert Crumb would create idols out of, and with that level of body fat, has enough need for validation to be an easy fuck that would show genuine appreciation for the lust she inspired.

>> No.21317963
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Not nearly enough progress, need to escalate

>> No.21317970
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R. Crumb did nothing wrong

>> No.21318609

Seriously, what do Americans put in the water? It seems impossible for women who eat more than one meal a day and don't work out to stay relatively fit.

>> No.21318617
File: 844 KB, 872x708, 924923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I can see.

>> No.21318621

>Seriously, what do Americans put in the water? I

>> No.21318622

part of it is car-based infrastructure, almost no purposeful walking or casual strolls happen here. also, the food is pumped full of hormones and other chemical shit

>> No.21318623

Both are hot but for different moods. Name?

>> No.21318628

look at those TITS on the RIGHT! they must be simply SLOSHING as she walks. they would be so heavy in my hands. my cock would be engulfed between them, spurting desperately from their softness and warmth, even my vigorous ropes completely lost within the confines of those mounds

>> No.21318636

my eyes choose left but my penis chooses right

>> No.21318639

she would be horribly unhealthy even if she were white, for an Asian that's a hamplanet level of obesity

you people are mentally ill fat fetishists

>> No.21318649

I am so proud of us right now USA-bros! This is the true calling of science!

>> No.21318654

I want to marry a normal girl like the one on the left then see her become the sex goddess on the right as the years go by.

>> No.21318662

*tips hat* Honored gentleman.

>> No.21318669
File: 121 KB, 280x280, 90F2E7A4-CD35-4E13-970F-E680DCC526C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 48 hours.
We made it this far, we just have to hang on a bit longer, coomerbros.

>> No.21318706
File: 254 KB, 602x735, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_69a68eb3-6b98-4d41-861b-ec537f62b271_602x735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. She got fatter, bleached her hair, became slightly less of a whore, and possibly richer (but I can't see the lack of fancy coffee and watch on the left for sure.)

What is this supposed to be telling me? The USA makes you in to a different kind of horrible person? Who didn't already know this?

>> No.21318728
File: 255 KB, 1272x636, 1669747677023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know there were so many fat fetishists on /lit/ of all places. You people are the reason why womem think it's perfectly okay for them to allow this happen to themselves

>> No.21318741

That's not the same person. That's a fake comparison someone made.

>> No.21318749

>implying the left isnt fertility goddess waifu material to turn into a stay-at-mom mother and housewife who could quite literally shoot babies out like a semi-auto
you are both a faggot and a pedo and i pray that god shows mercy upon your wretched soul

>> No.21318758

>another chud support group thread thinly veiled as a "book recommendation" thread

>> No.21318772

>liking women makes you le chud!

>> No.21318793

you don´t understand decadence.

>> No.21318799

sorry for liking fat women and not loli anime little girls like half of you right wing degenerates on 4chin

>> No.21318800

Man its great not paying rent living in your head all these years

>> No.21318801

I'm saving these pics and deleting the fat body out

>> No.21318877

um i was responding to the text of OP's question not the picture of the thicc goddess

>> No.21318880

Glad you could make it.

>> No.21318883

Huh? I never mentioned any of that.

>> No.21318956

She turned into a disgusting slovenly pig, look at those flabby arms, dyed hair and bloated face.
She’s doesn’t even try anymore, zero makeup
Undeniable improvement, she transforms from diamond dozen basic bitch into a sex goddess
Not the same person

>> No.21318973

All correct opinions.

>> No.21319056
File: 472 KB, 720x879, FB_IMG_16695646840535356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll yeah. Right is a milk truck fertility goddess.
Anons that like left are soulless

>> No.21319060
File: 530 KB, 660x480, 1669447288611890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its "dime-a-dozen" you retarded zoomie. I know you havent seen a dime before, but its referring to a quantity of products being purchased for a dime (a very large amount for a small fee!) which is why you refer to something very common and in an overwhelming supply with little demand as being a "dime-a-dozen".

>> No.21319102

No, anti-hedonism is fascism because it prevents people from expressing themselves freely through their purchasing power.

>> No.21319118

>Its "dime-a-dozen" you retarded zoomie
He's memeing, newfag.

>> No.21319144

It's a thread for feeders, read again.

>> No.21319180

Thinking men of taste in their 30s prefer sex goddesses

>> No.21319185

Can this man be stopped?

>> No.21320261


>> No.21320292

don't blame him for being retarded man, he's got brain rot from putting pussy on a pedal stool

>> No.21320330

The car-based infrastructure is unavoidable and accurate, but healthy choices quickly remedy the other two. Go for a walk in the expansive park system, and don't buy poison like McDonald's. Not giving in to excess takes self-discipline; that's all.

>> No.21320347

What did being in the USA make her fucking eat more? This is stupid. You’re stupid.

>> No.21320348
File: 818 KB, 3024x4032, 1638807275308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books and big ladies. Heaven on Earth.

>> No.21320365

Regulation to limit hedonism is not necessarily anti-capitalism as much as it is against laissez-fair capitalism.

>> No.21320373
File: 992 KB, 800x1200, 1665002172082554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books/novels with thick/heavy women?

>> No.21320393

I'm American, don't exercise and have a hard time gaining and keeping on weight. I genuinely don't understand how people become so fat.

>> No.21320472

>Go for a walk in the expansive park system
t. wendigo

>> No.21320479
File: 422 KB, 1284x1674, 1665456279740147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely don't understand how people become so fat.
Ultra processed food, burgerpunk is not a meme

>> No.21320484

I only really eat meat, fruit and vegetables, maybe that's why.

>> No.21320492

Actually, no.
All of the things you group together as "capitalism" are the reason for the recent population explosion in humanity.

>> No.21320502

Because the people on /lit/ who aren't faggots or LARPers are people who have read a lot and seen some shit (i.e. real men) and mature men enjoy fine wine, a good book, and a big, beautiful woman to snuggle into and rip apart when the day is through.

>> No.21320553

>uh I consume zero processed carbs could that maaaaybe be why hurr I uh don't know anything I just accidentally avoid all refined carbs for no reason, in my epic anti-capitalist country there are none available and I am naturally too wise to like them anyways
Stop, it's embarrassing even for /lit/.
Everyone with an internet connection knows to avoid refined carbs and why.

>> No.21320559

Based. Women really do lose their innocence after the 5th dick

>> No.21320560

Based architect respecters.

>> No.21320567

I used to eat a lot of "refined carbs" before I got colitis a few years ago and I was still a twig though.

>> No.21320570

twink genes

>> No.21320583

Must be. I don't really drink a lot either, so chronic disease might actually be helping me in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.21320585

i'd still hit

>> No.21320588

One on the right is hotter.

>> No.21320743
File: 241 KB, 1280x2276, pine29_by_plump_pine_dfad76e-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat has an interesting /lit/ status. A lot of great authors were huge perverts with weird fetishes, but even among them, liking big girls seems to be rare. The only legitimate writer with a fat fetish I can think of is David Foster Wallace, of all people.

Of course I'm happy to be proven wrong. If anyone knows of any other notable writers with a fat fetish I'd love to hear it.

>> No.21320850
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, 1664859101347727.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a 10/10 to /lit/

>> No.21320857

Both are breedable

>> No.21320862

Having a girl age gracefully like that would be a dream, she looks like a pure mommy on the right
You fags need your test levels checked

>> No.21320870
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1616122369128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brehs. . .

>> No.21320895

People like you have unironically lowered the bar for everyone. Beauty is dying because of losers like you.

Right is not more beautiful, you just view the ugly version as "more attainable". So your preference is a cope.

>> No.21320897

They're just needy losers (where do you think you are?) who subconsciously know they aren't worthy to even fap to left so they cope by simping for whales.

>> No.21320905


>> No.21320906

also inb4 muh test levels, most of these fags don't even lift

>> No.21320914

Hey, it's a doggy dog world out there