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21313851 No.21313851 [Reply] [Original]

So that’s why she cheated on him?

>“I have heard it said that women love men even for their vices,” Anna began suddenly, “but I hate him for his virtues. I can’t live with him. Do you understand? the sight of him has a physical effect on me, it makes me beside myself. I can’t, I can’t live with him. What am I to do? I have been unhappy, and used to think one couldn’t be more unhappy, but the awful state of things I am going through now, I could never have conceived. Would you believe it, that knowing he’s a good man, a splendid man, that I’m not worth his little finger, still I hate him. I hate him for his generosity. And there’s nothing left for me but....”

>> No.21313857

>I hate him for his virtues. I can’t live with him
>I hate him. I hate him for his generosity
the ultimate woman moment

>> No.21313869
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I hate women so much it's unreal.
Good afternoon, lads!

>> No.21313872

It's not a woman thing. I as a heterosexual male totally can relate. Shows of generosity and morality are despicable. They indicate a corrupt interior.

>> No.21313883

>being a nice person actually means you're a bad person

>> No.21313893

It most definitely is a woman thing, shared by undeveloped teenagers and adult male sociopaths.

>> No.21313895

he is a godless retard, ignore him.

>> No.21314121

Yet her husband offers a divorce on any terms she wants even lying and saying he cheated on her but she refuses it and demands they stay married while she cucks him

>> No.21314294

Neetcheese do me doing this to a motherfucker

>> No.21315599

you are spiritually a women, sad.

>> No.21315924

Check between your legs, there might be a pussy there.

>> No.21315959

Women will hate you for anything if they love you but you've done something to seriously upset their emotional equilibrium.

>> No.21316219

No, you're just a faggot

>> No.21316259

Makes me wonder if this is why she refuses to see me in that way and constantly has to blank me out despite our history

>> No.21316743

She doesn't actually hate him, she hates herself and projects it onto her husband. She knows that he is a truly good person, but deep down she is not. She can't live with him because she knows that she doesn't actually deserve a pure soul like his, so she hates him for his purity, while seeking to destroy him with hatred and cuckoldry.

>> No.21316763


>> No.21316788

Ehh, her husband was pretty unlikable. Too magnanimous. People need a blend of good and bad qualities. Nobody likes a goody two shoes and it’s a clear insult. He was a boring man who couldn’t handle a younger attractive woman. He wasn’t capable of love and passion like Vronsky was

>> No.21316806

You can only "relate" because you're not of a particularily deep feeling nor thinking nature. To be untrue and to outwardly display virtues which you don't actually possess is a very simple issue, readily despised by all and not at all worth talking about, certainly not a contradiction. What Anna is talking about, and what you can very clearly NOT relate to because you cant even conceive of it, is to hate someone for his virtues, that is to say for his real, actual and not pretended goodness. That certainly is a contradiction not easily resolved.

>> No.21316814

The man was a wet noodle. He deserved to be cheated on

>> No.21316825

women want free entertainment and zero responsibility, which is why they thrive in democracies

>> No.21316832

Incel alert! Incel spotted!

>> No.21316860

You sound like her lol, and much like her probably hate yourself
We have enough "balanced" people who are just shitty and want a reason for every wrong that they do

>> No.21316887

Nah my life’s great and I wouldn’t want to be anyone else. Don’t project onto me

>> No.21316889

Right right

>> No.21316894


>> No.21316951

Read the book

>> No.21317698

Is this story like the garden of eden?

>> No.21317752

Her husband is good but *too*, you understand? This is also why Alyosha’s gf dumps him in the brothers k