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/lit/ - Literature

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21308957 No.21308957 [Reply] [Original]

>living in a small European town
>It’s snowing outside
>covered in blankets beside my space heater
>drinking cocoa, gluhwein and dark beer
>listening to Wagner
>reading and contrasting the tales of Socrates between Plato and Xenophon
>trying to keep my plants alive throughout the dark winter months
Have a nice Advent /lit/

>> No.21308980

wow so aesthetic :DDDD I hope the books are color-coded, sis

>> No.21308981


>> No.21309012


>> No.21309014

pretty comfy op
man this post makes me sad. imagine being this much of a blackhole to those around you.

>> No.21309026

>man this post makes me sad. imagine being this much of a blackhole to those around you.
99% of this website is a crabs-inna-bucky scenario
Id have left this place long ago if there were somewhere else with comparable anonymity

>> No.21309043


>> No.21309057

think most of us in the same boat honestly. the thing with online communities is that they're a failure more than they're not. there's a reason why the format keeps changing every couple of years. a lot of us still on this thing because it's the last active one that retains some aspects of humanity we find important like telling each other to fuck off. this at the expense of dealing with a lot of blackhole type stuff like that post or the /pol/tards co-opting half the boards for their boomer tier retardation. man, i'm tired.

>> No.21309067

>living in a barracks room
>I have no window so idk what the weather is
>sitting in a chair ten thousand asses have sat on, wearing the same clothes I've worn all week
>drinking "mikes harder half and half 8% (warning contains alchohol)"
>listening to the company of heroes two music
>playing wehrmacht with the defensive doctrine Commander
>trying to not kill myself during the moderately dark winter months
Have a nice block leave, /lit/

>> No.21309070

I mean, the OP is incredibly cringe and gay. Ironic mockery is the only way to respond.

>> No.21309085

I thought OP was larping.

>> No.21309090

I live in constant flight or fight mode I have not been comfortable in years. I can't live like this.

>> No.21309096

>OP is incredibly cringe and gay
classic projection

>> No.21309103
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>comfy town
>comfy weather
>comfy heated room
>comfy activities
>then remember it is a Sunday and I have to work tomorrow
How can you take comfy serious when you eventually have to slave away your time

>> No.21309115

i'm tired, too. i feel i've outgrown this place but like you said, it affords us a level of honesty and humanity not found elsewhere, despite the hostility.

anyway back to business
seethe, touch grass, have sex incel, etc etc, you know the drill

>> No.21309120
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>> No.21309124

>live in european harbor town
>unironically in a poorly isolated garret overlooking the harbor (literary lifestyle, now and forever)
>hard wind coming in from the sea
>howls and creeps through the crevices of my shitty window frame
>covered in blankets
>crackers with cheese
>reading Oblomov
It's real nice man.

>> No.21309126

The fleeting impermanence is what gives comfy its greatest value, fren. Unironically leave the past behind and forget about the future for a while and just concentrate on living in the moment. I know it sounds gay and pinterest-tier but it really is the best way to deal with those anxieties

>> No.21309143

I'm already dead, now I merely must exorcise my ghost.

>> No.21309160

It's not really projection when the labels apply right on target.

>> No.21309176

pretty based OP, especially the Wagner and Plato

>> No.21309187

Post cracker

>> No.21309196

Hello my brother. Why are you stuck in the barracks on block leave? Go home, or go somewhere. Or, at least take the opportunity to work out, put your room together, make plans for the next year, etc.
Don't rot in inactivity, its too easy to do so in the barracks.

>> No.21309202

Damn dude. Nice.

>> No.21309205

>be yuropoor
>refuse to insulate building
>suffer unduly
>fetishize poverty and suffering because insulation is of the devil, or something
Many such cases

>> No.21309213

Can I come over

>> No.21309239

>reading complex literature and listening to complex music at the same time
that's a really good way towards not understanding either of them

>> No.21309242
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>Living in a big Brazilian city
>It's burning hot outside
>Only using underwear and still sweating like a pig
>Drinking water by the liter and eating some mixirica(won't even bother searching for the translation)
>Listening to the world cup my father is watching in the Living room
>Reading /lit/ and watching youtube bored out of my mind
>Still pissed my jabuticaba tree isn't giving much fruit every year
Swear to god I'll turn my life around beginning tomorrow.

>> No.21309243

The issue is that OP is humble bragging. Still sounds comfy though.

Know that while work will be uncomfy, you will once again return to comfy-ness at a later time. The main trick to getting through tough things is to reflect on a better time and know that the probability is fair that another good (or at least tolerable) time will eventually come again. If you're worried about work, you could also try to get a comfy job, or at least one that allows you to tackle difficult work on your own terms.

>> No.21309245

real and straight

>> No.21309256

Living in the hot climes must be some kind of actual hell.

>> No.21309263

My mind is constantly uneasy I could be in a cold climate in a wood house with a fire under the clear night sky and still feel restless.

>> No.21309278

ever considered ingesting an unhealthy amount of mind altering chemicals?

>> No.21309741

yes, but only if we can take turns reading the Summa

>> No.21309764

Sum'ma balls LOL

>> No.21309790
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I just lost 12 chess matches in a row what book should I read

>> No.21309802

The Dao De Jing, to cope

>> No.21309817


>> No.21310160
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>living in a midsized mitteleuropean town
>it's a thick fog outside
>wearing a shinel inside besides my heater because insulation is poor
>getting high as fuck because alienation or something
>listening to a random mix of streamers and coffee break mix sessions
>reading pynchon and getting paranoid irl
>trying not to think about it

>> No.21310163

the amateur's mind

>> No.21310166

No he isn't, you're just a worthless nigger

>> No.21310172

Brown hands typed this

>> No.21310176

Dude epic! Xddd

>> No.21310373

Reading and listening to music together makes no sense, 90% of the time u end up feeling what the music wants you to feel and not the book, which ruins the reading experience/understanding of the book.

>> No.21310575
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>living in hotel room
>it’s cold outside
>drinking Fresh roast made with
A French press
>alternating between watching the World Cup and opera on demand and going to the gym
>reading Kafka and writing to get published
>trying to keep myself awake after I get off work to put the word count in
>never ever watch porn

>> No.21310615
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>trying to keep my plants alive
This is Gary. He has esoteric commercial agriculture insights for your home gardening SANDY LOAM -- what's sold to consumers as potting soil is compost -- compost that will inevitably rot out your plants roots and be susceptible to over watering. e.g. if you have orchids, never ever do the ice cube thing; this evil was designed to kill you plant eventually Look into UV lamps for your plants.

(and this is the Gary of aquaculture)

U2 stay cozy fren

>> No.21310642

>trying to not kill myself during the moderately dark winter months
Massive Vitamin C dosing and daily Vit. D (B1 if doing a lot of caffeine/sugar/alcohol). The Vit C will immediately be amazing.

>Still pissed my jabuticaba tree isn't giving much fruit every year
Try iron for beneficial biota (& the bad ones don't like it), throw some rusty metal bits into the base soil. Can always try to splice from an established tree if it looks perma stunted, and use it as the base.

>> No.21310851

Europe is a dream that was raped in 1939 and tortured for 6 more years, and has been slowly dying ever-since. But I get the sense that since you mentioned you are in Europe, I assume that you're a filthy American tourist who doesn't see the truth.

>> No.21311297

>poorly isolated
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21311343
File: 44 KB, 720x720, FAB74E9C-3E23-4ADD-B053-3337C5BB5ACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, European
>dad is a diplomat, basically lived my entire life as an expat in the New World
>lived 4 years in NYC
>didn’t like it very much, New Yorkers are rude as fuck
>grow up, read, learn about the world
>years later start seeing European movies made after 2000
I’m genuinely embarrassed to be European, why the fuck did we let ourselves fall so far below our former glory?
I hate to admit it but Americans are fucking right, Europeans toda are decadent and completely apathetic about the fate of their continent, shit is falling apart everywhere but no one does anything.
Where’s the glory, where’s the beauty, our countries are quickly turning into hellholes with small ugly cities, uncompetitive economies and dull, miserable people who hate their lives.
The only reason to live here is because everywhere else is worse, America is still a better place to live even counting the wild niggers shooting at you and the horrendous anti-intellectual culture of goyslop

>> No.21311503

Just admit you're dumb

>> No.21311804

Why would he?

>> No.21311866

I am also in a small town, but in America.

Living next to a farm, I write books and articles to get by.

It is very quiet and peaceful with the trees and the autumn rolling in. I get a lot of fresh air and sun and do not worry about much.

It's nice to set the heat on and have something warm like some coffee. Lights are going up for Christmas. Mostly am working on nonfiction, but have a novel in the works.

>> No.21311878

Thank god it’s warm all year round where I live and I can walk 2 blocks to the beach and ogle teenage girls’ ass anytime

>> No.21311892

>t. pajeet

>> No.21312207


Nah, OP is attacking me by making threats like this.

>> No.21312223

Ultra based Christmas.

>> No.21312279
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>>listening to Wagner
Based. What pieces? For me it's Meistersinger. Has a very Christmas-y feel, the importance of public ritual, communal traditions, gemütlichkeit, etc. even if it's set in Summer.


>> No.21312297

>Massive Vitamin C dosing
He'll get diarrhea and potentially even kidney stones. But if your plan was to make him see his situation could be even worse and he should be happy with status quo, then carry on anon.

>> No.21312364
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lmao, fr fr, no cap Sir

>> No.21312731

the idiot

>> No.21312735

>crackers with cheese
Okay I might have to do this exact same thing damn anon that's comfy

>> No.21312738

Top kek