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File: 667 KB, 1597x2400, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21308729 No.21308729 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here(on /lit/). I've been lurking in this place, and saw this book get posted here a few times. Even being recommended for first time readers. My gf owns this book and I was thinking of borrowing it. But after looking at it's wikipedia page, and knowing it's written from a serious philosophical perspective, I'm wondering if it's too much for me. I've never read serious non-fiction before. Is it really for first time readers like me? I don't want to get humiliated in front of my gf when she asks about my opinion of it.

>> No.21308742

You shouldn't have any problems with it, the style is very accessible and it explains pessimistic philosophical concepts in layman's terms. The book is 21st century introduction to Schopenhauer, Zappfe, Mainlander etc.
But seeing as you have a girl"friend", I don't think you'll appreciate the content.

>> No.21308770

You shouldn't have any problems with it, the style is very accessible and it explains pessimistic philosophical concepts in layman's terms. The book is 21st century introduction to Schopenhauer, Zappfe, Mainlander etc.
But seeing as you have a girl"friend", I don't think you'll appreciate the content.

>> No.21308771

>Schopenhauer, Zappfe, Mainlander
Thank you. I was bit worried after reading that these big names were associated with on wiki.
>But seeing as you have a girl"friend", I don't think you'll appreciate the content.
I don't understand this part, she's my gf, and not just a female friend if that is what you're implying. Just that, she reads a lot, I don't.

>> No.21308779


>> No.21308805

Just read the book, don't worry. There's no prior philosophical knowledge required. I believe that Ligotti himself said that the purpose of this book is to steer the reader towards more demanding pessimistic literature.
Just be aware that authors of this kind don't usually hold women in very high esteem, and although Ligotti doesn't address them at all, he does remark that only a retard would subject himself to the horror of romantic relationships twice.

>> No.21308847

>Just be aware that authors of this kind don't usually hold women in very high esteem, and although Ligotti doesn't address them at all, he does remark that only a retard would subject himself to the horror of romantic relationships twice.
That is interesting. I don't think she cares about that though, I'm sure she has read books with worse things written. And I'm sure I won't get that easily influenced by a book.

>> No.21308907

>has gf
>she reads Ligotti
You are a lucky man.
Two questions
Are you happy?
Does she swallow?

>> No.21309091

>renowned pessimist
Don't tell me this guy was also married at some point and has kids

>> No.21309148

Reeeeeee get off my board. Now!

>> No.21309151

Was meant for >>21308771

>> No.21309192

>and knowing it's written from a serious philosophical perspective
It's about as serious as anyone writing down their own personal philosophy based on personal experience without insightful reflection or contemplation of other's personal experience.

I consider its pessimistic philosophy self-flagellation but many people enjoy that because it confirms their prior needs for self suffering.

>> No.21309226

He's still married

>> No.21309238

Is he?

>> No.21309241


>> No.21309252

I doubt ver much that Ligotti was ever married, but maybe Anon will prove me wrong

>> No.21309301

>But seeing as you have a girl"friend", I don't think you'll appreciate the content.
So true lmao. Funny how getting laid immediately resolves all this pessimist philosophy.

>> No.21309313

I tried to imply the exact opposite - if OP is still dating, he probably doesn't have enough experience to fully comprehend Ligotti's thoughts.

>> No.21309352

I used to collect and read these through most of my 20s, have 30-50 pessimist, nihilist, anti-natalist books, including the one in OP. Got married, started a family, took them off my shelf and threw them in a box. Just going to sell when I get around to it or put them straight in the trash. Music taste changed too. It really is just a whiny incel cope. No offense, because I was there, I get it.

>> No.21309363

Good for you, thank you for your blogpost.

>> No.21309393

Life is tragic also when you cum in a pussy, but ejaculating in or on a woman helps you forget it for a while

>> No.21309429

If ignorance (isolation) is the sort of cope you're after, there are tools far more efficient than sex and reproduction to achieve that. Ligotti himself admits that coping is necessary, otherwise we would all go insane, he chooses sublimation (art and creativity) as his crutch.

>> No.21310030

>Music taste changed too.
In what way?

>> No.21310121

The antidote to nihilism lies in fully living in the present moment. See: >>21303656
Ontologically, they're the same thing, right? To Ligotti, the past makes no sense and the future is a horror. The question "what's it for?" is wrestled with in vain -- for it has no answer.
To the man who seeks to live fully in each moment, the past is part of a journey towards transcendence, and the distant future simply does not exist. "What's it for?" can be answered simply: For the here and now, and for the next beautiful moment, and that is all.

>> No.21310518

I will kill your wife and children

>> No.21310536


>> No.21310640

I'll add to this post.
It may be a question of time orientation. The nihilist looks to the future and says, "oh no, I'm going to die! It's all pointless, for when I die, I become nothing." (This is midwit tier, but even Heidegger was guilty of it to some extent.)
The man who is fully actualized in the present cares nothing for the distant future. He knows that eternity is right here and right now. It's not something that "happens" to you when you die. You're inside the infinite right now.

>> No.21311074

He's still alive? I always thought he was from a different era.

>> No.21311120

OP is a faggot confirmed

>> No.21311134

Its mostly a shitty book and you're a shitty person for owning it

>> No.21311137

Odd thing to ask, but yes, we are happy. She does if she wants to.
Why would you say that?

>> No.21311405


>> No.21311485

Explain why it shit.

>> No.21311496

Watch True Detective Season 1 and listen to the character Rust’s monologues. If you can handle what he says then you can handle the book.

>> No.21311922

>Watch True Detective Season 1
I don't know where to watch it.

>> No.21311950

Nice fantasy, fag

>> No.21312478
File: 18 KB, 186x266, ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this guy. It is respectable and necessary to feel honest despair in face of the abundance of suffering on earth. However, it's always these types of guys that allow themselves to become demoralized by it, and that make it their mission to spread demoralization.
They assume that because they themselves are unable to grasp greatness and beauty in face of all that is bad, everybody who does must be lying to themselves. For those obsessed with death and decay, vitality seems like an insult.
True pessimists and nihilists don't write books, they die of thirst in silence.

>> No.21312514


>> No.21312519

Aka literature for goblins

>> No.21312532

>just look at this guy, what an absolute κακός
>muh cornarism

Great larp you boring asshole

>> No.21312564

Faggot, your body is food for worms and nothing more. Walk softly on earth, the soil isn't soil its the remains of people of long ago.

>> No.21312590


>For those obsessed with death and decay, vitality seems like an insult.

Notice something?

>> No.21312591

I've never read this book or heard of the author but the cover gives me serious doubts whether it can be called "serious", so your concerns are probably unjustified, OP, which is good news :D

>seeing as you have a girl"friend"
oh dear...
>has gf
...the envy is palpable

She's probably an unbearable moaner with a snotty attitude, what're you guys getting worked up over?

>Just look at this guy.
The cover makes me think it's going to involve reptilians. And the title makes me think it's going to be confabulatory universalism where simple idiocy isn't understood and ingenious conspiracies is blamed.

Not liking that the artist seems to have taken a state of Emperor Titus or Jovian and made him into a lizard creature.

>> No.21312595


>I am smart

Get it?

And don't ever chain quote me with other people ever again you piece of filth

>> No.21312598

What vitality? You can't even sit in silence for a day without getting fucked in the ass by your inner life and pondering. You always need copes and distractions. Nature abhors you like an unwanted bastard.

Go build more pyramids you novelty hungry chimp.

>> No.21312606

Hey, weren't you sucking off 3 gays dudes on that spooky street? Fuck bro stop being weird.

>> No.21312612

No that was your mother she was on her break from working in the dick sucking factory and you were 1 of those three gay dudes

>> No.21312619
File: 72 KB, 900x676, 1513308354807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very rude of you. I wasn't expecting better. Gass would be sad, you bitch in the ditch.

>> No.21312639
File: 488 KB, 996x1498, 1656912609231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an interview with Ligotti's former female colleague somewhere - he used to work in publishing office during 80s and early 90s - and she says that Ligotti was a smart cutie with nice hair and every woman there wanted to fuck him, even the marrried ones, but he didn't seem to be interested. She was shocked to read his novella My Work Is Not Yet Done, published shortly after he left the job - it's about a disgruntled office wagie planning a shooting spree at work, kek.

>> No.21312648
File: 26 KB, 251x280, Thomas Ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was shocked to read his novella My Work Is Not Yet Done, published shortly after he left the job - it's about a disgruntled office wagie planning a shooting spree at work, kek.

Ligotti was a mysterious looking dark Detroit dwelling mf.

>> No.21312653

I haven't heard about that interview. Can you find it? Does it even exist?

>> No.21312666

Saw it posted in some previous Ligotti thread, R*ddit link if I recall correctly.

>> No.21312682

Anyone who quotes multiple people like this is a gigantic, enormous faggot with his head very far up his and I would discourage you from replying to him

>> No.21312688

Literally looks like the chudjak

>> No.21312722

You have never read Schopenhauer, Cioran, Ligotti.

>> No.21312725

He is a socialist you dumb troon

Not enough IQ

>> No.21312730

He's in his 70s or 80s now despite being suicidal all his life

>> No.21312732

Why do pessimists live so long if they don't commit suicide?

>> No.21312733


>> No.21312779

He said he doesn't want to kill himself because his family would be sad but I think that's just an excuse, biological imperatives are hard to fight

>> No.21312781

> He knows that eternity is right here and right now. It's not something that "happens" to you when you die. You're inside the infinite right now.

What kind of cope is this

>> No.21312785

You mean appropriately?

>> No.21312794

Why do you make shit up? Ligotti never even mentions any family, he strongly implies failed suicide attempts precisely because it's so nerve-racking to override the survival instinct.

>> No.21312819

generic reddit tier "self"-"help" egotistical isolation. the violent horror of this world extends far beyond beyond myopic concern with mere meaninglessness or temporality
why do people constantly pretend to be puzzled by this? failure to achieve ones goals is perfectly in line with pessimist thinking, not contradictory to it

>> No.21312836

Lmao so cringe. "Wah wah world is horrible and awful but I'm not man enough to leave it."

Retarded chudcel perspective. The world is beautiful and awesome. There is joy in this world if you just open yourself up to it. Fetishizing your own misery is an unhealthy way to live.

>> No.21312843

You're very opinionated on literature you clearly haven't read. That's fine, almost a standard in feminine spaces you're influenced by, but please have the minimum decency not to fabricate bullshit.

>> No.21312852

By family I meant his brother, they live together and according to him the brother is even more severe and pessimistic than Ligotti himself. There's interviews where he talks about them going together to the horse and dog race track for example

>> No.21312860

>Whatever adventures in happiness we may have—without quibbling about whether they are absolute or relative—all take place in the shadow of souls whose torments will end only with death. Worse, the fatally wrecked must live in the shadow of others who are happy, if indeed the former are not so unfit that they are past noticing the universe or any mirth within it, existing in a windowless confinement of ill-fate, an unappealable seclusion where the only possible comparisons are between one horror and another. How could anyone find happiness in a world where such incurables are always within walking distance? We do it all the time, most surely, but should that dispense us from the guilt of being happy while those by-standers to happiness are everywhere, tears and blood pouring from their eyes? They could have brought it on themselves of course. Maybe they were just asking for it, doing the things they did, or not doing other things, and being the way they were. Somehow they could be the ones to blame for their own ill-being. They might have committed some sin, some blunder within the Tao, some crime in the eyes of a cosmic law. Perhaps disrespect of the Holy Spirit placed them among the damned in both life and death. Or maybe they were just indolent in the pursuit of happiness, while we earned ours, paid for it as we would any other commodity. The managers of society want us to be happy, which makes it politic to be mindless of anyone who is not happy along with us. What good is it being happy if you cannot be left in peace with your happiness? But any killjoy will tell you: “If even one person’s life is a living hell, then the world and any happiness within it is MALIGNANTLY USELESS.” This censure of the happy is moralistic, to say the least. It is a party pooper’s attempt to compromise anything that might be called happiness. It turns the very idea of happiness into an unconscionable delusion conceived by lucky clods or a deplorable rationalization dreamed up by swine. Most of all, it makes being happy seem the unforgivable sin of the saved against their siblings in the pit, who are too much occupied with horror to hear the gospel of happiness. Unshaken by these moral protests, positive thinkers and pessimists alike may retort: “Happiness is not a natural birthright. You must be thinking of death.”

>> No.21312874

Fuck off lol. I've got better shit to do, like enjoy life.
I will admit this passage somewhat escapes my understanding. There are some terminally unhappy people on this earth but I won't let them bring me down. I have my own to focus on. If that makes me evil or whatever, so be it.

>> No.21312879

>TL: For the past few years I’ve worked at home as a freelance copyeditor. (Previously, I worked at an office job for 23 years.) People send me editorial projects either by mail or email. I wake up in the morning and within five minutes I’m sitting in front of my computer with a cup of coffee. It’s intense work and I can’t do it for more than five six hours at a stretch. By then, I’m pretty burned out. I often take a long nap in the afternoon to recover. When I wake up there are usually emails to answer. That takes an hour or so. My mother and brother live within walking distance, and I usually have dinner with them and spend the rest of the evening watching TV with them. Then I go home and answer more emails. About once a week, my brother and I go to the local racetrack.
You're right, never seen this before.

>> No.21312889

>He does remark that only a retard would subject himself to the horror of romantic relationships twice.
I never understood why normalfags are obsessed with women. I understand that it can be frustrating not having a girlfriend, but when you do, it feels empty and meaningless. It's like when you meet a goal

>> No.21312903

>any refutation that’s not swamped in some Reddit horror vibe is “cope” or “self help”
You fags are extremely cringe and bias. Yes, the horror of deception and convenient truth doesn’t escape you either.

>> No.21312951

Anyway you can have an externalized pessimistic view of life without wanting to die

>> No.21313014

like i already explained, the reason why the aforementioned contribution was no refutation at all is because the totality of the violence, suffering, horror, etc. of the world are completely beyond the scope of its effect, which is (at best) just the contingent relief of some aspect of human suffering. relief achieved by the exact means of coping via isolation which Zapffe describes in "The Last Messiah" and Ligotti summarizes in the section "Philosophy" of the first chapter of The Conspiracy.
try harder. or dont. youve already proven the pessimists point anyways

>> No.21313019
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1611354112742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like the only real issue before any of us is whether to procreate or not. It is the only question that has a definite "yes" or "no" as an answer, but I can't tell which...

>> No.21313027

That's problem with people like Ligotti and Fisher. You can suffer outside time and space as well

>> No.21313035

Well if you don't procreate, your siblings or relatives will. Does it really matter?

>> No.21313037

>the violent horror of this world extends far beyond beyond myopic concern with mere meaninglessness or temporality
Such as?

>> No.21313038


>> No.21313040


>> No.21313044

Mark Fisher, the guy who killed himself with a leather belt jumping out of window while masturbating

>> No.21313047

Yes. How can I bring in a child into this indifferent world knowing that he's going to suffer? Being a parent is the ultimate responsibility. I would never be able forgive myself if something happened to my child and I was completely powerless, worse negligent enough, to do to anything about it.

>> No.21313048

>You can suffer outside time and space as well
How do you know that?

>> No.21313049

>Whatever misadventures in suffering we may have, all take place in the light of souls whose glee will end only with death.

While I would agree that we can suffer more deeply than we can feel joy, and that total happiness is likely outweighed by total pain if all is taken into account, I still don't understand this supposed supremacy of the negative.
Happiness is just as possible and as present in the world as suffering. There are people leading great and good lives "in walking distance". Why can't they serve as an example, just like the tormented can?
Suffering and happiness are intertwined, they are not merely opposites or realizations of some abstract category, but living actualities that gain their importance and weight from each other.
You very excerpt you posted points towards this. How could we even notice agony and think it outrageous if there was no counter-weight, no authentic possibility of glee?

>> No.21313053

Not to mention the worse may be real, that is that your child may burn in hell for eternity.

A pessimist considers this a possibility even if he doesn't believe in God.

>> No.21313058

>Does it really matter?
With regard to the continuation (or not) of the human population? Not at all. But what I meant was that it matters on a personal basis: it might be the only relevant (ultimate?) question that everyone has to answer in one way or the other

>> No.21313071

I thought that maybe you were implying that you will live on in your children in someway, escaping death.

>> No.21313120

idk about Fisher but you're not wrong about Ligotti desu. authors like Cioran and Eugene Thacker are way better on this

such as the food that you eat
such as the clothes that you wear
such as the screen into which you stare
such as nothingness
such as outsideness
such as your very ignorance!

>> No.21313127

It's the primary biological imperative. So do we follow that order (no matter what ascribed meaning it might be coated with: escaping death, leaving something behind, having one's own family) or do we go against it? Any life brought to earth borns into a life of suffering. Some people might be luckier than others, or live a relatively happier or more peaceful life but it doesn't matter does it? All eventually face death and death is suffering enough (even if you overlook everything else)... so will I have children myself, knowing that they will suffer and they will die?

>> No.21313140

Anyone else despise having a body?
I hate it's sensations writhing, pulsating, itching, hearing.... I am so hyper aware of all it's sensations and imperfections that I can not feel comfortable. It is horrifying. The pleasant sensations do not atone for the constant displeasure of being a body.

Just having a body alone should be reason enough for anyone even the most virile and beautiful to be a pessimist.

>> No.21313154
File: 24 KB, 750x397, 01-356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can suffer outside time and space as well
The infinite existential horror of the Void...

>> No.21313264

yes, its awful. here's Cioran's 'On the Reality of the Body', from 'On the Heights of Despair':
>"I can never understand why so many have called the body an illusion, just as I will never understand how they could imagine spirituality outside the drama of life, with all its contradictions and shortcomings. It must be that they were never aware of the flesh, the nerves, each organ in itself. But while I do not understand this lack of awareness, I believe it is a necessary condition for happiness. Those still attached to life's irrationality, and still enthralled by its organic rhythms prior to the birth of consciousness, are ignorant of the state in which the reality of the body is ever-present to consciousness. This presence denotes a fundamental existential illness. Is it not an illness to be constantly aware of your nerves, your feet, your stomach, your heart, every single part of your being? With this awareness, haven't the organs abandoned normal functions? The reality of the body is one of the most terrible realities. What would the spirit be without the torments of the flesh, and consciousness without a great nervous sensibility? How could one imagine life without the body, as a free and unconditional existence of the spirit? Only healthy and irresponsible men who have no spirit could think this. The spirit is the offspring of an existential illness, and Man is a sick animal. Spirit in life is an anomaly. I have renounced so much, why should I not renounce spirit as well? But besides being an illness of life, is not renunciation first and foremost an illness of the spirit?I can never understand why so many have called the body an illusion, just as I will never understand how they could imagine spirituality outside the drama of life, with all its contradictions and shortcomings. It must be that they were never aware of the flesh, the nerves, each organ in itself. But while I do not understand this lack of awareness, I believe it is a necessary condition for happiness. Those still attached to life's irrationality, and still enthralled by its organic rhythms prior to the birth of consciousness, are ignorant of the state in which the reality of the body is ever-present to consciousness. This presence denotes a fundamental existential illness. Is it not an illness to be constantly aware of your nerves, your feet, your stomach, your heart, every single part of your being? With this awareness, haven't the organs abandoned normal functions? The reality of the body is one of the most terrible realities."

>> No.21313296

How would anybody even know what it would feel like not to have a physical body. Just some disembodied consciousness floating in the void??

>> No.21313371

I don't know, imagine being a mouse cursor

(You) are your body and nothing more

>> No.21313450

can't read pessimists even though i like their aesthetics because i realise they have the same character as whiney incels. i have to read the spiels of far too many self-pitying manchildren as it is. or encounter it in media. it's just annoying and uninteresting. pathetic self-indulgence. unironically pessimists ruin pessimism because they are shallow people who can't be interesting or look past their problems to do pessimism properly. obviously i don't want to just read old books.

>> No.21313469

see look at the kino posted in this thread: then notice the faulty people and weak substance behind it.

>> No.21313470

Don't take the pessimist pill bros, it's irrefutable and it ruined my fucking life, which I must now take.

>> No.21313480

Fisher and Thacker are weak whiny losers
Nick Land is the one true BASED pessimist, he got over the self pitying crap and embraced the true violent nihilistic core of the pessimism

>> No.21313485

Everything that is not pessimist (that is realist) is just cope akin to religous self deception.You will die and it's totally irrelevant if you do it now or in 40 years.

>> No.21313496

It clearly shows that you have never read them.

>> No.21313511

>it's totally irrelevant if you do it now or in 40 years.
If so you should just go kill yourself right now. But of course you won't. Fake pessimist shmuck.

>> No.21313520

Living is a prolonged suicide, one can always eat better, exercise more, know more, know better. When someone dies it is basically always their fault. Most people live with a kind of apathy towards life and die like that.

No one likes living all that much.

>> No.21313528


>> No.21313546

This actually reads like an encouragement to living life to the fullest, enjoying yourself every day, appreciating what you have before it's gone. A memento mori to optimism and vitality, certainly not the smug affirmation of pessimism you thought you were going for.

>> No.21313557

Suicide is a solution. In the same way that love, work, having children, hobbies etc is a solution.
Suicide doesn't have to be out of despair or self hatred. It can be out of compassion for oneself choosing when to die is choosing how to live.

>> No.21313566


>> No.21313580

Hegesias and Seneca agree. Their societies were much more masculine and civilisted and not as childish and effeminated (Iife clinging) as ours.

>> No.21313637

you're exactly right in the exactly wrong way. Land is a figure of a kind of voluntary possession by capital, by the outside, the inhuman, etc., a figure of embracement as you say, sure, but that embracement still betrays a kind of insecurity in the face of horror. "sure i am nothing, and i am possessed, but i let it happen! i embrace the violence!" - an all too human retaliation. whereas someone like thacker, who adopts an "infinite resignation", is all the more truly pessimistic for being a "weak whiny loser", his case only strengthened by your insipid attempt at depredation

>> No.21313706

Fair enough, it's why i'm a misanthrope not a pessimist. Carry on

>> No.21313732
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, xra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually Ligotti threads are bad. This one is ungodly bad.

Too bad.

sauce? It reads like Conspiracy but I don't think so.

>> No.21313824

it is The Conspiracy, section titled 'Happiness'. far from his best, just posting bcs most ppl in the thread have clearly not read the book
>Usually Ligotti threads are bad.
life negation is predictably difficult to discuss with the life-inured, so i suppose that is rather fitting

>> No.21313852

Procreation is not meant to be a matter of choice. Rabbits do not choose to procreate. They are driven to it. It is only very recently in human history that with the advent of birth control we have been able to decouple sex from procreation and make it a matter of choice.

>> No.21314070

When i go on the pessimism sub on reddit always I see people complaining about racism and transphobia and shit. So i think, if you were a true pessimist or nihilist you wouldn't actually care about any of that. So sick and tired of all the fake pessimists going around

>> No.21314532

>the pessimism sub on reddit
god damn, is there any faculty of the human mind these primitive technobarbarians aren't trying to exploit?

>Suicide is a solution.
I never understood this. Why don't more people abduct and eat the politicians responsible for their misery, if they real feel like their life is that bad and the don't mind getting into trouble.

Anyone who quotes multiple people like this is a gigantic, enormous faggot with his head very far up his and I would discourage you from replying to him

>> No.21315152

>He knows that eternity is right here and right now. It's not something that "happens" to you when you die. You're inside the infinite right now.
New age nonsense, sounds like something straight out of a Deepak Chopra book.

>> No.21315170

This, Mishima talks about this kind of writer in Sun and Steel, no wonder they never actually kill themselves.

>> No.21315229

Good post

>> No.21315239

>Normalfag misses the point of the warning

>> No.21315404

How is that a good post? Are you for real?

>> No.21315614


>> No.21316687

Right, because killing yourself after a failed attempt coup is somehow admirable.

>> No.21316707

Haha get fucked

>> No.21316723

Hmm, I wonder if that's from a revision.

Anyway, it makes no sense to argue. Faggots will just assume pessimists are spreading their ideology when in reality pessimists just correctly and honestly label what everyone chooses to ignore or rationalize away.

Pessimism is a disease of the self-bullshitting mechanism.

I've been championing this exact complaint. You can't use those communities as they are terribly biased.

>> No.21316738

If killing oneself was just a matter of choice, as easy as choosing the color of your shoes, then people would be committing suicide by the millions DAILY

>> No.21316986

Ligotti is wonderful, especially Teatro Grottesco, which I find very funny and almost ecstatically weird - but in general I find him to be the only real living "weird tales" author with any substance - pretty much all of the mainstream "weird horror writers" (fanboys) are actual losers, basedboys, etc. Pronouns in bio, Black Lives Matter, all proceeds go to Planned Parenthood (which I firmly believe most of the foundational Weird Horror authors - Poe, HP - would have found too grim and unbelievable had someone told them about a nationwide syndicate of abortion clinics funded by the government, but I digress)... Ligotti is also a loser, but he also fried his mind out with drugs- which not enough writers do at all anymore, at least in this world.

"Conspiracy Against the Human Race" should have never been released; almost everyone I know who reads finds the premise contrived if not distasteful and barely anyone I know who reads really reads short fiction.

Severini, The Bungalow House, Gas Station Carnivals. Absolutely perfect.

The best contemporary weird tales and cinema/art aren't being published or shared publicly, btw - there are fairly large but very private mailing lists and a forum which took me about two years to get an invite and interview for. Literally a "you don't find us, we find you" type deal. There is a member with collection of about a thousand HP Lovecraft letters that no-one has seen besides this user, who posts and transcribes roughly a letter a week.

>> No.21317011

>If killing oneself was just a matter of choice
It literally is, that's what suicide means
>as easy as choosing the color of your shoes
Nobody said it's easy, but that is why weak and gay pessimists never do it and prefer to whine and wallow in their misery since that is actually easy to do.
>then people would be committing suicide by the millions DAILY
That's retarded, most people are not pessimists and don't see life as constant suffering.

>> No.21317016

>hasn't read Sun and Steel
Why be you even feel the need to comment on something you know nothing about? Anyway, the circumstances surrounding his suicide are irrelevant to the fact that he actually went through with it.

>> No.21317115

>Why be you even feel the need to comment on something you know nothing about?
BEcause this is /lit/, no one reads here.

>> No.21317120

>circumstances surrounding his suicide are irrelevant to the fact that he actually went through with it.

>> No.21317172

It's pretty based anon, I unironically admire it. Mishima might've been a fag but at least he killed himself like a man to make up for it.

>> No.21318502

What exactly is the cover suppised to be? He looks like a deformed mutant human.

>> No.21318664

Looks like a depressed person shedding layers of skin to reveal a skull, meant to signify the loss of illusions and copes about human existence, its lack of meaning and inevitable abyss of non-existence.

>> No.21319152
File: 515 KB, 634x953, seeingThatFrees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they don't know there's a concrete refutation to philosophical pessimism
don't worry anons, here's your path back to equanimity

>> No.21319564

You mean appropriately?