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21308300 No.21308300 [Reply] [Original]

Why are writers so fond of cats?

>> No.21308304

Most writers are homosexuals in denial

>> No.21308312

Toxoplasmosis -> schizophrenia -> entertaining rants

>> No.21308314


>> No.21308332

Cats don't cut into your writing time needing to be walked.

>> No.21308336

they're fun to play with when you want to and also doesn't your attention when you're focused on something else

>> No.21308346

Cats are very friendly and intimate but also they ask you to earn your relationship with them first.
Writers on average have trouble making friends and obtaining companionship. If they didn't, maybe they'd just be at parties instead of locked in their rooms writing. A cat fulfills some amount of companionship while not being intrusive enough to exhaust the mind of an introvert. They're a perfect pet for solitary people.
Dogs require you to take them outside where you will be observed by others. They need a lot more direct attention.

>> No.21308351
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Not just writers. Artists, really.
>deluded translarpers projecting

>> No.21308390

They can save you from going insane when faced with incomprehensible cosmic horrors.

>> No.21308475
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Cats are the pet of the intellectual. They have their own unique character, are independent and have evolved to emotionally manipulate humans, never to be controlled by them. Meanwhile dogs are the pet of the plebian,
mere automatons, wholy subordinate to the will of the master, and their love is given so freely that it contains no value. If we additionally consider the aesthetic facet, felidae are the winner out of the entire animal kingdom.

>> No.21308588

Writing is a lonely profession and cats don't demand attention like dogs do.

>> No.21308663
File: 64 KB, 595x424, DogBook-043-595x424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are pets for physically active people and require certain routine. Cats are pretty independent and usually play with toilet paper and not your latest work that you wrote last night and don't have a backup.

>> No.21308706

I have a cat and a dog.

>> No.21308835

Cats don't cut into your writing time needing to be walked.

>> No.21308845

because most of their readers are women and they need to show their simp abilities are top notch or else women won't read him.

>> No.21308915

Do they get along?

>> No.21308929

Yeah. It's a daschund and British shorthair, they're both very relaxed animals.

>> No.21308930


>> No.21309316
File: 344 KB, 1280x923, Brando cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats make you feel serene and thus help you enter a flow state.

>> No.21309541

Walking is the most patrician form of exercise, pleb
Not that a toxobrain should be expected to know this...