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/lit/ - Literature

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21307406 No.21307406 [Reply] [Original]

What other books take the position that struggle and suffering is good, and that in particular war is a spiritual initiation?

>> No.21307415

>What other books take the position that struggle and suffering is good
This is a particularly Christian tenet.
>and that in particular war is a spiritual initiation?
Probably some Japanese stuff. The was one particular book but I can't recall its name.

>> No.21307434

>be like
People who use this expression should be located, dragged outside and publically executed. Their families should have "be like" branded on their foreheads to carry the eternal shame of their sons and daughters. I refuse to fight in geopolitical resource proxy wars to enrich some kike, but I'll gladly enlist in the crusade against the accursed belikers. Here's the true spiritual initiation.

>> No.21307449
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Unfathomably based

>> No.21307481

Why don't you just refute them? why are they wrong?

>> No.21307553

holy based

>> No.21307566

Fr fr no cap they finna poleez language n shit

>> No.21307580

Speaking as someone who did their time in the army and saw first hand what war is like and spends a good deal of time with people who have also seen first hand what war is like, you are a moron. I have never met a single person who has actually been in a war and thinks this way. Part of basic is to beat such ridiculous ideas out of the head of people like you because you are the sort who gets others killed.

>> No.21307598

>What other books take the position that struggle and suffering is good, and that in particular war is a spiritual initiation?
it's impossible to find such a stance because it will just be a facade hiding a huge cope

>> No.21307600
File: 191 KB, 659x1024, 2FC09E63-0A33-42C0-A137-36EB879283B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related Ernst Junger. He served at the frontlines of WW1 as part of the Stormtroopers that would assault the trenches and he absolutely loved it. He went on to become one of the best German authors in the 20th century and one of the worlds preeminent entomologists.

Nothing you did killing outgunned Muslim militiamen and with total fucking air superiority m at all compares to his feats and courage in combat you utter faggot.

>> No.21307605

Read Storm of Steel. Different men are built differently. Junger ran off a completely different processor then you or I.

In general it’s a fantastic book anyway my personal favorite.

>> No.21307620

>Nothing you did killing outgunned Muslim militiamen and with total fucking air superiority m at all compares to his feats and courage in combat you utter faggot.
Perhaps, but at least I did more than larp in my parents basement. Go join the military if you think it is so great, what is stopping you?

>> No.21307624
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Jünger was blessed with his upbringing. It's been said that he brings that vibe of the old world before modernisation. Egoists and their ilk have tried to take Jünger for their own, but they haven't read his works, his concept of anarchism is improved with the Prussian work ethic which turned the focus from power-relations & self image towards task-relations & deeds

>> No.21307628

You’re the one larping as some fucking gay emo warrior when you really just a paper pusher in the desert serving Israeli foreign policy. I want my fucking tax dollars back you parasite.

>> No.21307638

People at the time of the great war often made a similar point about modern technology stripping war of any honor. Trench warfare is very far removed from the type of violence we were evolved to handle and sometimes even revel in.

>> No.21307639

He was a rich bastard with no obligations. Of course he could afford to have fun in war

>> No.21307641

I re-read In Stahlgewittern this year, and I wouldn't say that he "absolutely loved it." He was pretty upset by his comrades getting killed, and became distraught at one point. By the end of the war they were starving - their rations were completely inadequate due to the blockade. It's a more nuanced book than some people make it out to be. You are, ironically, taking the viewpoint of his critics on the left.

>Nothing you did killing outgunned Muslim militiamen and with total fucking air superiority m at all compares to his feats and courage in combat you utter faggot.
Junger would not approve of bad language or slander of veterans.

>> No.21307643

>Prussian work ethic
giant meme, who gives a fuck

>> No.21307647

Apparently, rocket science, OLED technology, and advancements in math would like to have a word with you

>> No.21307649

>avoids the question
Yeah, you are never going to enlist.

>> No.21307652

Artillery splinters don’t care if you’re rich or poor anon.
Jesus Christ read Storm of Steel ffs, he addresses the point directly at the very beginning of the book that it’s not modernity itself that was the problem but the entire way the war was carried out by the commanders was wrong. The book itself throughout demonstrates that classical heroism and glory is still very much possible in modern warfare.

>> No.21307653

everything that guy said was right.

>> No.21307659

>classical heroism and glory is still very much possible in modern warfare.
Completely wrong. Junger later said that it not true at all. It is completely mechanized and the First World War was the beginning of that and he said so himself.

>> No.21307660

I mean, I could sorta get it if war was still this martial contest of arms, and not getting blown the fuck up by high powered weapons by an enemy you can't even see. Wars after the Napoleonic era are decidedly not kino, because the weapons are too powerful.

>> No.21307665

Fucking disgusting that you pretend you saw any combat when it’s just the drones that blow up all the children in hospitals for Israel.

>> No.21307667

>supports avoiding the question
Yeah, you are never going to enlist

Why are you guys so adverse to joining the military? You talk it up like it is such a great thing and a right of passage but you avoid answering the question of "why don't you enlist?"
I was infantry, bitch.

>> No.21307668

That’s not what he says in Storm of Steel.

>> No.21307672

I've already read it, it's fantastic.

>> No.21307676

>I was infantry, bitch.
Sitting in your fat fucking ass. Now you live off the dole for nothing. Picking dingleberries out of your faggot infantry asses in the desert watching do all the child killing for you.

>> No.21307679

*drones do all the child killing for you.

>> No.21307680

Which translation/year of Storm of Steel should I begin with? I hear he got softer and toned down the nationalism and gore in later editions

>> No.21307687

Original 1929 translation

>> No.21307692

>start flaming the only veteran in the thread when contradicted
>perfomative hand-wringing over muh brown children
no doubt Junger hit on something that's worth exploring but you are the hysteric type that would crumble like a plastic cup under any real sort of pressure

>> No.21307695


>> No.21307696

I have no idea which ones the best. I just read the Michael Hofmann one from 2003 which was based off one of Junger’s later editions from 1961. I got that based off a Reddit thread saying it was the easiest transition to read but I’m no expert. I think in the later editions Junger edited it more so it gives a more objective view to the reader of what life was actually like for him in the trenches, whereas the earlier versions are more like straight out of his journals from the war.

>> No.21307700

It's okay, anon, that the only book I've read of his, too. He says it in the interview on youtube from right before he died.

>> No.21307702 [DELETED] 

Means more power equals good feels

>> No.21307703

Seethe and cope. Go chug a bottle of oxy’s and blow you brains out from your made up ptsd faggot. I HATE ISRAEL.

>> No.21307710

The vet fag was being telling people to join the army or they’re not “le badass” like him.

>> No.21307712

I'm not the veteran, just pointing out the irony in that it took this little to make you lose your cool.

>> No.21307714

I always knew Rambo was /lit/

>> No.21307721
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>> No.21307722

You are worse than a reservist.

>> No.21307724
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>noooooo don’t make fun of the amerigoy solderino on 4chin
>that’s like heckin ironicerino

>> No.21307733

I began reading Jünger a few days ago, and holy shit the criticism of him is justified.
>actually the war was super comfy, I would sit in the Command Post and eat herring and eggs
>sometimes I would get my orderly to run across no man's land to go get me some schnapps - occasionally he would die #SoSad #WarIsHell, but then I would just get a new one to do it for me
>one night I got completely fucking wasted on Bourgogne (shout out to my orderly!) and went over the top of trench and stumbled a bit around in no man's land while blind drunk, then I fell over and pissed myself #WarIsTransendence #BeyondMortalCourage

Honestly, this is the gayest LARP I have ever read.

>> No.21307736

I think his point was exactly that war isn't badass, and that if you genuinely think it would be so good for your development then you could choose that life for yourself instead of living vicariously through someone else. You could make this point about a lot of things that people just like to fantasize about, but what's actually interesting is how upset and defensive certain people get when you point it out.
did he say he was american? and that should be beside the point if you wanted to focus on how combat can develop and strengthen the individual. Junger fought in what is considered one of the most pointless and destructive wars in history after all, far more consequential US adventures in the middle east

>> No.21307738

Lol the pathetic vet fag is samefagging now. You didn’t fight actual combat faggot.

>> No.21307743

>being this shit of a reader on a literature board
He said that the people quoting Jünger and saying that "war is... le GOOD" should put their faggy money where their faggy mouths are and that nothing is preventing them from living out their LARPs IRL, not that living out that LARP is actually badass.

He said that because he knows fully well that Jüngerfags are retards who would quickly realize that war is not le good if they actually participated in combat beyond reading the memoirs of a German aristocrat sending orderlies to die to bring him bratwurst in his CP half a mile behind the front trenches.

>> No.21307746

Jünger actually saw a whole lot of action from day one and had many close brushes with death.

>> No.21307747

>you could choose that life for yourself instead of living vicariously through someone else
>what's actually interesting is how upset and defensive certain people get when you point it out
This. It's amazing how defensive the war hawk Redditors get when I tell them it would be better if they went to die in Ukraine instead of wasting my tax dollars.

>> No.21307749


>> No.21307751
File: 137 KB, 1280x1040, 77709E06-B0AF-4411-950C-5086F95118E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething orderly fag
You will grab me a schnapps and you will be happy about it. Then I will charge into machine gun and artillery fire and miraculously survive once again for you to bring me more schnapps in my recovery. You will do this with a smile as well.

>> No.21307754

Naw, it follows pretty closely. If war really is 'le bad', then we definitely shouldn't be funding one 6000 miles away that has jack shit to do with us. Thanks for proving the whole "people get defensive" thing, though.

>> No.21307756

That is not quite what I said. Ultimately I think the jungerfags are 14 years old and can not join the military yet which is why they avoid the question of why haven't they enlisted, they would get banned from the only place they can get away with larping.

>> No.21307758

Well overall my personal reasoning is I see the state of the United States as my enemy, and the foreign policy of it is isn’t even run by my government but the states of Israel. I might not see war as being unilaterally bad but that wouldn’t mean I would want to get involved with one that has no great cause attached to it. Saying “if you think war isn’t all bad why don’t you join this military for a government that hates you” is absurd you don’t even deserve this reply just move shitposting.

>> No.21307759

It doesn't follow from the claim that war is destructive and fucks people up that we should never pick sides or that it's never justified. In any case what does any of this have to do with the war in ukraine?

>> No.21307768

No, I will live in the most peaceful times imaginable and enjoy my peace while ridiculously fantasize that war and combat that will never, ever come would be the great resolution to your ennui

>> No.21307769

The "war is le good" larpers are those calling for more western intervention in the Russo-Ukraine war.
It's not a hard leap to follow, if you're willing to argue in good faith. For some reason, you types never want to, though.

>> No.21307774

So you deny yourself your spiritual initiation for the sake of a meaningless political waffle? Or do you truly believe that you make a difference by denying yourself that spiritual initiation?

>> No.21307779

they don't tend to talk of war being le good in the sense Junger spoke of, which is really what we were discussing

>> No.21307786

I don’t see joining the United States military as a path to that spiritual initiation period. I see no part of it as being about the same heightening of all senses and emotions that Junger described. I see no forthcoming wars that will bring the same sense I am in the middle of a world changing event like how he described the spring offensive of 1918. The most common experience that US vets express from their time is the boredom and dullness of it.

>> No.21307819

You realize Junger skipped all the boring parts?

>> No.21307820

>I would join the fight but it simply isn't hardcore enough
christ lol

>> No.21307822

err, skipped or embellished all the boring parts.

>> No.21307864

You haven't been in a real war you fucking retard, you wandered around a desert plinking at 80IQ dirt farmers with old AKs until you called in an airstrike on a hillside because there was an old man on it, then you ran away with your tail between your legs anyway. Don't compare that shit to WW1 or 2 you brain dead zogbot.

>> No.21307878

You faggots always want a 'badass' kind of suffering, with guns and trenches. What about the suffering of plumbers who clean shitpipes for a living? What of the suffering of the constrction workers who grind their spinal discs into powder to build your comfy apartments? Would anyone please glorify the suffering of a proctologist who stares at diseased assholes 5 days a week, no?

>> No.21307883

There’s no glory in shitpipes retard.

>> No.21307884

The latest one moron. He got smarter not softer

>> No.21307889

Right, cause all plumbers do is help the civilization not drown in feces, they dont even get cool medals for taking human lives

>> No.21307894

Dammmnnn yo comment had me be like yo this crazy ahh nigga be TRIPPIN

>> No.21307910

>war is not le good if they actually participated in combat beyond reading the memoirs of a German aristocrat sending orderlies to die to bring him bratwurst in his CP half a mile behind the front trenches.
Confirmed for not knowing a single lick of jungers life, he went through 100X more danger than the OG “ War is….le bad!” Basedjak all quiet on the western front author

>> No.21307913

There's LOADS of literature glorifying workers and their lives and culture

>> No.21307914
File: 128 KB, 842x916, 33075BA6-9940-4E4A-AFD5-C6932C4CCD62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right, cause all plumbers do is help the civilization not drown in feces, they dont even get cool medals for taking human lives
Yes now go back to R.eddit

>> No.21307927

No one cares that you want to suck his dick anon, just get a body pillow with him printed by a novelty sex store and be done with it

>> No.21307938

Look at the seethe on this laddie

>> No.21307942

In Bosnia, whichever boomervet you ask about war would tell you they'd lovd to do it again. Doesn't matter if they escaped the Srebrenica massacre, or got expelled from their home by Croatians, everyone will be like "yup, was one hell of a time"

>> No.21307950

>says the guy lauding Jünger so hard he subconsciously uses the word lick whenever he talks about him

>> No.21307954

I know of several French and German WWI memoirs that describe the war as a fulfilling experience, but I would never post them here for fear that their authors would end up in an "ifunny.co" image. Truly a fate worse than death for Junger.

>> No.21307961

You are really dumb. If you had any real interest you would know that he has written two other books about WWI (Warfare as inner experience and Sturm) he presents other perspectives. Especially in Sturm, he is very anti-war, even more so than Remarque in All Quiet on the Western front.
Especially if you would read other, even better masterpieces by Junger such as Glass Bees, where the mechanization of warfare is confronted and explicitly described as devoid of heroicism. In "On the Marble Cliffs" he also alludes to his time on the Western Front, but while not shying away from it, the memory is clearly very bitter and he is glad it is over.
If you read Junger's private diaries from the time when he served in Wehrmacht you would know how absolutely disgusted he is with warfare from 1939 onwards, describing it as pure nihilistic slaughter and how even bearing witness to it, has a paralyzing effect and ruins one's life. How hard it is to stay productive in the face of crimes against humanity.
And last but not least if you knew the slightest thing about Junger, you would know about his essay "Der Friede", which he wrote after his son, aged 18, died in battle near Carrary. In this essay Junger calls for the youth of the world to cherish the hard earned peace, which cannot be wasted away.

You seem to think that war made Junger a prolific and genius author that he is. The truth is Junger was an extremely high-performing individual and even without the frontline experience he probably would still leave a huge mark on literature. While you would still be a moron, even after spending 10 years in a dugout.

>> No.21307983

American Sniper

>> No.21307990

You just know that atheism is fucked up when atheists praise a german intellectual himself praising the world wars started by atheists, 150 years after the same atheists took power claiming that basing their republics on commerce will prevent huge wars, contrary to evil monarchies

atheists truly are NPCs

>> No.21308060

>but you avoid answering the question of "why don't you enlist?"

Because there is no honour in drone striking goat fuckers for kikes, you dumb fucking zogbot.

>> No.21308119

seethe & cope

>> No.21308211

Thread is filled with glory chasers. No one wants glory chasers with them in a war.

>> No.21308461

Losers be like:
>People who use this expression should be located, dragged outside and publically executed. Their families should have "be like" branded on their foreheads to carry the eternal shame of their sons and daughters. I refuse to fight in geopolitical resource proxy wars to enrich some kike, but I'll gladly enlist in the crusade against the accursed belikers. Here's the true spiritual initiation.

>> No.21308641


>> No.21309112

Seething fags be like:
>People who use this expression should be located, dragged outside and publically executed

>> No.21309228

All quiet on the western front is one of my favorit books, my grandpa gave it to me..

>> No.21309519


>> No.21309546

I rarely say this, but this is a good post.

>> No.21309602
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It's interesting as a historical document, but it's terrible as a translation. As in, it's full of glaring errors that google translate wouldn't have missed.

>> No.21310868

no it isn't. not a single post is talking about junger's books. 90% of the thread is a flame war between an underage poster versus military welfare queen

>> No.21311107


>> No.21311584
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are mutts actually this retarded i cant tell anymore

>> No.21311597

You sound old. Like, really REALLY old.

>> No.21311674

the history of germany is really pathetic.
it starts with them being generic barbarians trying to meaninglessly fuck some very local romans and always failing . They do it only to fill up their days and try to pass as local hardcore heroes towards their retarded local population lol

then they become nothing. France was all the most powerful kingdom ever. Spain, Italy, GB all achieve some relevance too.Meanwhile germany was still a shithole with little warlords killing each others lol.

Then progress was made by france once more. This time with the enlightenment. The german rats were 100 years late on this and the output of the german renaissance is turds like kant, hegel and nietzche lol

Then world wars happened entirely due to german rats.
Of course they got crushed like the rat they were.

Since then germany is a generic american bitch and has been trying to destroy europe for the last 20 years lol

>> No.21311724

t. jew

>> No.21311753


Most of the things in this paragraph isn't true. I believe Germany is the modern mutation of Rome.

>Progress was made by france

Not really, the greatest innovations come from Germans from philosophy, to engineering, to music, and to art. Darwinian selection basically paved the path for Prussia/Germany coming out as the most spiritual nation. Germans have basically addressed many natural phenomena with metaphysics, which puts them at a more enlightened state than the French and the British. Prussia had to maintain a frontier without natural borders to protect it from its enemies, so naturally they would also have to come up with the best possible solutions in order to adapt to their environments

>> No.21311789

This guy has no drip frfr

>> No.21311943

kys zogbot retard dont even care if this is bait

>> No.21311987

Speak proper english

>> No.21312015

I could have knocked him the fuck out desu. Soldiers are pussies.

>> No.21312047

Can we just ship off all the faggot larpers who think like this to Ukraine.

>> No.21312050
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>and that in particular war is a spiritual initiation?

>> No.21312059

Seconded. I have a similar opinion about the term "bussy," but I would add slow torture, and I would kill their families instead of branding them.

>> No.21312133

>watch the movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" (I don't read, that's why I post here)
>It is not quiet at all
>it is actually quite loud with sounds such as artillery shells, machine-gun fire and screams of pain and despair
Absolute hack.

>> No.21312142

At first glance he looks like a baby man but on closer inspection theres a dark dangerous monster lurking on the inside.

>> No.21312167

you be like actin kinda sussy no cap fr

>> No.21312173

>dis nigga be mad cuz he never blast off he nut in some premium stankybussy
u mad

>> No.21312265

Scalping is too good for left-wing vermin.

>> No.21312306

God I love the impotent seethe of /pol/niggers, just the mental image of some weak-chinned incel having a spastic fit of rage over words on a screen, then regaining some semblance of composure and directing his tiny wrists and tiny hands to write his Walter Mitty meets Brett Easton Ellis fan fiction.

Incel be mad yo, get some bussy to calm them nutz.

>> No.21312320

Imagine typing all this out instead of just posting seethe. The entire point of seethe is the simplicity of it. It’s meant to aggravate in a way where you come off as not caring. You can’t even do this right you retarded nigger.

>> No.21312326

Imagine typing all this out instead of just posting seethe

>> No.21312343
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>> No.21312354

Imagine holding your military service as a source of pride this hard. You did it for free college. Men in my country all serve in the military and thus flexing with having served is a meme to the highest degree.

Hope you die in an IED-explosion in some -stan one day.

>> No.21312361

>Junger would not approve of bad language or slander of veterans.

Stop simping for a dead guy homo.

>> No.21312365

Continue with hedonism. It will bring you happiness. Don't think too hard, watch netflix or maybe order something from amazon. I hear the new electronic gadgets really make you forget about thinking.

>> No.21312366

How many times do we need this shitty thread?

>> No.21312467

Seems almost impossible to find in this age. I remember that Hitler loved his experience of WW1 but he stayed vague about it. Warriors are men of action anyway, not men of words

>> No.21312681

>Egoists and their ilk have tried to take Jünger for their own
Junger said in his own interviews said Stirner explicitly influenced his life so I'm not sure what you mean by this. You, like "egoists" and "anarchists" miss the bigger picture with him since you keep associating him with a particular "ism." All Stirner says, and Carl Schmitt was the closet to getting it, is that there is no subject in history - the sovereign decides the exception. The implications of that are wide reaching. The most important one being to see life as an endless military campaign of self assertion and self creation.
>Prussian work ethic
Its also funny you bring that up since Stirner worked all his life since he was a single child, with a Prussian, upbringing. raised by a single mother. He even dropped out of college to take care of her. His thinking was certainly a product of his own turbulent life.

>> No.21312720

More like "war is fucking boring". Both books are an example of what happens when you can't write compelling characters and instead rely on the setting. Yeah, we get it, war is very dangerous and a lot of people either die or lose their mind. Stephen Crane already did this story like 50 years prior.

>> No.21312724

This poster be like:
>pEoPlE WhO UsE ThIs eXpReSsIoN ShOuLd bE LoCaTeD, dRaGgEd oUtSiDe aNd pUbLiCaLlY ExEcUtEd. ThEiR FaMiLiEs sHoUlD HaVe "Be lIkE" bRaNdEd oN ThEiR FoReHeAdS To cArRy tHe eTeRnAl sHaMe oF ThEiR SoNs aNd dAuGhTeRs. I ReFuSe tO FiGhT In gEoPoLiTiCaL ReSoUrCe pRoXy wArS To eNrIcH SoMe kIkE, bUt i'lL GlAdLy eNlIsT In tHe cRuSaDe aGaInSt tHe aCcUrSeD BeLiKeRs. HeRe's tHe tRuE SpIrItUaL InItIaTiOn.

>> No.21313348
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well, if i were tricked into fighting some desert shithole across the ocean for a few rich kikes and lies i would also be demoralized and view it as pointless.
but you haven't seen an "actual" war so drop the larp

>> No.21313417

>Germans have basically addressed many natural phenomena with metaphysics, which puts them at a more enlightened state than the French and the British.
I laughed IRL. Cringe idealists and their delusions have been a disaster for the human race. Subjectivism and strength are the only languages these beasts understand.
This other post, on the contrary, soothes me.

>> No.21313420

Your post oozes more loser energy than the one you replied to. Faggot.

>> No.21313424

you're an immature nigger getting angry over petty things

>> No.21314261

Except that's completely wrong and totally revision of history. Germany is a very pious nation. England and France is the cradle of liberalism and atheism. The greatest officer corps and military bureaucracy in human history, that of the kaiserreich, was partially constructed by the thought of Kant and Goethe's romantic philosophy, transcendental idealism, bildung when they brought championed individual thinking to Prussian officers corps. This was the key to Moltke's success in sodomizing Paris in 1871

>> No.21314397


>> No.21314425
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i look like this: [picrel (picture related)]
also, i say this: >>21307434

>> No.21314884

The Worker should be the master work. You really should start with "The Worker" and "Total Mobilization". It lays the groundwork for all else, and most people misinterpret Junger because they cannot correctly align his other concepts in the grid of coordinates set out by those early works.

Also Eumeswil? Widely regarded as best writing? By whom lol. This chart is all over the place and I feel like it was done by someone who hasn't really read any of it. The Adventurous Heart is so fucking dope, every sentence of it is so dense and powerful, and it can compete even with On The Marble Cliffs. Same with Approaches; putting those on the very bottom, while "On Pain" gets to be called a "master work",,, holy shit are you actually retarded?
This chart is all over the place, both in terms of chronology and jungerian topology.