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21304483 No.21304483 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become enlightened and incorporate knowledge into practice like meditation or any other practices to achieve samahdi. I have read a little bit about the Upanishads and Vedanta but I havent found so far a practical guide or way to incorporate their philosophy into practices that allow me to break from the matrix and achieve moksha and liberation. So far it seems like some Buddhist traditions perfected this through their meditation practices so I want to know more about this.

>> No.21304486


>> No.21304506

-What the Buddha Taught
-In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon
-Everything else. There are so many Buddhist books worth reading that even if you devote all your time to this - even 100 years will not be enough for you.

>> No.21305048

Hillside Hermitage youtube is good too

>> No.21305069

Just start with Alan Watts like every other westerner. His interpretations aren't entirely accurate, but he explains eastern thought in an intuitive way that's easy for westerners to pick up on.

>> No.21305093

Just start with Alan Watts like every other westerner.

>> No.21305097

The Principle Upanisads, 1 vol. trans. Rhadhakrishnan

The Upanishads, 4 vol. trans. Swami Nikhilananda, comm. Adi Shankara

-- Shankara. Vivekacudamani; and Upadesa Shasri. Vedanta Press.

George Grimm. Doctrine of the Buddha.

>He called it "Brahmayana". Remember this whenever confronted with annihilationist readings
>Sitting vacantly and extreme asceticism were tossed aside under the Bodhi tree burn the haystack to acquire the needle
Suggest the Grimm one first, then the others for context. Pali Canon translations are rife with interpolative errors, stick with Dhammapada. As a reform movement of sorts away from empty ritual observances, Advaita Vedanta material is relevant (though they are fond of polemical misrepresentation of Buddhism). Western apophatic mysticism and philosophical retroduction (Neoplatonics) would be other places to look.

>> No.21305752
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>but I havent found so far a practical guide or way to incorporate their philosophy into practices that allow me to break from the matrix
Read these, especially 'The Complete Book of Yoga'.

>> No.21305758
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Start with the 'Jeets.

>> No.21305762

Lotus Sutra

>> No.21306605
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