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/lit/ - Literature

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21303851 No.21303851 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consider /loser/-core books, /lit/bros?

>> No.21303877

The Gambler and Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky, Journey to the End of Night by Celine, anything by Kafka.

>> No.21303890

Anything from Russian or French lit

>> No.21303910

Celine (he was actually a doctor but he was so fucking miserable he might as well have been an alcoholic postal clerk)
Nelson Algren
Jack Kerouac

>> No.21303911
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>> No.21303933

My diary desu

>> No.21304189

I'll bite: how so?

>> No.21304243

>n word posting

>> No.21304415
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>nigger posting

>> No.21304898

You best go home and snuggle that teddy bear anon, suck your thumb.

Run along now, you scamp

>> No.21305108

The Gambler and Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky, Journey to the End of Night by Celine, anything by Kafka.

>> No.21305193

Anything from Russian or French lit

>> No.21305358

12 Rules For Life.

>> No.21305379

entire classic lit canon and in particular start wit da greekz

>> No.21305536

only losers read it

>> No.21305896
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>14 posts
>nobody's posted Houellebecq
What newfag shit thread is this?

JM Coetzee is also very underrated losercore by the way

>> No.21305938

Okay daddy

>> No.21306208


>> No.21306225

YOu really think people on this board read?

>> No.21307148

Whatever you read.

>> No.21307183

That’s rude.

>> No.21307729
File: 39 KB, 512x512, houellouel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw no Houellebecq

>> No.21308296

He’s entry-level schlock

>> No.21308303
File: 24 KB, 255x384, Philip Larkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget novels. Poetry drops you down the same hole in a fraction of the time, and a poem is easy to learn by heart so you can repeat it to yourself at any hour of the day or night for that delicious bitter-sweet loser tang.

Plenty of poets have tackled the topic, but the main man is unquestionably Philip Larkin. He documented every aspect of the loser life with exquisite self-loathing. Try these (presented in chronological order):

— 'I See A Girl Dragged By The Wrists'
Chad can just be himself with girls and they love it. I'll never be Chad. Maybe if I'm patient I can be a beta provider for some used-up roastie.

— 'To Failure'
People think failure comes dramatically, like the roulette ball landing on black, or the judge saying guilty. Yeah, no.

— 'Maturity'
I'm in my twenties and I suck. And what sucks most is the knowledge that this is me at my best.

— 'At thirty-one, when some are rich'
I wageslave and then waste my time on 4chan every evening. I mean writing letters. It would be 4chan if I'd been born eighty years later.

— 'Toads'
Here I am wageslaving. Why can't I just become a PIRATE? Because I'm a LOSER with NO BALLS, that's why.

— 'Skin'
When I get older my skin will get all wrinkled and baggy, so I should have lots of sex now, and I'm not having sex. Dammit.

— 'Mr. Bleaney'
I live alone in a cheap rented room. Only a loser would live like this at my age.

— 'As Bad as a Mile'
For crying out loud. I can't even throw an apple core in the bin.

— 'A Study of Reading Habits'
When I was young I read Conan the Barbarian. Now I'm grown-up and I'm not Conan. Screw you, literature.

— 'Wild Oats'
Why not try one of these relationship things, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

— 'Send No Money'
I'm the guy standing in the corner in that party meme. What a loser.

— 'Dockery and Son'
A guy younger than me has a son who's going to university. Dammit.

— 'Annus Mirabilis'
All these kids are having sex. I'm forty-five and ugly. Why couldn't we have had the swinging sixties when I was twenty?

— 'Sad Steps'
Philip Sydney wrote this famous poem about love and the moon. Good for him. I'm in my forties now and not getting any.

— 'The View'
I'm fifty and have achieved bugger-all.

— 'Money'
I have plenty of money. Why don't I use it to have fun? I could pay a prostitute to dress up as Sailor Moon. Naa, I'm too old. Screw it.

— 'The Life with a Hole in it'
People say I'm selfish. Maybe I am. But I'm not happy.

— 'Love Again'
The bloke in the flat above is having sex and I'm just sitting here wanking to it. How did I sink so low?

>> No.21309186

who's schlock