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File: 275 KB, 655x500, Jean-Paul-Sartre-I-love-you-very-much-my-Beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21300633 No.21300633 [Reply] [Original]

>his is Sartre’s before-death profession, according to Pierre Victor: “I do not feel that I am the product of chance, a speck of dust in the universe, but someone who was expected, prepared, prefigured. In short, a being whom only a Creator could put here; and this idea of a creating hand refers to god.”

>> No.21300657

The only sincere atheists are the ones that commit suicide.

The others just hide they know God exists, or, at the very least, they hope He exists. As C.S.Lewis once quipped: "I spent my teen years refusing to believe in God, and hating Him for not existing"

>> No.21300668

Everybody gets all existential at the end.

>> No.21300670

So instead of developing his self in this way and investigating faith he just held it in the background as a nice supporting feeling while he wasted all his time thinking about how weird things are and pretending he was being authentic to himself while ignoring the genuine authentic feeling.

>> No.21300698

>The only sincere atheists are the ones that commit suicide.

"Either Christ resurrected, or [He] didn't; and, if [He] didn't, we are the most disgraced creatures, because we lost the last bet. Let us at least have a shade of dignity. It's poitnless to stop midway, to sit in public, gravely shaking our heads about politics or a vehicle; it's pointless to be Mr. Whomever, who walks with an intellectual beard, with two quibbles behind it, that were prepared the day before and just wait for an opportunity; it's pointless to sing the 21th century, to run after children on public gardens, like a pedagogical faun, hungry for new generations; it's pointless to be right or not to be right; to be quiet or to talk; to stay home, pretending to sleep in hopes of cheating time. It's pointless. To be good, to be virtuous, to be ashamed, to have feelings, to send letter of condolences or to pay a visit to the widow with a grieving face, patting him on the shoulder


"Let us hear, once again, the Apostle's warning: either Christ resurrected, or we are the most disgraced creatures. Let us be them: let us eat, let as drink, let us fornicate. And whatever else - reason, the arts, progress, to wish for good and to speak well - to hell! Let us be disgraced and pornographical. Let us walk the streets, dancing a last carnival. Let us untie 20 centuries of a moral of slaves; let us blink eyes; to stick out the tongue; let us be smart.

And all of us, togehter, all the billions of beings in this planet that grew a mold of humanity due to certain temperature and pressure degrees, all of us together, on an immense plain, in Sahara, let us laugh, let us laugh at ourselves, giving the middle finger to the sun, to the hills, to the wind, laughing forever, laughing until we explode!"

>> No.21300744

This is just narcissim.

>> No.21300786

Why are anons suprised that dying guy would feel differently about God when he's dying. I felt the same too. That is why I appreciate Cioran's pessimism more than others.

>> No.21300861

>I felt the same too.
are you a ghost?

>> No.21300897

>I do not feel
the predicate to every theist argument ever lol. "feel" this, "feel" that. tripe

>> No.21300913

KWAB (kek what a bitch)

>> No.21300982

The only sincere atheists are the ones who don't care about continental philosophy.
Continental philosophers think through feelings, tendencies, fashion.
Serious atheists think through logical arguments and empirical evidence (mostly because these are the only tools we have which make any sense, though they can fail us too - except for logic, apparently).
That may sound like a meme, but you'd be surprised with how few people actually follow these two rules - logic and evidence - to the core. I am one such person, and among other things I deny all morality, all meaning to life (unless invented by man), never voted, etc. And it doesn't bother me, but it certainly seems to bother quite a few people, to the point they are fully incapable of living like this and search for other religions - communism and existentialism in the case of Sartre, global warming in the case of Greta, the superman in the case of Nietzsche, woke politics in the case of contemporary Americans, etc.
My only "religion" is pleasure, specially physical and aesthetic, but it's not so much a religion as an instinct my biological organism was born with. Even when I give money to beggars it's just so I won't feel the displeasure of feeling like a "bad person" (no such thing), because society has imbued me with a reflex, in a very skinnerian way, which makes me feel like that in these situations - or maybe it's biology too (the "moral instinct"). I have as many feelings as any other person, and even more when it comes to such issues as animal liberation, free software, and the preservation of historical and artistic monuments - the difference is that I know how to separate my feelings from reality, and how to recognize my inner egoism. When I claim "Monument X ought to be preserved" what I truly mean is "I would like other people to work on the preservation of monument X, so that I may keep enjoying its sight, which pleasures my eye" - but I am fully aware that there's no such thing as the monument's "right" to be preserved, or the "people's right" to see it.

>> No.21301008

>I won't kill myself because... think of le heckin parties!!!

>> No.21301046

>laughing until we explode
Read the subtleties, anon

>> No.21301067

Of course a dude with eyes like that couldn't see reason.

>> No.21302583

when you're going to write a wall of words don't start it off with a facile undergrad tier characterization of continental philosophy. I guarantee you not a single person will ever read this entire post.

>> No.21302593

I hate his physiognomy. Always have done, always will.

Every time this goggle eyed French twat pops up in /lit/ I shudder in revulsion, at what horrors this "intellectual" would visit upon us due to his resentment at having to see that countenance gawking back at him in the mirror every day of his rotten life.

>> No.21302599
File: 11 KB, 414x374, FVUgrYuXwAE-aq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staring down the prospect of the eternal firey lake
>"Duuuhhh...G-God might actually be real Bros!"

Many such cases!

>> No.21302641
File: 109 KB, 2048x1323, a65aab863d7a16b2fc7651396f99463b97bd4d85r1-2048-1323v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we truly accept the end of all means as nothing, it's purely nihilistic and ends with the cold death of the embodiment of what one could classify as the soul - where some take themselves out on their time and terms.

But to reflect on life near the end after a long winding road of ins and outs, you can begin to form different forms of reasoning as vaguely piecing the pieces together to sort of begin to feel a sense of comfort.

It's an experience we can only get to once we're ready to accept the trudge, and only then is it a personal definition come to pass that we can call it by whatever means, even God.

>> No.21302832

>The only sincere atheists are the ones that commit suicide.
What makes you think that?

>> No.21302838

It must be because human existence is so bad that if there were no possibility of heaven then it would just be better to end it immediately.

>> No.21302841
File: 176 KB, 229x288, durk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but hedonistic pleasures make you anchored to the physical world until you die of an OD

>> No.21302843

that statement says more about you than it says about anyone else. consider the possibility that not everybody needs the god cope to deal with their mortality. you should also consider the fact that when somebody is literally dying, they may not be in the most lucid state of mind. finally consider this came from a frenchman and they will never stop lying.

>> No.21302919


>> No.21302999

Wait, so Sartre was a gigachad at the end? I didn't see that coming.

>> No.21303010

Source? If this is true I wouldn't be that surprised if you read between the lines of his philosophy you'll see the traces of the concept of original sin.

>> No.21303522

I've read quite a few of the continental philosophers (in the original), and my characterization is correct.
Bear in mind that I mean the schools, not the nations.

>> No.21304114
File: 10 KB, 240x240, now_ya_see....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does sound awfully bland but at least it is intrinsically consistent.

>> No.21304160

People are not wired to commit suicide. It’s just silly to think so. Denouncing god is perfectly acceptable towards our grounding in life, suicide isn’t. I still think don’t think suicide is the worst thing but I wouldn’t do it.

>> No.21304173

He use to talk about how ugly he was as well. No reason not to engage with him on an intellectual level.

>> No.21304178

There’s a middle ground to be had between being a hedonist and locking your dick up in a cage for god

>> No.21304206

You died?