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/lit/ - Literature

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21300373 No.21300373 [Reply] [Original]

fuck it, this is for the people that want /lit/ back, I'm fed up of the tard-posting

>what you're reading
>the best recommendation you received on /lit/
>books you're considering buying
>favourite OG greentexts

we'll improve the OP as times goes on but lets get the oldfags in here

>> No.21300376

I'm trans btw, idk if that matters

>> No.21300378

that's great for you mate welcome to the thread

>> No.21300380

I'm trans btw

>> No.21300386

>>books you're considering buying
I'm going to buy books for my immediate family members for Christmas. My brother likes Greco-Roman mythology so I'm going to get him the Táin Bó Cúailnge, and my father has a rudimentary interest in chess so I was thinking of getting him The Luzhin Defense, but I don't know what to get my mother. She likes Stephen King and crime novels. Any recs?

>> No.21300387

maybe something by stephen king

>> No.21300390

I was hoping for something a bit more highbrow.

>> No.21300400

>crime novels
get her some cool noir-esque stories like Raymond Chandler or Le Carre

>> No.21300426

>>what you're reading
gravity's rainbow
>>the best recommendation you received on /lit/

>> No.21300490

Finishing up The Passenger, gonna need something to read in between Stella Maris release.

Give me some recommendations. Most recently read Confessions of a Mask by Mishima, A supposedly fun thing by DFW, and Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. I really enjoyed Confessions and the DFW collection. Ishmael had interesting ideas but the prose was super clunky and the dialogue wasn’t very engaging.

Maybe I should read some more romantic stuff? Any recs would be good.

>> No.21300494

How was mishima? He's been on my list for a while and I'm looking for short/relatively simple books to read in between the longer classics.

>> No.21300529

Ann Cleeves has good novels. Her books have been adapted into some fairly popular tv shows.

>> No.21300544

I loved it. His writing has a good balance between flowery and clarity prose. He had a very good understanding of english so it doesn’t read like a translation.

Confessions of a mask is mostly autobiographical. It covers his birth to early twenties. I know this is controversial, but Mishima was really gay. From reading this novel its obvious and his sexuality was something that he struggled with since a young age. Confessions conveys a feeling of isolation through wearing “a mask” and acting like someone that he isn’t for most of his young life. With the backdrop of WWII there is a quiet desperation, everyone in the novel feels as though they could be blown to bits at any moment.

The book is very prose heavy and introspective, not very “plot driven”. It was my first read by Mishima and from what I’ve heard it’s probably his most vulnerable and reflective. Overall, I was really surprised at how much I liked it. One of the most enjoyable reads for me this year. I will definitely be reading his other work.

>> No.21300546

>the Táin Bó Cúailnge
Its shit. Only halffamous because its the only extant piece of mediaeval Irish literature

>> No.21300569

Finally decided to read Mishima and I started with Sailor. Just to be clear: Mishima isn’t one of those authors where all of his books are more or less the same right? I got memed into reading Murakami and I’m not looking for a repeat of that again.

>> No.21300820

Hey me too, just read the 12th section of the first chapter, and I'm loving every page. I had found Slow Learner in my city's library and fell in love with The Secret Integration and Entropy and had already V. some four years back. It really got me into ol' Pynch back and Gravity's Rainbow was in English so I took it as well.

I loved the section which introduces Roger and Jessica and ends with

>There's never much talk but touches and looks, smiles together, curses for parting. It is marginal, hungry, chilly--most times they're too paranoid to risk a fire--but it's something they want to keep, so much that to keep it they will take on more than propganda has ever asked them for. They are in love. Fuck the war.

Other than that I read section 10 (the black sodomizing and toilet travelling transcript) high af and that increased my enjoyment tenfold.

>> No.21300842

Tp is one of the few writers who make it seem like they want you to read their work high. Lot 49 was the one that got me into him.

>> No.21300856

>>what you're reading
mishima's sailor book
>>the best recommendation you received on /lit/
carlyle's french revolution, hilarious prose and i love getting preached at by bitter old cunts
>>books you're considering buying
i don't consider buying books i just order them right away when there's a promising rec
>>favourite OG greentexts

>> No.21300875

Kek, thread disqualified. Anyways I’ve been reading Song of Kali at home and How to Lie to the Military Bulletin at work. Anyone know when the latter gets good?

>> No.21300994

the aesthetic sensibilities are definitely similar in every book, he had a very strong sense of aesthetics and it comes through in everything, but the characters and themes are more varied than murakami, also much bigger variation in setting and he knew how to do different genres
like >>21300544 says some of his books are mega gay and in others the gayness is sublimated into some sort of symbol or it's under the surface
he was probably more versatile than we think because a lot of his stuff still isn't translated
t. read golden pavilion (excellent), confession of a mask (good, has that talented debut novel feel where it's kind of personal and raw and you know the author's next book will be even better), spring snow (amazing, great fin-de-siècle atmosphere), runaway horses (fine), sun and steel (overrated imo), life for sale (low effort light reading pulpkino)
watch the schrader movie too it's great

>> No.21301034
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>best recs
Lolita, Pale Fire, V.
>favorite greentexts
we need to bring back Wittgensteinposting

>> No.21301404
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>"The whole of my phiolosophy is summarized in this orangutan." I was stunned and asked him to elaborate. He answered, "No."