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21300215 No.21300215 [Reply] [Original]

The Mundane Spirit World of Elmer Randolph
A Child's Yearning Sacrifice
The Frozen Century
Memorial for the Insects

>> No.21300247

Elmer Randolph is a schizophrenic experiencing constant hallucinations. Whereas other schizophrenics see hideous demons hellbent on frightening their victims to death, Elmer's spirits are entirely benign and at most slightly annoying. One day he wakes up and meets a new spirit whose sole purpose is to make Elmer laugh. Elmer is so amazed that he becomes a comedian and just repeats whatever his jester spirit tells him to. He is very successful and dies a happy man.

Policy Coordination

>> No.21300277

>the mundane spirit world of elmer randolph
Elmer is an older man who works as a gravekeeper with the ability to see and talk with the spirits of the dead. Among his main duties is to tend for the spirits of those buried in the cemetary while they await Charon. The spirits are a mirror of their human self and making their realm... mundane.
From here you can have a novel where Charon does comes and get mythical. Alternatively the grave can be over burdened becUse of that and the spirits start spilling outside the cemetary and into the human dimension.
You can also write the whole thing as a philosphical text whereby Elmer learns lessons and truths about reality. It would be a philosophical text

>> No.21300296
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>Memorial for the Insects
A story about children raised in an alternate reality that has non-stop large scale wars and destruction. The group of children play in their blissful innocence in muddy abandoned trenches and bunkers as nearby cities get shelled. One of the children begin to build a shrine-like structure out of the rubble and used munitions. The others help him with the construction.
The children eventually grow up, leave the shrine behind, and take on their adult duties. At some point the wars stop. One of the children (now an adult) returns to the shrine, now in a sunny and grassy meadow, in this new peaceful era and reminiscence on their childhood and how the world changed. In the last moments of the book, the former child of the shrine learns that the alien era of peace he has come to love has ended. He returns to the shrine and collapses in tears and prayers for the next generation who will be raised in war as he was.

>> No.21300306

Being And Rhyme

>> No.21300312

A treatise on the metaphysics of music.

>> No.21300317

Lucifer's Keyboard

>> No.21300328

This is really good.

>> No.21300330

Eccentric time traveling billionaire kidnaps Buddha, Plato, and Jesus and traps them in a mansion on an empty planet where they have nothing but music to pass the time

>> No.21300339
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>Empty Beds
>Death of the Water
>At the Hands of Men

>> No.21300353

I made a few of these hypothetical book titles for my mates a while back, trying to capture their spirit in a little line. Would love to see what anons envision out of them
>Silly Little Joke
>Embryos in Makeup
>In Praise of Obesity as Contemporary Virtue
>Teacups and Identity
>Transforming You Into a Nebula
>No Stumbles
>New Reverence: Ownership
>Lethal Shards of Ebony (lel)
I will come back later to write synopses for other posts here. Good thread, OP.

>> No.21300366

Would explain what happened to Jesus after he disappeared from his cave

>> No.21300371

I don't exactly know why but I kind of hate all of these.

>> No.21300409
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>Cum and Punishment
>The Lovers Karamazov
>Notes from the Underwear

>> No.21300412

I think Embryos in Makeup and In Praise of Obesity could make for good books. The first one being a treatise on societal issues concerning image and perception, the second being satire

>> No.21300439

It's because they were dumped in one go. If they were posted separately you'd find them more palatable.

>> No.21300461
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>>Cum and Punishment
Its about a dude not feeling he's sexy because gays don't think he's attractive. They don't catcall him etc.

So he goes full gay mode on gay sadistic sex parties and gets covered in cum even though hes straight.

When it comes out his wife gets angry and he has trouble explaining why he did it.

>> No.21300771

>Empty Beds
All diseases and ailments have been cured by nanotechnology and hospitals have been abandoned and the medical profession has ended. An underground group of radical antinatalists designs a nanotechnological pathogen that will enter people’s bodies and reprogram the existing nanobots to sterilize their hosts. But the most insane antinatalist reprograms the pathogen to kill everyone instead of sterilizing them. When everyone starts dying there is no one to take them to hospitals to care for them and the hospitals and the hospital beds remain empty. less than a hundred thousand humans throughout the world survive

>> No.21300876

Black Sun on Horizon
Fly for Your Life
Pink Mist

>> No.21300903
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>In Praise of Obesity as Contemporary Virtue
yooo next Yudkowsky title just dropped

>> No.21300955

This would be a good one, but you need to make the jester spirit disappear or quit right before Elmer's big show. Elmer has a huge falling out with the spirit, they both part ways.
(Or elmer gets involved with demons, some shit like that)

Then, just like movie magic, jester makes it back in time before Elmer's live performance. Cue cliche hollywood ending

>> No.21301039

Surrounding anxiety
Stabbing ways the love moves

>> No.21301249

No that's not it. I don't like them because they seem kind of sophomoric, they have the same quality that 90% of modern literature has and that being a sort of pseudo-poetic title, for a few of them you can tell that they were purposely made with the intent of sounding 'bizarre' in an 'interesting' way, but they don't make sense and that's that.
Some are fine, like:
>In Praise of Obesity
>No Stumbles
But as I said plenty of them are just the type of absurd that I don't like; I particularly hate 'Embryos in Makeup', which sounds nasty to me (and good job on that, I guess, if that was the intent). Others like:
>Silly Little Joke
They feel to me made right on the spot by a non-author who has been asked by their managers or whomever to publish something.

>> No.21301286

Second title sounds too kino, poetic.
I imagine is either about a dude who wanta to be a romantic medieval Knight Errant in modern society, ala Don Quijote, or a psychopath who likes to make sculptures out of human remains.

>> No.21302131

bump so i can buy some extra time to write these plots

>> No.21302232

>Pink Mist
A creatura de la interneta is addicted to gore videos and images, especially anything involving warfare and urban combat. He is also a coomer and when he's not taking apart gore videos frame by frame he's masturbating or just watching porn. He becomes increasingly isolated from his family and the world and convinced that he is utterly unfit for said world except to aid in its undoing and to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of violence. So near the end he goes on a shooting spree somewhere and shotguns his head off. I don't know. Also >>21300215 I really like the titles you came up with. They're very evocative.

>> No.21302275

>The Frozen Century
The saga of a Neanderthal tribe as they slowly peter out into extinction.

>> No.21302278

Oh and here's another title for the mix:

>> No.21302376

I've had the thought of a book about conflict between neanderthals and homo sapiens before. weird that there aren't more novels set in pre-history. William Golding's is the only one I know.

>> No.21302642

>A Child's Yearning Sacrifice
The story of a boy whose childhood was robbed by his narcissist mother, and how as an adult he has to reconcile his willingness to suffer abuse with his unending love for those he cares about. He yearns for sacrifice because he knows no other way.

A young Brooklyn rapper reconnects with his african roots and expresses his newfound identity through his poetry. (guaranteed NYT best-seller if he doesn't go full hotep)

>Death of the Water
Cormac McCarthy-esque post apocalyptic Mad Max world.
Alternatively, an esoteric tale about what the suppressing of emotion does to a man.

>> No.21302671

>Surrounding anxiety
A 200 page suicide note, written by a man who has nearly starved to death, detailing his fall from a seemingly important position in local politics down to homelessness due to the effects of (unknown to him and undiagnosed) bipolar disorder. As the book progresses the sentences get longer and longer and the last chapter is one very long run on yet incomplete sentence professing his love to the woman who fired him.

>> No.21302681

>Hoes and Tricks
>On the Subject of Thuggery and Hooliganism

>> No.21302852

If Anal Was a Christmas Tree, Whose House Would It Be In?

>> No.21302944

Southern Discomfort

10 Billion Boyfriends

The Silent Scythe

Dr. Sillystein's Laughrageous Awescience Hour

Midsunday Blues

>> No.21302978

>Southern Discomfort
21st century racism in southern USA
alternatively, a book on STDs

>10 Billion Boyfriends
e-dating, incel culture, and parasocial relationships

>The Silent Scythe
isolation as suicide

>Dr. Sillystein's Laughrageous Awescience Hour
science is progressive politics

>Midsunday Blues
a reflection on the shortness of life and leisure in endless-growth-driven modern capitalism
alternatively, reflections on God's Creation

these are just the general themes I'm sensing, I'll come back later to type out actual plots

>> No.21303032

>Notes from the Underwear
It's been 12 years since the global infertility crisis has started, with no newborns to have been successfully conceived ever since then. A 40 something year old man returns to his ancestral home. As he goes to explore the attic, he finds one of his very old and rotten cumrag boxers hidden deep in its trenches. The sight of his once-potential offspring being reduced to mere stains causes him to have a serious breakdown and reassess the entirety of his decisions up to this point. He starts wearing the ragged briefs around his arm like a football captain's band when outside to show to the world that he once was not so impotent, with a published manifesto that becomes instantly viral on the internet. Soon after, people gradually start to recognize the same dead vice in them, and pull out their cumrags to wear in different forms, fashions, and colors. This is the start of the semenoid aesthetic movement, a celebration of the remains of vitality that soon turns highly profitable with merch and such offshoots.
Then, a baby is finally born somewhere in Haiti. As soon as the sunlight shines on him for the first time, the general populace start to realize how deeply shameful it was to have such cum-stained objects in the first place, with the media narrative turning to publicly denouncing these "weak willed degenerates". The semenoids' stock is dropping fast. They must devise a plan that involves the baby's image to get back in people's good graces, or perhaps they should wipe him entirely instead, and making profit out of despair & hopelessness this time around. What will they decide to do?

>> No.21303033

>Dr. Sillystein's Laughrageous Awescience Hour
The most /pol/-tarded piece of writing ever

>> No.21303043

Hacking as a form of black magic

>> No.21303055

4Chan - The Official Novelization
Unfounded Manifolds
The Seven Horizons of Sarah Mitchell
Blue Is Not My Color
Empire Friends

>> No.21304007

>Fly for Your Life
A third worlder who is disillusioned with illegal immigration through the sea tries to flap his hands around like a bird to see if he would be able to fly away and reach the golden place by air. After two half-hearted failures, the third time works and he leaves the ground in private. At night, he tries to reach the upper atmosphere by the air pressure is naturally too suffocating and too cold. Deciding to shock his close engineer friend with this new power, the latter immediately realizes the physical problems his mate is going to face and creates a suit with a special breathing apparatus to protect him.
Dressed up and mounted on the city hall roof, birdman takes flight in front of a record attendance, all cheering and whistling him on. The higher he goes, the sorrier he feels for his people...(to be continued)

>> No.21304099

>4Chan - The Official Novelization

>> No.21304269


>> No.21304488

That's a fair assessment. Really they were made up as riffs on inside jokes with each title corresponding to a friend's little trait to various degrees of abstraction, especially the last two, even if I'd be lying for saying i didn't find some extra value within them. You are correct in your comment on Embryos in Makeup, the point of it was to be grotesquely garish, an exaggeration of the beauty contests for kids you'd encounter in rural america.
Either way, thank you for your valuable criticism. I'll refer to it in the future whenever i'll have to title something a little more serious. Wouldn't want it to convey a feeling of pseudo-anything.

>> No.21304510

>Elmer Randolph is a schizophrenic experiencing constant hallucinations. Whereas other schizophrenics see hideous demons hellbent on frightening their victims to death, Elmer's spirits are entirely benign and at most slightly annoying. One day he wakes up and meets a new spirit whose sole purpose is to make Elmer laugh.
This is genuinely the plot of the new Cormac McCarthy book.

>> No.21304541

How to Tell Your Girlfriend is Trans

>> No.21304634

>How to Tell Your Girlfriend is Trans

>Man goes out one morning to replace a dying rosebush in his garden only to find the rotting corpses of over a thousand children when he starts digging one of which still clutches in its hand a pink and blue wig. He then goes to confront the trans villain but realizes "she" has three machetes which he always thought strange since generally speaking women don't own a single machete let alone three.

Probably needs a trilogy to properly flesh it out. Lol.

>> No.21304662

>sweatin' like a Tibetan
>the spirituality of phenomenon
>no cap, that's how it happened
>Battles with my Mother

>> No.21304701

no it's not lmao

>> No.21304741

Did you straight up not read the Alicia chapters?

>> No.21304761

I've only read Blood Meridian.

>> No.21305560

every damned time

>> No.21305599

>The Frozen Century
A nonfiction book about the beginning of the little ice age, exploring its causes and effects on global society. The book largely blames humanity for causing it, over-dramatizes the effects and then ends with an histrionic rant about global warming. It's a NYT best seller and ends up unread on the coffee tables of all of your progressive 'intellectual' friends, next to Sapiens.

>> No.21305621

>Alternatively, an esoteric tale about what the suppressing of emotion does to a man.
Litkino. I will pay to read that tale!

>> No.21305626

>Some Nonfiction
The mask we all wore for a time being : Essays

>> No.21305647

Chemical Warfare for the Average Teenager

Comfort as a Cure

Glock Coffee

>> No.21305675

I'll get on it then

>> No.21306257

Too try hard.

>> No.21306289

The Call of the Garloid

Sneed’s Saga

The Testimony of Jonas D. Neger

>> No.21307193

>The Spirituality of Phenomenon

The last work of Hegel, written in a month prior to his death. It is, at once, his magnum opus and his worst work. He somehow manages to simultaneously reconcile and disprove all of his previous work, and as such, the book fell out of print for being nearly incomprehensible. However, there are rumors that Hegel had actually received a sliver of knowledge from the Divine and hid it in code within his last work.

A young occultist by the name of Amos Cunnyham finds an aged copy at a local used book store and accidentally decodes Hegel’s last message and the divine revelation found therein. He must use his newly gained knowledge to fight against the horde of masons that seek to steal it from him.