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/lit/ - Literature

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21300149 No.21300149 [Reply] [Original]

>visual NOVELS
>not literature

>> No.21300154

>comic BOOKS
>graphic NOVELS

>> No.21300157

I played this game and it was very disappointing, nowhere near on the level of printed genre fiction let alone literature despite what fans claim. Nice twists and music though

>> No.21300158

>>comic BOOKS
>>graphic NOVELS
this are literature tho, both are on goodreads

>> No.21300163

what's your favourite vn?

>> No.21300173


>> No.21300187

Yeh, the writing is convoluted just for the sake of it. It's rly exhausting to read.

>> No.21300189

Silver case

>> No.21300191

what's your favourite vn?

shitposting aside, i would like to get an opinion on vns from somebody who have also read "real" books. most people on /v/ and /jp/ are plebs who haven't touched a book since middle school, so i'm very wary of their opinion

>> No.21300261

That one is on sale on steam right now. Should I get it? I've tried other visual novels in the past and haven't really stayed engaged with how drawn out and repetitive they can b, e.g. Umineko, Clannad, Higurashi, Steins;Gate.

>> No.21300263

are there any vns that you've managed to finish? the good and short ones are saya no uta and planetarian

>> No.21300452

Visual novels always end up with an uphappy medium where the writing isn't as good as a real book and the drawings aren't as good as a real manga. Seriously, the anatomy in VNs, even "kamige" like Subahibi, is just atrocious.

>> No.21300497

what's your favourite vn?

>> No.21300526
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I enjoyed subahibi, I played fate as a teenager and it was good back then. I downloaded swan song, and dies irae. Also narcissu was pretty good.
I want to write a VN, I have a lot of Ideas, and I also liked how subahibi incorporated wittgenstein into the mystery aspect, I would like to do the same except with Schopenhauer, Kant, Spinoza and Nietzsche
also saya no uta was kino but didn't meet its potential

>> No.21300534

I'm reading saya no uta at the moment actually. I'm enjoying it a lot and will most likely finish it. I started Planetarian but stopped for no real reason. I've mostly enjoyed and finished visual novels with gameplay in the past such as Phoenix Wright and Zero Escape which keep things interesting.

>> No.21300558
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>also saya no uta was kino but didn't meet its potential
can't do better in less than 4 hours
i literally just copped planetarian, apparently the payoff happens in the last chapter, and since it's also only 4 hours long i'll probably marathon it today

>> No.21300578

>Not literature
Philosophy niggers still seething Japs outdid Wittgenstein in a porn game

>> No.21300598

>/v/ seethe that vns aren't games
>/lit/ seethe that vns aren't books
>/jp/ seethe unless the vn is untranslated
>/vn/ is full of waifufaggotry
it's all so fucking tiresome vnchads...

>> No.21300664

I’ve never been able to finish one of these

>> No.21300680

which ones have you tried?

>> No.21300703

Higurashi and Steins gate.
I really like the steins gate anime too

>> No.21300711

so i assume you've finished those 2 at least?

>> No.21300712

Ive read umineko, clannad and fate. VNs are garbage. for all the great video games and food japan produces, they cant write for shit

>> No.21300717

>normieshit, moeshit, chuunishit
how about reading a good vn for once?

>> No.21300751

Oh yes, I’m sure you in particular have some esoteric knowledge hidden behind years of weebery experience of what constitutes an “actual real” VN. To me, VN stories are either stupid dating simulators or teenager-bait shallow plot-twist rollercoaster rides like 999, steins gate or 13 sentinels. Its stupid fun, and theres nothing wrong with that, but there is no reason to pretend VNs stand anywhere near actual literature.

>> No.21300759

maybe read a "serious" vn instead of avengers-tier rollercoasters

>> No.21300774

Why do you think VNs are written as digital picture books instead of just being words on a page? Not because of choices, there are books which allow you to make VN-like choices (although no one would seriously consider those books to be great literature). Its because the core audience is younger, or generally dumber. They need the pictures and music to hold their subpar stories from falling apart.

>> No.21300892

Umineko is peak fiction, a flawed masterpiece like no other.

>> No.21300958

>take a shit
>call it a novel
>Hurff Durff y arnt u reding muh shitnovel

>> No.21300962

>Not because of choices, there are books which allow you to make VN-like choices (although no one would seriously consider those books to be great literature)
there are also vns without choices
>Its because the core audience is younger
most of them are 18+ so you are blatantly wrong. you might argue that they target YA, but it would still be a stretch because you have no data to back it up
>generally dumber.
there are way more dumb books than dumb vns, and i would argue that an average book is made for a dumber audience because women and npcs
>They need the pictures and music to hold their subpar stories from falling apart.
and at the same time a good story is elevated far above what a book can achieve, thanks to pictures and music

>> No.21300999

Most of then being 18 shows exactly why they aren’t mature at all. Tits and ass and sex scenes do not make literature, its meaningless shlock to attract morons. And I can guarantee you that even the average romance novel made for women has better prose than most VNs. And your last point is ridiculous, because by your argument video games would have the best stories ever told (moving images, audio AND interactivity) when its the opposite. You can create images and audio via the words you read, the actual display of them is a shortcut. Hence why movies and games are more popular than books, because they are made to be easier to consume.

>> No.21301075

>Tits and ass and sex scenes do not make literature
why not? sex is a fundamental part of human nature. i could argue that it's the "literature" that is being held back by puritan christian conventions, afraid to dig deeper, beyond what is considered socially acceptable.
that said, i'm not denying that often the sex scenes are there simply to sell more copies. but a sex scene per se isn't bad or good, it depends on whether it adds something or detracts something from the story, and this is true for every medium
the simple fact that you discredit vns because "tits and ass" serves only to show how narrowminded and biased your argument is.
>And I can guarantee you that even the average romance novel made for women has better prose than most VNs.
doubt it, you clearly overstimate women. and in terms of pure numbers, i would say at least 80% of vns are targeted at males.
>And your last point is ridiculous, because by your argument video games would have the best stories ever told (moving images, audio AND interactivity) when its the opposite.
the point of games is being interactive, so you have to show images and audio, otherwise it wouldn't really be a game but a digital CYOA book. and yes, as a medium, videogames have the potential of having the best stories ever told. even now, stuff like planescape and disco elysium are always compared to novels for their depth. but anyway, this has nothing to do with the argument at hand, since:
>You can create images and audio via the words you read, the actual display of them is a shortcut. Hence why movies and games are more popular than books, because they are made to be easier to consume.
so they aren't really comparable. as for vns in particular, this is not an argument, since you can turn off both pictures and the music if needed (some vns mute the music to add impact for a specific scene, other show a black screen when you need to imagine something).

>> No.21301089

about the last part, for example in song of saya (which is kino but far from being peak vn, let alone peak fiction), you still have to imagine how she looks like, just like you would if it was a book. her "normal" appearence tho is clearly shown because some things leave more impact after been "seen", others after being "imagined".

as a medium, vns are a direct upgrade from books, that's not up to questioning. what we are arguing here, is how vns' stories compare with "real" literature

>> No.21301153

VN stories with sex scenes are made in mind to pull people in with sex, they are not a tool to add depth in any way shape or form (at least in VNs). Stop trying to add meaning to it where there is none. Eating food is a part of human nature but describing that doesn’t add anything to the story. Shitting is part of human nature. What sort of argument is that? Fucking rarely adds meaning and when it does it needs to be done just right. And you saying that literature is pulled back by christian conventions shows that you are not well read at all. Also VNs are not a direct upgrade at all, they are an intellectual downgrade as they require much less effort to consume. And speaking of disco elysium, good example. Even video games mog VNs, as I’m sure there is not a single VN thats better than disco elysium. Although you could argue its a western VN and not to mention, written by an actual author.

>> No.21301170

>they are not a tool to add depth in any way shape or form (at least in VNs)
read more vns
>they are an intellectual downgrade as they require much less effort to consume
more effort GOOD, more accessibility BAD, amirite?
>not a single VN thats better than disco elysium
read more vns

>> No.21301219

You are asking if books have better stories, if you want an answer its your job to read more books, not mine to read VNs. And yes more effort good, as it inherently means it attracts people willing to give that effort for a reward. Its not easy to read some old literature, but it can be rewarding.
And for a laugh, name one VN better than, lets say, Paradise Lost. Or catcher in the rye, or even disco elysium. I’ll give it a go.

>> No.21301239

>You are asking if books have better stories, if you want an answer its your job to read more books, not mine to read VNs.
true, but i would like to hear the opinion of somebody more knowledgeable in books, who also played vns. are you >>21300712? what's your "least shit" vn? what's your favourite book? to what book would you compare you "least" shit vn?

>And yes more effort good, as it inherently means it attracts people willing to give that effort for a reward.
why do you think it's good? i don't see the logical inference from one thing to the other. vns are longer and longer stories are more rewarding, but it's not a "good or bad" thing.

>And for a laugh, name one VN better than, lets say, Paradise Lost. Or catcher in the rye, or even disco elysium. I’ll give it a go.
i don't know which vns you've read. muramasa is peak kamige but it's very long

>> No.21301242

Literal tranny VN.

>> No.21301244

>t. male with a fragile ego

>> No.21301251

At least you don't deny it.

>> No.21301285

Muramasa looks interesting, going only by the synopsis of the general plot. Where I think the confusion lays in this thread is intent. This looks like a story intended to primarily entertain, which is not a bad thing at all and doesnt mean it is without depth. Many books, like most fantasy, are made mainly to entertain. I think classical literature is held in such high regard because it was not created to entertain. It was written to make you think and explore the human condition, our past, present, future. If there are some VNs that have that as their primary goal, and that go beyond trying to be mainly entertainment and into being true art, then I simply haven’t heard of it.

>> No.21301304


>> No.21301315
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So what books/authors should I read if I enjoyed reading Umineko, Fate/Stay Night, Steins;Gate and Fata Morgana?
I'm interested in reading more stuff like those VNs

>> No.21301317

whoops, didn't mean to quote that post

>> No.21301318

They are anon, just mad virgins cry about what other people read.

>> No.21301378

>I think classical literature is held in such high regard because it was not created to entertain. It was written to make you think and explore the human condition, our past, present, future. If there are some VNs that have that as their primary goal, and that go beyond trying to be mainly entertainment and into being true art, then I simply haven’t heard of it.
read muramasa


>> No.21301386


be sure to consume
>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein
>Remarks on Color - Ludwig Wittgenstein
>The Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
>The Analects - Confucius
>Allegory of the Cave - Plato
>De Docta Ignorantia - Nicholas of Cusa
>Novelle fatte a macchina - Gianni Rodari
>Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Gabriel García Márquez
>Flatland - Edwin Abbott Abbott
>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Caroll
>Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Caroll
>Cyrano de Bergerac - Edmond Rostand
>Nyarlathotep - H. P Lovecraft
>Beyond the Gates of the Silver Key - H. P Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price
>Night on the Galactic Railroad - Miyazawa Kenji
>Aho ressha - Hyakken Uchida
>The Fiend with Twenty Faces - Edogawa Rampo
>Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes - Imre Lakatos
>The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
>Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
>Tsui no Sora and - SCA DI
>Tsui no Sora Remake - SCA DI
>Sakura No Uta - SCA-DI
>Nijuuei - KERO Q
>Moekan - KERO Q
>The Bible (Mark 5:11-16)
>Lucky Star
before tho, otherwise you'll get filtered by the dog rape

>> No.21301400

Katawa Shoujo. The art is better than any Japanese VN and I like the ok-but-clearly-amateurish writing

>> No.21301419

all right, then what's your favourite japanese vn?

>> No.21301430

Rance, gets really deep into some characters

>> No.21301434

which one?

>> No.21301752

Katawa Shoujo. Rin's route hurts because I relate too much, but I keep forcing myself to read it anyway.

>> No.21301758

I have never read something categorizing itself as a VN that had writing above grade 10 creative writing levels

>> No.21301772

Probably some weird one about turning into a centipede. I read it years ago and forgot the title.

>> No.21301778

read more vns

>> No.21301783

It's a genre known for selling poorly written stories for porn money. No thanks

>> No.21302130
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Most vns are trash when compared to books, though I don't think that they have to be. There's always the possibility that a good vn will be created in the future, and, perhaps among the tens of thousands which currently exist, a good vn may be out already.

>> No.21302149
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>fat morgan

>> No.21302166
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Fate stay night changed my life.

>> No.21302170
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hello friends
/vn/ brought me here

>> No.21302179
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Hello King, an exquisite piece of literature.

>> No.21302195

What's there to explain?

>> No.21302223
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Your right everyone, they arent literature. They are so much more

>> No.21302264
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Rance killed fiction for me

>> No.21302400

Every VN I've read (admittedly not many but the so-called "greatest ones in the genre") has had middling writing quality at best. These things seem to thrive on "cool moments" and scenarios happening, but hardly do I care to even get attached to the characters. Themes seem good on first inspection but going deeper they really aren't anything crazy. Sex scenes usually ruin them like in Fate, absolutely zero reason to drive the plot except "mana transfer" which is just an excuse.
I realize these things started as otaku media and dating sims, but they should be allowed to move oast that. Rarely do they take advantage of the medium except in some cases like Totono. I don't hate them. I just can't take them seriously most of the time.
For reference, I've read
>Saya no Uta
>Totono (in JP)
>Marco to Ginga Ryuu (in JP)
>Fate/Stay Night
>Muvluv Extra/Unlimited/Alt (payoff was nowhere near what people say. but you can see it is very high effort with action sequences)
>Katawa Shoujo
I started but haven't yet finished Kikokugai, Planetarian, and Fata Morgana. The first 2 I was reading in Japanese. Fata Morgana OST is excellent but it's a bit irritating to read, something about the prose (I realize it's translated, but even the stuff I read in Japanese all seems very samey to me. perhaps due to the medium or whatever it is, or maybe I'm just a Japanese pleb, I'll admit.)
Alot of these have good stuff going for them but get marred one way or another by dumb tropes or conventions of the medium. I get that Umineko is pretty good as a whole but having bits like a touhou song playing really just makes it harder to take seriously what's going on in the story. Most of the time the OSTs and voices are lauded as amazing and carry the mood for the writing. I don't think it's really fair to compare them to books because they have these extraneous things to add to the experience.
Mostly, I just think they're fun at worst and unique experiences at best. I'm not sure why people love them beyond what they are, but they do. I even prefer some manga like Punpun or Pluto over VNs for "literature" like experiences.

>> No.21302418

Fuck you that’s why.

>> No.21302438

I don't know about VNs but caring about any of this shit makes you a nigger scum sucking tranny by default.

>> No.21302504

Anyone, they all have the Chad king in them

>> No.21302507 [SPOILER] 
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Fata Morgana is probably the best written VN I've played (read?), but it's still not great. The first three doors are fantastic but the story takes a drop in quality after that and never recovers. Maybe it's because I'm autistic about the middle ages, but the depiction of the era in all the subsequent doors irked me. The dialogue gets much lazier too.

And also, Jacopo did nothing wrong.

>> No.21302520

Why would you like Rance if you aren't a woman? Rance is the female power fantasy of having a bestial, stupid, unwise, cumbersome man; a gratuitous caricature of homeric heroism but without the masculine virtues such as wisdom, honor, or a sense of duty and obligation except for starting wars for the sake of her pussy at her beck and call. In practical terms he'd be a Grecian satyr, the epitome of femininity.

>> No.21302530
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>unironically reccing Rance to these people
stop this /vn/

>> No.21302652

I was liking it until I found out that the core mystery revolved around gender identity issues. I dropped it then and there. Umineko did it a million times better in 2009.

>> No.21302746

I didn't mind the gender stuff. I wouldn't call it the core mystery, it was just one of the major things for the protagonist alone. And they do leave it ambiguous whether or not Michael becoming a man was supernatural or not.

>> No.21302753

Why do you keep making this thread?

>> No.21302804

The real question is how hasn't this thread been deleted yet? A sign of the great /lit/ moderation.

>> No.21303179

That’s a good question

>> No.21303228

feeling threatened by digital porn books? heh

also, so far, nobody here have read muramasa

>> No.21303325

I'm convinced that it's overrated.

>> No.21303374

Nobody here have have here here have here have. Such is the mind on visual novels...

>> No.21303421

Just read subahibi already, it's been translated for like 7 years now.
Also sex is legit there to add to the plot, although if I remember correctly it didn't seem that way to me in the first chapter/part.

>> No.21303428

>catcher in the rye
even katawa shojo is better than that, lmao

>> No.21303448

Eroge are passable because reasons.
I really liked clannad. I watched the anime and now am trying to 100% the game. It has a nice feel to it and the writing isn't terrible. But honestly I quit 90% of the VNs I pick up - more static than manga, nowhere near anime, worse writing than books.

>> No.21303475

I heart Suda51. The Silver Case games were very nice.

>> No.21303479


>> No.21303539
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>I’ve never been able to finish one of these
>so i assume you've finished those 2 at least?
/lit/ moment

>> No.21303544

>favourite [x]
>didn't finish it
/tv/ moment

>> No.21303557

>This is my favorite brick wall to beat my head against. I still haven't broken it since I have better things to do with my body.

>> No.21303572

They're like comic books, some are so edgy that they almost become interesting, but they lack a culture of aesthetic quality which means it's always going to be fairly shallow and juvenile. Even the ones that are very thoroughly edited and well plotted never get that feeling of perfection.

>> No.21303605

Utawarumono was a fun read

>> No.21303607

Umineko is actually good, but it has some terrible pacing issues and could have really used an editor.
Some scenes run on for over an hour, repeating and clarifying a point that could have (and many times had) been made in ten to fifteen minutes.
As a result of these two factors it is insanely long and at times feels like it, when it could have merely been extremely long. According to vndb, the average time taken to complete the series is around 140 hours when it could have easily (and without missing anything at all) been 100 to 120. Of course, a fast reader will finish it quicker, but one still feels the unnecessary length of some scenes.
Ryukishi's character writing is very good, and he is particularly good at depicting children and having them feel like real people rather than miniature adults or collections of tropes.
I personally had quite the emotional reaction to Sumaga, but it is by no means high art. Also, only a partial translation seems to exist.
I liked the first game of the Grisaia trilogy, but it is mostly light-hearted comedy that I actually found funny. It is the comedy the lack of a more serious plot that makes the makes the more serious moments work, but if you don't enjoy that style of comedy and tropey characters, there's no reason to even try. It also has one of the best VN translations.
Nasu does some quite interesting things with his prose in Tsukihime (both the original and the remake), but from what I've seen, those elements don't really translate that well. Part of that is the translation itself, but a lot of it has to do with the differences between English and Japanese.
You could try the two books that Ryuukishi namedrops, namely, The Decagon House Murders and The Tokyo Zodiac Murders. I own the books, but haven't yet read either of them.
Moderators don't care about /lit/, just look at the number of blatant bait threads in the catalog that have nothing to do with literature, books or even the written word.
While this thread is somewhat off-topic, at least it's related to writing and stories rather than racism, antisemitism, trannies, women or whateverthefuck

>> No.21303861

They are obviously literature, it's just weird that you need constant visual stimulation to enjoy the written word because you are incapable of creating it in your mind yourself

>> No.21303871

nice projection

>> No.21304120

I finished it recently. Fun read but I can't believe how absolutely mindbroken Japs still are by WWII.

>> No.21304514

The opening scene of Chaos;Head is great literature:

>> No.21304694
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My favourite vn is Sobo to Boku Obaa-chan, Nanika Dechau yoo. Probably the most wholesome degenerate ntr i've ever read, it's about a grandmother in her Sixties having an affair with her virgin grandson, the inner struggle the grandma has about not only betraying her husband but also her own adult son is great. I mean imagine having a son and then 20 years later he fucks your mother?

>> No.21305551

As a standalone story probably Full metal daemon Muramasa/Umineko or the original Muvluv trilogy.

As the final conclusion of a decade+ worth of obsession though Rance X is my favourite.

>> No.21305780

Unironically shilling this bullshit to people

>> No.21305785

have you googled yukkuri abuse?

>> No.21305787

What does yukkuri abuse have to do with WWII?

>> No.21305813

Jap mentality my man. Unit 371 lives on

>> No.21305848

Sounds awful

>> No.21305885

Why? Gotta repopulate

>> No.21305915

She's too old and can't get pregnant :(
If you want to see that just play ChiChi Miko

>> No.21306142
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, capture_015_01052016_025615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fata Morgana was 10/10. Right up until the tranny shit. The dude's transition was mostly because of societal issues instead of personal issues. If he was born sooner in more progressive times, and if he wasn't a genetic abomination, he would've been a tomboy. Just because you like girly things doesn't mean you should chop yer dick off and just because you like boyish things doesn't mean you should lop yer tits off.
That said, great music though. And I really liked the historical aspect of it. Would've been my numbah one if it wasn't for the tranny shit
Turner's Syndrome. Look it up.
I thought the story generally centered around this question: Would you endure lifetimes of suffering just to be happy with the one you love?
I for one liked the schizo matryoshka doll storyline. It's nice.

>> No.21307105

Just downloaded Ntlea, what are the most kino VN?

>> No.21307206

How is this shit /lit/.

>> No.21308174


read the OP

>> No.21308186

VNs are a schlock for porn obsessed teens.

>> No.21308230
File: 169 KB, 310x325, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are most /lit/ classics

>> No.21308497

Bro, Micheal was a male that was born without genitals, it's just that. There is not tranny shit in this, it's just like you have said - Micheal was born a genetic abomination and was shunned by his environment for it.

>> No.21308558


>> No.21308715

Most visual novels are formulaic cliche garbage. They're like your mass produced generic anime but without the animation. It's the same formula, the same kind of typical archetypes, scenarios, plots, down to even the same canned dialogues.

>> No.21308739

So the same as books?

>> No.21308765

>t. played only doki doki club

>> No.21308819
File: 24 KB, 480x360, fe-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Denpa Novels? Trying to find stuff I can read in public but I just want MCs who goes fucking insane.

>> No.21308896

Not this garbage again

>> No.21309499

Same person who makes the thread.

>> No.21310952

What's their real literary value? Who wrote them? What literary devices did they incorporate and how did they serve for further interpretation beyond just words?
In my experience, most of them (if not all) are just otaku shit-writing. In other words, garbage.