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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 300x366, 701plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2129428 [Reply] [Original]

each year, america alone produces 15,000 Masters of Fine Arts.

This is more than the entire population of Renniasance Florence.

>> No.2129438


>> No.2129443
File: 47 KB, 459x600, the_thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen any of those masters do shit.
What do they do, exactly?

>> No.2129456

Shoot heroin.

>> No.2129460

>What do they do, exactly?

Protest outside stock exchanges about how it's unfair that people don't pay them billions of dollars to fuck around and do nothing.

>> No.2129463

Beat me to it.

>> No.2129464

Quality over quantity.
But I hope we'll get new interesting artists.

>> No.2129470

This thread, this board, and this entire website is filled with butthurt losers who never got an MFA, an MA, or likely not even a BA or a BS. You are so so jelly it makes me laugh.

In b4 some idiot tries to deny he mad. Protip: Saying anything to "umad" just makes you look even more mad.

>> No.2129471

Thou verily vex'd, forsooth.

>> No.2129473

engineers itt

>> No.2129475
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 99percent 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MD. Who's jelly now?

Most degrees are more worthless with every passing year. Wonder when the higher ed bubble will pop.

>> No.2129478

There is no bubble. It's been like this for nearly 30 years, you dumb shit.


>> No.2129479

Yeah, doctors really say shit like that on the internet.


>> No.2129498

I find it heartening that so many people are passionate enough about art to devote years of their life to its study.

>> No.2129506
File: 70 KB, 500x659, 99percent 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished last rotation. There are occasionally good recommendation threads on /lit/, but folks like you make me want to leave.

Regardless, do you disagree that all the humanities/social science students who are winding up with mountains of debt, no job, and no skills worth talking about would have been better served by using the four years they spent in college to instead advance a career or learn a trade? You can still make art and work a regular job simultaneously, you know.

>> No.2129545

Yeah, I get it, you're trolling.

All Doctors HATE artists and Doctors have the final say on everything in the world ever created.

>> No.2129550
File: 80 KB, 720x570, 99percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone sounds upset--so upset they couldn't even respond to a simple question.

>> No.2129556


the "dr" prefix and the white coat will only provide an ego boost for just so long. once it blurs into an endless parade of rashes and upset tummies and sore throats you will discover an emptiness that you can't biopsy. maybe you'll sneak some demerol out of the hospital. maybe you'll fool around on your shrill contract lawyer wife. but it won't help

>> No.2129559

>Huxleyian class reassurances

>> No.2129562

someone watches waay too much "house".
I got a doctor relative. Its a good gig if you like looking at hobo's buttholes at 3 am on a saturday morning.

>> No.2129567

Anyway, OP here.

I just our artists could still paint, sculpt and write... rather than do performance art, conceptal art, and other forms of non-art.

>> No.2129570
File: 14 KB, 334x423, tulp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hostility? I'm probably from the same social milieu as you, and I read the same books as you. I even majored in English. I only posted my degree to shut up the "my degree > your degree, you jelly" fool, because that sort of thing is childish. Just like the glib fortune telling you're doing right now.

>> No.2129571

BFA here, my financial prospects are mediocore, but I'm enjoying myself either way.

I have a part time job as a sushi delivery driver. I occasionally take up odd work, doing video editing, wood working and web design. I've been granted a free one year studio residency with a local non-profit. Its a space in down town KC, in an office building where I make video art.

Check it out

>> No.2129572
File: 15 KB, 340x321, 1316067420327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no jon, you are the mad

>> No.2129575

what the hell is going on in KC i just got a job there too.

Louisville or Lexington?

>> No.2129584


just being surly because this is a shit thread, mainly, but really the "no skills worth talking about" remark was wicked stupid, as a med person i'd think you'd understand better how important written and verbal communication are

>> No.2129585

I don't understand. I'm referring to Kansas City.

>> No.2129587

Y'know I want to believe that somewhere in the shitpile of the occupy wall street protest there is some guy who has a degree that could get him a job faster than he can piss. But he's too experienced to get any job because employers are afraid he will jump ship for another well paying position and thus is down on his luck. Had a nice house, nice car, living the bachelors life with not a worry in the world until *slam* laid off.

A man can hope can't he?

>> No.2129595
File: 128 KB, 376x242, grossclinic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chan. You can't be a smiling ball of empathy all the time. My comment referred to skills that could realistically lead to employment, of course.