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21294014 No.21294014 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys smoke a pipe while reading? Pic related is my current setup.

>> No.21294021

more like cock smoking you fancy faggot

>> No.21294056

what is that pipe supposed to represent? a skull with beard? wtf

>> No.21294060

I smoked pipe tobacco for like one or two semesters in my dorm room in college. It was pleasant but I had to spit a lot.

>> No.21294062

I could feel that fedora tip from here, must of been around a 7.0

>> No.21294065

socrates with monkey pox

>> No.21294157

No, I don’t smoke. Not a fag.

>> No.21294164

He didn’t say smoking it through his bunghole

>> No.21294421

OP, how do you not see the inhuman amounts of cringe condensed into your single photograph?

>pipe smoking is comfy, but very bad for you, also

>> No.21294431

you're a faggot because you smoke weak aromatics through a skull pipe

>> No.21294502

Ceremonial faggots like you are part and parcel of what is wrong with whatever Kali Yuga times we are living in now.

I bet you have a beard that you buy lube for from some other fucking clone faggot like you, wearing a lumberjack shirt, pumped full of growth hormone or with a beer belly.

I bet you are the type of cock sucker who cooks steak and then drinks the 3 ounces of liquified butter that you basted the steak with and think of yourself as being this masculine macho man.

Fucking pseudo masculine weak minded sheep faggot. You are the last man, the fucking scum of the earth, the boy who sees a simulacra of a man and then assumes it.

Dumb faggot.

>> No.21294512

no you are gay and it's a LARP, the literature version of white boys dressing like hood niggas.

>> No.21295274

You know, even though I hate faggots as much as the next guy here, I fully did expect to be called one for making this post (if not for smoking a pipe, then for the particular shape of this one.) That all said, while the posts are very funny, I did not expect pipe smoking, in general, to get quite such a negative reaction on this board. I thought /lit/ of all boards would be into this sort of thing. Who knew?


The blend is just what I smoked in college (10+ years ago now.) I just bought a whole smattering of different pipe tobaccos to try, including plenty of non-aromatics. On that note, if you have any recommendations, let me know. These days, I am very mindful of any sort of additives. As for the pipe, I bought this one to replace an old briar favorite which was lost/ stolen years ago because I wanted to try Meerschaum. This one will never be used publicly, should I ever choose to smoke again in public **at all,** and I do intend on following it up with a respectable wooden one regardless.


Well, I can’t blame you for the assumption, but you’re completely wrong. Physically, other than being male, I’d say I’m just about the opposite of the (((person))) you just described. I am a /fit/ crossboarder, clean-shaven. I figured I would get back into pipe smoking because I’m in the middle of a religious and thus can’t have any caffeine until the end of the year, but wanted an extra nootropic and a way to kill some time. I fucking hate hipsters and beardbabies as you just described them, so the specific shape of the pipe interested me. By the way, I’m sure you’ve gotten this before, but you type like a faggot-ass Redditor.

>> No.21295276


*religious oath.

>> No.21295280

Naaah this nigga gay as hell

>> No.21295350
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Meerschaum pipes are l33t, but the bearded skull is kinda lame, no offense. You should have gone with the classic sultan.

>> No.21295454


In retrospect, this was definitely the play— something classic instead of the Halloween option. I still enjoy mine though, and I’m not bringing it out in public or anything.

>> No.21295470

I smoke Margate or Pembroke usually. Pembroke is just Margate topped with cognac, fyi.

>> No.21295483

It's smoking, not sucking cock. Were you using a filter? You should always use protection.

>> No.21295496

>These days, I am very mindful of any sort of additives.
What's the QRD here? In my country I'm not even able to find out via the packaging what is added to the tobacco. What are you supposed to be looking out for in terms of additives? Are all aromatics worthless?

>> No.21295500

I have an e-pipe, actually. I wanted to vape but I figured if I'm going to, I should at least go all the way.

>> No.21295509

you aight pipe smoking anon

>> No.21295522

I'm partial to rum soaked Perique

>> No.21295631

I smoked a bowl of Tilbury in a cob while reading a biography. I'm sad I missed the Esoterica madness today. I have been distracted lately.

>> No.21295674

Yep, smoking some MacBaren mixture. Pipe smoking is relaxing and based. If you're an epicure of any sort then a fine tobacco is one of the best indulgences you can partake of. Anti-smokers have been cucked out of enjoying a quintessentially evropean pastime because they believe that smoking a pipe is as dangerous as inhaling cigarettes. It's not.
Also, I met a pipe smoking Jamaican yesterday, standing outside the Ritz in London wearing an outfit that looked like he had been transported from the 50s. Bizzare but a nice chap.

>> No.21295685
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I smoke WEED and get HIGH before reading comfy shit like TREASURE ISLAND in my BED feeling COMFY and COZY ass hell

>> No.21295731

Enjoy dying of lung cancer then being raped by the devil in hell for all eternity.

>> No.21295746

>lung cancer
Do non-pipe smokers really?

>> No.21295820

The Ancients practiced Ceremony all the time though. If anything, our time is the least ceremonial.

>> No.21296658
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Wow, I can't believe how much this thread turned around while I was asleep. It seems like people are really split about this. Some people love it, others hate it, and most of you are convinced I'm a homo (on that note, death to all kikes, trannies, etc...) With that out of the way, back to reading and pipe smoking.


I've never tried either of those blends, and this is actually my first time hearing about Esoterica. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for their stuff. I also enjoy periques, and I did think about picking up some Mac Baren 7 Seas Reg (although I eventually opted for a few different Sillem's aromatics.) Is it any good?


>Are all aromatics worthless?

To clarify, when I said "additives," I meant "chemical additives." Now to answer your question, I never got that impression at all; I smoke them all the time. Personally don't know very much about this stuff yet, but it seems like relatively few aromatic blends feature "artificial" chemicals-- most of them seem to use "all-natural" ingredients. That said, while pipe tobacco generally seems to have way fewer additives than, say, cigarettes, there are still some you have to look out for. Aromatic or otherwise, pipe tobacco can feature propylene glycol, anti-fungal agents, and humectants, among others... some of this shit is what makes pipe sludge... and of course, sometimes the tobacco itself has been treated with insecticides. It does seem easy to figure out what is being added to which blends, and I assume that's by design. Overall, I wouldn't worry about it too much, but it's worth looking into.


I think the aversion to "ceremonies" (ie: "cultural rituals") comes as a result of the modern trend of the people practicing them being mostly boomers, obese beardbabies, and the faggots trying to corrupt them... and the additional fact that simply going outside and smoking a pipe, for instance, does not accomplish anything "productive" that will save our people. Will the re-embracement of these rituals save the West? Certainly not-- however, I am separately a living proof that the root of white power lay in such things as oaths, strict tradition-keeping, etc... Our cultural traditions, anachronistic though they may be, can help focus the mind and spirit towards difficult ends. It is by the honing of these elements that great accomplishments are born. If you have a dog in this fight, and smoking a pipe or whatever encourages you to do better thinking, then I'd actually encourage moderate indulgence over strict abstinence... But only if it helps you become and remain productive for the race, and you really have to be honest with yourself about that.

>> No.21296930

Esoterica is available for a day a year on these websites. You have to be in the know or get in-stock notifications.
Nearly all of the tobacco you will find has the additives you find disgusting. Propylene glycol is extremely common. Anti-fungals are used but minimized by techniques such as inverted sugar. You better believe that all of your tobacco was treated with insecticide and tons of chemical fertilizer. If you want something different, grow your own, but you're still going to need propylene glycol. I know a few very well-known blenders and they completely stand by PG and sing its praises when people like yourself question/object to it.

>> No.21297006

Pipe and cigar smoke is not inhaled so probably mouth cancer is more likely

>> No.21297013

We had much lower rates of homosexuality when smoking was commonplace. If anything the reverse is true.

>> No.21297021

Weed is not /lit/.

>> No.21297320


>questioning/ objecting

That's all I'm doing, really. This shouldn't be an emotional issue-- Blenders' insistence aside, I don't think a consumer exists out there who actually likes this shit in their tobacco, and some of what gets added regularly is completely unacceptable. On the other hand, this stuff is unfortunately pretty hard to get away from nowadays, and this industry is often duplicitous enough to either outright lie to/ mislead us about what's in their supply, or hide the facts. I'd like to put as little chemical BS in my mouth as possible, but I have to accept a non-zero amount of it or else not smoke. Does it mean that pipe smoking can't still be a pleasurable pursuit, even with some amount of tolerance being required for PG and other chemical additives? Of course not, or I wouldn't smoke. Thus, I don't really see why people can't meet in the middle on this issue with some amount of nuance, instead of either taking the radical position of defending these practices or abstaining entirely.

As a consumer, is it not right to want for a healthier alternative? As a consumer, is it not right to tolerate something you don't like out of love for something else? I cannot, for the life of me, understand why this issue has become so contentious online. There is such a thing as making ends meet in the ideological sense, but nobody in marketing/ legal seems to think us capable of doing this. Further it does genuinely seem that the ability to honestly weigh out the pros and cons of anything is a rare talent these days. Just my two cents.

>> No.21297660

All drug users should be killed
But what is that edition of Ivanhoe? It is very good looking

>> No.21297686
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>> No.21297737

Mac Baren's blends are really hit or miss, but anything from their HH line is exceptional. Some are high in nicotine, so be careful. My favorite is the Vintage Syrian, which is no longer made. It was replaced with Vintage Latakia, almost as good.

>> No.21297806

I for one like PG in my tobacco. I like it because a proper moisture can be maintained. Without PG, my tobacco would be more prone to developing mold or more prone to drying out.
I have encountered many people like yourself since pipe smoking attracts hipsters and hipsters care about healthy food. I've seen them complain about wanting additive free tobacco, which excludes aromatics, but you don't seem to be quite as hardlined. The thing about additive free pipe tobacco is that it tastes like shit. C&D is a brand that trends toward that, and they're quite famous for their mold recalls, which aren't too frequent, if that's a concern. I happen to hate C&D because of the bad, unaged taste. If they properly cased their tobacco, it would ferment more and taste better. Plus, they do a ton of FOMO marketing bs. Then, there are people who buy whole leaf tobacco, cut it up, and put it in their pipe as is. I make nasal snuff, so I have no problem with whole leaf, but I do a ton to process it. If you want pure, unadulterated (minus a little bit of pectin) smoking tobacco, cigars are what you want. Don't buy the flavored "premium" cigars, like ACID or CAO. If you want overtly flavored cigars, gas station sticks (Backwoods and Black n Mild) are your best bet. Otherwise, feel free to buy any respected brand. Avoid the heritage (Cuban exile) brands because they are overpriced. Good sales are going on this week.

>> No.21297815

I don't like pipes. Just too much work.

Cigars and cigarettes are way more practical

>> No.21297825

>If anything the reverse is true.
Sure, but that has nothing to do with smoking

>> No.21298093


Cornell & Diehl? You know, I did hear that they offer additive-free product, but then I read so many reviews that insisted on a distinctly chemical flavor being present in the tobacco. I eventually decided, perhaps not so wisely, that they must put **something** in there, gave up on my research, and resolved to go with “the usual.” If you’re saying they have fewer additives, I’ll try them and see how they compare— and certainly, if there are any other brands you’d point me towards for fewer additives, aromatic or otherwise, by all means please do let me know. You clearly have a level of expertise which I do not, and it’s very cool that you make your own stuff. I’d be interested to hear more about that enterprise.

Perhaps not so coincidentally, I also enjoy cigars with my friends on the regular. This is what indirectly inspired me to take up pipe smoking again.

>> No.21298116


>> No.21298130

Best anon.

>> No.21298162

i only smoked some cigars and cigarettes. there are no pipe tobacco without "flavors" or extra aromas? i really like pure tobacco.

>> No.21298173

so if i smoke a pipe i have a 99.2% chance of acheiving immortality?

>> No.21298222


Houghton Mifflin Company, cir. 1913
Illus. by E. Boyd Smith.

I leave you to your reservations, which are mostly based, although we may disagree on the beneficiality of pipe tobacco.

>> No.21298246

Lol imagine going through life letting a stereotype take up this much space in your head. You are probably a way bigger and more miserable faggot than anyone who fits the characteristics you seethe at.
Btw pipe smoking is based, as Mark Twain said “if there is no pipe smoking allowed in heaven, than i shall not go.” Avoiding something just because of its perceived aura is just as bad as doing it for the same reason. Stop being a faggot and live your life doing the things you like to do

>> No.21298249

I only smoke pipe tobaccos with no added flavors. Flavored tobaccos, even the quality ones, are usually shit. I like a good Balkan/English blend or a Virginia.

>> No.21298258

Look at that infidel drinking a coffee, to the gallows!

>> No.21298262

Even the non-aromatic blends still have flavorings/sweeteners added in the manufacturing process to accentuate the natural flavors in the tobacco and to mask unpleasantness. The only one I know of that has nothing added is Union Square by GL Pease, which is a Virginia flake. It's great stuff but pretty austere.

>> No.21298264

Youre mossing out anon. I mostly smoke balkans and orientals but Some aros are literally better than sex

>> No.21298273
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I exclusively smoke picrel like the good protestant boy I am.

>> No.21298279

What the fuck is the difference between smoking a cigar and not inhaling and smoking a pipe and not inhaling?

>> No.21298292

Which aromatics do you suggest? Most that I have tried the flavor doesn't come through and I smoke slow and cool. I've had Cult Conspiracy which I enjoyed though. Also, Mac Baren Vanilla Roll Cake was pretty good. That has more of a mild topping and it was more about the tobacco.

>> No.21298323

I haven't tried conspiracy but Cult’s blood red moon is marvellous. If I could only ever smoke one aro again it would be that one. If you like English blends, Ennerdale flake is the best Ive tried. Pretty much all of Cornell & diel’s flagships aros are good, i generally get a tin of Autumn Evening every fall since its the only aro Ive tried that does maple right.
Some cheaper ones that are also quite good are half and half (very distinct and hard to describe flavor) and Missouri Meerschaum’s great Dane, which is the best cherry in that price range.

>> No.21298349
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Does anyone have any experience with pic related? What am I in for?


Is this actually any good?

>> No.21298380

Essentially the BlackedRaw of modern pipe tobaccos

>> No.21298472
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Damn it!! I heard such good things about Sillem’s.

>> No.21298585

Thank you good sir

>> No.21298597
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My layers may be covering loads of pain, but at least it is not a selfinflicted sickness, and my lungs & larynx are hovering sane.

>> No.21298707

Looks like a bussy

>> No.21298722

What other kinds of books do you read?

>> No.21298739
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>Cigarettes (40+ per day)
How do you even get to that point?

>> No.21298876

You don't inhale pipes or cigars. The smoke only goes into your mouth and if you retrohale, out your nose as well sometimes. It's about flavor and relaxation.

>> No.21298933


>> No.21299016

This shit had me dying lmao

>> No.21299049

Why tf are people trying to switch the bright minds that occupy /lit/ onto addictive substances like tobacco ? Wasn't there a thread last week that was talking about how heroin was the ‘philosophers drug’ ? The fuck.

>> No.21299086

Intredasting skullbeard meerschaum. Prefer undivided attention on the smoke however, outdoors. Navy & balkan blends, occasional perique.

Toppings of quality pipe tobacco are trivial compared to cigars and cigarettes in particular. Lower quality aromatics may give more tongue bite (chemical), especially if not at the right humidity or burn temp.

It's the most cost effective by weight, and the flavour possibilities are akin to wine, scotch ect. If it's nicotine buzz you're after, there's no lack of heavy blends that will do the trick without inhaling even the tiniest bit.

You get what you pay for, and aside aromatics, the additive issue is trivial.

only if you have a bad conscience about it

>> No.21299132
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Pipe tobacco must be cased. In the tobacco world, I'd say that there are two usages for the word case. The first refers to moisture level. The second refers to ingredients added well before packaging. Topping is when you put flavoring in just before packaging. Casings and toppings can be the same, or they can be different. You could case with vinegar and top with rum. Vinegar is a very common casing agent. I've even heard of maple syrup being used. Tons of stuff can be used. What happens is that tobacco is allowed to stew in the casing ingredients for a while. Frequently, tobacco is pressed into plugs, cut into flakes, and is rubbed out by machine, and you could receive one of the pre-rubbed forms I outlined. Anyway, C&D does what I, and I'm not the only one, would consider to be a bad job. That goes for Drucquer, GL Pease, and Captain Earle blends as well, since they are also made by C&D. C&D doesn't press their plugs long enough for the flakes to remain as flakes when the customer gets them, which annoys some people, but the biggest issue is that C&D does not properly case or age their tobaccos. As you know, with cigars, tobacco is aged for years and is monitored very carefully. C&D ships out unaged tobacco that doesn't have enough vinegar, alcohol, apple juice, or whatever on it for long enough. C&D blends do taste like chemicals sometimes. If you want C&D the only thing I have liked was Star of the East, which is an English. Since you like cigars, I can recommend Stillwell Star Aromatic English. They are made by Steve Saka's Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust using C&D tobacco. Many people agree that it's the best of the line, and I have a cigar smoking afficionado friend who gave it a thumbs up. If you want further cigar recs, I recommend Casdagli. They do need some age before smoking, though.>My enterpriseI've started to make nasal snuff. I haven't made anything to give to friends yet, but I'm getting there. My biggest issue is getting the grind right, as I knew it would be. Nasal snuff is an excellent form of tobacco. If you're interested in trying it, Toque snuff is made by someone with the same sensibilities as you. Toque also makes Artisan Snuff, so feel free to choose those blends too. The problem with Toque, stemming from concerns about chemicals, is that the scents don't last very long. Even so, people buy Toque blends and enjoy them. You might also have luck with the really, really old blends made by companies like Fribourg & Treyer, Wilsons of Sharrow, and Samuel Gawith (/ Hoggarth). If you get a rappee, be sure to transfer it to a different container since the tons tend to rust. Also, Rosinski is a highly respected Artisan who grows a lot of the tobacco he uses. There are so many more snuff recommendations I could give, but that's enough to get you on the path, should you be interested in going down it.
>pic rel
Smoked SG Commonwealth in a Davorin morta pipe

>> No.21299140

P.S. Since you're reading Ivanhoe, I wanted to mention another nasal snuff brand, Sir Walter Scott. I think it is overpriced, but I have some friends who love multiple blends.

>> No.21299340
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I do it on occasion but I mostly use my pipe when I want to just relax and sip my brandy with it. I like Dunhills personally for their efficiency while also having a nice aesthetic. I definitely recommend pipe smoking while reading Victorian literature however. I genuinely think my appreciation of Thomas Hardy is enhanced by the experience.

>> No.21299841

>You don't inhale pipes or cigars.

You do, but you become so accustommed to the effects of "puffing" it that you do not even notice it —you diminish your somatical acuity.

Smoking —anything— is noxious —to the lungs, the mouth, the throat, the cardiovascular system, the eyes, the skin, et cetera.

"Pick your poison"? remediate your vice/s.

>> No.21299974

Just straight up lying. You do inhale a little smoke, especially if you smoke indoors but the amount you inhale is miniscule. Walking down a busy street at rush hour is far far more dangerous.
Also fuck off with your gay moralfagging.

>> No.21300002

>Just straight up lying.
>You do inhale a little smoke[...]


>Walking down a busy street at rush hour is far far more dangerous.


>> No.21300318

>muh Kali Yuga
Why do /pol/tards love saying this? You don't know what Kali Yuga means nor have you read anything but gay 4chan screencaps about it. Kill yourself.

>> No.21300638

How does it compare to cigarettes with respect to teeth and breath?

One thing I didn’t like about cigarettes was the bad cigarette breath that made me feel guilty about French kissing also don’t want to stain my teeth. Is pipe the best option compared to cigars or cigarettes?

>> No.21300816
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Pic related just showed up in the mail. Gonna try some of this after a little bit of drying. Will report back with results.


There is no such thing as a "philosopher's drug," anon. Even pipe tobacco, for all its aesthetic virtues, is a vice. That said, I really wanted to talk about pipe smoking and books with some like-minded individuals, and /lit/ seemed like the best place to do it. Doesn't seem like I was wrong about that, either. By all means though, feel free to chill here and talk about tea, meditation, or whatever tickles your fancy.


Very good information as always, and I'm really digging the pipe anon. Never thought about trying nasal snuff. I'm from up North, and it always seemed like a regional (Southern) curiosity to me. That's not to say I'm close-minded about it, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to get involved either. If you insist upon it, however, I would consider giving it a try. Re: G.L. Pease, not knowing they were owned by C&D, I actually bought a tin of Robusto, having heard decent things about it and considering its sale price. Have yet to receive it. Stillwell Star Aromatic English sounds good, I may give that a try.


Cigarettes are literally sticks of shit doused in industrial piss, filtered through a fiberglass diaper, and sold to consoomers with addictive personalities. You can't compare fags to pipe or cigar tobacco at all. Re: Yellowing... I gave up coffee this year and my teeth are looking pretty good. That said, a few pipes has made a noticeable difference. I have noticed some yellowing, and I now brush 2-3x per day, including usually right after smoking. That also includes the front of the teeth, whereas the smoke usually rests behind them. This is why I always advocate that it's best to really understand the benefits/ costs before getting into anything like this, and to control yourself.

>> No.21300854


I kind of hate mass-responding, so I wanted to address this separately. For entertainment, I generally prefer low-magic fantasy, historical/ period, and light military themes, realistic depictions of the world, depictions of nature in general, and poetry. I also enjoy political or pseudopolitical esoterica, philosophy, and manuals. The most popular thing I read recently was Mishima's Sun and Steel, which I think is far more interesting than anybody gives it credit for.

>> No.21301438

I got a pipe from a friend that was ghosted with GL Pease Windjammer. I stay away from C&D English blends, but it smelled good and got the seal of approval from a friend who isn't obsessed with C&D. Maybe, it will turn out. I bought Westminster (GL Pease English) at Jeremy Reeve's personal suggestion; I met him in Chicago briefly, and it tasted chemically to me. Maybe, some jar time improved it.
I am from the Midwest and am largely confined to the cities. Note that I am talking about nasal snuff, not moist snuff / dental snuff / dip. This is stuff you put on your anatomical snuff box or between your fingers and gently sniff into your nose. These days, it's made mostly in England, Germany, and India.

>> No.21301461

I'm so sick of seeing these BS studies. I have no problem with pipe smoking, but correlation=/=causation, and there are so many uncontrolled variables here that the result of this study is meaningless.

>> No.21301599


>> No.21301629
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>> No.21301657

I enjoy pipe smoking but I can't do it while reading as I am unable to focus on both in a reasonably fashion. I had rather not smoke inside nowadays with my apartment already collecting a ton of dust as is and sitting on the balcony in winter for a whole hour listening to the neighbours is also extremely unpleasant.
Therefore, as it stands right now, I largely just smoke 2-3 cigarillos a week for 20 minutes on the balcony and only at night when most people are shut-up inside their holes and a peaceful quiet comes upon my neighbourhood. Suppose I could fill the pipe only a bit but I can't be bothered for some reason.

>> No.21301667

I smoke cigars

>> No.21301689

As far as oral hygiene is concerned I'd say your taste is more affected than anything else but I smoke Latakia and DFKentucky so it's a mouthful and that more often than not annoys me now. Had rather not walk around all day with that particular taste on my tongue. When I got COVID twoish months ago I had smoked some Latakia stuff the day before I really noticed it and as my taste and smell disappeared all I had on my mind was the taste and smell of ketchup, barbecue and campfire. It was so utterly disgusting for some reason that I probably felt ten times worse. I like it in general but when it stays with your for a time it really gets onto your nerves.

Never had a problem with motuhbreather stuff, so to speak. Only thing smell you should really keep in mind is the one that will absolutely without any doubt stick to your fingers as you fill the pipe.

>> No.21301705

It’s probably just shoddy data.

>> No.21301744

Pipe smokers are typically more thoughtful than cigar smokers, and less likely to get killed in a brawl or motorcycle accident.

>> No.21301892

How is it shoddy?

>> No.21302154

Yes, occasionally have a smoke with a cheap hardwood Missouri Meerschaum pipe and Scotty's Bulk Blends University Student tobacco while reading. Pretty comfy.

>> No.21302190

>report is from 1964

>> No.21302329

>Not the latest word.
This is your brain on Soilent.

>> No.21302346

I've known a few pack-a-day smokers, but even I'm not down in the gutters enough to know people who regularly smoke two packs.

You give a little at a time, like any addiction. Then the addiction takes what it can, and eventually everything you have left.

>> No.21302489

>muh heckin modern experts!!
>oh, uniform silence on our poisoned water supply? uhhh part and parcel!

>> No.21303117

What are you even trying to say.

>> No.21303121
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I've been seeing a lot of angry, incoherent non sequitur on this board lately. Much of it has a uniform tone, suggesting it may be the work of a single person.

>> No.21303162

Is it bot?

>> No.21303213

Some of the ravings are too complex to have come from a bot. Whatever it is, it's human!

>> No.21303543
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Smoking a pipe while reading is peak comfy.

>> No.21303891
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What BITCH ASS Cuntry are you from where they got this "kill drug users" shit at?

>> No.21303909

Anyway I got a briar pipe and a medwakh too but, rather than reading?

For writing, I smoke hookah.

>> No.21304003

No, but I would like to.

>> No.21304240

>pipe smokers who inhale

who are these gods among men

>> No.21304867

Should I smoke in my office where I keep my books? It is above the garage, but I am always worried about damage to the books. Is it just smell?

>> No.21305669

If you are smoking very often in a place with no ventilation that contains your books I would invest in an air purifier/ionizer. I got mine for under $100 and it is a large one that takes care of my living room and dining room. Depending on your room size you could get a smaller one for much cheaper. That being said if you only smoke a bowl or two a day I wouldn't worry about it that much. Pipe smoke is nothing like cigarette smoke which sticks to and permeates everything. It is still smoke though. So if you are worried about it just get an air purifier. Amazon and other retailers have many on sale right now for black friday/cyber monday.

>> No.21305776

What makes you think my country thinks that? I live in a liberal first world nation full of drug users. My opinion is mine alone.

>> No.21306046

>i am gonna get addicted to nicotine cause it looks cool

>> No.21306060

Straight Edge faggots should get free helicopter rides ASAP. Worthless cunts who do nothing but bitch

>> No.21306067

1. Jewish study from 60s, likely financed by tobacco industry. Same story as with all those "studies" telling you jerking off multiple times a day is good for you.
2. Even if it's true i am 98% sure it's because of deep breathing. Whatever health benefits of inhaling exhaling you get with pipes you will get much more benefits with simple breathing excercises, for example mindfullness meditation. I mean what is healthy is breathing deeply but it's not about nicotine at all.

>> No.21306155

Unless you're smoking a pipe all day everyday you're not going to get addicted to nicotine. It isn't cigarettes. You don't inhale. You absorb a small amount of nicotine through the mucus membranes in your mouth. I am sensitive to nicotine and there is only one tobacco blend where I have had to take a break midway through a bowl. I don't get a "high" from pipes. I go from smoking a pipe once a day to not smoking for months at a time. I have no nicotine addiction. Smoking a pipe is just a nice way to relax, especially while reading a book. It's the process and ritual for me.

>> No.21306165

Do what you love, but refer to late 19th century guides to taste if you're reading Ivanhoe, because that pipe violates many late 19th century guides to taste.

Clay. White clay.

>> No.21306197

>i am 98% sure it's because of deep breathing. Whatever health benefits of inhaling exhaling you get with pipes you will get much more benefits with simple breathing excercises, for example mindfullness meditation.

As a pipe smoker I agree with this completely. Smoking a pipe gets me breathing regularly and deeply like when I practice pranayama. It is really just like yogic breathing. Especially the "breath" method of pipe smoking.
Smoking a pipe gets me in the same place. Lowered blood pressure, lower heart rate, calm. Sometimes I have difficulty forcing myself to breath properly and smoking a pipe makes me. I also enjoy the flavor of course too.

>> No.21306341

Nice. I currently have a fixed window that is an odd shape I am trying to replace with something that will open. Once I have that in, I will be good to go.

>> No.21306727


>> No.21306735

You use white clay, you make a pipe shape, they were the disposable vapes of the c18

>> No.21306742

>Study claims smoking anything but a pipe contributes to death.
>Jewish study from 60s, likely financed by tobacco industry, etc., etc.
Not sure how you're coming to these conclusions; but if you have to involve the Jews, it's pretty clear that the people whom you identify as such don't want educated men to be smoking anything at all. The reason for this is the wonderful effect it has on relaxation and concentration when not abused, quite apart from those of breathing exercises. (I do both.)

>> No.21306749

You mean early 19th. Late 19th was dominated by briar and meer.

>> No.21306762

Meer was still tasteless kleineburgher dreck. I made no opinion on the role of taste regarding briar: as you should be able to tell from my distaste for meer and my typification of clay as sucking on plastic pens but c18… well…what option left is there for a man of taste?

You're going to say 1950s US plastic bowls aren't you?

Fuck me son.

>> No.21307019

This is the best thread I've seen in quite some time

>> No.21307029

just smoke a cigarette like a normal person you pretentious faggot

>> No.21307036

I don't smoke cuz I'm not gay

>> No.21307050


Very late reply to this post, but can you recommend me some good Victorian literature anon?


Kikes aside, I think there's a legitimate debate to be had about the merits of pipe smoking. Personally, I do it because it's a pleasurable, tasteful way to relax the mind. The notion that pipe tobacco's relaxing effect is a placebo and no more significant than deep breathing is, in my opinion, ridiculous unless you consider nicotine's effects on the body to be non-substantive. People don't debate that cigarettes or snus provide an effect, yet they tell us that pipe tobacco is no different than doing Yoga. I have to question that, but I doubt the Jews are involved one way or the other.


I appreciate your criticism. Truthfully, I purchased the pipe not so that I could try to represent myself a certain way on 4Chan (as I, again, have little to no intention of using this pipe in public,) but so that I could enjoy a variety of different tobaccos without needing to purchase multiple different pipes. I do admire the shape of it, as I've stated, but that's a separate matter. It was truly a utilitarian choice. I had a wonderful briar (bent apple,) as well as a small variety of cheap, straight-stem briars. Those appear to have been sadly stolen or lost. Considering I am again starting from zero, I would defend my selection by saying that this was the most elegant choice I could have made. An addition negative point: The stem is acrylic. I can always have another one made but, truly, the introduction of plastics is the very hallmark of a decaying hobby, and not at all fashionable.

Meerschaum itself has been popular since either the 16th or 17th century, I believe. To my limited understanding, it was actually the favored pipe material (alongside clay,) prior to the solidification of the public's preference for briar in the 19th century. They are certainly nothing like plastic pipes. But if we're talking about 19th century aesthetics, then why don't you post your pipe(s)?

>> No.21307059

>then why don't you post your pipe(s)?
Because I smoke broken out clay like the prole I am son.

That and I buy dead American's plastic and try to resmoke it back to something other than "strawberry." Yes the 1950s were like that. All those smoking dads: as bad as shisha flavours.

>> No.21307100


I'm not sure if I am understanding you correctly, anon... Are you ESL? It sounds like you are saying that, even though you are publicly briarfagging right now, you still smoke out of clay pipes anyway.

>> No.21307114

I am tasteless mate. You sell your labour power and well…every day I am eating from the trash and the name of the trash is your mother.

>> No.21307192


...And -you- mean to lecture -me- about taste? Spare me this insult to my dignity, any further and I’ll be accused of yelling back at a homeless crackhead.

>> No.21307340

>The notion that pipe tobacco's relaxing effect is a placebo and no more significant than deep breathing is, in my opinion, ridiculous unless you consider nicotine's effects on the body to be non-substantive.
It definitely isn't placebo. When you smoke a pipe you generally slow down and relax. You smoke slowly so you breath slower and steadier. That has a physical and psychological effect on its own. Then you have the nicotine which is usually much milder in pipes than cigarettes and cigars but it's still there. For many, like myself, nicotine is more stimulating than relaxing so I'm not searching for the physical effects. But I do really enjoy nicotine's effects on my mind. It brings a clarity to me. I seem to be able to think more clearly and focus better while simultaneously being in a relaxed state. For me that is why it seems to go hand in hand with reading a book.

>> No.21307483

You've got a long way to go to learn about taste. You'll need to read Lukacs. Before Lukacs you'll need to read Hegel and Gramsci.

>> No.21307821

I've got something you can smoke nigga, my flesh pole

>> No.21308412

Pipes are cool and all but Meerschaum is kitsch as fuck and only appeals to kids an pseud hipsters

>> No.21308416

Normally I don't agree with /pol/acks but this is a pretty spot on analysis even if it comes from a dark and miserable place.

>> No.21308472

i want to be mad at this thread because it's not about literature but the aesthetics of reading, but i'd much rather see this kind of stuff instead of the usual /pol/ bullshit.

>> No.21308491
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when I was in university I used to smoke like 3-5 bowls of pipe tobacco a day while reading in my shitty shoebox apartment

always the same, dunhill standard or elizabethan mix out of some cheap estate pipe I found

people will call it cringe but if you like it that's great! I always felt it was a good concentration-aid and made my apartment smell really nice (to me, anyway)

>> No.21308595

Pipe tobacco does smell nice. Totally different from any other kind of tobacco

>> No.21308599

Tea has a similar effect.

>> No.21308606

You do have to be a certain age to pull it off in public. A middle aged and older gentleman in a gray three piece suit waking down the street with a dunhill pipe is the height of sophistication. A college student in a hoodie not so much.

If you are young do it in privacy. If you’re a oldfag go ahead and go out and lord over the world.

>> No.21308658


>You must read Communists in order to understand the taste of gruel!

Okay, gruelmer.


>It’s totally way less less gay when it’s a crack pipe or a bong.

Yeah okay “nigga.” In that case why don’t you get that “good good shit” up your fucking ass?


Why not both?

>> No.21308676

I'm young and smoke in public places. Mostly when I'm out for walks in the countryside or sitting on a park bench, reading.

>> No.21309853

>can you recommend me some good Victorian literature anon?
Late reply but sure anon. Thomas Hardy, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle's historical novels, Alfred Tennyson, William Morris, Joseph Conrad, George Meredith, and George MacDonald. There are the best authors to sit down and read while smoking from a tobacco pipe. There are plenty of great Victorian authors I didn't mention

>> No.21311294

This thread has been going for days. Let's keep it alive.

>> No.21311346


Saved your recs. I’m very much enjoy Victorian and Romantic literature.


I’ve got another shipment of new pipe tobaccos coming in sometime early this week. I’m thinking they should be here tomorrow.

>> No.21311487

Nasal snuff smells nice. Hookah smells nice. A lot of people, myself included, enjoy the smell of cigars.

>> No.21311585
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ignore the faggots it reminds me of old german skull rosaries. yes goths have ruined this sorta thing for the next 200 years but at least anthropologists will think that youre cool

>> No.21311588

also i smoke weed and cigars. only way to read and write

>> No.21311686

Pipe smoke smells better than cigars, cigarettes or vaping.

>> No.21311874
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Thanks anon. I like it for its sorrowful gaze. In this respect, I feel that pictures really don’t do it justice.

>> No.21312111

Tea and pipe tobacco are a perfect combo. Same goes for coffee.

>> No.21312124

That thing is so fucking gay.

>> No.21312175

I don't smoke while reading a lot anymore but I used to. I have two relatively cheap starter pipes (one bent and one straight) one corn cob in bent apple shape that I took on hikes etc. and one nicer mortar pipe.
As I said I rarely smoke these days but back then it sure helped me get back into reading. I read as long as there was tobacco in my pipe which could last up to an hour or even a bit more. Doesn't sound very impressive now but about an hour dedicated reading time every/every other afternoon is pretty great when you're not used to reading anymore and want to make it a habit. I think the fact that I wasn't just sitting there looking at paper but actually doing something at the same time helped me stay focused and not feel restless.

>> No.21312229

He wasted lots of money for that, be polite.

>> No.21312293
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Irish Cask through a Peterson estate most Sundays

>> No.21312298

Smoking increases testosterone and ensures you will die middle-aged before you become a useless eater like all boomers.
It is the most Chadsculine thing you can do.

>> No.21312301

I only smoke brown heroin, and while I will sometimes fashion a pipe-like device out of tinfoil, I mostly just fold tinfoil into a bowl and use a plastic straw from McDonalds to inhale the smoke.

>> No.21312322

>and ensures you will die middle-aged
If only. Statistically you're still more likely to live a painfully long life.

>> No.21312402

Sheeeeeit. Tell me 'bou da' Ivan skank.

>> No.21312410

What a perfectly predictable post on 4channel.org

>> No.21312412

I quit smoking, it was fucking up my lungs.

>> No.21312505

looks comfy
I stopped smoking years ago, and the only time i smoked while reading/writing was when I was finishing my masters thesis
I dont have an itch or need to smoke, but I kinda miss it

>> No.21312846

Weed activates a lot of the same mind zones as /lit/ does, for me. And reading while stoned reminds you of all the powerful subtleties that you can gloss over while sober. The problem for me is that I just get can easily stuck in the depths of a paragraph -- fascinated by a particular image or sentence structure -- and so the large-scale cognitive mapping that all /lit/ requires isn't really accessible when stoned.

>> No.21313757

It looks just fine to me. I don't own any figural pipes, but having seen tge proces many times, they are quite affordable. Figural pipes are easier than classical ones because the classical shapes have less margin for error. Therefore, pipes like OP's are not as expensive as one might think.

>> No.21313758 [DELETED] 

I just smoke Newport 100’s

>> No.21314099

For any interested party: I finally got around to trying Boswell's Northwoods. It's a pretty damn good English. When you open the tin, it smells like mesquite, but of course it doesn't exactly smoke that way. You can detect a bit of that in the mix, though, and towards the end of the bowl the taste of cognac(?) becomes pronounced. Highly recommended, although I haven't seen it sold anywhere but on their site. One point of advisement... The (((tin))) appears to be made of plastic. I really disdain the use of plastics as packaging for my smoking products. An excellent tobacco, but couldn't you afford a fucking piece of metal to put it in?!


Nice lighter, anon. Although I've never been partial to Peterson's tobaccos (I hated their DeLuxe Mixture years ago, although I may be inclined to revisit this one,) I have heard that both Irish Cask and Elizabethan Mixture are pretty good. Anything to say about it?


On that note, how was Elizabethan?


It really wasn't that expensive, but I actually found their posts funny. This thread is so split down-the-middle that it's hilarious. A lot of people just seem to hate pipe smoking or the people that tend towards the hobby-- and the other half, as I predicted would be the case here on /lit/, actually smoke pipes.

>> No.21315027

>You don't know what Kali Yuga means
neither do you poof

>> No.21315072

Recently got some Esoterica which has been great. Reading the Idiot and smoking some StoneHaven on my porch is about as comfy as it gets.

>> No.21315076

>I finally got around to trying Boswell's Northwood
This is going to be in my next order. I hope to go on a road trip after Christmas when I have extra cash and visit the Boswells shop. It's about a 3 hour drive from me. I can't imagine having a shop like that close to me. All I have are cigar and vape shops.

>> No.21315398

>All I have are cigar and vape shops.
Same, but I don't even have good cigar and vape shops. The choices are Smoking Joes or Tobacco Outlet Plus (A KwikTrip Company). A year-and-a-half ago, I bought Esoterica for the second time. I was very happy. Then, I go out to dinner with my parents, but I ask to stop at Tobacco Outlet Plus. I'm feeling lucky and hope to find some aged tins, Daughters & Ryan, or Carter Hall, which had recently become impossible to find. I walked in the shop, and the blooming aroma of piss greeted me. There are numerous homeless people in the area, and while this place has a walk-in humidor, it's more of a cigarette and liquor store. I looked around and asked if they had anything else, was told no, and got out real quick. I recently went back after going to multiple stores in an attempt to find some Toscanos. No luck there either, but it didn't smell like piss that time.

>> No.21315546
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>> No.21315558

It is called porridge hon, and its a northern tradition. London cunts like youse wouldn't understand it.

>> No.21315675

I don't follow.

>> No.21315923
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Welcome to the most M2M Islamic Tobacco smoking yet.

>> No.21315949
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Where are the cigar smokers here? Does nobody else love writing and reading with a cigar?

picrel, my goto brand Perdomo.

>> No.21315984

I used to smoke a pipe, then went to vapes, now I have a cig once a week. Was thinking of picking my old pipes back up and going /out/ing like I used to. Never really considered reading with a pipe because I like to constantly hold mine and I don't like turning pages one-handed but I have some nice ashtrays now that will hold my pipe for me so I might give it a shot

>> No.21316119

Special Patrol Group is a lovely name for a hamster.

>> No.21316146

Is smoking actually /lit/?

>> No.21316203

I just bought a bunch of cigars on SmallBatch. Really good Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale has been going on for the past week. If you like cigars, sign up for their newsletter. It's tasteful and tolerable, only one email per day, which goes to my promotions folder. On the other hand, other cigar companies bombard you with 5 emails a day, yelling at you to buy immediately. I rely on friends to let me know about those deals.

>> No.21316211

Here I am. >>21316203

>> No.21316244

I tried to smoke a pipe but it always goes out over and over, and relighting over and over just burns it and makes it taste like shit, so I just do cigars every so often. one every month maybe? If the weather is nice.

>> No.21316307


OP here. I also enjoy cigars. I made the thread about pipe smoking, because that’s what I’m up to lately, but feel free to post your cigar collection if you have one.


There’s a certain technique to it, but some blends require babysitting to stay lit, and others still just like to go out. Melange is one such a blend. On the other hand, I just tried Seattle Pipe Club’s Plum Pudding Reserve... It was downright fucking impossible to get started, and made a pretty bad gurgle (probably due to all of the PG in the goddamn cake... yet more reasons why I advocate that less is more when it comes to this stuff,) but stayed lit throughout and didn’t bite at all. I advise deep draws and regular puffing. Also, use matches if possible.

>> No.21316309
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Packed too tight. Pipe too wet (too soon between smokes). Pipe not clean: inefficient draw: lack of oxygen. Insufficiently deep draws: not enough coal to remain self-ignited.

Too *large* a bowl.

>> No.21317790
File: 608 KB, 5312x2988, way better than that shit your smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your black tard out lungs, should smoke something that makes reading/everything more enjoyable

>> No.21319130


Who the fuck inhales pipe smoke? Seriously, who? Also,
>hur hur hurr smoke weedcrack instead
enjoy your infertility bro.

>> No.21319751

Suitandtiedipandchewguy inhales. As such, he only wants low nicotine blends and small bowls. Personally, I think that's just retarded, but there are people who inhale.

On the subject of Inhaling, I have a related issue. I don't inhale any tobacco, other than shisha, which I haven't smoked in years, besides the occasional slip-up. My throat often hurts after smoking a pipe, which never happens when I smoke cigars. I had a medical procedure gone wrong and couldn't smoke for a year because of throat discomfort, but even before that, I had irritation. I have a friend who feels the same, and he has been hardened by cigarettes, so there must be something to it. Does anyone else have this problem with pipes but not cigars?

>> No.21319779

Do you draw hot and dry or cool and wet?

>> No.21319852

you'll cowards dont even smoke crack

>> No.21319869

I probably am in the worst of both worlds. My bowl gets hot and my stem gets wet. I used to use filters; now, I just use pipe cleaners as needed. I don't often clench my pipes, so it's not as if I am drooling down the stem. I experience wetness regardless of how dry my tobacco is.

>> No.21319870
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respiratory system/lugs what ever faggot, doesnt change the fact tobacco smokers especially pipe smokers cough up shit in morning, voice gets deep over time, skin looks unhealthy, early stages of mouth cancer, ill continue to smoke my weedcrack, infertility is
a non issue my balls are quiet big, thank you very much

>> No.21319903

So as you burn the coal the coal is busy sweating the remaining moisture out of the tobacco. Dry tobacco is a bad thing. You probably get gurgle. So you're basically making a tobacco water shisha.

Slow deep draws, paced between draws, pipes left to dry for three plus days between smokes. Some stuff will gurgle, but… The *core* issue is you're smoking hot and fast. Try smaller bowls and possibly clay / corncob pipes. Much smaller bowls.

Also try some Annales history.

>he has balls
I'm so sorry you're cis and don't read books. Try Judith Butler. See if you can disagree with her without making an ontological argument, but while still using Hegel.

>> No.21319908

kek i mean quite big, being lit fags i know you cocksuckers would pick that apart with your quiet infertile tobacco smoking balls

>> No.21319914

>See if you can disagree with her
Yes I did do that. Construction is social and forcibly interpenetrative. Butler hasn't interpenetrated her interlocutors in the correct manner to win her position socially. Don't want no narrow bore tubes.

>> No.21320061


>I am going to attack the long-term health consequences of inhaling tobacco, which you don't do, instead of the long-term health consequences of keeping the smoke in your mouth, which you actually do-- even though I, myself, inhale weedcrack smoke all the time, and am thus arguing from a position of hypocrisy.

Why are non-pipe-smokers like this? Like... Bro, you could have just said, "Dude you're gonna get mouth cancer if you keep doing that shit," and I would've taken you seriously. I've respected everyone else in this thread who doesn't do drugs, and has expressed health concerns. Instead, you decided to say shit which is not true, discrediting your entire point, and generally act like a fucking retard. Nobody thinks you're cool. I made this thread to see if anybody else enjoys a pipe while reading; you are posting in it to be an asshole, and it isn't even working.

>"I am immune from the consequences of my own bad behavior,"

...Said literally every weedfaggot ever. You need a wake-up call, anon.

>> No.21320162

no. i pack copenhagen long cut like a real Chad

>> No.21320195

Are corn cob pipes any good?

>> No.21320250

Corn cob pipes are cheap and functional. They absorb a fair amount of gurgle, but stay wet longer. So you buy 10 of them. They are the american version of the clay pipe. They never work up like briar does: just like clay.

Pros: disposable. Traditional disposable. A taste and refinement beyond briar: because you know you're cheap.
Cons: Look like Dugout Doug. PI, Australians, Marines may accidentally kill you.

>> No.21320276
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Why would you smoke when the air, and the fruits, are so sweet?

The sky is what the smell of its air looks like; the air is what the taste of its sky smells like.

>> No.21320712

>calls others faggot
>browses 4chan on a ricer

>> No.21320819

cause i have eyes and experience of other people smoking tobacco, and they all exhibit the signs i posted previously, coughing in morning, sick looking skin after some time, and they all say samething "i shouldnt have smoked so much late last night", while coughing up black shit, i posted to convince you smoking tobacco is fucking gay and that there are better alternatives

travel computer, pic taken in 2020 colorado

>> No.21320842

I love your theory of knowledge and wish to know how you bested Mister Kant of Gdansk. Mister Kant was a noted pipe smoker, of tobacco, and only smoked one bowl a day.

>> No.21320889

I snuff nasal tobacco. It's the only way to fly. Where my toast bros at?

>> No.21320898

>about a half oz of resin
i bet that cost you almost a grand, didn't it? how long does it take you to burn through one of those grams?

>> No.21321008

possible to get them under 40, around 38 dollar range, 1g last 2 weeks

>> No.21321020

ah, you're lucky, my tolerance was like a brick wall back when i smoked, a gram of that would last me probably three days maximum. i quit smoking anything after i saw my grandmother struggling for air for hours on her deathbed, gurgling, hacking up black ooze, it was horrific, and i gotta say, fresh air is like sweet milk. especially with an occasional pinch of snuff!

>> No.21321055

pretentious and cringe

>> No.21321096

yes that was a problem for me in the past, i go 1-2 days without smoking now and space it out, cause it was costing to much money

>> No.21321100

if no one in this thread posted their actual crack pipe 4chan is dead

>> No.21321566


Very based take. To answer your question, I am forbidden from fruit as the result of a religious oath I undertook at the beginning of last year. Nothing with too much sugar. I eat one banana a day with natural peanut butter, and that’s the only sugar I eat. Anything else, is by and large, trace elements only (1-2g tops.) I also wanted to re-explore the subtle nootropic effects of tobacco and see if it would help me read or write. Evidently, smoking a pipe does help me stay focused on reading. I never inhale, and I will likely never get involved with any other form of tobacco except cigars. Absolutely no cigarettes. No other drugs either, and abstinence from alcohol is part of the oath which I fully intend to continue beyond its termination date.

>> No.21321673

I do not deny myself women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my precious bodily fluids.

>> No.21321900
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>I am forbidden from fruit
>I eat one banana a day
I hate to break it to you, bro. Bananas are fruit. You have been betraying your god this whole time.

>> No.21321914

>They never work up like briar does: just like clay.
Not true. Mark Twain paid people to break in his cobs. I am planning on buying a cob on one of my next orders. However, I resent the thought of breaking it in. I know people who have made rigs to break in pipes without smoking them. They do this specifically for cobs.
I don't like toasts, but I have friends who do. Have you tried Rosinski? I highly recommend his snuff.

>> No.21321916

Did I say break in or did I say work up? If you'd like help with your language comprehension archive has the OED.

>> No.21321963

If Freud told me one thing then it's that OP sucks dick.

>> No.21322134


Keked hard. The actual term of the oath isn’t about fruit, it’s about the amount of sugar. I just phrased it that way to make it easier to understand. There have been times where I’ve pushed up against the borderline of acceptability, but my friend and I who embarked on this venture have both maintained our end of the bargain.

>> No.21322447

Good to hear. What's your religion, and why the oath?
What did you mean by "work up" if not "break in"?
There's a brand of cigars called Freud. A friend made an excellent profile picture that looks like a goatse version of the logo. I've never had one. They are quite expensive at $30 per stick.

>> No.21322489

So with a clay pipe you don't do anything to it. It is naturally semi-impervious and doesn't take flavour.
With a corncob you need to weather the bowl with fire to get it to a point where it is pleasant to smoke. It won't, however, get better at smoking a particular blend and will wear out.
With a briar if you stick with it with a particular blend it will get better and better (or worse and worse) with that blend as long term oils and water based fluids work into the wood.

>> No.21322565

Pipe tobacco is great, but I can't afford it too often as a NEET. Through that though, being someone who has smoked on and off for years (sometimes weeks, sometimes months at a time, and taking similar breaks because of no money), I can tell you that it's almost entirely non-addictive, in case someone here is considering trying a pipe. I haven't experienced cravings even after periods of smoking when I inhaled the smoke as opposed to puffing; at most a slight annoyance for a day or two because the thing I like is gone, but that's not comparable to a real addiction. I've found weed to be much more addictive personally.

>> No.21322578

>just eat at burger king like a normal person instead of going to a restaurant you pretentious faggot
How about no

>> No.21322613

thanks for the recommendation, just got some goldapper and ochsenkopf!

>> No.21322621

When I first started, I smoked a lot of Captain Black, but that stopped working for me after a while. After trying a bunch of different blends, lately I've settled on MacBaren Classic Loose Cut. I think it's sold by a different name in some countries, but it's the vanilla flavoured one with a nice smell out of the bag. I tend to get one pack of that and some English blend, whatever is available. There's not much choice in pipe tobaccos where I live; there's only one store I can buy from (tobacco can't be shipped, so I have to use a service where someone buys it in person at the store and then sends it to me). Jealous of you fags and your fancy blends I've never seen before.

Any recommendations for widely available mild blends with little to no bite? Virginias, aromatics or English. Nothing that comes in a tin, since I can't afford that.

>> No.21322641

My friends and I especially like the citrus ones, such as Alter Fritz and Sans Souci.

>> No.21322651

I know this is a faggot comment but the idiom is "champing at the bit" not "chomping". Sorry.

>> No.21323643 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 130x132, hitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke ruins the books for many future readers. You are not going to be buried with your library, right?

>> No.21323707

When the delicious Coca Cola [tm] (r) is poured the can is thrown away.

>> No.21324711


You don't read outside, anon?


Hey man, that's totally fair. To be honest, I absolutely hate cigarette smokers. They are addicts... They all do shit exactly what you're describing. Fortunately, with a tobacco pipe, you really don't inhale any smoke... After all, the point is to taste the smoke, not inhale it. I'm not saying you are going to inhale ***zero*** smoke (you're likely to re-inhale some of the stuff you blow out, if you're smoking in an enclosed or windy space,) but it's really not a lot at all. If you already smoke weed, it might be worth it to give pipe smoking a try sometime maybe just as an occasional thing. Or not, that's fine too. I used to smoke a ton of weed myself, when I was young, but it gives me really bad anxiety these days. I hope you are able to continue enjoying it for a long time.


My buddy is a Sedevacantist Catholic, and he is as religious as they come, albeit with all of the usual postmodernist degeneracy and chronic cherrypicking. The terms of the oath were designed to help him lose weight and put on muscle, and for me to bring myself closer to aesthetic self-perfection. That's really why I'm doing this; the religious element was introduced by him to keep him dedicated, and he has taken the opportunity to get me more involved in the faith. Prior to this year, he was 305 lbs and lost over 100 lbs this year by following the oath and doing water fasts. As for me, I've put on quite a bit of muscle mass and gained a lot of functional strength this year. Our goal is to continue building upon ourselves and to achieve our respective physical peaks within the matter of the next couple years. As for my own religion, I was raised Catholic but am less stalwart in my belief than he is (although I now own a breviary and read from it sometimes.) Anything else I believe would simply be too hard to describe in this post. As a younger man, I strongly rejected organized religion, but these days I feel that the divine moral imperative is largely with the Christians. Perhaps you could call me a Sedevacantist as well, or-- failing that-- a follower-by-proxy of the one true faith. I simply believe in guiding humanity down the path of righteousness.

>> No.21324757

need more old-timey props, mate

>> No.21324849

Can I ask how old you are? You are making me reconsider my hatred of smokers.

>> No.21325102


I'm in my early thirties. Same is true for my friend, as well as my gym bro/ training partner, who is himself perhaps even more stern in his religious convictions. If you are going to reconsider anything on my behalf, then I would kindly ask you to continue persecuting cigarette smokers with as much relentlessness as possible, as well as hipsters (who, unfortunately, often count themselves among pipe smokers,) but also to give proper cigar and pipe aficionados a chance... Not automatic acceptance, but a chance. If we eliminate all Western traditions in the name of culling vice, and with specific respect to communal activities, whence shall the West draw forth its power to resist change? We are waging an uphill battle against purely evil institutions; we no longer possess the luxury of allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. Rather, now is the time when we should be more willing to embrace unusual sources of strength. Besides the light nootropic benefits, we can organize and build friendships with these simple rituals... It is best we not abandon them. Those are my two cents.

>> No.21326239

>You are not going to be buried with your library, right?
I plan on it, actually.

>> No.21326370
File: 204 KB, 220x123, table-cloth-trick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, if this stack gets any bigger i'll be buried *by* my library