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/lit/ - Literature

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21288073 No.21288073 [Reply] [Original]

is he worth reading? if so, where do i begin?

>> No.21288157

You begin with the presocratics

>> No.21288218

Don't waste your time, midwit.

>> No.21288489

obv with the greeks. Eventually make your way to Bataille, Lyotard, and Deleuze and brush up on your pop-culture (burroughs, neuromancer, terminator, etc.)

>> No.21288505


You need to know a fuckton of things to get Land. There is a chart somewhere about it but truthfully you would need more than that. Kant,Marx,Engels, Freud, Nietzsche, the post structuralists and post modernists and you would just scratch the surface. Also you would need to understand these, so you need to learn the retards before them too.Then you need to know basic molecular biology and pop science fiction to understand his metaphors. Then read the damn thing and make sense of it.

If you can read land you will like him, but it requires serious effort. I would advise you to just read philosophy from start to finish, most major faces, and read extensively anything after Nietzsche.

Land is like icing on the cake really. Treat it as such and try not to take him too seriously because it’s gave over if you do.

Best of luck, start with the presocratics

>> No.21288725

You obviously have not read Land yourself. You really only have to be aware of "Kant, Marx, Engels, Freud, Nietzsche, the post structuralists and post modernists," since Land is an incredibly lucid writer and manages to explain even the most complicated theory in an understandable manner while at the same time critiquing it. You'd have to be pretty dumb not to get the first half of Fanged Noumena, for example. Charts are bullshit. Read what's interesting to you.

>> No.21289361

he only posts rarely in twitter these days so he may be working on something New and Improved
he would probably want you to wait and read that, instead of his disowned commie writings

>> No.21289453

you're better off just reading genre fiction fantasy than schizo. it's basically the same thing