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File: 192 KB, 917x1200, compaison-of-plato-and-aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21287265 No.21287265 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen if I read the complete works of these two?

>> No.21287276

Depends on whether you understand them or not.

>> No.21287279

You will get a better historical understanding of them, but it is a massive waste of time. Just watch their lectures by teachers on YouTube.

Also Aristotle is better than Plato.

>> No.21287288

You'd be more well read than 99% of this dogshit board.

>> No.21287300

Socrates is my role model now and most people hate me

>> No.21287336

You won't get anywhere, you need to read the greeks first (pre-socratics).

>> No.21287400

>Aristotle is better than Plato

maybe for hylics

>> No.21287442

If you get the chance, you should pay special attention to the ones that have been lost so you can let us know what they're about.

>> No.21287457

Aristoteles is an archetypal psychic, the hylic philosophers are too obvious to even need mentioning. That said, Platon is a pneumatic so still one step above Aristoteles.

>> No.21287482

You’ll become a pretty big guy.

>> No.21287545
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1528169849744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world of forms
Taken literally, which is how Plato took it, it is a retarded theory. Gnosticism is retarded too and hasn't contributed anything to society like science has. Of course you define science as the product of Aristotle. Aristotle is the greatest of all time and the father of everything useful.

Plato isn't terrible, don't get me wrong. The theory of forms as a metaphor, and not taken literally can be useful. Plato's all-is-one, the ultimate form the encompasses everything is true in Aristotle's philosophy to a certain extent too.

>> No.21287659

you'll produce the infamous mustard gas
do what you must but be aware of the consequences

>> No.21287744

Yes, because he was an asshole that's sole mission in life was to own midwits.

>> No.21287784

Aristotle might legit be the single smartest person who ever lived.
Plato on the other hand was pure evil and wrong about everything. Censoring the pre-socratics put us back like 2000 years.

>> No.21287863

You won't need to read anything else anymore.
>Filtered by plato
Many such cases

>> No.21287872

Why do I occasionally meet people who suck the long shaft of Aristotle as if it was the only one? Was Aristotle the one who introduced you to philosophy? There are other and better philosophers and philosophies you know, even from the same time period.

>> No.21287884

The more philosophy you read, the more you actually realize that 99% were pseuds and only a very small amount actually had something to say and that it's time to start learning math and science. If you didn't reach this point yet, read more philosophy.

>> No.21287913

>that it's time to start learning math and science. If you didn't reach this point yet, read more philosophy.
mm there it is. Yeah that's true, I just went past that.

>> No.21287918

any heraclitus fanboys?

>> No.21287926

Stop making this thread every week you absolute zoomer retard. Nothing will "happen". The only change is that you will have a greater knowledge of philosophical history, but that won't happen since you won't read them.

>> No.21287929

CIAnigger post trying to stop OP from unlocking plato-induced superpowers, ignored.

>> No.21288023

All of the truly great books are locked in a vault in the Vatican and you've never heard of. Anything that you can buy is stuff they don't mind you reading, especially Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.21288028

Nobody after plato is greater than plato.
He was so popular they couldn't stop it from being widespread.

>> No.21288030

>implying i'm not the pope

>> No.21288051

Plato was a member of the elites and was basically the Klaus Schwab of his day. The Republic is essentially an ancient great reset. Plato survived because they ALLOWED him to survive. Anything enlightening or worth reading was thrown in a bonfire or burned in the Library of Alexandria.
This is a hard redpill to swallow I know, but one day it will hit.

>> No.21288056

just get initiated into the Ἐλευσίνια bro

>> No.21288059

its so stupid but i cant stop reading it

>> No.21288060

You schizos always make such convincing arguments. Take your meds before I have to start taking them.

>> No.21288061

You are a schizo unworthy of cleaning Plato's ballsack

>> No.21288062

My post or the Republic?

>> No.21288066

"Take your meds" posters just vindicate me that I'm on the right track.

>> No.21288067

Redpill me on the fire at the Library of Alexandria.

>> No.21288074

Yeah, everyone calling you a schizo is the proof that you needed to know you are not a schizo snd everyone is out to get you!

>> No.21288076

Jews didnt exist before Herodotus

>> No.21288079

Plato is the most correct, smartest and most important person of the 4th century BC. There was no smarter, deeper, clearer, absolute Plato and probably could not be. It is no coincidence that a Athenian philosopher in one collection dedicated to Plato compared Plato with Protagoras. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Plato is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Protagoras is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Aristoteles rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Plato's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought.

The fact is that Plato is the only author, the only thinker of the 4th century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language. The language of sophism was methodologically very interesting, subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting opinion and belief. Being a great paradigmatic success, sophism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the 4th century. But Plato is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.

- Plotinus

Plato undermined and then; with uncompromising intellectual rigour, demolished all the assumptions taken for granted by Hellenic man, that is to say Western or westernised man. Many others had been critical of the direction taken by European civilization since the so-called 'bronze age', but none had dared to be as radical as he was or to re-assert with such force the principles and values which Hellenic culture had consigned to the rubbish tip of history. His theme was the 'primordial tradition' or Philo Sophia, expressed-so he maintained-both in ancient mythologies and in the metaphysical doctrine at the root of the great religions. The language of this Philosophy was the language of symbolism, and he had no equal in his interpretation of this symbolism. Moreover he turned the idea of human progress upside down, replacing it with the belief almost universal before Athenian democracy, that humanity declines in spiritual excellence with the passage of time and that we are now in the democratic age which precedes the tyrannical age, an age in which all the possibilities rejected by earlier cultures have been spewed out into the world, quantity replaces quality and decadence approaches its final limit. No one who read him and understood him could ever be quite the same again.

- Julian

>> No.21288093

No one can be certain what happened either way, but it's kinda fishy that one of the largest buildings in the world goes up in flames, which would mean that the fire had to be very intense and not locally isolated, which also means that it was most likely intentional.
When you ask (((modern academics))) about the library they say it was no great loss to humanity because any book that was worth preserving would have copies in other libraries. So we aren't really missing much.
But this argument doesn't make sense because that defeats the entire point of creating a library as an archive. There are still today books that you can only get at certain libraries and other ones don't have them.

It's all part of the greater subject of knowledge hoarding, which basically has been the story of history. The Middle Ages can basically be summed up as "We (the church) have knowledge and you peasants have nothing." That's why the Protestant Reformation happened like 2 weeks after the printing press was invented, because peasants were literally reading the Bible in their common language for the first time.

The phrase "knowledge is power" is true and instead of the dumbass Area 51 raid, there should be a raid on the Vatican Secret Archives to make all books free for humanity.

>> No.21288098

Reading Plato as "The Forms Guy" is reductionist.

>> No.21288137

where is this from? you? i don't get the plotinus and julian mention

>> No.21288139

>Gnosticism is retarded too and hasn't contributed anything to society like science has.
Not suppose to, and it doesn't even matter - society is fundamentally evil and worthless.

>> No.21288143

why are you being the joker dude

>> No.21288146

>the world of forms
was invented by Aristotle

>> No.21288147

>See we're screeching and hollering at you, that means you are the fool and we truly understand!
You're acting like an irrational harpy right now.

>> No.21288152

How does stockholm syndrome feel?

>> No.21288160

just talked to the demiurge and for not getting my "The Joker - Caught in the Act " reference, you're reincarnating as a sea cucumber next time.

>> No.21288167

>The Middle Ages can basically be summed up as "We (the church) have knowledge and you peasants have nothing."
And that is (unironically) a good thing. Mass literacy undermined and killed the aristocracy and now we have trannies.

>> No.21288186

The world of forms and anamnesis (the doctrine of recollection) are completely retarded woo-woo. Plato didn't even bother to make sense did he?

>> No.21288194

No we have trannies because academia is trying to memory hole all anthropology and sociology written before 1980. And also trying to make sure all works before 1940 are destroyed, that's why they're trying to shut down the Internet Archive.
Phrenology is true, racial differences are true, out of Africa theory is complete bullshit and nearly everything that is taught in universities outside of STEM is pure nonsense, and even that is just selectively curated to only push out autobot workdrones to make jewbux.

>> No.21288206

>No we have trannies because academia is trying to memory hole all anthropology and sociology written before 1980.
No it's because society's ultimate goal (and always has been) to allow everyone to have the right to live decadently which necessitates a society of consumers and because the strongest consumers are and always have been women, it's much easier to turn men into women.

>> No.21288391

not much, really. the theme and object of philosophy as a whole is practically contained in their texts, but they require interpretation.
so read them, and then read studies and commentaries
Aubenque's 'Le probleme de l'etre chez Aristote' is one of the greatest commentaries on Aristotles ever written, so I'd recommend something like that

>> No.21288462
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>>Plato was a member of the elites and was basically the Klaus Schwab of his day. The Republic is essentially an ancient great reset.
unironically the most based and redpilled thing I have ever read on /lit/

>> No.21289464
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>pol analogy