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File: 29 KB, 600x450, Kindle 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2128563 [Reply] [Original]

Just ran into $100 and am very interested in picking up a e-reader.

Is the new Kindle 4 or Kindle hardware buttons as some are calling it, worth it or is there a better e-reader out there. I'm willing to forgo the touch screen to get my hands on a kindle now.

Also is there any way to somehow get rid of the special offers without paying through a hardware fix and does anyone know where I can pickup a cheap case to complement the kindle?

>> No.2128579

I saw the new Amazon touches and immediately went out and bought a wifi keyboard model, no ads. Touch is bullshit in an ereader. The keyboard is awesome for searching through your library, definitions, and notating your book.

I highly rec the Kindle 3. You can get rid of the special offers if you're willing to look hard enough. Just google.

>> No.2128593


So you'd recommend the keyboard over the newer model?

Also again does anyone know where I could pickup a cheap cover for my kindle, or is it completely unnecessary?

>> No.2128598

It's completely unnecessary.

>> No.2128629

At this point I'm considering opting for the Kindle without the keyboard. I can see why a keyboard would be useful, but I do not plan on listening to much audiobooks (and If I do, I have an iphone) and I do not take much notes.

Is the keyboard version really that much better?

>> No.2128637

Is there much reason to get a Kindle, and not some other kind of e-reader? The Sony ones look okay.

>> No.2128640

I prefer it. I don't like touchscreen stuff, and my Kindle 3 with keyboard is very nice.

>> No.2128643


The first time you notice that Amazon.com has an ebook someone else doesn't, you'll want the Kindle. This will happen a lot.

>> No.2128658

>buying ebooks


>> No.2128672

>buying ebooks


>> No.2128674

>Buying e-books
>Implying I didn't download 30 from #bookz the day I got it

>> No.2128710

I tried #ebookz and waited forever with no downloads.

u mad that im retard?

>> No.2128724

leave your IRC on with auto accept file transfers. The queue can take some time.

>> No.2128726


omg a nice person. you must be medicated?

>> No.2128728
File: 82 KB, 362x354, 1316464139572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't assume I'm nice, you shitbird

>> No.2128729


that's better

>> No.2128746

I'm getting the Kindle, international (5 way controller, not sponsored), the one just referred to as the Kindle.

Since I'm going to be able to read e-books a lot easier, does anyone have the time to quickly list how IRC works?
Being a old tech-newb, i cant get it to work. Which channel is it in, how do i get to #books?

>> No.2128756

/server irc.irchighway.net
/join #ebooks

>> No.2128759


>Implying everything can be found online in a reasonable amount of time (it can't, especially if it isn't fiction or a best–seller or old).
>Implying that some people don't actually want to support their hobby.

>> No.2128762

You can support your hobby without paying for anything.

>> No.2128766
File: 123 KB, 320x320, 1282446777186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, with magic.

And you're probably an atheist.

>> No.2128774

The new nook touch is supposed to be pretty good, but I've heard it has issues with the touch screen suddenly not working until you do a hard reset. One would hope this will be fixed with a firmware update.

My biggest problem with kindle is the special offers and the hard work amazon is putting in to locking you into their ecosystem for buying books (not that you can't get around this with some effort.)

>> No.2128776

>Implying everything can be found online in a reasonable amount of time (it can't, especially if it isn't fiction or a best–seller or old).

> doesn't know how to use mIRC
>probably doesn't even log into library.nu

>> No.2128777

mIRC sucks, there are significantly better IRC clients to choose from.

>> No.2128786


>Probably was still in diapers when this anon was already on IRC.
>Thinks a particular Windows IRC client is IRC.

>> No.2128808


Dude, there's often pdfs online before the book even comes out in e-reader format. Get Calibre. It takes those assholes friggin months to get something out in .epub not because it's hard but simply because they're waiting on the paper copies to sell out.

>> No.2128816


PDFs rarely convert well with Calibre, especially when dealing with footnotes.

>> No.2128819


last time I seen any footnotes was in a Discworld novel. but yeah if you want footnotes you gotta buy the book.

>> No.2129059

/d/umb here but what are footnotes those page numbering at the bottom?

>> No.2129113

>get rid of the special offers without paying through a hardware fix

I'd be impressed if you managed to give a shit once you actually see them. They're only in the menus and the screensaver, and there they're unobtrusive. You never see ads while actually reading.

>> No.2129123

question; most of the sites that let you download e-books have them in pdf format, is it possible to find them in kindle's format or does it support pdfs perfectly fine?

>> No.2129124


Considering that this whole fucking conversation about pirating began with the caveat that fiction is easy to pirate, maybe I'm not talking about fiction, but rather books that commonly have footnotes?

Footnotes are great on Kindle when they are formatted properly. Some academic publishers haven't mastered this yet, but most have. And increasingly academic presses are releasing Kindle editions on the same day as the hardback and at a significant discount.

>> No.2129147
File: 32 KB, 364x475, 1316360269624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the ads, they fit pretty well.

>> No.2129170

Reading pdf's on the kindle is pretty shitty, if the only choice is a pdf I just get the book from the library.

>> No.2129171

You know you could convert the PDF to just about anything right?

>> No.2129292


And it will have formatting errors like whoa.

>> No.2129405

Why ya'll niggas be hatin' on the special offers? If you shop on Amazon a lot they come in really handy. Half off 20 dollar gift cards, five bucks off purchases of 10 dollars or more, etc, etc. Anyone who gets a kindle without special offers is only paying more to get less.

>> No.2129451

Should I go for the Kindle 3 or the new kindle without the keyboard?

>> No.2129483


If you want to search in your books, you want the keyboard. If not, you don't.

>> No.2130323

Is special offers = Kindle with ads? If I don't have a commute on a bus, take beach vacations to read, why would I want an eReader over buying paperbacks , some hardbacks?

>> No.2130333

Quick, convenient access to a huge library of books any time you want.

Let's say you have a huge hankering to read some Dorian Grey. Download it. Infinite Jest? Download it. Dat Gravity's Rainbow? Download it.

>> No.2130337

But is the Ads the special offers? I wouldn't need the one with keyboard. Pretty much just read and bookmark. I'm not much into note taking or writing comments on a book.

>> No.2130340

Yeah. The ads are the special offers.

>> No.2130345

not bad then, I would be fine with that one. I like buying stuff from Amazon anyway. tanx for the info.