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21285058 No.21285058 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with Monistic philosophy? We are all one

>> No.21285066

The Noble Quaran

>> No.21285173

islam is monistic?

>> No.21285251

>we are all one
Then you won’t mind if I take all your stuff, right?

>> No.21285258

Spinoza, that's all you need.

>> No.21285264
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>blocks your path

>> No.21285294

leibniz's monadology

>> No.21285296

The notion of private property or ownership of things is based on an illusion or Maya as the ancient Indians called it, how can you own things when we are all part of the same source?

>> No.21285298

You didn’t answer the question.

>> No.21285306

What do you want?

>> No.21285309

What’ve you got? Cash is preferred.

>> No.21285313


>> No.21285323

I’m dead serious. Unless OP is willing to put his money where his mouth is, so to speak, I submit that he’s insincere (i.e. full of shit). He should join a monastic order and take a vow of poverty.
/spoiler he won’t /spoiler

>> No.21285328

Then you shouldn't be upset if I steal your wallet or rope your daughter because they don't belong to any of us. If your mom dies you shouldn't be upset because she's just a part of the greater "whole" and her constituents will be repurposed for something else, just as you would use the leftover chicken bones to make a broth. You shouldn't be upset at strangers taking advantage of because you're all part of the same whole. The homeless and the gazillionaire are all parts of the same whole. Fuckin hell poos are retarded. Just because you share some common elements with the rest of the universe that doesn't mean that you literally are the universe.

>> No.21285347

This is all an illusion and youre just an NPC.

>> No.21285365
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>Where do I start with Monistic philosophy?
With the final red-pill and the end-game of all metaphysics: Advaita Vedanta as explicated by Sri Shankaracharya (pbuh)

>The literary style of the Acharya, while it excels in its power the rolling sound of the thunder clouds which rise above the ravings of the sullen wind-tossed sea at the out-break of the monsoon, resembles in its charming agreeableness the sweet fragrance coming from a garden of jasmine flowers. His prose and poetical works, flawless and pleasing to read, are a veritable encyclopaedia of learning. While delectable like nectar, they are entrenched in such sound reasoning that they are impregnable to the attacks of opponents with their malicious questionings and criticisms. Full of positive and ennobling ideas, they are capable of removing the miseries of life and guiding man to the goal of salvation.

>> No.21285368

OP give me 1 000 £ right now or you're a hypocrite. Dead serious, ill make a paypal account or something

>> No.21285391

Thoughts on Swami Vivekananda?

>> No.21285469

On further consideration I shouldn’t be such a cynical, cranky shithead. I wish OP luck in his search for meaning.

>> No.21285485

>literally doesn't understand the distinction between ego and non-ego perspective of the universe
>literally doesn't understand the nature of illusion.
Goodness me!

>> No.21285584
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>> No.21285634

Ibn Arabi on unity.

>> No.21286046

/lit/ greatest redemption arc

>> No.21286261

Good luck on your journey to monism, anon. Here is my contribution:


I would also recommend checking out the primary source material for the Eleatic school.

>> No.21286651

I have not read him so I cant comment. I know of two perspectives on him though, one is that he is distorted traditional Vedanta by imposing his own modernist, western-philosophical and protestant-influenced conceptions on it. The other side of the argument is that some of what he writes about Vedanta can be perceived as an organic continuation of developments in Vedanta philosophy that occurred in Sanskrit writings from the 17th-18th century. I don’t know the texts in question well enough myself to determine which perspective is more correct.

>> No.21286694

>. If your mom dies you shouldn't be upset because she's just a part of the greater "whole" and her constituents will be repurposed for something else
yes, that's correct

>> No.21286699

i mean, he can take it back, since we are all one, my stuff is your stuff, but your stuff is also my stuff

>> No.21287079


>> No.21287091

No it's not

>> No.21287123

Even if everything is an illusion in one consciousness/source/Absolute/Brahman/shunyata, there is still this existence. You're still living your daily life in this existence. Everything that hurts you will still hurt you, even if you see reality in a different light. Everything still matters until you truly give it up, and even that's a choice. There's a difference between understanding (conceptually) the nondual nature of reality, and truly being liberated/enlightened. It is very difficult to untangle yourself from reality, and feel truly dispassionate towards all things. You can't just say "I believe that everything is interconnected" and suddenly relinquish your clinging to all the things you're attached to in this world. You can't just think conceptually along the right lines, and suddenly feel no pangs of suffering when you see your daughter raped, or your mother dead, etc. You know this. You're just unleashing what you think to be the logical conclusion of nondual beliefs with a rather extreme vitriol, because you're confused and annoyed by such a belief system. Any nondual/buddhist sage will tell you that you take these beliefs one step at a time. They will also stress the ethical dimension of such a belief system above all else. As everything is interdependent, anything you do to another person will affect yourself. Inflicting pain on others inflicts pain on yourself, because of the interdependency. No sage however enlightened will simply allow you to rape their sister, because at a certain level of truth, you are inflicting pain and suffering on a living being, and you would be doing it out of spite, to try to prove a point.

>> No.21287236

That's true but buddhism is not part of it.
Hinduism and Mahayana, ZEN, Vajaryana are a monistic Universalism: the totality exists and nothing else. There is no multiplicity, everything is absolutely identical. THis is qualified of ''acosmatic''
They mix this view with a huge amount of symbols, incantations, rituals, worship, idolatry, mantras, deities, chanting,entertainment reading with lengthy Scriptures with thousands of verses, sacrifice and sacred objects, and rules for lay people in order to create a religion.
For the Hindus and mahayanists, people have the knowledge that they have a true nature, but people are misguided on what they take as their true nature. This is why the Hindus say that people are already enlightened, they just do not know about it... The true nature of people is not the 5 senses or their objects, but the mind itself with the world [loka] itself identified with the cosmos, or their deification of this, ie their Brahma or their Buddha or non-duality, and when people realize this they are enlightened. The way to realize this is by relying on lots of sacrifice, chantings and rituals, also on material objects which magically purify the minds for them, like sounds, logic, mantras, little beads, amulets.
Mahayana-Hinduism tries to make a human society, some political system too.

It is only when there is a allegedly good creator [a god or just ''nature''] that it makes sense to ask the usual question ''why the cosmos produce things which do not know that they are the cosmos?'' ie ''why some good god did not get people to be born directly enlightened? instead of being born unenlightened which produces lots of suffering?''
So far the Hindus have no answer to this ''problem of evil''. The Hindus keep replying with their main thesis, ie ''because people do not know their true nature, which is pure primordial mind and cannot be described'' and that's their pathetic cope...

>> No.21287238


in Buddhism, there is no non-duality, people do not have a true nature, people are not the cosmos, people are not Brahma, people do not come from Brahma, people are not nibanna, people do not come from nibanna, people are not Buddha, people do not come from a buddha, people are not their mind, people are not loka, people are not born already enlightened. In Buddhism there is only craving for pretty things and the pretty ideas of having ''a true nature'', and there is the opposite: a lack of craving for pretty things and pretty ideas. People get enlightened when they stop craving for those. The way to get enlightened is to purify the mind, however not with useless incantations and rituals nor with magical objects, nor worship, unlike the Hindus do, but with the mind itself, ie all the time inclining [with the mind] the mind towards what the buddha calls good qualities and then directly knowing the mind as it really is, which is anicca, dukkha, anatta [contrary to what the hindus say], which is the condition for dispassion, dispassion which is the condition for liberation, liberation which is the condition for direct knowledge that dukkha is ended.

>> No.21287260

my question is, why are you trying to taunt and upset him?

that's not very nice to yourself

>> No.21287298

I said we are all one, nigga. not we are all one nigger.

>> No.21287407

Making life more easy is a good technology of the self.

>> No.21288376


>> No.21288413

Where to start with Vajaryana? As someone who wants to trascend the material plane of existence and develop /x/ related supernatural abilites whats the best esoteric tradition? Vajaryana? Kundalini? Advaita? Which one?

>> No.21288451

The Prasthanatrayi (the 3 sources):
The Upanishads
The Brahma Sutras,
The Bhagavad Gitā,