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21284626 No.21284626 [Reply] [Original]

This book changed my perspective on trannies

>> No.21284632

explain how retard

>> No.21284636

I doubt anything will change mine. I have aspergers syndrome. I hate lying.

>> No.21284643

It shows why trannies are degenerate and terminally on edge. They are no different than us.

>> No.21284678

Transgenders are not some deep cultural phenomenon
They're mentally ill people who hate themselves and fawning on them
by "validating them" makes no sense. They are deviant and should be ignored

>> No.21284681
File: 52 KB, 512x512, sweaty-Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most sane person in this thread

>> No.21284683

Trannies are magical two spirited beings and we should let them near our children so our children learn that the world is diverse and kindness comes in many shapes and forms. Be kind and don't interfere when you see kindness being shared.

>> No.21284684

>They're mentally ill people
Aren't we all mentally ill at some level or around a certain axis

>who hate themselves
Don't we all hate ourselves to some level
The society hates them too much for them to love themselves.

>> No.21284690

>Aren't we all mentally ill at some level or around a certain axis
>Don't we all hate ourselves to some level
No, these beliefs are propaganda whose purpose is to spread demoralization and mental illness. Notice how you deploy them as arguments: We should not try to prevent mental illness and self hatred because everyone is already compromised.

>> No.21284692

We're not all so mentally ill we slice our balls off, drink horsepiss potions until we grow mutated "tits" and even go so far as to groom kids, teenagers, and whoever else into dicing their organs and mutilating their flesh.

>> No.21284704

>aren't we all mentally ill
i think mutilating yourself and believing you are something you are not might be a little too far

and the degree to which we all are mentally ill is by definition "normal" given that mental illness is usually defined in terms of deviation from normality

it's like me saying that we are all tall to some degree, which is technically true but doesn't mean there isn't short people

>> No.21284746
File: 44 KB, 512x512, jdowk3jfiuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, you don't know what you're talking about...

>> No.21284752

Transition is the only solution to gender dysphoria. If you know anything else that's actually effective, then feel free to name it.

>> No.21284769

>anything else that's actually effective

>> No.21284783

Transition isn't a solution. It's the exact opposite of a solution, because the man/woman doesn't become a woman/man and goes at odds with reality. A transition is just forcing society to play a game of psychotically deranged autogynephilic old men and vulnerable children and teens groomed by said old men.

>> No.21284803

What's your solution then?

>> No.21284813

Mitigation and barely that.

>> No.21284814

T. Chud M.D.

>> No.21284818

Teach them to love themselves for who they are. Support them if they need support, as we should do for anyone else that is confused or ill. Stop groomers by crushing their skulls with rocks.

>> No.21284819

The solution is whatever makes (you) feel better anon. God forbid conservacucks having to treat others with respect

>> No.21284823


>> No.21284827

>Teach them to love themselves for who they are.
Who they think they are is not in accordance with what they are. This is gender dysphoria and you can't just alleviate it by self help bullshit.
If anything it's christcucks and right libertarians who groom kids.

>> No.21284840

So the solution is to pretend they are in accordance with what they are? Are we going to have to start pretending wolfkin really are wolves? Retarded faggot. We had 10,000 years of history without these supposed gender dysphorics yeeting themselves off buildings en masse. It's because they didn't exist, or society wasn't so fucking deranged it decided to exacerbate mental illness with fantasy games.
Yes, self help can work. There have been successful and unsuccessful detransitions. There have been successfully and unsuccessful treatments of body dysphoria. Do you want to know why there aren't more successful detransitions? Because society is so fucked up it considers that evil conversion and actively obstructs research and development into the feeled.
You're a groomer.

>> No.21284846

>self help bullshit
I believe psychotherapy could cure them, and if you classify that as self help bullshit you are a retard.

>> No.21284873

Time to yeet myself

>> No.21284879

Gender dysphoria is being diagnosed at rates 20x what it was a decade ago. If you think this is life saving treatment, it should follow that a large portion of the general public was living with a life-threatening undiagnosed illness before. So this rise in diagnosis and treatment should correspond to a dramatic drop in suicide in the general population (not just the population that is openly transgender). If that doesn't happen, are you prepared to revise your view?

>> No.21284883

>Who they think they are is not in accordance with what they are. This is gender dysphoria and you can't just alleviate it by self help bullshit.
This is true of any identity delusion. Is the solution to affirm any persistent false belief a person has about themself?

>> No.21284910

He's sort of right. "Normal people" are beasts fueled by psychosis. The grand majority of our masses are irrational animals driven by their somatic senses and very basic psychological needs who will turn to self-harm once those are achieved, or external violence whenever they are challenged. A good majority out of that total will remain eternally in psychosis, developmentally arrested, unable to break free from the most trite of their traumas. And that's without going into sexual deviances (BDSM, harm, rape, incest) here, which is its own rabbit hole. it's a miracle our society even manages to function when so many of us are clearly very fucking insane.
Hell, a lot of the pathological traits identifiable in trannies (megalomania, self loathing, depression in comfort, egomania, sociopathy) are commonly found and even preferred in a lot of high IQ individuals and positions.

>> No.21284938

Why can't rightoids accept that calling someone by female pronouns even if they have a dick isn't that big of a deal, and why can't trannies just accept that it's not that important for 13 year olds to take hormones even if they are trannies?

Is nobody able to compromise on anything?

>> No.21284992

Jews push it nonstop through (((public educators))) on children and corporate media and, again, (((educators))) have made raising any objection to this a social crime so its inpossible for kids to experience differing perspectives than (((gender affirmation))) and (((transition encouragement))).

Also it's a lot of pharmaceuticals fucking with people's brains. Irreversible surgeries performed on 13 year olds. It's all very very evil.

>> No.21284998

Hormones and surgery don't help anyone. Noone benefits from transitioning, it's just another track in the railroad of pharma and social dependencies based around fantasies and mental illness.

>> No.21285000

Can't you assholes go one day without bringing up trannies

>> No.21285006

No, retard, we can't compromise on hormone therapy being prescribed to children to track them to a life of pharmaceutical dependency and eventually life-altering mutilative surgeries that can't actually do what they're advertised to (change ones gender).

>> No.21285017

I thought changing ones gender is just a matter of announcing it. Why do we need HRT?

>> No.21285018

>Why can't rightoids accept that calling someone by female pronouns even if they have a dick isn't that big of a deal,

But it is a big deal

>> No.21285021

Because it's actually meant to permanently destroy people and debase and humiliate everyone on a societal level. And because what they want is unlimited evil of every form to take control of the world.
Ya ya, just look around

>> No.21285029

Can you elaborate on why you think it's a big deal?

>> No.21285031


>> No.21285050

The comparatively large recent rise in transgenderism is just a facet of a general overwhelming masculinity crisis in young men. The concurrent rise of incels is another facet. I don't judge anyone and don't care what they do with themselves as long as it makes them happy, but I think it's much too soon to speak of any proper long term solutions or outcomes yet. We'll see where things stand in another decade or two, I think things will generally smoothen themselves out for the most part but what that will eventually look like there's no telling yet.

>> No.21285054

>is just a facet of a general overwhelming masculinity crisis in young men
You don't think universities promoting it religiously had anything to do with the (((progress))) being made on converting people towards the idea?

>> No.21285064

None of those are about learning the emergent grammar structures. I get you, I'm not into retarding children's puberty, I'm not into mutilation, I'm not into hrt before 25, but a lot of this is simply the new way people are choosing to build their identities, no? It's like a gamer tag. And if that sounds dumb, recognize that a lot of these people grew up entirely on the internet where their identity was entirely self directed and constructed. So a gamer tag as your own real name makes a lot of sense.

>> No.21285065

I think there's many reasons for the decline of traditional masculinity, part of it is biological/chemical and has been ongoing for a while now, others are psychological and are more or less the logical conclusion of what old school communists would call the "decadence" of capitalistic neoliberal societies

>> No.21285069

>but a lot of this is simply the new way people are choosing to build their identities, no?
Yes, and it shouldn't be encouraged
>why not reeeeeeee?
Because it's evil and ridiculous. Imagine if some huge percentage of the population were obsessive diaper furs. That's about the equivalent but people have been brainwashed to believe supporting this mental illness is the only moral choice when it's actually deepy and totally evil.

>> No.21285074

"Old school communists" are completely retarded, like you. Just embarrassing.

>> No.21285073

Then who should be in control of dictating the identity of our children?

>> No.21285077

It isn't "evil" unless you're some christcuck weirdo, it's just a trend/fad or youth subculture. Many cyberpunk writers predicted body modifications would be a trend in the future, it's just that we get it in this form and not artificial horns or wings or whatever

>> No.21285078

Two parents who aren't deceived about literally everything on purpose by their governments and media.

The two parents thing is important.

>> No.21285080
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It's nothing so grave. It's like you forget nerdy fags who didn't cave in to outward peer pressure to appear either masculine or devotedly religious haven't existed for centuries (who do you think wrote those old books? Chad trad-caths?), transgenderism is just the newest cult propelled by autogynephilia stemming from visual stimulus of the kind our species hasn't experienced before, at least in recorded history.

>> No.21285083

The surgeries and hormone therapies are incredibly evil. As for simply identifying with the social movement, it's evil for its stupidity. If I had a son I wouldn't want them to base their entire identity around diaper furry porn. I would consider that influence evil. This gender obsession feedback loop community is the exact same thing, and it's not happening organically it's being pushed relentlessly.

>> No.21285087

I think the /pol/ view on things is extremely reductionist and even if there's some truth to the social engineering aspect of it, masculinity would always be on the decline anyways because of the shift from physical labor, military service, patriarchal values etc to white collar work, rampant consumerism, always choosing the path of least resistence and so on

>> No.21285090

Can you point me to a pair of people who aren't deceived about everything? Have you looked at any television film social media news in the past 10 years? Information structures are absolutely fucked and we are all being manipulated at every level. We are currently in the very center of a psychological war between those in power and those not. In the fog of war is impenetrable. You will not be able to see until the smoke has cleared. Period.

>> No.21285096

The issue is reducible to
>encouraging children transition chemically and surgically is evil, blatantly
>encouraging adults transition chemically and surgically is extremely hazardous to their mental and physical well-being, also evil but much less so as they're adults
Circumcision is also evil

There's a lot of evil. Don't support it.

>> No.21285098

Stop thinking in terms of good and evil. It's damaging, sure, especially to developing children still developing an identity that feel alienated from their peers and who are tricked into a lifetime of medical slavery and chemical dependence to maintain their fragile selves, shit that's incredibly hard to recover from, but morality has no place in this discussion.

>> No.21285103

Jews hate transgenders. The primary Jewish university has been fighting for months to prevent an LGBT club from forming since it "goes against Jewish values." You're so confused

>> No.21285104

No I can't because it has been intentionally set up and designed that way by evil people. These people are encouraging the genderfluidity, transgender schools of thought and are making sure it permeates every level of education with absolutely no dissension tolerated at any step of the process from kindergarten to your PHD thesis, to say nothing of how 100% of corporations and media presents these issues to the general public.

>> No.21285106

This is part of what I'm implicitly saying, I think the leap in tech (smartphones, social media, 24/7 internet access, global connectivity and so on) was way too vast for our brains to properly adapt to it right away. That's why we're seeing all sorts of weird behavior caused directly or indirectly due to the internet, but in a few generations of people being born into this kind of digital environment the kinks will work themselves out, into something more or less "normal" or palatable

>> No.21285107

Jews or israelis?

>> No.21285111

You are literally insane.
Jews are behind the push to make it mainstream. They are behind the research and development, they are largely behind the medicinal branch. You are confused.

>> No.21285113

So I ask, how is it worth that these children are deciding their own identities, rather than similarly brainwashed pairs of people deciding their children's identities for them? Because with the former at least they retain some amount of autonomy. But in the latter the brainwashing of the parents is controlling the child directly. How do you know that you aren't also manipulated?

>> No.21285115

I don't support or oppose it, I just see it as a minor cultural trend that ultimately amounts to next to nothing and not as some societal collapse event like hysterical paranoiacs do

>> No.21285122

Children are very impressionable. They aren't allowed to consent to many things. Hormone therapy to change their gender and permanent life-altering surgeries should be among those. Do you disagree?
>how do you know that you aren't also manipulated
On this subject I can observe nature.

>> No.21285129

It amounts to a lot for the victims. Massive quantities of children were prescribed add medication for a largely made up disease. I'm 6 years older than my younger brother. I didn't know anyone in my own grade diagnosed with anything they needed a hardcore prescription for. Something like half of the boys in his class were prescribed something for these bullshit diagnoses. Many people were harmed by this, and it's a similar case of mass medical malpractice (as is circumcision). A lot of money is a motivation, but I think the culprits want to commit as much wickedness as they possibly can.

You're unwilling to describe these things as evil because you're a complete idiot.

>> No.21285131

>You are literally insane.
No, I'm just trying to help you out. Stop thinking in terms of morality and talk about facts.
Morality is in itself an appeal to emotionality which can trigger all sorts of responses, a type of vapid discourse that has no place in the modern world.
Don't talk about evil. Talk about the medical industrial complex and its backing of transgender speakers and trans right organizations, about the highly dangerous and poorly mapped gender reassignment surgeries, about the butchery that goes on in the genitalia of all those who subject themselves to these highly intrusive procedures, about the propaganda machine that spreads transgender thought in schools, about the predators that jumped right on the chance and groom particularly vulnerable bullied and emotionally dissonant children online and, ultimately, about how it's all about money. About making lifelong consumers to a machine that shouldn't exist but needs to in order to justify even higher payouts amongst white-collared scam artists. About the human tragedy that's happening right in front of our eyes and that very few dare to challenge, about the lack of open forums in which these discussions can take place, about all discourse in fact being emotional and pushed to the side with -ism accusations, or the lack of general information w/r/t transitioning.
But never call it evil.

>> No.21285136

>I can observe nature
Oh my bad I didn't realize you don't use electricity. Oh wait, it seems you are an active participant in the technological society that has wrought these issues. You are not immune to propaganda. You. Specifically you.
>Children are (...) among those. Do you disagree?
No I don't disagree. We are talking about building an identity and the usage of pronouns. Not physiological modification. I ask you to consider re-reading >>21285064 so as to place us on the same page.

>> No.21285139

All of what you listed is evil.
>ultimately its all about money
For many people it's about money, but I don't agree with you that money is the ultimate aim. The people who make the decisions that truly influence things don't care about money. They care about reducing people's brains and balls, literally. They care about making everyone fat, stupid, addicted to all sorts of things. They want to ruin us on purpose.

>> No.21285144

So you want lo legalize drugs?

>> No.21285149

The only people being ignored are people like you are you are dragged kicking and screaming at every little change

>> No.21285152

What are you talking about? I'm referring to the fact that there are two genders and no way to transition between them. I'm referring to the fact that I can see with my eyes what's healthy and what isn't.
>the use of pronouns
It's just so ridiculous and stupid anon, I'm sorry. The Twitter bios, the emojis, the constant cultivation of these bubbles and incessant screeching about proper parlance. It is a tumor that is more benign than cutting 13 year old girls breasts off but still a cancer.

>> No.21285153

Not him but yeah, all of them. No more cartel violence in Mexico/South America, no more gang violence in USA, no more money for CIA to fund other evil schemes, win/win for everybody and everything

>> No.21285154

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, like how all other dysphorias are treated

>> No.21285156

But anon if someone has bdd a therapist should tell them to get cosmetic surgery, it's the only way to treat it after all!

>> No.21285159
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>Gender dysphoria is being diagnosed at rates 20x what it was a decade ago.
Thats because its treated more seriously since we are more open about it.

>So this rise in diagnosis and treatment should correspond to a dramatic drop in suicide in the general population
It does if you bothered to actually look it up. Being supportive of trans people reduces the chances of suicide and depression, who would have thought

>> No.21285160

No therapist tells any patient to cut their dick and balls off as the very first choice, this is some ugly strawman /pol/cels have constructed in their minds only

>> No.21285163

I initially asked you why you think it's a big deal to accept people's preferred pronouns. I'm not talking about Twitter bios, I'm talking about real life. I asked you that and you referenced all your seething about hormone therapy and transition surgery which I immediately agreed with you about. Let me be very clear. I am talking about pronouns and their usage in everyday life. I am talking about linguistical changes in the zeitgeist. I am talking about syntactical construction of identity. I am NOT talking about exogenous hormones. I am NOT talking about cosmetic surgery.
Geez, for the /lit/ board you seem nearly illiterate.

>> No.21285174

I think you have the wrong idea. It's about power, and vacuums of needs which the people demand. No one grows fat and stupid and addicted to drugs because someone else forced them. They were given the choice and the human being, especially the lowly within us, jumps at a chance for a hedonistic life like a rat. We are wired to seek and want these things, and it's only natural design that someone would exploit them for self benefit. These are naturally occurring phenomenons. This is something that was bound to happen. It's not so much evil, evil implies purpose, as it is opportunistic. George Soros doesn't even care about the pain he causes, most of which is very well documented amongst all the deaths and homelessness of the 1997 Asian crisis, as much as he sees a chance to gain some more power and profit and dully moves in to give the voice of God, the invisible hand, what it wants.
There is no evil in this world, at least not to that scale. Only determined experience. Those people were bound to be fat, stupid and addicted to all sorts of things.
Which is why the morality appeal is stupid and has no place here. If you want to discuss these and resonate with others then move past it.

>> No.21285178
File: 85 KB, 1200x1846, 1669050215430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read this

>> No.21285179

You are incorrect, there are doctors who specialize on performing surgeries on those too young to consent and therapists and educators recommend it as something positive.

>> No.21285189

Okay and? Why do you care, not like you'll ever have kids.

>> No.21285191

I feel like this graph is disingenuous, posing the data of one answer against the data of 3-4 answers, assuming the answers went like
>very supportive
>somewhat supportive
>somewhat unsupportive
>very unsupportive

>> No.21285199

Bro how were you this stupid? The book just says
>Trans often conflicted in identity
>Trans often need make sacrifices
>It's often uncomfortable

What did you think it was like that this book changed your world view?

>> No.21285206

>Cbt works


>> No.21285208

What? Statistics to tell a lie??? No! That's impossible!!

>> No.21285221

>no one grows fat and stupid and addicted to drugs because someone else forced them
Regarding fat and stupid there are massive corporations in fast food and sugary breakfast cereals and snacks who advertise directly to children. This should be made illegal. Many people are subsumed by addictions to food from a young age, fostered by their parents who are bad parents but also by predatory corporations which want to sell misery to children. It would be easy to simply ban this but it isn't done, it's often about money as you say, which has been described as the root of all evil. As for the drugs, well, pharmaceuticals are prescribed to children for all sorts of reasons which stem from rampant medical malpractice (see, entire generations of young boys given add drugs). This should be illegal as well.
>We are wired to seek and want these things, and it's only natural design that someone would exploit them for self benefit. These are naturally occurring phenomenons. This is something that was bound to happen. It's not so much evil, evil implies purpose, as it is opportunistic.
You are simply wrong that this hasn't been done with the express purpose to weaken and destroy people. The corn syrup has that purpose, the ssris, the add meds, the pornography, all of it has a profit motive to be sure, but all of it has also been promoted intentionally and purposefully when it could have been battled and reigned in intentionally and purposefully; the latter would be good and should be what our medical and political and legal and educative and media industries exist to promote and the former is evil and is what those people actually promote.
>There is no evil in this world, at least not to that scale.
Yes there is, you silly silly person.
>Which is why the morality appeal is stupid and has no place here. If you want to discuss these and resonate with others then move past it.
You are deeply confused.

>> No.21285224

I care because it's evil and destructive and ruins peoples lives. I will have kids.

>> No.21285235

You didn't address the fact that there should have been tens of thousands of youths committing suicide from a supposedly life-threatening illness even in recent history; obviously parents 100 years ago would have been the farthest thing you can imagine from supportive of trannyism.

>> No.21285239

I use people's preferred pronouns when I meet them. I feel guilty that I do, however, because they should be confronted confronted the truth and not pandered to by everyone out of some feigned morality that is actually evil.

And again, it's a tumor formed from the same cancer that has much more malign impact on other people and which shouldn't be encouraged to grow but totally cut away from the healthy tissue. It is all bad.

>> No.21285246

It's at least not deeply harmful like transitioning, whether it works or not.

>> No.21285259
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>you should read this gay atheist pedophile

>> No.21285266

the field of psychology and its consequence have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.21285267
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NTA but I think it ultimately devolves into interpersonal power struggles. The transgender person, visibly forcing you to accommodate to their own personal narrative of identity incompatible with the biological truth of their experience, is exerting its social hold over the very way you interface with the world. It's kind of fucked and the reason why so many feel icky about the entire topic, same way others do about religion or other widely held hyperreal beliefs that don't quite jell with the truth.
I think if anything you are the one that's widely confused. You seem to hold a personal conspirational narrative when most of these phenomenons occur purely from coincidence and the exploitation of human nature. They can be used as tools of control (and governmental entities definitely do), but that's more of a happy accident. The best way to fight this is with knowledge, not vapid and incongruous appeals to wildly fluctuating emotions. You can even call the baseline of the human experience in its natural world evil if you want to, but keep in mind that's merely your personal opinion. Start telling truths instead.

>> No.21285268

Because we live in a society, and he wrote down the rules. :^)

>> No.21285274
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Be aware when you argue with these tranny faggots. They carefully ignore arguments they know they can't win and address only supporting details with arguments that don't refute your main point; by doing this they keep you wasting your time by proving each small instance of pilpul wrong one at a time.
This faggot avoided addressing the primary argument of two different anons twice:
And many more cases ITT.
In the above he merely states that it is possible for an action to have an ameliorative effect: Something that cannot be denied but does not prove or support his false arguments. The retard that responded to him didn't pick up on that either.

>> No.21285275

>most of these phenomenons occur purely from coincidence
They do not, they occur by specific design.
>merely your personal opinion
No, it's the truth.
What are you even trying to say? He was just another idiot.

>> No.21285282

If anons were smart they would use it and run with it for their own gains and goals instead of bitching and "think of the children" pearlclutching like cat ladies and soccer moms.

>> No.21285286

Would you be willing to denounce the Talmud for me anon?

>> No.21285292
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The Jewish question (and more importantly that entire train of xenophobic, racist and tribal thought) being ironically just another one of those happy and easily exploitable coincidences that many use for their own personal benefit and very few manage as a tool of controlled opposition.

>> No.21285300

The trans promotion mass movement is Jewish through and through, as are many deep social evils. The Jewish state and it's influence on the US is also the direct cause of numerous unnecessary wars destructive to human life.

>> No.21285305

I have never read it because I'm not Jewish. Anyways you can literally just pretend to be a tranny on twitter, get a mass cult following and be able to get away with almost anything for a long time while promoting right wing thought like one of our actually smart guys did

>> No.21285320

Who are you referring to? What "right-wing" thought are you looking to see promoted?

And okay you won't denounce the Talmud. That's interesting.

>> No.21285321

You retarded faggots are going down a conspiracy instead of refuting transgender ideology with far simpler arguments. That's how they fuck with you. They cannot win unless they entice you to argue about something that cannot be proven.

>> No.21285324
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And you need to understand money and moral bankruptcy begets more of its ilk, religion be damned, and the Zionist state exists exactly due to corruption bred by money which in itself was bred by fulfilling the intrinsic needs and desires of the equally morally bankrupt but not as intellectually or economically gifted "goyim". You cannot contain these "societal evils" -- if it weren't Jews, it'd be someone else ready right there to exploit them.
It's almost a shame you seem so confused. Blame Zion if you want, but your purported evil runs much deeper than you realize. Instead of being stuck right where you are crying again and again about narratives fed to you by the same media that seeks to exploit you you could try facing and talking the truth, for once.
Stop playing the blame game, face the facts, educate yourself and others and make the world a better place, for fucking Christ.

>> No.21285327

Does it bother you that people demand you call them by their name?

>> No.21285333

Do you remember someone's name without first wanting, or having a need to?

>> No.21285339

I agree that money is a prime motivator for many involved.
>You cannot contain these "societal evils" -- if it weren't Jews, it'd be someone else ready right there to exploit them.
You can contain them with real education and a state that functions to help it's citizens prosper rather than doing everything in its power to purposely, and incidentally by profit motive, destroy and weaken them in every single area of life.
>Blame Zion if you want, but your purported evil runs much deeper than you realize.
I blame Jews as one component. I also blame literal demons as I'm religious.
>Instead of being stuck right where you are crying again and again about narratives fed to you by the same media that seeks to exploit you you could try facing and talking the truth, for once.
Alright what's to be faced, what truth is to be spoken, and what solution to you see? What facts are you speaking of, and what should I educate myself on?

>> No.21285341

If a white person self-identifies as black, should the world be forced to call them black? Oh sure, they may not really be black and subject to all the cultural histories, but at the end of the day we're just trying to make them feel better, right?
It's a fucking retarded game.

>> No.21285345

There are certainly people in my life who I have no interest in learning their name. Only referring to them by pointing, saying "hey you!" or making eye contact before speaking. But further, when you refer to someone, you need to know either their name or their pronouns, so I don't really understand what you're getting at.

>> No.21285346

Well there actually is a conspiracy to promote mass transgender movements. The truth is unpopular.
>you cannot win
We will.

But I'm all ears. What far simpler and effective arguments do you recommend?

>> No.21285358

Also lol
>equally morally bankrupt but not as intelligent goyim
Being evil isn't intelligent. Jews are the stupidest people on the planet. It's pretty clear where your resistance to everything I'm saying is coming from.

Care to denounce the Talmud, fellow gentile?

>> No.21285360

What I'm getting at is that it's a free choice that's being transgressed. Pronouns tend to be easily derived from a mere look at the subject, so you're also messing with that person's very outlook on the world and its nexus to their linguistic ability and understanding.

>> No.21285376

But remember, these people were raised on the internet. You cannot know my pronouns by looking at me, even though I am cis, because you cannot look at me. So I have the opportunity here to tell you whether I am a man or a woman, whether I'd prefer to be referred to as a man or a woman. And you will simply have to believe me, as you simply have to believe people when they tell you their name. This is the outlook the children have. On the internet, their identity can be completely constructed, not simply parts of it. So they take that internet identity, and try to push it into real life. That is, at least, how I see it. Their understanding comes from the context of self creation.

>> No.21285382

Participating in their delusions does harm to them and to others who may pursue a more serious "transition."

>> No.21285394

>Jew jew jew jew
Please stop with the schizophrenia already or at least keep it contained in /pol/

>> No.21285395
File: 1.43 MB, 1885x3690, FiGEantVQAEk7U9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back to the beginning. Focus on the facts, not your psychotically charged conspirational narratives or your emotionally irrelevant outlooks on morality. Talking about the Jews makes you look like a psycho. Talking about the body horror of transitioning and the psychological issues that come from an inoculated disassociation from bodily reality does, but slightly less so. You might have a point. You're not screaming about God's chosen people or whatever insane narrative you're peculiarly fond of.
Just know no one is going to pay attention to you when you sound like this, other than an atomized and radicalized bubble of equally deranged fuckups.
This is a very interesting take. I always thought entertaining ideas of hyperreality being this widespread, even in discourse, was pretty condescending to zoomers.

>> No.21285398

Jewish. Look up "Yeshiva University Gay Club." They recently compromised after months

>> No.21285402

The facts are what I've been saying throughout the thread.
>talking about the jews makes you look like a psycho
And yet it's central to the truth of the issue.
>no one will pay attention to you, you're a loser, you're a fuckup
Alright rabbi. Whether people will pay attention to the truth or not, it still has to be expressed.

>> No.21285404

The real conspiracy is blaming Jews for the weakness, degeneracy and lack of accountability on the part of white men

>> No.21285411
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No. Now what?

>> No.21285416

Many non-Jews are evil and complicit as well. What is your point?

>> No.21285421

>Condescending to zoomers
No, I don't think less of them for it, I think they were thrust upon this world in the era of smartphones and have had to adapt. That is why they see images as messages and not artifacts. They take pictures to speak, not to remember. They order their social circles around group texts and exclude people who would make the technological experience worse (ask an apple user about being in a group text with Android users) it's not just videogames anymore. Gossip in classes formulates around what was posted online. Common jokes derive from popular memes. People can even sense what your primary internet source is, be that Instagram, twitter, reddit, 4chan, or discord. They all have lingo, style, and character. Yes there are some who are trying to push back and reject this, but they become alienated or they end up relenting and it becomes a part of their online identity. These kids have no choice but to participate or be left behind. So they participate, innovate, and create. And part of this innovation is the reinvention of irl identity. Sooner or later I suspect people's "real name" will be their chosen handle, and their given name will become the formality. Hell, give it a few generations and I suspect surnames to become obsolete vestigial parts of yesteryear.

>> No.21285428

You are speaking at great length to make this issue about harmless "internet identities" relating to preferred pronouns. The reality is many people take their transitions further than that and this widespread social promotion of genderfluidity and transgenderism supports that directly.

>> No.21285429
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>Alright rabbi
I mean it. You're falling for the worst of tricks: the ones in which your screaming to the void can be easily dismissed as the rants of an irrational being full of hatred. What is the truth good for if it's not made understandable and widespread?
This is an actual tool of control those in power set up to keep the machine innocuous and well-oiled. The radicalization of narratives and their easy dismissal is something they've been doing since they first learned the trick worked back in WW2. In ignorance, you're falling for the oldest trick in Bernay's book.

>> No.21285437

The internet identity and it's transferral onto real life identity is the only aspect that interests me anon. I don't wanna talk about the thing you wanna talk about. I don't like the psychic damage it does to me to try to untangle these problems that seem to move forward without my consent. When it comes to those things I concern myself with my friends and family and have found myself in like company. If I become part of a countercultural microbubble then so be it. But I don't care to engage with you about physiological modification, I'd prefer to talk of the phenomenology of having the internet as an additional parent.

>> No.21285440

Will you or won't you denounce the Talmud in writing?
>don't you see, pointing to one of the deepest root sources of the evil just makes you easy to dismiss by those conditioned for their entire development by that evil!!!
I really don't care. The truth is the truth, and the truth is the entire issue we're discussing now is kiked to the gills.

Jazz Jennings, Barbara Walters, et al

>> No.21285442

>But I don't care to engage with you about physiological modification
This is connected to the preferred pronouns issue whether you like it or not.

>> No.21285445

>What is the truth good for if it's not made understandable and widespread?
The truth of the matter is that a very anomalous percentage of Jews are involved. You say, repeatedly, that uttering such a statement will see me dismissed as a lunatic. How, then, is this truth to be made understandable and widespread?
A jew, like Freud. Both worthless.

>> No.21285449

Yes but see, I am looking further up the river. You are complaining about the cholera in the village.

>> No.21285452

Alright to maintain the metaphor, what do you see up the river and how do you see it curing the cholera I'm concerned with?

>> No.21285458

SOMEONE'S SHITTING IN THE WATER. We should investigate who is, what they're shitting, and why they did it.
Hence, the phenomenology of internet identity should be untangled and the source identified. And if the problem uncovered is fixable, we should look at ways to mitigate it's effects.

>> No.21285460

The truth of the matter is you're a tool of the Jew yourself and don't even know it, thinking you're fighting an imaginary Jewish conspiracy by making retrograde arguments on the internet

>> No.21285466

Who's shitting in the water and why? I know who it is.
How can I be a tool of the Jew if there exists no Jewish bloc of negative cultural influence? But it's very obvious who I'm speaking to so my replies are only for the benefit of other anons. You're despicable Mr. "Evil doesn't exist don't use that word." And you're ridiculous. Take care of your soul.

>> No.21285475

Man I was hoping when I saw the reply count there'd be a hehe epic 4chan post with 25 replies but this thread about trannies really just goes on and on. Disgusting.

>> No.21285487

>what happens when a retard reads Nietzsche for the first time

>> No.21285493

More like a casuist deploying what he thinks are "strong arguments" in the interest of deflecting from the true evil of what's happening and who the real perpetrators are. He is an idiot for sure, though.

>> No.21285501
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Trannies keep seething, filling it with fecal matter and pretending these are valid arguments.

>> No.21285536

>NOBODY has posted the disgusting passages from this book in this thread
Holy fuck you’re all obsessed

>> No.21285540

You didn't read my post.

Why is it a big deal to call an adult by pronouns of a different gender?

>> No.21285548

Yes I did. This isn't an issue on which there can be any compromise.

>> No.21285550

>Who's shitting
Presumably, as you seem to know who and why, you are referring to a grand They. The all powerful Other. Be it an antisemitic, overly partizan, xenophobic, or overly nationalistic distinction, you seem to have found Them to be the problem. I presume you suppose the goal is subversion and dissolution of western culture, the United States, traditional values, the familial structure, or some other end of days desire. Call me out if I am strawmanning here, but perhaps a deeper understanding of the issue will give us hints.
We seem to have identified the cholera, and we know that there's shit upstream, but the precise nature of the feces will tell us a bit about what creature produced it. Let me posit the nature, and the species of animal.
I believe that the cause is not globohomo, but rather it is the unintentional waste of the spirit of progress. Allow me to explain. Progress, while commonly seen as a 'virtuistic Good' (mind the neologism, I don't know the proper word) has given birth to many things. Our interest lies in affects of identity, and I surmise the internet, in combination to it's easy and constant access, is one primary culprit. These two are children of progress, no? And who adores progress? Those who adores influence, be that money or political power. Now you may attribute it to some villain but perhaps it is worth considering an alternative. If you accept what I have said, that progress is the source of the shit, then we should look to mitigate it. Regress seems favorable as the antithesis of progress, but widespread adoption is not foreseeable. I posit that sustenance is the Good. Progress attempts to solve problems, but often it makes more dire ones in its place.
Here you may accuse me of being a communist, or a socialist, or some other demon of economy. But one problem that Marx introduced that I find to be a very dire problem, is the assumption of progress as Good. No extant post industrial economic system is one which rejects it, at least none that have gained adoption. There is an unfortunate peril here as well, I think we have identified. It seems that Progress is much more powerful than Sustenance. If I only break even and you end up in the black, you have that many more resources to overpower me. If you desire to see an example of sustenance vs progress, consider the appearance of the Spanish to central Mexico. Aztecan society was not perfect, but they had achieved a level of technology, then seemed to have slowed their Progress. While the Spanish had superior metals and easily overtook their obsidian war implements.
Hmm, I do believe I must think more on this, but I would like your reaction as well.

>> No.21285589

Why not?

>> No.21285600

Well my first reaction is you should write a little more naturally and a little less pompously.
>omg you're blaming the ooooother
I'm blaming the people who largely perpetrate the mass push towards transgenderism being seen as a great and moral thing and who target children as well as adults. The former is a grave crime.
I've already shown how Jews are involved. It is factual and trackable, not some demented fiction.

>> No.21285603

Because it's evil to mutilate peoples bodies through surgery while selling them false promises about how this will improve their lives. The evil is 100fold when children are the direct targets and they are from both pharmaceuticals and propaganda.

Any more questions stupid misguided fool?

>> No.21285610

Can you provide evidence that this is a widespread thing? Because in my experience it's not, at all.

As a matter of fact it's illegal in most parts of the world and most US states for underage kids to get surgeries like those unless they have a genital deformity, and it's illegal for underage kids to get hormone treatment, only ultraliberal states allow minors to take puberty blockers (which I agree is a bad thing).

The most degenerate thing I've witnessed is people who illegally sell hormones to kids (which again, I hope the people doing that die painfully), but there isn't any systematic push to do this, there are no trannies in any children cartoon that I'm aware of, and gay characters are heavily resisted by companies. Only on social media do they pay ocassional lip service to queers.

>> No.21285612

Also let me ask you why you think reddit banned the sub neovaginadisasters?

>> No.21285628

>direct evidence
You can find many examples of young women who have their breasts removed (13, 14 years old) in "transaffirming surgeries" to which they should not legally be able to consent.
>only ultraliberal states allow puberty blockers
There's more to the world than the United States, but anywhere allowing for puberty blockers as a transaffirmation procedure to be given to very young children is already far too much. Remember, we want to stop this from spreading.
When I was in high-school (I'm 31) the number of trans kids and people I knew was 0. Such a thing was totally unheard of. In the past few years I have met many trans individuals and many who I'd say are borderline trans. There is noone with any internet literacy who doesn't know what trans means and it's promoted all over the place all the time.

>> No.21285638


Instagram page of one Dr who proudly removes the breasts of very young girls. I cant scroll down to find it because I don't have an Instagram account but she's pictured in a very famous image alongside a zippered 13 year old Asian girl whose arms are covered in self harm scars. Browse to your hearts delight.

>> No.21285655

>Gallagher frequently posts photographs and memes on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram as a way to connect with hundreds of thousands of young followers, and gains most of her patients through social media.

>'Yeet the teets' doctor reported to Biden's FTC for promoting breast removal surgery to minors

>A surgeon who performs bilateral mastectomies on healthy teenage girls and who markets her services via TikTok and Instagram has been reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for alleged false promotion of services to minors, reports the Irish Independent.

>Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher runs the Gallagher Plastic Surgery clinic in Miami, Florida, where she removes the healthy breasts of girls as young as thirteen who believe themselves to be boys. She regularly promotes this service on social media using the hashtags Yeet the Teets or Teetus Deleetus to appeal to her large, mostly adolescent, following. She has said that most of her patients, both teenage and adult, found her via TikTok.

Now, we can argue over how widespread this really is but it's sort of missing the point. The trajectory is concerning and do you want to see more of this or less of it? Do you think it's good that no educator is permitted to tell children under their charge that this is, in fact, the exact opposite of affirming and healthy?

>> No.21285656

Almost nobody "mutilates their body". Most transgender people do not get any sort of surgery.

>> No.21285662

It's definitely not almost nobody. Many trans people have received horrifying surgeries that permanently destroyed healthy, functional, intimate, and essential parts of their bodies. I have met several people who have gotten their breasts removed and although I don't know anyone personally who has a neovagina or neopenis those surgeries both happen with frequency. Don't minimize this because your university professor lied to you.

>> No.21285674

Good book.

>> No.21285678

>There's no systematic push there's no trans kids shows, etc
I think the systematic push is pretty obvious when it comes to university curriculum bit here's a very popular television program created by some lovely Jews that certainly promotes it, and despite this anon here claiming "nearly nobody" gets any form of surgery we have a well documented case of just that in the show's horribly manipulated and tortured protagonist

And those drag queen story times aren't just a pol meme. They happen in real life all over the place.

>> No.21285692

Everyone involved in producing this show should be hanged from the neck until dead! The doctors too.

>> No.21285727

I apologize for my writing style, I am high on Adderall and this is how I structure my arguments. Your response isn't much of a response however, so I wonder if you took what I said seriously.
I don't browse reddit, though it may seem like I do, but based on that sentence alone I guess that the sub was home to gore, nasty stories, and transphobia. The former and latter likely as to why. As far as I know, reddit has a pretty liberal meta-character. One that finds disgust in such things.

>> No.21285730

I did not particularly take what you said seriously. I found it to be very stupid and I explained how the issue really stands.

>> No.21285738

However your refutation was that my writing style wasn't up to your standards. So I see no common ground that we can stand upon to discuss this further. You've identified nothing in what I've said that you disagree with.

>> No.21285740


Is it really anecdotal? I can point to the entirety of children cartoons currently on TV and say for a fact they don't have any transgender characters and that it's a huge deal anytime they even have a homosexual character who are barely allowed to show they are homosexual on screen.

>There's more to the world than the US

I am aware, I'm not american, and notwithstanding African or minor Asian countries where it's obviously illegal, most of South America and Europe also have fairly restrictive laws in this regard.

I scrolled down to last year and saw nobody who couldn't realistically be 18. Nonetheless, I will believe you, but breast reduction surgery is something women can request for any reason, this is obviously in a legal gray area. I was talking specifically about genital surgery, I can also assure you that any minor that went trough surgery with that woman needed to provide consent from their legal guardians.

But more than that, 1 or even a handful of clinics doing this isn't proof of systematic pressure to do it, at most it's proof of negligence in the way the US regulates their healthcare providers. Something that I know is truth because minors can buy estrogen from dubious Brazilian manufacturers without any issues.

I was talking about pushing it to kids, kids don't go to college, and I doubt that many kids watch that shitty show you posted.

Also just because there is 1 shitty show on some network with a trans character, it doesn't really mean much when there's hundreds of shows on TV right now that don't have any.

>> No.21285742

I didn't only take issue with your writing style. Please read the posts fully before responding.
>You've identified nothing in what I've said that you disagree with.
You simply wrote a bunch of crap. I don't agree with any of it.

>> No.21285750

Either open your mind to viewpoints other than screaming at Jews 24/7 or go back to /pol/, your choice.

>> No.21285754

>is it really anecdotal
You misread my post. I listed 3 types of evidence I had to present and one of them was anecdotal which means my experience with this growing trend throughout my own life.
>but breast reduction surgery is something women can request for any reason
Now you're being absurdly disingenuous. Were you blind to all of the trans paraphernalia and how most of these cases were specifically done in order to affirm ones transition? Yes, women can elect to have their breasts reduced or removed for various potentially medical reasons (breast cancer is a big one) but we're specifically discussing trans affirmation procedures which are not undertaken out of medical necessity.
>I can also assure you that any minor that went trough surgery with that woman needed to provide consent from their legal guardians.
So what? The guardians are clearly out to lunch themselves. In America millions of baby boys are circumcised. This is also malpractice, no matter what the guardian says.
>Also just because there is 1 shitty show on some network with a trans character, it doesn't really mean much when there's hundreds of shows on TV right now that don't have any.
It means a great deal when such a disgusting and evil show would have been seen for what it was even a few decades ago. I want to see this trend ended before it gets worse.

>> No.21285760

How about I do whatever I want while making perfectly on-topic posts in a thread about an issue I care about. I mention Jews because they're important to the conversation, but they're not all I'm speaking about. I don't believe this doctor is Jewish, for example:

>> No.21285765

>agree with my turgid, poorly written, nonsense or go away, your choice
l o l

>> No.21285768

Looking at your post again it seems that you agree that I haven't strawmanned and that you agree that you are anti-Semitic. I argue that they aren't directly pushing for transgender politics, but rather they are inadvertently pushing towards it in the name of progress. What does Our Greatest Ally gain by destabilizing and ruining the social structure and thus the GDP of the United States?

>> No.21285777

They want to create a world of people with no history or ethnic purpose, no real families, limited (severely) health and access to information beyond what they strictly control.

>> No.21285782

And what will that accomplish?

>> No.21285786

Blurring what it means to be a man or a woman helps them continue to erode masculinity, for example, and getting every man woman and child hooked on pharmaceuticals is certainly a goal they're progressing towards nicely. Everything that weakens people, they promote incessantly.

>> No.21285790

Don't forget to vote for heckin based redpilled Trump in 2024 so he can save us from the evil Jewish deep state exactly like how he did in 2016 anon!!!

>> No.21285791

A small ethnically homogenous group will be unchallenged in power. The extremely small ruling global elite will not have to fear uprising and will exert total control on the populace. Come on anon, are you really asking why a mafia tyranny might exist? It's quite normal. A small amount of people want literally everything.

Now, as I said before, I am also religious and I believe this is the work of demonic impulses exerting their influence on the world as well.

>> No.21285794

He did not do that and no elected president ever will. The entire process is rigged.

Why mention this though? Ah, right, disingenuousness, of course.

>> No.21285798

It´s doctors who decide con treatments like that

>> No.21285801

And hey what's with the no check? That's my 3rd trips now! You gotta checkem anon it's the law of the land.

>> No.21285807

"traditional masculinity" what the hell is that

>> No.21285809

>You misread my post
It appears I did, sorry. In reply to your anecdote: Yes, the internet is a place where LGBT stuff are discussed a lot, but that isn't out of some systematic push for it, it's out of the fact that there's tons of LGBT people online posting content made by them for them.

>You're being disingenuous

How? Breast reduction surgery is something women can request without any medical reasons, they can do it because they find their breasts uncomfortable even. Obviously those people aren't doing it for that reason, but that's the reason why it's legal to do it in the first place.

As for your last point about the show, I think you clearly give too much importance to someone very few people have probably watched, and something that has likely not influenced anybody to transition, nor does it seem to accurately depict a trans experience.

I would also say without replying to anyone in particular that women who transition to males get breast reduction surgery very often because breasts are really hard to hide.

>> No.21285813

Lit is such a board of morons

>> No.21285814

Like soldiers and cops and lumberjacks and shit

>> No.21285820

Acting like niggers. That's /pol/'s entire complex. White people don't act like niggers anymore.

>> No.21285828

My anecdotal evidence applied to people I've met in real life. Please actually read the post.
>how is it disingenuous
I sent you a link to one practicing doctor who specializes in transaffitmation surgeries, you responded by flooping over to "well some women pursue breast reduction" (not at all the same thing as full removal by the way) or removal for, usually, cancer scares.
>you give too much importance to the show
It's one show. I don't have the time to find and link you every single example of this becoming widespread but it is growing more and more widespread all the time and I've charted it over a period of just a few years.

>> No.21285834

And very specifically specializes in performing these surgeries on minors.

>> No.21285855
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>there isn't some sort of systematic push for it
There is in schools from k-university

And there is in publishing and kids sections of book stores around the world


Pic related is a screen grab of a very long list of material promoting a very radical ideology

>> No.21285876

your pay is going to be seriously docked for how bad you're fucking up this shift

>> No.21285885
File: 148 KB, 750x909, 1659394139795092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre all awful aren't they!

>> No.21285890

You specifically mentioned internet literacy being a factor in your IRL contacts being aware of transgender stuff.

>You responded by flooping over to breast surgery
Yes, because my original post talked about how it's illegal to give sex changing surgery to children, I admittedly didn't remember breast removal surgery existed so I didn't clarify, so because of my mistake this doctor was then brought up, and I replied by saying that what that doctor does (almost certainly) exists in a legal gray area because it's legal for minors to have breast removed or reduced with parental consent without any specific medical condition.

Either way, as I said, a handful of clinics doing it is more proof of negligence than the Jews or whatever purposely pushing for it.

>I don't have time to find and link every single example

I cannot think of a single show for children on TV with an openly trans character in it.
>Teen titans GO
>We bare bears
>Peppa pig
>Owl house (has gay characters but no trannies)
>Craig from the creek (I think has gay character?)
>The Loud House

That's what's currently on my cable programming list, and none of them has any tranny characters. Not that I'd mind if there were any, but it's silly to think the elites support this, it's literally common knowledge that Disney and Warner Brothers and most media companies aren't fond of making LGBT media, and that even the few ocassional gay characters are a gigantic struggle to get on screen.


Kansas university? Either way, again kids don't go to college.

As for books existing for LGBT kids, I don't see that as a systematic push, I bring up TV because kids will have TV shows pushed on them, books are something parents have to specifically give to kids.

>> No.21285915

>You specifically mentioned internet literacy being a factor in your IRL contacts being aware of transgender stuff.
I did not. I said anyone with basic internet literacy today knows all about this trana phenomenon and that wasn't the case up until relatively recently.
>the legality of the procedures
I don't care if they're legal, they are evil and unnecessary, just like circumcision which is also perfectly legal but should not be unless there's real medical need which is very rare.
>I cannot think of a single show for kids with trans characters
Neither can I but I don't watch any of them.
>kindergarten to university
>Either way, again kids don't go to college.
But they go to kindergarten. And I never said this push was only aimed at children. I said that aiming this at children is more evil than aiming it at adults.
>as for thousands of kids books being published promoting transgenderism and genderfluidity, I don't see that as a systematic push
I don't care what you think. I am posting this to make a very strong argument that this is a strongly increasing trend, many aspects of which are specifically tailored towards children and which these books provide evidence for, which puberty blockers provide evidence for, which double mastectomies performed on 13 year old girls provide evidence for. Whether you bury your foolish head in the sand or continue to misread my posts doesn't bother me. You are just one person and a rather stupid and foolish though obstinate one.

>> No.21285930
File: 628 KB, 2380x4096, 4chan soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is fundamentally about women emulating traditional male behavior, aesthetics and personas. This has expanded the tax and working base to such an extent that being against women acting like men such as going into the workforce would be considered a threat to any economy.

It shouldn't really surprise anyone that the inverse is happening to males as they become homebodies due to social and economic displacement: men emulating traditionally female behavior, aesthetics and personas. This is why the gamers have been influenced first they're the homebody men preforming traditionally female social roles of being housekeepers, servants and community organizers.
For these feminine men it is clear to them being the symbol of a young woman is of higher value and social status than homebody men who are seen as useless idiots which are of negative value. But the reality is, these men are the byproduct of generations of social engineering and marketing of values-- they never really had much choice but were dealt a strange handle they played poorly just as many women are forced to enter the workforce due to economic pressure.

But the trannies of today are how many people viewed bra burners and jean wearing women 60 years ago: degenerate. No one will really care in 60 years if a man wears a dress or make up it's swept up other freedom of form philosophies and humans become more androgynous.

We'll have questions on what even being a human is.

t. uncle

>> No.21285932

>Yes, because my original post talked about how it's illegal to give sex changing surgery to children, I admittedly didn't remember breast removal surgery existed so I didn't clarify, so because of my mistake this doctor was then brought up, and I replied by saying that what that doctor does (almost certainly) exists in a legal gray area because it's legal for minors to have breast removed or reduced with parental consent without any specific medical condition.
I suppose admitting you were mistaken and thanking me for providing you with proof of that would be ridiculous? Clearly you have made up your mind that this can't be an issue, and that's fine, I've made up my mind that it is a very substantial and evil issue. I'd just rather not deal with the backtracking and goalpost moving
>this unthinkably disgusting Jewish produced TV program isn't proof of anything!
>these thousands of children's books aren't proof of anything!
>these thousands of double mastectomies aren't proof of anything!
>every single corporation and university promoting this isn't proof of anything!
>p-puberty blockers for kids are only legal in some places... that isn't proof of anything!
So what would be proof of something?
>Uh if a kids show has trans character
Well anon the problem is going to get worse so I'm sure in a few years there will be plenty of examples of that for you to totally dismiss!

You are a silly silly person. I hope you see the light.

>> No.21285950

These numbers don't support that transitioning reduces suicide attempts, or that identifying as transgender reduces suicide attempts. It shows that if you can convince society you're not a delusional retard then you'll feel less likely to commit suicide for being a delusional retard. It supports the opposite of what you're saying. You're claiming transitioning saves lives and that it's a treatment for gender dysphoria, while your data says transitioning is irrelevant. You just need to feel accepted to not want to commit suicide.

Well hot damn if that ain't a revelation. People who don't commit suicide feel accepted. So the solution is to drink the kool-aid and believe transwomen are real women. Sorry, bud, not happening. I'm not compromising my beliefs because you personally feel like an outcast piece of shit due to your own mental illness.

>> No.21285968

>hrt after 25
I bet you think that's a nice middle ground concession. Are you aware that unnatural hormone imbalance in estrogen/testosterone for men and women results in cancer? Don't you reddit atheists always cry about how God is so fucking evil for allowing cancer in babies? So why the fuck aren't you an evil piece of shit for condoning that medical providers willingly give cancer to patients through hrt?

>> No.21285973

You can't stop the march of progress, a trannie will rape your children and it'll be everything

>> No.21285974

You seem mad. I just don't think hrt before 25 is appropriate because it literally retards your brain. If you are so concerned about cancer, why do you live somewhere that has cars?

>> No.21285984

contradicting yourself there

>> No.21286009
File: 867 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221121-141915_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Nice demon chatter though. Get help
It's literally never appropriate.

>> No.21286172

Why would Jews be pushing transgenderism? What would they have to gain from it?

>> No.21286179

Whether they gain or don't they are bloodline cursed and demon possessed.

>> No.21286192
File: 27 KB, 254x392, Nevada_Binnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool literature board, guys.

Anyway this one's better. The cliffhanger ending actually works and isn't a shitty cop-out

>> No.21286196

Unironically this

>> No.21286204

>widespread social issues are incompatible with discussing literature

>> No.21286316

>tranny has no reply
>just spams a tranny book
Who hurt you Edward?

>> No.21286562

replies elsewhere on this board rocketed in quality while this thread was up, wonder why