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21284452 No.21284452 [Reply] [Original]

>It is the religion whose book - the Quran - will remained preserved and unchanged, after the other Divine books and messages have been changed. The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it.

>> No.21284502

if shitslam was good, it wouldnt only produce hellish 3rd world countries that fail against israel with 1000 to 1 odds
simple as
muslims cant produce a fucking candy bar, let alone cars or pharmaceuticals or semiconductors or aerospace products like actual civilized countries

>> No.21284566


>> No.21284589

islam is literally some gay shit the pope made up

>> No.21284591

You can blame Genghis for that. The fact is he manage to BTFO an entire region so hard they haven't even recovered 800 years later is a remarkable achievment

>> No.21284644

Religion isn't the cause of their low IQ.

>> No.21284795

i spent several years learning arabic to read the qur'an. its the same, just you can appreciate rhymes more. but the meaning is the same. it was dissapointing.

>> No.21284856

The Qur’an has an extremely simple rhyming structure that is on the same tier as ‘the fat cat ate the rat’. This is particularly noticeable in Surahs such as 113, 114, 1, etc. The Medinan surahs are even lazier, usually rhyming endings with sounds like -in, or -un, or just lazily sticking in ‘Allah is the most wise’ at the end of a section to make it rhyme in Arabic. Muhammad used a type of rhyme called saj’ used by Arabian pagan soothsayers to convey his Jewish / Christian heresy.

>> No.21284864

IQ is not entirely genetic. Environmental and cultural causes contribute too. Islam encourages incest, fornication, pedophilia and many other dysgenic behaviors, which leads to lower IQ

>> No.21285344

This life is a test and the real reward (or punishment) comes hereafter. Your argument is ridiculous because it is based in materialism. None of the countries that attacked Israel had Sharia law by the way. Looking forward to your cope.

>> No.21285384

I really don't know how they can make the claim that other divine books have been corrupted. We have a solid picture of when different pieces of the bible were written and which are by the same/different sources and where that does not line up with the narrative the bible (and the Quran) presents.
We also keep discovering older and older textual sources. Before standardization, variation in biblical stories was no greater than it was before the standardization of the written Quran under Uthman. It was mostly just small variations in grammar/wording.
I don't have a problem with Islam other than that claim of theirs. If they did not slander my faith and my God (they aren't the same, Muzzies), I would leave theirs be as well.

>> No.21285393

I have read it in arabic it's very mid. I like it because I like the sort of abrahmic iconography but it's very stupid besides that and less poetic than psalms or the bible. t. arab

>> No.21285397

>let alone cars or pharmaceuticals or semiconductors or aerospace products like actual civilized countries
Good. Technological-industrial society was the biggest cancer in this world. Go and worship your unholy Trinity of the Dollar, Economic Growth, and Market Economic, snow nigger Faustian trash.
Slit your fucking throat.
I wish the Safavids allied with the Ottomans and slaughtered every single last European so that way the world would have never industrialized, destroying unpercendented amounts of biodiversity.

>> No.21285424 [DELETED] 
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See for yourself

>> No.21285427

>can't even get past slovenia

>> No.21285451

It doesn't matter anymore because everyone is industrialized and the world is doomed for disaster. Industrialization was the biggest error in all of history. Now we have countries like Pakistan with nukes as they procreate at an alarming rate.
What even was the point of industrialization, which began in Britain? It doesn't even truly lead to a fulfilling life and all it does is destroy the natural world.
There is no way that Euroshits came up with this anti-life stuff on their own. There had to been something else like occult forces or extraterrestrials. The end goal of the technological industrial is the enslavement and/or destruction of all life.
Species going extinct isn't something to laugh about. You've snow nigger have basically turned Original Sin into a reality where there is justifiable reason to feel guilt over the destruction of the Earth.
The minds of human beings are meant for organization dependent technologies. They just procreate like a manic breeding species without the genetic winnowing from high infant mortality.
Slit your fucking throat, Faustian snow nigger filth. I care about more about the threatened birds than I do about any other people, including my own. I just like to see dead people like Linkola.
I hope trucks of peace kill more of your ugly smelly children. I hope all of humanity endures famines, bloodbaths, and more in the future. Eat shit, snow nigger.

>> No.21285459

To this, of which I haven't read a single word, I can only say: have sex.

>> No.21285473

>I haven't read a single word
I doubt you morons have even read any fucking literature, especially deeply. I've been reading so much lately.
>have sex.
Slit your fucking throat, hedonistic faggot.
Not a single positive thing has come from "progress".

>> No.21285478

I'm utterly amazed at how low IQ everyone in this thread is.

>> No.21285488


>> No.21285492

refer to >>21284864

>> No.21285500

>low IQ
Good. Not a single positive thing has come from reason, abstractions, or concepts. Klages has it right.
Now slit your fucking throat.
I have some fucking reading to do unlike pseuds such as you. A single moment of pain from me is worth lifetimes of blood from insentient, robotized, and devitalized garbage like you.
Your obsession with the discursive mind will be your undoing. You do not have a single glimmer of an inward lighter. You're deader than a fucking Ligottian puppet.
If it were legally permissible, then I would show you worlds of pain you cannot imagine.
Shut the fuck up, you stupid pseudointellectual garbage faggot. A SINGLE word from me is far more insightful than the entirety of your pathetic inherently meaningless life. Just jump off the nearest cliff and redeem yourself in hell.

>> No.21285514

it's giving "incel"

>> No.21285530

So many mammals and birds are going extinct from man-induced actions, and you motherfuckers are always thinking about yourselves. It's always humanity this, humanity that, race this, race that. You are all the same fucking trash.
I am an avatar of the gods. There is no way I am a human being. I renouncer my humanity long ago. Even the Buddhist sutras that an enlightened individual transcends humanity. IQ and all your trash mean nothing when applied to someone of unfathomable grandeur, and I say none of you deserve to exist. Redeem yourselves with a knife to your throats.
I am sick and tired of you morons with your obsession with the discursive mind or your shitty ass race that paved the way towards the earth destruction with organization dependent technologies and market economy. Damn your unholy Trinity of the dollar, economic growth and market economy.
I'm just tired of you hypocritical garbage thinkers. Being civil is insufficient now. I have realized this, that the point of argumentation and debate is over. Kill yourselves and take your whole wretched families with you.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.21285616

>said from his computer, which he'll never stop using
Go live a tech-free life in Afghanistan if you really want to make a statement. Until then, shut the fuck up you frustrated, pussy virgin.
Or better yet, kill yourself for your faggot birds and let them feed on you.

>> No.21285631
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If the miracle of the Quran is God's word was finally written down, why didn't they write it down immediately? The whole era of the prophet should've had a bunch of scribes following around Mohammed. Why depends on human memory for decades instead of just dictating the whole book to scribes in one go? (Like the Mormons did.)

>> No.21285747

True, Islam encourages this.
Islam forbids this.
How is that dysgenic?

>> No.21285767

No. It isn't.

>> No.21285772

>t. athiestlet

>> No.21285783

based. ted was right

>> No.21285803

Why be angry Islambro? The state of the world is so far past what anyone could do to mend it. Give up

>> No.21285861

It’s a religion thread, what do you expect?

>> No.21285893
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>Slit your fucking throat.
>Slit your fucking throat
Slit your fucking throat
>Now slit your fucking throat.

Islam means peace.

>> No.21285924

I fucking hate Islam too, illiterate faggot. I just hate technophiles a little bit more, that's it. Technophiles are a sickness from your culture spreading everywhere.
If I HAVE to pick between a goat-fucking Arab Muslim or a pasty-looking technophile snow nig, then I have to go with the Arab. Eat shit.
"Give me goats, no destructive computers." - Abdulla
I can respect this Abdulla more than your vile Musks and autistic worshipers of abstractions.

>> No.21285939

Muslims don't care about nature. They're depraved lunatics. The only positive is they're too retarded and inbred to ever industrialize, and that's why they're superior to you.
You morons made reason, abstractions, and the discursive mind into idols. In the process you've destroyed the whole world and yourselves. You people are a fucking joke. Do you realize how dangerous the future is? Brain-cloud interfaces, stratospheric aerosol injection, continual catastrophic loss of biodiversity, genetic engineering - it's time you snow nigs stop and help de-industrialize the entire world based on the plan of someone like David Skrbina. That or just wait out the mass extinction where we all die.

>> No.21285993

There is no hope of 'de-industrialization'. The only path towards a better global future is the adoption of unconditional love and respect for the free will of the other. If we loved each other and such the future problems you're talking about will not occur, though the technology for them would still exist. That's the only solution. Unfortunately, such a thing cannot be forced or enforced and therefore we can only work on ourselves.

>> No.21286000

the quran is mostly poetry, and quite good poetry at that. this is why it is most widely read in arabic because it looses a lot of that appeal when not read in arabic.

>> No.21286005

myanmar is a weird country

>> No.21286044

>islam is literally some gay shit the pope made up
Go away Ted

>> No.21286110

The technological-industrial order is semi-autonomous and cannot be reigned by all-embracing love. The technological-industrial order is not compatible with the Tao.
All of Abrahamism is trash, but what makes Christcuckery the worst is the "Logos". The idea that "a culture should attempt to better the whole world and have universal ends" is one of the most reprehensible in this world.
Jewsus, M*hummad, and Moses are all eating shit in hell. I wouldn't be surprised if Abrahamism were created by extraterrestrials and something like the original FF7 is predictive programming. There's something like Jenova around us.

>> No.21286116


>> No.21286141

You're the Iranian Zen schizo aren't you? The biodiversity thing is a problem but climate change is a trillion dollar propaganda hoax and the world isn't dying. All of the nukes on earth combined would release less energy if they exploded than a single category 5 hurricane. We are like pimples on the face of the earth and it is very much still our master despite what the central mythos of our culture says. Even the West is, at any given point, only a few bad years away from mass starvation.

>> No.21286347
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>Abrahamism were created by extraterrestrials and something
>I wouldn't be surprised
>WikiLeaks: The Vatican knows Alien civilizations exist

>> No.21286402

>Climate change is a trillion dollar propaganda hoax
I don't think it is. Pentti Linkola is too shrewd to fall for any hoax.
However, I think there are many other issues that compound environmental problems such as ozone depletion, ocean acidification, pollution & non-biodegradable waste, soil depletion, peak oil, and much more. The world doesn't seem like it can survive overpopulation in combination with greedy industries in the market capitalism. It also strips man of autonomy, freedom, and self-reliant ways of life, especially as cloud and surveillance technologies "progress".
Btw, I had two FBI agents visit recently saying they've received an "anonymous tip" I am an antisemite. They were friendly even as I explained to them I'm a pessimist, and they said it's in my right to hate the Jews.
I am too much of a coward to ever take action in real life, and I would have much preferred being a Giant Sequoia tree, raven, golden eagle, whale, or grizzly bear during a time without man. Being a human being is a pain in the ass unless you're lucky to be like Hanshan (i.e., adapted to live alone on the mountains as a poet-sage).
I am the greatest creative genius on this shit site, but that is no accomplishment.

>> No.21286490
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Watch the lecture I sent anon, I was perhaps being more sensational than I should have with "hoax," but what normies receive is an incredibly distorted picture of the situation.
One thing I will tell you though is that the Earth has been through much worse than us and it will survive. That's for certain.
I have a couple questions for you: what do you think is a good place to begin with Klages?
Secondly, what you think the point of life is if not the creation of the overman. And do you not think Buddhism inevitably leads to annihilationism? And if the latter is acceptable to you then why the will to preserve the trees? Those two things don't seem mutually reconcilable.
>I would have much preferred being a Giant Sequoia tree
Next life anon, next life.
>I am the greatest creative genius on this shit site
You write? I would love to read.

>> No.21287007

The claim is basically that Mohammed fixed the Bible much like Joseph Smith did with the Book of Mormon.

It's based on tradition and the claims of the Prophet, not historical analysis.

>> No.21287068

>Islam means peace.
only non-muslims say this

>> No.21287075

And it's just as self defeating as the test of revelation was in Mormonism. It's embarrassing, like maybe a religious book won't be right about everything, but could it at least not contradict/embarrass itself like that.

>> No.21287575

>yahood still seething 1400 years later

>> No.21287645

Even hentai manga are better when read in Japanese, because a lot of the original style and "essence" is lost in translation. Doesn't mean the content itself is good.

>> No.21287674

I really hate that echoing effect, the singing-like reading. It's like adding strong spices to rotten meat so you don't taste the meat

>> No.21288002

or muslims when islam falls under public scrutiny. Islamic PR is very dishonest.

>> No.21289569

It's a gay, unauthentic and intellectually dull religion


>> No.21289598

Definitely, and I understand the need to have faith. I just don't understand how they can claim my book is corrupted, a very aggressive thing that they just don't have to do, when we have evidence to the contrary going pretty far back. Of course negative evidence > positive evidence, but the historical evidence keeps lining up with the idea that there were only small variations in the texts + some groups included Deuterocanonical texts that we keep outside of the bible. Including Enoch doesn't turn the bible into a longform Quran...

>> No.21289650

It actually is because it promotes inbreeding, prohibits free spousal choice and kills of heterodox critical thinkers.

>> No.21289656

about what? Literally every islamic nation is beating it's own population into submission to Israel.

>> No.21289666

>incest bad
Of course.
>fornication bad
Of course.
>pedophilia bad
Why? It creates perfectly healthy offspring.

>> No.21289675

It's worth noting though that you can claim the Bible inherits corruption from the original manuscripts even if the contemporary Bible is mostly true to those texts

>> No.21289692

>The technological-industrial order is not compatible with the Tao.
Everything is always within the tao. It's right to say it's not intelligent or sustainable.

>> No.21289886


>> No.21289937

It's just a book. There's lots of beautiful books, so it's probably as beautiful as those other ones at best.

>> No.21289955

Brothers Karamazov is much more than a book. Granted, I've not read it, but /lit/ said so.

>> No.21289956

Don't forget, it's only corrupted insofar as the parts which would put your faith above theirs. The rest of it? Yeah that all happened like how it says.

>> No.21289999

It's one of the most boring books you'll ever read. Half of it is just estate law and the other half is fanfiction.

>> No.21290019

>How is that dysgenic?
Other than by creating people with crippling mental illnesses? People who are the victims of sexual abuse tend to have low fertility rates (by choice; they don't want to breed).

>> No.21290028

Not since they turned off their brains and abandoned their progress. God (in the secular sense) gave us not only the Quran, God also gave us our wits with which to judge it. The Mutazilites understood this much and brought about the Islamic Golden Age for as long as they reigned, thanks to which Baghdad served as the international center of science and mathematics for centuries.

>> No.21290058

I assume that is what an honest muslim would mean, yeah. I just really don't get how they can use that as the basis for such an attack - not simply a belief, but an attack on another religion. We have fragments from even before the Babylonian exile now. It seems like they would need to claim that the text relied on by even prophets included in their own mythos were corrupted at this point.

There's faith and then there's patently illogical. Why would Daniel, for instance, knowingly preach a false book/message? Are they saying he was an idiot and thought the Bible held the truth when it actually did not? I'm not saying anything about this proves the Bible, but the Quran's claims about my book would seem to be directly contradicted by archaeological finds.

Can't muslims just place their faith in the other claims the Quran makes that supposedly demonstrate its legitimacy or does the claim to inerrancy not allow them to?

>> No.21290301
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Half of the sentences are just praise be with Allah and those who follow him will get a bunch of perks and hellfire for those who don't.

>> No.21290538

I wipe my ass with buddhist tantra, wash it with dakinis' pussy juice and dry it with the sutras

>> No.21290550

Plus the constant schizo changing of subject. Also these are apparently the divine words of God
>O believers! Do not enter the homes of the Prophet without permission ˹and if invited˺ for a meal, do not ˹come too early and˺ linger until the meal is ready. But if you are invited, then enter ˹on time˺. Once you have eaten, then go on your way, and do not stay for casual talk. Such behaviour is truly annoying to the Prophet, yet he is too shy to ask you to leave. But Allah is never shy of the truth.

>> No.21290553

>Allah's eternal revelation involves a whole chapter seething about some bloke

>> No.21290917

Didn't muhammed also throw in a verse that he was allowed to bang his niece or something? And his brother was at first against it but then gave in because he didn't want to go against the will of their god. There are 16 privileges of the prophet iirc which mostly pertain to the fact that mo was allowed to fuck whoever he wanted, but only him

>> No.21290929
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>It is the religion whose book - the Quran - will remained preserved and unchanged, after the other Divine books and messages have been changed. The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it.
The issue is that this isn't true

>> No.21290931

>muslims cant produce a fucking candy bar, let alone cars or pharmaceuticals or semiconductors or aerospace products like actual civilized countries
You're not the only one to notice this

>> No.21290998

>we have evidence to the contrary going pretty far back
lol no you don't

>> No.21291010

AGAIN NO EVIDENCE FOR THIS. Bible is corrupted.

When did the first Bibles were created? At the time of Jesus or long after? Who wrote these books? You are in for a rude awakening when you find the answer.

>> No.21291023

no one takes jay gould seriously

>> No.21291219
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The quran in Arabic is such a mind blowing experience that the scholars went on to include in sharia manuals the lawful way to take a shit
>source: reliance of the traveller, one of the most widespread sharia/fiqh manuals in the world

>> No.21291226

>Thou shalt sit down to pee.

>> No.21291240

Yeah it was his adopted son's wife not brother. In that culture an adopted son is basically the same as a biological son. So he basically slept with his son's ex-wife
>And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah ," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished.

>> No.21291250

I quite like some of thier chats
its sorta grown on me over time.

>> No.21291252

Idiot. These are sunnas not laws.

>> No.21291266

This is the dumbest fucking argument retards make. They literally conquered from Spain to the Indus. They had jews at their mercy and could've annihilated them if they wanted to. inb4 I am not a chudslim

>> No.21291443

>They literally conquered from Spain to the Indus
Bold of you to assume anyone here denies that. It's what happened to the societies after conquest that is most remarkable: stagnation and bloodshed as far as the eye can see. Of course you already conceded this bloodshed to be part and parcelTM of islam given that you brought up the word conquest all by yourself.

You will now argue about an Islamic golden age and admit that it wasn't really that spectacular and more of an Orientalist fantasy, as is proper etiquette when losing this type of debate. Closing the thread is also an option.

>> No.21291527

Islamic arguments of Allah favoring who he will only works in a context where Muslims are dominant yes.

>> No.21291719

CTRL+F4 it is, then.

>> No.21291839
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>> No.21291858

>You will now argue about an Islamic golden age and admit that it wasn't really that spectacular and more of an Orientalist fantasy
Holy fuck do /pol/turds really believe this? Lmao

>> No.21291869

Beyond based

>> No.21291918

Perhaps you will one day appreciate the insulting arrogance of calling everyone whose opinion you don't like poltard, troon, etc. To just assume that everyone has some kind of hidden, ugly motive in their heart tells me about yourself, but your projection fails.

Uninteresting attempt at ''exposing'' a double standard on a board that won't fall for it. Given that you're on this site. I suspect that your reading comprehension is a bit poor, but not poor enough to think that image makes for a good argument. You know it, everyone in this thread knows it, so try again.

>> No.21291963

Using far fetched words to sound intelectual only makes you look like a retard

>> No.21291998

Please address my post on its content and not on the words that were so hard to read that you got upset.

>> No.21292000

We do

>> No.21292070

You are no one

>> No.21292077

That's because you're single digit IQ

>> No.21292386

>I wipe my ass with buddhist tantra, wash it with dakinis' pussy juice and dry it with the sutras
I wipe my ass with Jewsus' bible, wash it with the Koran and dry it with the Talmud.
I'd take the decapitated heads of Christcucks, Mudslimes, and k*kes and decorate one big tree with it, so they can finally be one in hell.
Go eat that holy prepuce, Christcuck, or go fuck a goat, Mudslime, whichever you are.
Namo Amitabha Buddha.

>> No.21292550

Cool ad hom but please explain why he should be valid as a scholar if no one takes him seriously in academic circles?
He says Islam didn't start in Mecca/Madina and that Muhammad did not exist, just a clown really.

>> No.21293130

No response yet...? Helloooooo?

>> No.21293608

Not that poster but but Jay platformed the man who wrote about the syro-aramaic reading of the quran, which adds to the already pretty well established body of evidence that the quran plagiarised many of its verses from the apocrypha

>> No.21293631

So who wrote the Quran then? The only explanation is that someone else wrote it and plagiarized it from apocrypha that was spreading in Arabia at the time or that Muhammad wrote it and all documentation of him being illiterate is a lie

>> No.21293656

We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are basically the same as our present bible, and a few lines from Numbers in the Ketef Hinnon Scrolls. Those pesky jews in Israel just keep finding older and older documents disproving the claim of the Quran if it relies on the text of the bible to justify itself. Again, not saying this proves anything vis-a-vis secularism, but it does seem to contradict the Quran's narrative.

>> No.21293703

>So who wrote the Quran then?
Uthman, unironically

>> No.21293782

Lighten up Mohammed.

>> No.21294130

>pretty well established body of evidence that the quran plagiarised many of its verses from the apocrypha
Literally not consensus at all among historians? Why continue making a fool of yourself?

>> No.21295359

I am not a religious but but I gotta admit that Christ was far better role model whose ideals would still be relevant today.
Why do muslims still can this sex fiend the most perfect man

>> No.21295370

I am not a Mudslimes, stupid Christcuck savage. Slit your fucking throat.
Christcucks have destroyed the entire world with industrialization, but they can always beg for forgiveness from their disgusting k*ke in heaven (who is actually in hell).
You can be a vile Peter Scully and then "repent" to a disgusting J*w and it's all forgiven.
Both Jewsus and Muhammad were equally bad, and I'm sorry you can't see it, snow nigger. You can suck both of their dicks in hell.

>> No.21295388

I am not defending Christianity faggot. I am not a Christian. I despise religion. I am just saying if Christ lived in today's world, he would be able to fit. On the other hand Muhammad would be behind the bars for trying to justify that its Allah 's will he should have sex with a 9 year old.

>> No.21295413
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Cope muzzer rhetoric. You people all argue the same (you can't)

>> No.21295421
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>Why do muslims still can this sex fiend the most perfect man
It is obligatory for them to be unquestioning of anything their prophet ever said or did. They call him perfect because they fear hellfire or being killed by their peers

>> No.21295438

Neither of them would be able to fit. Jesus would be more like a two-faced, narcissistic cult leader like David Koresh while Muhammad would be a wife beating leader of a violent mafia. You don't want to deal with either one of them.
Also, the criticism of pedophilia doesn't make sense given the historical period. Maybe you could make the argument of how it's better for mystical teachers to promote sexual modesty, abstinence, or celibacy... I would agree Muhammad did not do that.
In that sense, someone like Lao Tzu or Buddha are light years ahead of both Muhammad and Jesus.
Neither Lao Tzu nor Buddha had the grandiose complex like Jesus or warlike impulse of Muhammad.
Also, neither Jesus nor Muhammad most likely existed fyi. Even ignoring that, Abrabamism is gotten to its core due to deeper philosophical reasons.

>> No.21295446


>> No.21295873

Please reply to my post:) image spam won't work

>> No.21295881

Jesus was more of an itinerant preacher than cult leaders like Koresh who set up comunes.

>> No.21296549

>Also, the criticism of pedophilia doesn't make sense given the historical period
It wouldn't be if muslims didn't think that Muhammad was the most perfect man to ever lived and justifies his raping a 9 year old by saying a women who bleeds breeds.
Also I am not denying that Christ would become a cult leader but legally a cult leader like Christ won't be behind bars unlike Muhammad.
And yes I do believe Buddha is much better than either of those.

>> No.21296570

Its literally the opposite

>> No.21296575

>They had jews at their mercy and could've annihilated them if they wanted to

The jews won because they made them not kill them all off. You dont understand how jews act do you?

>> No.21296600

>>pedophilia bad
>Why? It creates perfectly healthy offspring.
Islam, everyone

>> No.21296645

top kek lmao. schizo jizzass was a complete failure and probably one of the worst and most outdated role models

make your larp more believable you dumb christcuck

t. actual atheist who shits on all religions

>> No.21296656

>why isn't a part of the world that has been dicked over by empires in the 20th century, especially the British, then been the battleground for the US and Soviet Union, the EU and NATO and every other power in the present?

>muslims cant produce a fucking candy bar, let alone cars or pharmaceuticals or semiconductors or aerospace products like actual civilized
esl posting bait? some of their countries have all of these things.

>> No.21296737

No. If it did, you would at least see the word "soul" or other philosophical concepts used in it. No amount of prose and poetry is going to turn a gardening manual into a miraculously amazing text whose mere reading is a religious experience.

>> No.21296754

>t. actual atheist who shits on all religions
This is why you people give bad name to atheism. Why are you acting like an edgelord?
I don't like religions either. Technically we we judge Islam and Christianity by their respective books, Christianity is a whole lot worse. But even you gotta admit if we compare Mo and Jesus, Mo is a lot worse than Jesus.

>> No.21296767

I'm not Islamic. I do not see any problems with pedophilia that don't stem from "my. country's morals says it's bad".

>> No.21296921

Sure, you're entitled to your own (dumb) opinion.

>> No.21296923

>The jews won because they made them not kill them all off. You dont understand how jews act do you?

>> No.21297978

Wait till you hear about General Butt Naked

>> No.21299637

He's a /pol/tard, don't humor him.

>> No.21300379

which shitslamic country is dominant in aerospace, semiconductors or pharmaceuticals again?

>> No.21300398

just an excuse, how many countries recovered from massive war and genocide? and yet ALL islam countries are retarded, if it weren't for the oil they would be a second africa

>> No.21300622

It was the worst book I ever read by a mile and if just comparing religious texts the gap is even larger.

>> No.21300877

Jesus' squabbling with rabbis destabilized the entire Roman empire. He was definitely like David Koresh.
They are both equally bad. A cult leader is not that destructive in the beginning but can become very troublesome later on, especially if he's either not of your own race or focusing on myths outside your culture.
Christianity and Islam have miniscule differences. They are more similar than different. People only say otherwise because they're biased by the present tumultuous historical period. You need a more all-encompassing historical perspective that requires being humble, which is something 4chantards lack.

>> No.21301035

Why did you not mention the fact that arabs owned slaves and traded them too? So did Muhammad. Don't water down or erase their misdoings

>> No.21301084

Schizo rambling but quite coherent within its genre

>> No.21301112
File: 147 KB, 1500x1091, 1646227213316 leftist men are incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free thinking gay supremacists of the west who choose their own partners aren't exactly doing well either, mentally